Exemplo n.º 1
  template <class T> inline
  void CUDANodeMemoryModel::copyFromBuffer(size_t size, const ArrayRCP<const T> &buffSrc, const ArrayView<T> &hostDest) {
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( (size_t)buffSrc.size() < size, std::runtime_error,
      << Teuchos::TypeNameTraits<T>::name () 
      << ">: invalid copy.  Device source buffer has size " << buffSrc.size () 
      << ", which is less than the requested copy size " << size << ".");
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( (size_t)hostDest.size() < size, std::runtime_error,
      << Teuchos::TypeNameTraits<T>::name () 
      << ">: invalid copy.  Host destination buffer has size " << hostDest.size () 
      << ", which is less than the requested copy size " << size << ".");
    bytesCopiedD2H_ += size*sizeof(T);
    std::cerr << "copyFromBuffer<" << Teuchos::TypeNameTraits<T>::name() << "> of size " << sizeof(T) * size << std::endl;
    cudaError_t err = cudaMemcpy( hostDest.getRawPtr(), buffSrc.getRawPtr(), size*sizeof(T), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( cudaSuccess != err, std::runtime_error,
      << Teuchos::TypeNameTraits<T>::name () 
      << ">(): cudaMemcpy() returned error: " << cudaGetErrorString (err) 
  void EpetraCrsMatrixT<EpetraGlobalOrdinal>::setAllValues(const ArrayRCP<size_t>& rowptr, const ArrayRCP<LocalOrdinal>& colind, const ArrayRCP<Scalar>& values) {

    // Check sizes
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(Teuchos::as<size_t>(rowptr.size()) != getNodeNumRows()+1, Xpetra::Exceptions::RuntimeError,
                               "An exception is thrown to let you know that the size of your rowptr array is incorrect.");
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(values.size() != colind.size(), Xpetra::Exceptions::RuntimeError,
                               "An exception is thrown to let you know that you mismatched your pointers.");

    // Check pointers
    if (values.size() > 0) {
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(colind.getRawPtr() != mtx_->ExpertExtractIndices().Values(), Xpetra::Exceptions::RuntimeError,
                                 "An exception is thrown to let you know that you mismatched your pointers.");
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(values.getRawPtr() != mtx_->ExpertExtractValues(), Xpetra::Exceptions::RuntimeError,
                                 "An exception is thrown to let you know that you mismatched your pointers.");

    // We have to make a copy here, it is unavoidable
    // See comments in allocateAllValues
    const size_t N = getNodeNumRows();

    Epetra_IntSerialDenseVector& myRowptr = mtx_->ExpertExtractIndexOffset();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < N+1; i++)
      myRowptr[i] = Teuchos::as<int>(rowptr[i]);
 /*! \brief Return the max cut for the requested weight.
  *  \param cut on return is the requested value.
  *  \param idx is the weight index reqested, ranging from zero
  *     to one less than the number of weights provided in the input.
  *  If there were no weights, this is the cut count.
 void getMaxWeightedEdgeCut(scalar_t &cut, int idx=0) const{
   if (idx >= graphMetrics_.size())  // idx too high
     cut = graphMetrics_[graphMetrics_.size() - 1].getGlobalMax();
   else if (idx < 0)   //  idx too low
     cut = graphMetrics_[0].getGlobalMax();
   else                       // 
     cut = graphMetrics_[idx].getGlobalMax();
Exemplo n.º 4
 /*! \brief Return the max cut for the requested weight.
  *  \param cut on return is the requested value.
  *  \param idx is the weight index reqested, ranging from zero
  *     to one less than the number of weights provided in the input.
  *  If there were no weights, this is the cut count.
 void getWeightCut(scalar_t &cut, int idx=0) const{
   if (graphMetrics_.size() < idx)  // idx too high
     cut = graphMetrics_[graphMetrics_.size()-1].getGlobalMax();
   else if (idx < 0)   //  idx too low
     cut = graphMetrics_[0].getGlobalMax();
   else                       // idx weight
     cut = graphMetrics_[idx].getGlobalMax();
  ArrayRCP<RCP<MueLu::SmootherPrototype<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node, LocalMatOps> > > MergedSmoother<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node, LocalMatOps>::SmootherListDeepCopy(const ArrayRCP<const RCP<SmootherPrototype> >& srcSmootherList) {
    ArrayRCP<RCP<SmootherPrototype> > newSmootherList(srcSmootherList.size());

