int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  //ArLog::init(ArLog::StdErr, ArLog::Verbose);

  // Create the sound queue.
  ArSoundsQueue soundQueue;

  // Set WAV file callbacks 

  // Notifications when the queue goes empty or non-empty.
  soundQueue.addQueueEmptyCallback(new ArGlobalFunctor(&queueNowEmpty));
  soundQueue.addQueueNonemptyCallback(new ArGlobalFunctor(&queueNowNonempty));

  // Run the sound queue in a new thread

  // Get WAV file names from command line
  if(argc < 2) 
    cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <up to ten WAV sound file names...>\n";
  std::vector<const char*> filenames;
  for(int i = 1; i < min(argc, 11); i++) 

  // This functor can be used to cancel all sound playback until removed
  ArGlobalRetFunctor<bool> dontPlayItem(&no);
    cout << "Queue is " << 
      << ", with " << soundQueue.getCurrentQueueSize() << " pending sounds." << endl
      << "Enter a command followed by the enter key:\n"
      << "\tp\trequest pause state (cumulative)\n"
      << "\tr\trequest resume state (cumulative)\n" 
      << "\ti\tinterrupt current sound\n"
      << "\tc\tclear the queue\n"
      << "\tC\tclear priority < 4 from the queue.\n"
      << "\tn\tAdd " << filenames[0] << " to the queue, but with a condition callback to prevent it playing.\n"
      << "\tv\tAdjust volume -50%\n"
      << "\tV\tAdjust volume +50%\n"
      << "\to\tAdjust volume -100%\n"
      << "\tO\tAdjust volume +100%\n"
      << "\tl\tAdjust volume -200%\n"
      << "\tL\tAdjust volume +200%\n"
      << "\t-\tSet volume adjustment to normal level\n"
    for(size_t i = 0; i < filenames.size(); i++)
      cout << "\t" << i << "\tadd " << filenames[i] << " to the queue\n";
    cout << "\tq\tquit\n\n";

    int c = getchar();
    if(c == '\n')
      case 'p': soundQueue.pause(); break;
      case 'r': soundQueue.resume(); break;
      case 'i': soundQueue.interrupt(); break;
      case 'q': soundQueue.stop(); ArUtil::sleep(100); Aria::exit(0);
      case 'c': soundQueue.clearQueue(); break;
      case 'C': soundQueue.removePendingItems(4); break;
      case 'n': 
        cout << "Adding \"" << filenames[0] << "\" but with a condition callback that will prevent it from playing...\n";
        ArSoundsQueue::Item item = soundQueue.createDefaultFileItem(filenames[0]);
      case 'v': ArSoundPlayer::setVolumePercent(-50.0); break;
      case 'V': ArSoundPlayer::setVolumePercent(50.0); break;
      case 'o': ArSoundPlayer::setVolumePercent(-100.0); break;
      case 'O': ArSoundPlayer::setVolumePercent(100.0); break;
      case 'l': ArSoundPlayer::setVolumePercent(-200.0); break;
      case 'L': ArSoundPlayer::setVolumePercent(200.0); break;
      case '-': ArSoundPlayer::setVolumePercent(0.0); break; 
        if(filenames.size() > 0 && c >= '0' && c <= '9')
          size_t i = c - '0';
          if(i < filenames.size()) 
            cout << "Adding \"" << filenames[i] << "\" to the queue...\n"; 
  cout << "ended.\n";
  return 0;
int __cdecl _tmain (int argc, char** argv)

	//------------ I N I C I O   M A I N    D E L   P R O G R A M A   D E L    R O B O T-----------//

	  //inicializaion de variables
	  ArArgumentParser parser(&argc, argv);
	  ArSimpleConnector simpleConnector(&parser);
	  ArRobot robot;
	  ArSonarDevice sonar;
	  ArAnalogGyro gyro(&robot);
	  ActionGos go(500, 350);	  
	  robot.addAction(&go, 48);
	  ActionTurns turn(400, 110);
	  robot.addAction(&turn, 49);
	  ActionTurns turn2(400, 110);
	  robot.addAction(&turn2, 49);

	  // presionar tecla escape para salir del programa
	  ArKeyHandler keyHandler;
	  printf("Presionar ESC para salir\n");

