bool FlowController::PrepareRequest(Context &ctx) {

	long reqNr = GetRequestNr(ctx);

	// number of runs of pre depends on number of slots in anything
	long nrOfPreRunRequests = fConfig["PreRun"].GetSize();

	Anything tmpStore = ctx.GetTmpStore();
	Anything flowState = tmpStore["FlowState"];
	if (!flowState["PreRunDone"].AsBool(1)) {
		Trace("PRE RUN NOT DONE ");

		if (reqNr < nrOfPreRunRequests) {
			DoPrepare(tmpStore, fConfig["PreRun"][reqNr]);
			flowState["RequestNr"] = ++reqNr;
			TraceAny(tmpStore["FlowState"], "Flow State on exit");
			return true;
		} else {
			// PreRun done , reset for normal run
			reqNr = 0;
			flowState["RunNr"] = 0L;
			flowState["PreRunDone"] = true;

	long nrOfRuns = 0;
	String appName;
	Application *application = Application::GetGlobalApplication(appName);
	if (application) {
		nrOfRuns = application->Lookup("NumberOfRuns", fConfig["NumberOfRuns"].AsLong(1));
		Trace(appName << " application found" );
	} else {
		nrOfRuns = fConfig["NumberOfRuns"].AsLong(1);

	long runNr = flowState["RunNr"].AsLong(0);
	Trace("INIT Number of Run: " << runNr << " of " << nrOfRuns);

	while (runNr < nrOfRuns) { // loop thru steps and incr. runNr after each batch has been processed
		Trace("Number of Run: " << runNr << " of " << nrOfRuns);
		TraceAny(fConfig["Run"], "Config Run");
		long nrOfRequests = fConfig["Run"].GetSize();
		if (reqNr < nrOfRequests) {
			DoPrepare(tmpStore, fConfig["Run"][reqNr]);
			flowState["RequestNr"] = ++reqNr;
			TraceAny(tmpStore, "tmpStore on exit");
			TraceAny(tmpStore["FlowState"], "Flow State on exit");
			return true;
		reqNr = 0; // reset request number
		flowState["RunNr"] = ++runNr;

	TraceAny(tmpStore["FlowState"], "Flow State on exit with false");
	return false;