    for (typename ArrayRCP<RCP<SmootherPrototype> >::size_type i = 0; i < srcSmootherList.size(); i++)
      newSmootherList[i] = srcSmootherList[i]->Copy();

    return newSmootherList;
Exemplo n.º 6
 /*! \brief Return the imbalance for the requested weight.
  *  \param imbalance on return is the requested value.
  *  \param idx is the weight index requested, ranging from zero
  *     to one less than the number of weights provided in the input.
  *  If there were no weights, this is the object count imbalance.
 void getWeightImbalance(scalar_t &imbalance, int idx=0) const{
   imbalance = 0;
   if (metrics_.size() > 2)  // idx of multiple weights
     imbalance = metrics_[idx+2].getMaxImbalance();
   else if (metrics_.size() == 2)   //  only one weight
     imbalance = metrics_[1].getMaxImbalance();
   else                       // no weights, return object count imbalance
     imbalance = metrics_[0].getMaxImbalance();
Exemplo n.º 7
  ArrayRCP<Scalar> MultiVectorTransferFactory<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node, LocalMatOps>::expandCoordinates(ArrayRCP<SC> coordinates, LocalOrdinal blksize) {
    if (blksize == 1)
      return coordinates;

    ArrayRCP<SC> expandCoord(coordinates.size()*blksize); //TODO: how to avoid automatic initialization of the vector? using arcp()?

    for(int i=0; i<coordinates.size(); i++) {
      for(int j=0; j< blksize; j++) {
        expandCoord[i*blksize + j] = coordinates[i];
    return expandCoord;

  } // expandCoordinates
Exemplo n.º 8
  void setMap_RankForPart(ArrayRCP<part_t> &parts, ArrayRCP<int> &ranks) {
    nParts = parts.size();
    int maxRank = 0;

    // Need data stored in unordered_map; create it
    rankForPart = rcp(new rankmap_t(parts.size()));

    for (size_t i = 0; i < nParts; i++) {
      (*rankForPart)[parts[i]] = ranks[i];
      if (parts[i] > maxPart) maxPart = parts[i];
      if (ranks[i] > maxRank) maxRank = ranks[i];
    nRanks = maxRank+1;
 void UncoupledAggregationAlgorithm<LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node, LocalMatOps>::RandomReorder(ArrayRCP<LO> list) const {
   //TODO: replace int
   int n = list.size();
   for(int i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
     std::swap(list[i], list[RandomOrdinal(i,n-1)]);
Exemplo n.º 10
  static bool analyzePartitionMetrics(  const ParameterList &metricsPlist,
                                        const RCP<const Zoltan2::EvaluatePartition <basic_id_t> > &metricObject,
                                        const RCP<const Comm<int>> &comm,
                                        std::ostringstream &msg_stream) {

      ArrayRCP<const metric_t> metrics = metricObject->getMetrics();
      bool all_tests_pass = true;
      zscalar_t metric_value = 0.0;
      for (int i = 0; i < metrics.size(); i++) {
        // print their names...
        if (metricsPlist.isSublist(metrics[i].getName())) {
          auto metric_plist = metricsPlist.sublist(metrics[i].getName());
          // loop on tests
          auto p= metric_plist.begin(); // iterator
          while (p != metric_plist.end()) {
            auto test_name = metric_plist.name(p);
            if( metrics[i].hasMetricValue(test_name)) {
              if(!MetricAnalyzer::MetricBoundsTest( metrics[i].getMetricValue(test_name),
                                                    msg_stream)) {
                all_tests_pass = false;
            } else msg_stream << "UNKNOWN TEST: " + test_name << std::endl;
        } else {
          msg_stream << "UNKNOWN METRIC: " + metrics[i].getName() << std::endl;
      return all_tests_pass;
TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST_TEMPLATE_4_DECL(ParameterListInterpreter, SetParameterList, Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node)
#   include <MueLu_UseShortNames.hpp>
#if defined(HAVE_MUELU_TPETRA) && defined(HAVE_MUELU_EPETRA) && defined(HAVE_MUELU_IFPACK) && defined(HAVE_MUELU_IFPACK2) && defined(HAVE_MUELU_AMESOS) && defined(HAVE_MUELU_AMESOS2)

    RCP<Matrix> A = TestHelpers::TestFactory<SC, LO, GO, NO>::Build1DPoisson(99);
    RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm = TestHelpers::Parameters::getDefaultComm();