	  // uso de sonares para evitar colisiones con las paredes u 
	  // obstaculos grandes, mayores a 8cm de alto
	  ArActionLimiterForwards limiterAction("limitador velocidad cerca", 300, 600, 250);
	  ArActionLimiterForwards limiterFarAction("limitador velocidad lejos", 300, 1100, 400);
	  ArActionLimiterTableSensor tableLimiterAction;
	  robot.addAction(&tableLimiterAction, 100);
	  robot.addAction(&limiterAction, 95);
	  robot.addAction(&limiterFarAction, 90);

	  // Inicializon la funcion de goto
	  ArActionGoto gotoPoseAction("goto");
	  robot.addAction(&gotoPoseAction, 50);
	  // Finaliza el goto si es que no hace nada
	  ArActionStop stopAction("stop");
	  robot.addAction(&stopAction, 40);

	  // Parser del CLI
	  if (!Aria::parseArgs() || !parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed())
	  // Conexion del robot
	  if (!simpleConnector.connectRobot(&robot))
		printf("Could not connect to robot... exiting\n");

	  // enciende motores, apaga sonidos
	  robot.comInt(ArCommands::SOUNDTOG, 0);

	  // Imprimo algunos datos del robot como posicion velocidad y bateria
		ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Posicion=(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f), Trans. Vel=%.2f, Bateria=%.2fV",
			robot.getX(), robot.getY(), robot.getTh(), robot.getVel(), robot.getBatteryVoltage());

	  const int duration = 100000; //msec
	  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Completados los puntos en %d segundos", duration/1000);

	  // ============================ INICIO CONFIG COM =================================//
	    CSerial serial;
		LONG    lLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

		// Trata de abrir el com seleccionado
		lLastError = serial.Open(_T("COM3"),0,0,false);
		if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
			return ::ShowError(serial.GetLastError(), _T("Imposible abrir el COM"));

		// Inicia el puerto serial (9600,8N1)
		lLastError = serial.Setup(CSerial::EBaud9600,CSerial::EData8,CSerial::EParNone,CSerial::EStop1);
		if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
			return ::ShowError(serial.GetLastError(), _T("Imposible setear la config del COM"));

		// Register only for the receive event
		lLastError = serial.SetMask(CSerial::EEventBreak |
									CSerial::EEventCTS   |
									CSerial::EEventDSR   |
									CSerial::EEventError |
									CSerial::EEventRing  |
									CSerial::EEventRLSD  |
		if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
			return ::ShowError(serial.GetLastError(), _T("Unable to set COM-port event mask"));

		// Use 'non-blocking' reads, because we don't know how many bytes
		// will be received. This is normally the most convenient mode
		// (and also the default mode for reading data).
		lLastError = serial.SetupReadTimeouts(CSerial::EReadTimeoutNonblocking);
		if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
			return ::ShowError(serial.GetLastError(), _T("Unable to set COM-port read timeout."));
		// ============================ FIN CONFIG COM =================================//

	  bool first = true;
	  int goalNum = 0;
	  int color = 3;
	  ArTime start;
	  while (Aria::getRunning()) 

		// inicia el primer punto 
		if (first || gotoPoseAction.haveAchievedGoal())
		  first = false;
		  goalNum++; //cambia de 0 a 1 el contador
		  printf("El contador esta en: --> %d <---\n",goalNum);
		  if (goalNum > 20)
			goalNum = 1;