    ArrayRCP<std::string> fileList = TestHelpers::GetFileList(std::string("ParameterList/ParameterListInterpreter/"), std::string(".xml"));

    for(int i=0; i< fileList.size(); i++) {
        out << "Processing file: " << fileList[i] << std::endl;
        ParameterListInterpreter mueluFactory("ParameterList/ParameterListInterpreter/" + fileList[i],*comm);

        RCP<Hierarchy> H = mueluFactory.CreateHierarchy();
        H->GetLevel(0)->Set("A", A);


        //TODO: check no unused parameters
        //TODO: check results of Iterate()

#   else
    out << "Skipping test because some required packages are not enabled (Tpetra, Epetra, EpetraExt, Ifpack, Ifpack2, Amesos, Amesos2)." << std::endl;
#   endif
  void BraessSarazinSmoother<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node>::Setup(Level& currentLevel) {
    FactoryMonitor m(*this, "Setup Smoother", currentLevel);

    if (SmootherPrototype::IsSetup() == true)
      this->GetOStream(Warnings0) << "MueLu::BreaessSarazinSmoother::Setup(): Setup() has already been called";

    // Extract blocked operator A from current level
    A_ = Factory::Get<RCP<Matrix> > (currentLevel, "A");
    RCP<BlockedCrsMatrix> bA = rcp_dynamic_cast<BlockedCrsMatrix>(A_);
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(bA.is_null(), Exceptions::BadCast,
                               "MueLu::BraessSarazinSmoother::Setup: input matrix A is not of type BlockedCrsMatrix! error.");

    // Store map extractors
    rangeMapExtractor_  = bA->getRangeMapExtractor();
    domainMapExtractor_ = bA->getDomainMapExtractor();

    // Store the blocks in local member variables
    A00_ = MueLu::Utilities<Scalar,LocalOrdinal,GlobalOrdinal,Node>::Crs2Op(bA->getMatrix(0,0));
    A01_ = MueLu::Utilities<Scalar,LocalOrdinal,GlobalOrdinal,Node>::Crs2Op(bA->getMatrix(0,1));
    A10_ = MueLu::Utilities<Scalar,LocalOrdinal,GlobalOrdinal,Node>::Crs2Op(bA->getMatrix(1,0));
    A11_ = MueLu::Utilities<Scalar,LocalOrdinal,GlobalOrdinal,Node>::Crs2Op(bA->getMatrix(1,1));

    // TODO move this to BlockedCrsMatrix->getMatrix routine...
    A00_->CreateView("stridedMaps", bA->getRangeMap(0), bA->getDomainMap(0));
    A01_->CreateView("stridedMaps", bA->getRangeMap(0), bA->getDomainMap(1));
    A10_->CreateView("stridedMaps", bA->getRangeMap(1), bA->getDomainMap(0));
    if (!A11_.is_null())
      A11_->CreateView("stridedMaps", bA->getRangeMap(1), bA->getDomainMap(1));

    const ParameterList& pL = Factory::GetParameterList();
    SC omega = pL.get<SC>("Damping factor");

    // Create the inverse of the diagonal of F
    D_ = VectorFactory::Build(A00_->getRowMap());

    ArrayRCP<SC> diag;
    if (pL.get<bool>("lumping") == false)
      diag = Utilities::GetMatrixDiagonal      (*A00_);
      diag = Utilities::GetLumpedMatrixDiagonal(*A00_);

    SC one = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::one();

    ArrayRCP<SC> Ddata = D_->getDataNonConst(0);
    for (GO row = 0; row < Ddata.size(); row++)
      Ddata[row] = one / (diag[row]*omega);

    // Set the Smoother
    // carefully switch to the SubFactoryManagers (defined by the users)
      SetFactoryManager currentSFM(rcpFromRef(currentLevel), FactManager_);
      smoo_ = currentLevel.Get<RCP<SmootherBase> >("PreSmoother", FactManager_->GetFactory("Smoother").get());
      S_    = currentLevel.Get<RCP<Matrix> >      ("A",           FactManager_->GetFactory("A").get());

Exemplo n.º 13
  void setMap_PartsForRank(ArrayRCP<int> &idx, ArrayRCP<part_t> &parts) {
    nRanks = idx.size() - 1;
    nParts = parts.size();