		  //comienza la secuencia de puntos
		  if (goalNum == 1)
			gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(1150, 0));
			ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
			gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());
			// Imprimo algunos datos del robot como posicion velocidad y bateria
			ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Posicion=(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f), Trans. Vel=%.2f, Bateria=%.2fV",
				robot.getX(), robot.getY(), robot.getTh(), robot.getVel(), robot.getBatteryVoltage());
			// Create the sound queue.
			ArSoundsQueue soundQueue;
			// Run the sound queue in a new thread
			std::vector<const char*> filenames;
		  else if (goalNum == 2)
			  printf("Gira 90 grados izquierda\n");
			  turn.myActivate = 1;
			  turn.myDirection = 1;
			  turn.myActivate = 0;
			  turn.myDirection = 0;
		  else if (goalNum == 3)
			gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(1150, 2670));
			ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
			gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());
			// Imprimo algunos datos del robot como posicion velocidad y bateria
			ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Posicion=(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f), Trans. Vel=%.2f, Bateria=%.2fV",
				robot.getX(), robot.getY(), robot.getTh(), robot.getVel(), robot.getBatteryVoltage());
		  else if (goalNum == 4)
			  printf("Gira 90 grados izquierda\n");
			  turn2.myActivate = 1;
			  turn2.myDirection = 1;
			  turn2.myActivate = 0;
			  turn2.myDirection = 0;
		  else if (goalNum == 5)
			gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(650, 2670));
			ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
			gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());
		  else if (goalNum == 6)
			  printf("Gira 90 grados izquierda\n");
			  turn2.myActivate = 1;
			  turn2.myDirection = 1;
			  turn2.myActivate = 0;
			  turn2.myDirection = 0;
		  else if (goalNum == 7)
			gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(650, 0));
			ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
			gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());
		  else if (goalNum == 8)
			ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
			gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());
		  else if (goalNum == 9)
			gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2600, 1199));
			ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
			gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());
		  else if (goalNum == 10)
			  if (color == 1)
				gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 850));
				ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
				gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());
			  if (color == 2)
				gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(3500, 1199));
				ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
				gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY()); 
			  if (color == 3)
				gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 1550));
				ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
				gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());
		  else if (goalNum == 11)
			  if (color == 1)
				gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 613));
				ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
				gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());
			  if (color == 2)
				  printf("Gira 180 grados derecha\n");
				  turn2.myActivate = 1;
				  turn2.myDirection = 2;
				  turn2.myActivate = 0;
				  turn2.myDirection = 0;
				  goalNum = 19;
			  if (color == 3)
				gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 1785));
				ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
				gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());
		  else if (goalNum == 12)
			  if (color == 1)
				gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(3300, 413));
				ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
				gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());
			  if (color == 3)
				gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(3300, 1985));
				ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
				gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());
		  else if (goalNum == 13)
			  if (color == 1)
				gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(3500, 413));
				ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
				gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());
			  if (color == 3)
				gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(3500, 1985));
				ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
				gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());
		  else if (goalNum == 14)
			  //Valor para el while
			  bool fContinue = true;
				// <<<<<<------------- 1 Parte Secuencia: BAJA BRAZO ------------->>>>>> //
				lLastError = serial.Write("b");
				if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
					return ::ShowError(serial.GetLastError(), _T("Unable to send data"));

				//-------------------------E S C U C H A   C O M ----------------------------//
					// Wait for an event
					lLastError = serial.WaitEvent();
					if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
						return ::ShowError(serial.GetLastError(), _T("Unable to wait for a COM-port event."));

					// Save event
					const CSerial::EEvent eEvent = serial.GetEventType();

					// Handle break event
					if (eEvent & CSerial::EEventBreak)
						printf("\n### BREAK received ###\n");

					// Handle CTS event
					if (eEvent & CSerial::EEventCTS)
						printf("\n### Clear to send %s ###\n", serial.GetCTS()?"on":"off");

					// Handle DSR event
					if (eEvent & CSerial::EEventDSR)
						printf("\n### Data set ready %s ###\n", serial.GetDSR()?"on":"off");

					// Handle error event
					if (eEvent & CSerial::EEventError)
						printf("\n### ERROR: ");
						switch (serial.GetError())
						case CSerial::EErrorBreak:		printf("Break condition");			break;
						case CSerial::EErrorFrame:		printf("Framing error");			break;
						case CSerial::EErrorIOE:		printf("IO device error");			break;
						case CSerial::EErrorMode:		printf("Unsupported mode");			break;
						case CSerial::EErrorOverrun:	printf("Buffer overrun");			break;
						case CSerial::EErrorRxOver:		printf("Input buffer overflow");	break;
						case CSerial::EErrorParity:		printf("Input parity error");		break;
						case CSerial::EErrorTxFull:		printf("Output buffer full");		break;
						default:						printf("Unknown");					break;
						printf(" ###\n");

					// Handle ring event
					if (eEvent & CSerial::EEventRing)
						printf("\n### RING ###\n");

					// Handle RLSD/CD event
					if (eEvent & CSerial::EEventRLSD)
						printf("\n### RLSD/CD %s ###\n", serial.GetRLSD()?"on":"off");

					// Handle data receive event
					if (eEvent & CSerial::EEventRecv)
						// Read data, until there is nothing left
						DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
						char szBuffer[101];
							// Lee datos del Puerto COM
							lLastError = serial.Read(szBuffer,sizeof(szBuffer)-1,&dwBytesRead);
							if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
								return ::ShowError(serial.GetLastError(), _T("Unable to read from COM-port."));

							if (dwBytesRead > 0)
								//Preseteo color
								int color = 0;
								// Finaliza el dato, asi que sea una string valida
								szBuffer[dwBytesRead] = '\0';
								// Display the data
								printf("%s", szBuffer);