    // Need data stored in unordered_map; create it
    rankForPart = rcp(new rankmap_t(idx[nRanks]));

    maxPart = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nRanks; i++) {
      for (part_t j = idx[i]; j < idx[i+1]; j++) {
        (*rankForPart)[parts[j]] = i;
        if (parts[j] > maxPart) maxPart = parts[j];

    // Parts for this rank are already contiguous in parts arcp.  
    // Keep a view of them.
    partsForRank = parts.persistingView(idx[myRank],idx[myRank+1]-idx[myRank]);
  int dft_linprobmgr_getrhs(void * linprobmgr, double** x) {
    BLPM * linprobmgr_ = (BLPM *) linprobmgr;
    ArrayRCP<ArrayRCP<SCALAR> > data = linprobmgr_->getRhs();
    for(int j = 0; j < data.size(); j++){
      for(int k = 0; k < data[j].size(); k++){
	x[j][k] = Teuchos::as<double>(data[j][k]);
    return( 0 );
Exemplo n.º 15
  /** \brief . */
  void initialize(
    Teuchos_Ordinal globalOffset_in, Teuchos_Ordinal subDim_in, Teuchos_Ordinal subNz_in,
    const ArrayRCP<const Scalar> &values_in, ptrdiff_t valuesStride_in,
    const ArrayRCP<const Teuchos_Ordinal> &indices_in, ptrdiff_t indicesStride_in,
    ptrdiff_t localOffset_in, bool isSorted_in
      using Teuchos::as;
      TEUCHOS_ASSERT(globalOffset_in >= 0);
      TEUCHOS_ASSERT(subDim_in > 0);
      TEUCHOS_ASSERT_IN_RANGE_UPPER_EXCLUSIVE(subNz_in, 0, subDim_in+1);
      TEUCHOS_ASSERT_EQUALITY(values_in.lowerOffset(), 0);
      TEUCHOS_ASSERT(valuesStride_in != 0);
      if (!is_null(indices_in)) {
        TEUCHOS_ASSERT(indicesStride_in != 0);
        // Note: localOffset can be +, -, or 0 so there is nothing to assert!
        if (isSorted_in) {
          for (int k = 0; k < subNz_in-1; ++k) {
            const Teuchos_Ordinal idx_k = indices_in[k*indicesStride_in];
            const Teuchos_Ordinal idx_kp1 = indices_in[(k+1)*indicesStride_in];
            TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( !(idx_k < idx_kp1), std::out_of_range,
              "Error indices["<<k<<"]="<<idx_k<<" >= indices["<<k+1<<"]="<<idx_kp1
              <<"!" );
      globalOffset_ = globalOffset_in;
      subDim_ = subDim_in;
      subNz_ = subNz_in;
      values_ = values_in;
      valuesStride_ = valuesStride_in;
      indices_ = indices_in;
      indicesStride_ = indicesStride_in;
      localOffset_ = localOffset_in;
      isSorted_ = isSorted_in;
size_t getImportList(
   const PartitioningSolution<SolutionAdapter> &solution,
   const DataAdapter * const data,
   ArrayRCP<typename DataAdapter::zgid_t> &imports // output
  typedef typename PartitioningSolution<SolutionAdapter>::part_t part_t;
  typedef typename PartitioningSolution<SolutionAdapter>::gno_t gno_t;
  typedef typename DataAdapter::zgid_t zgid_t;

  size_t numParts = solution.getActualGlobalNumberOfParts();
  int numProcs = solution.getCommunicator()->getSize();

  if (numParts > size_t(numProcs)) {
    char msg[256];
    sprintf(msg, "Number of parts %lu exceeds number of ranks %d; "
                 "%s requires a MappingSolution for this case\n",
                  numParts, numProcs, __func__);
    throw std::logic_error(msg);

  size_t localNumIds = data->getLocalNumIDs();
  const zgid_t *gids = NULL;

  const part_t *parts = solution.getPartListView();

  // How many ids to each process?
  Array<int> counts(numProcs, 0);
  for (size_t i=0; i < localNumIds; i++)

  Array<gno_t> offsets(numProcs+1, 0);
  for (int i=1; i <= numProcs; i++){
    offsets[i] = offsets[i-1] + counts[i-1];

  Array<typename DataAdapter::zgid_t> gidList(localNumIds);
  for (size_t i=0; i < localNumIds; i++) {
    gno_t idx = offsets[parts[i]];
    gidList[idx] = gids[i];
    offsets[parts[i]] = idx + 1;

  Array<int> recvCounts(numProcs, 0);
  try {
                      gidList(), counts(), imports, recvCounts());

  return imports.size();
Exemplo n.º 17
  int LeftoverAggregationAlgorithm<LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node, LocalMatOps>::RemoveSmallAggs(Aggregates& aggregates, int min_size,
                      RCP<Xpetra::Vector<double,LO,GO,NO> > & distWeights, const MueLu::CoupledAggregationCommHelper<LO,GO,NO,LMO> & myWidget) const {
    int myPid = aggregates.GetMap()->getComm()->getRank();

    LO nAggregates = aggregates.GetNumAggregates();

    ArrayRCP<LO> procWinner   = aggregates.GetProcWinner()->getDataNonConst(0);
    ArrayRCP<LO> vertex2AggId = aggregates.GetVertex2AggId()->getDataNonConst(0);
    LO size = procWinner.size();

    //ArrayRCP<int> AggInfo = Teuchos::arcp<int>(nAggregates+1);
    ArrayRCP<LO> AggInfo = aggregates.ComputeAggregateSizes();

    ArrayRCP<double> weights = distWeights->getDataNonConst(0);

    // Make a list of all aggregates indicating New AggId
    // Use AggInfo array for this.

    LO NewNAggs = 0;
    for (LO i = 0; i < nAggregates; i++) {
      if ( AggInfo[i] < min_size) {
        AggInfo[i] =  MUELU_UNAGGREGATED;
      else AggInfo[i] = NewNAggs++;

    for (LO k = 0; k < size; k++ ) {
      if (procWinner[k] == myPid) {
        if (vertex2AggId[k] !=  MUELU_UNAGGREGATED) {
          vertex2AggId[k] = AggInfo[vertex2AggId[k]];
          weights[k] = 1.;
        if (vertex2AggId[k] ==  MUELU_UNAGGREGATED)
    nAggregates = NewNAggs;

    //TODO JJH We want to skip this call
    myWidget.ArbitrateAndCommunicate(*distWeights, aggregates, true);
    // All tentatively assigned vertices are now definitive

    // procWinner is not set correctly for aggregates which have
    // been eliminated
    for (LO i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      if (vertex2AggId[i] == MUELU_UNAGGREGATED)
        procWinner[i] = MUELU_UNASSIGNED;

    return 0; //TODO
  } //RemoveSmallAggs
Exemplo n.º 18
static void jacobianPostRegistration(
    RCP<Application>& app,
    ArrayRCP<RCP<FieldManager<AlbanyTraits> > >& fm)
  for (int ps=0; ps < fm.size(); ++ps)
    std::vector<PHX::index_size_type> dd;
    dd.push_back(PHAL::getDerivativeDimensions<J>(app.get(), ps));
TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST_TEMPLATE_1_DECL( DefaultSpmdVector, getMultiVectorLocalData,
  Scalar )
  out << "Test that we can grab MV data from Vector ...\n";

  typedef typename ScalarTraits<Scalar>::magnitudeType ScalarMag;
  RCP<const VectorSpaceBase<Scalar> > vs = createSpmdVectorSpace<Scalar>(g_localDim);
  const int procRank = Teuchos::DefaultComm<Ordinal>::getComm()->getRank();
  RCP<VectorBase<Scalar> > v = createMember(*vs);
  const ScalarMag tol = 100.0*ScalarTraits<Scalar>::eps();
  const Ordinal globalOffset = procRank * g_localDim;

  out << "Get non-const MV local data and set it ...\n";
    ArrayRCP<Scalar> localValues;
    Ordinal leadingDim = -1;
    rcp_dynamic_cast<SpmdMultiVectorBase<Scalar> >(v,true)->getNonconstLocalData(
      outArg(localValues), outArg(leadingDim));
    TEST_EQUALITY(localValues.size(), g_localDim);
    TEST_EQUALITY(leadingDim, g_localDim);
    for (int i = 0; i < localValues.size(); ++i) {
      localValues[i] = globalOffset + i + 1;
  const Ordinal n = vs->dim();
  TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY(sum<Scalar>(*v), as<Scalar>((n*(n+1))/2.0), tol);