								// <<<<<<----------- 2 Parte Secuencia: CIERRA GRIPPER ----------->>>>>> //
								if (strchr(szBuffer,76))
									lLastError = serial.Write("c");
									if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
										return ::ShowError(serial.GetLastError(), _T("Unable to send data"));
								// <<<<<<------------- 3 Parte Secuencia: SUBE BRAZO ------------->>>>>> //
								if (strchr(szBuffer,117))
									lLastError = serial.Write("s");
									if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
										return ::ShowError(serial.GetLastError(), _T("Unable to send data"));

								// <<<<<<------------- 4 Parte Secuencia: COLOR ------------->>>>>> //
								if (strchr(szBuffer,72))
									lLastError = serial.Write("C");
									if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
										return ::ShowError(serial.GetLastError(), _T("Unable to send data"));

								// <<<<<<---------- 5.1 Parte Secuencia: COLOR ROJO---------->>>>>> //
								if (strchr(szBuffer,82))
									color = 1;
									//salir del bucle
									fContinue = false;

								// <<<<<<---------- 5.2 Parte Secuencia: COLOR AZUL ---------->>>>>> //
								if (strchr(szBuffer,66))
									color = 2;
									//salir del bucle
									fContinue = false;

								// <<<<<<---------- 5.3 Parte Secuencia: COLOR VERDE ---------->>>>>> //
								if (strchr(szBuffer,71))
									color = 3;
									//salir del bucle
									fContinue = false;
						while (dwBytesRead == sizeof(szBuffer)-1);
				while (fContinue);
				// Close the port again
		  else if (goalNum == 15)
			  printf("Gira 180 grados derecha\n");
			  turn2.myActivate = 1;
			  turn2.myDirection = 2;
			  turn2.myActivate = 0;
			  turn2.myDirection = 0;
		  else if (goalNum == 16)
			  if (color == 1)
				gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(3300, 413));
				ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
				gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());
			  if (color == 3)
				gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(3300, 1985));
				ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
				gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());
		  else if (goalNum == 17)
			  if (color == 1)
				gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 603));
				ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
				gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());
			  if (color == 3)
				gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 1795));
				ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
				gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());
		  else if (goalNum == 18)
			  if (color == 1)
				gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 860));
				ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
				gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());
			  if (color == 3)
				gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2800, 1540));
				ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
				gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());
		  else if (goalNum == 19)
			gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(2600, 1199));
			ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
			gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());
		  else if (goalNum == 20)
			gotoPoseAction.setGoal(ArPose(1800, 1199));
			ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Siguiente punto en %.0f %.0f", 
			gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getX(), gotoPoseAction.getGoal().getY());

		if(start.mSecSince() >= duration) {
		  ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "No puede llegar al punto, y la aplicacion saldra en %d", duration/1000);

	  // Robot desconectado al terminal el sleep

	//------------ F I N   M A I N    D E L   P R O G R A M A   D E L    R O B O T-----------//
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  // Initialize Aria and Arnl global information
 /* Aria initialization: */

  ArLog::init(ArLog::File, ArLog::Verbose,"c:\\temp\\AmbifluxRobot.log",true);

  ArLog::log(ArLog::Verbose, "Ambiflux Starting");

  // Create the sound queue.
  ArSoundsQueue soundQueue;

  // Set WAV file callbacks 

  // Notifications when the queue goes empty or non-empty.
  soundQueue.addQueueEmptyCallback(new ArGlobalFunctor(&queueNowEmpty));
  soundQueue.addQueueNonemptyCallback(new ArGlobalFunctor(&queueNowNonempty));

  // Run the sound queue in a new thread
  /* Pool de messages en provenance de la tablette
  Issu de l'implementation d'un modèle producteur/consommateur
  pour les messages entrants. Plusieurs thread y accèdent
  Tread-safe (mutex)*/
  //Pool<Frame> messagePool;
 /* Pool de messages en provenance d'un client TCP
  Issu de l'implementation d'un modèle producteur/consommateur
  pour les messages entrants. Plusieurs thread y accèdent
  Tread-safe (mutex)*/
  /*TODO : A remplacer par tcpReceivedPool */
  //Pool<Frame> tcpMessagePool;

  /* Pool de messages en provenance d'un client TCP
  Issu de l'implementation d'un modèle producteur/consommateur
  pour les messages entrants. Plusieurs thread y accèdent
  Tread-safe (mutex)*/
  Pool<TCPReceivedRequest> tcpReceivedPool;

  /*Create our thread to communicate with iPad
   Server start on port 7171 to receive requests from ipad
   A client is created on port 7474 to request iPad
  //IhmCommunicationThread ihm(7171, &messagePool);

  IhmCommunicationThread ihm(7171, &tcpReceivedPool);
   //On s'abonne à la réception de message par la classe IhmCommunicationThread
  //Todo : A supprimer ?
  //ArGlobalFunctor1<Frame> functMessageReceived(&CallbackIhmReceived);




  /* Create our client object. This is the object which connects with a remote
   * server over the network, and which manages all of our communication with it
   * once connected by sending data "requests".  Requests may be sent once, or
   * may be repeated at any frequency. Requests and replies to requsets contain 
   * payload "packets", into which various data types may be packed (when making a 
   * request), and from which they may also be extracted (when handling a reply). 
   * See the InputHandler and OutputHandler classes above for
   * examples of making requests and reading/writing the data in packets.
  ArClientBase client;

  /* Aria components use this to get options off the command line: */
  ArArgumentParser parser(&argc, argv);

  /* This will be used to connect our client to the server, including
   * various bits of handshaking (e.g. sending a password, retrieving a list
   * of data requests and commands...)
   * It will get the hostname from the -host command line argument: */
  ArClientSimpleConnector clientConnector(&parser);


  /* Check for -help, and unhandled arguments: */
  if (!Aria::parseArgs() || !parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed())
  /* Connect our client object to the remote server: */
  if (!clientConnector.connectClient(&client))
    if (client.wasRejected())
      printf("Server '%s' rejected connection, exiting\n", client.getHost());
      printf("Could not connect to server '%s', exiting\n", client.getHost());

  printf("Connected to server.\n");

  client.setRobotName(client.getHost()); // include server name in log messages

  ///* Create a key handler and also tell Aria about it */
  ArKeyHandler keyHandler;

  /* Global escape-key handler to shut everythnig down */
  ArGlobalFunctor escapeCB(&escape);
  keyHandler.addKeyHandler(ArKeyHandler::ESCAPE, &escapeCB);

  /* Now that we're connected, we can run the client in a background thread, 
   * sending requests and receiving replies. When a reply to a request arrives,
   * or the server makes a request of the client, a handler functor is invoked. 
   * The handlers for this program are registered with the client by the 
   * InputHandler and OutputHandler classes (in their constructors, above) */

  ///* Create the InputHandler object and request safe-drive mode */
  //InputHandler inputHandler(&client);

// Mode goto
if(!client.dataExists("gotoGoal") )
      printf("Warning: Pas de mode goto!\n");
    printf("Mode goto accepte");


  /* Create the OutputHandler object. It will begin printing out data from the
   * server. */
  OutputHandler outputHandler(&client);

   //On s'abonne à la réception de message par la classe IhmCommunicationThread
  //Todo : A supprimer ?
  //ArGlobalFunctor1<Frame> functMessageReceived(&CallbackIhmReceived);

  //pour tester IHM
 // ArUtil::sleep(1000);
//  ihm.testCommunication();

	//SRMA object
	string strSRMA = DALRest::getResourceById("9");
	SRMA srma(strSRMA,client, outputHandler, ihm, &soundQueue);

	//Loop du mode Ambiant
	MainLoop myLoop(srma, &tcpReceivedPool);
	//Thread loop : TCP commands
	//Produces messages in tcpMessagePool
	//ServerLoop myServerLoop(srma, &tcpReceivedPool);
	//Traitement des requetes TCP
	//Consulmes messages in tcpMessagePool
	//TCPRequestsLoop myTCPRequestsLoop(srma, &tcpReceivedPool);


  /* While the client is still running (getRunningWithLock locks the "running"
   * flag until it returns), check keys on the key handler (which will call
   * our callbacks), then tell the input handler to send drive commands. 
   * Sleep a fraction of a second as well to avoid using
   * too much CPU time, and give other threads time to work.
  while (client.getRunningWithLock())

  /* The client stopped running, due to disconnection from the server, general
   * Aria shutdown, or some other reason. */
  return 0;