  out << "Get const MV local data and check it ...\n";
    ArrayRCP<const Scalar> localValues;
    Ordinal leadingDim = -1;
    rcp_dynamic_cast<const SpmdMultiVectorBase<Scalar> >(v,true)->getLocalData(
      outArg(localValues), outArg(leadingDim));
    TEST_EQUALITY(localValues.size(), g_localDim);
    TEST_EQUALITY(leadingDim, g_localDim);
    for (int i = 0; i < localValues.size(); ++i) {
      TEST_EQUALITY(localValues[i], as<Scalar>(globalOffset + i + 1));
  GidLookupHelper<T, lno_t>::GidLookupHelper(
    const RCP<const Environment> &env, 
    const ArrayRCP<const T> &gidList):
    gidList_(gidList), useHashTable_(false), indexMap_(), indexHash_()
  lno_t len = gidList_.size();

  if (len < 1)

  if (IdentifierTraits<T>::hasUniqueKey())
    useHashTable_ = true;

  const T *ids = gidList_.getRawPtr();

  if (!useHashTable_){
      for (lno_t i=0; i < gidList.size(); i++){
        typename map<T, lno_t>::iterator rec = indexMap_.find(*ids);
        if (rec == indexMap_.end())
          indexMap_[*ids] = i;
    catch (const std::exception &e){
      env_->localMemoryAssertion(__FILE__, __LINE__, len, false);
    typedef typename Teuchos::Hashtable<double, lno_t> id2index_hash_t;
    id2index_hash_t *p = NULL;
      p = new id2index_hash_t(len);
    catch (const std::exception &e){
      env_->localMemoryAssertion(__FILE__, __LINE__, len, false);
    for (lno_t i=0; i < len; i++){
      double key = IdentifierTraits<T>::key(*ids++);
        if (!p->containsKey(key))
          p->put(key, i);

    indexHash_ = rcp<id2index_hash_t>(p);
Exemplo n.º 21
std::map<const string, const metric_t>
ComparisonHelper::metricArrayToMap(const ArrayRCP<const metric_t> &metrics)
  typedef std::pair<const string,const metric_t> pair_t;
  std::map<const string, const metric_t> metric_map;
  ArrayRCP<const metric_t>::size_type idx;
  for(idx = 0; idx < metrics.size(); idx++)
  return metric_map;
  RCP<typename BrickAggregationFactory<Scalar,LocalOrdinal,GlobalOrdinal,Node>::container>
  BrickAggregationFactory<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node>::
  Construct1DMap (const RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> >& comm,
                  const ArrayRCP<const double>& x) const
    int n = x.size();

    // Step 1: Create a local vector with unique coordinate points
    RCP<container> gMap = rcp(new container);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      (*gMap)[x[i]] = 0;

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
    // Step 2: exchange coordinates
    // NOTE: we assume the coordinates are double, or double compatible
    // That means that for complex case, we assume that all imaginary parts are zeros
    int numProcs = comm->getSize();
    if (numProcs > 1) {
      RCP<const Teuchos::MpiComm<int> > dupMpiComm = rcp_dynamic_cast<const Teuchos::MpiComm<int> >(comm->duplicate());

      MPI_Comm rawComm = (*dupMpiComm->getRawMpiComm())();

      int           sendCnt = gMap->size(), cnt = 0, recvSize;
      Array<int>    recvCnt(numProcs), Displs(numProcs);
      Array<double> sendBuf, recvBuf;

      for (typename container::const_iterator cit = gMap->begin(); cit != gMap->end(); cit++)
        sendBuf[cnt++] = Teuchos::as<double>(STS::real(cit->first));

      MPI_Allgather(&sendCnt, 1, MPI_INT, recvCnt.getRawPtr(), 1, MPI_INT, rawComm);
      Displs[0] = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < numProcs-1; i++)
        Displs[i+1] = Displs[i] + recvCnt[i];
      recvSize = Displs[numProcs-1] + recvCnt[numProcs-1];
      MPI_Allgatherv(sendBuf.getRawPtr(), sendCnt, MPI_DOUBLE, recvBuf.getRawPtr(), recvCnt.getRawPtr(), Displs.getRawPtr(), MPI_DOUBLE, rawComm);

      for (int i = 0; i < recvSize; i++)
        (*gMap)[as<SC>(recvBuf[i])] = 0;

    GO cnt = 0;
    for (typename container::iterator it = gMap->begin(); it != gMap->end(); it++)
      it->second = cnt++;

    return gMap;
    void convert(const DMV& X, RMV& Y)
      // Convert X from DomainScalar precision to RangeScalar precision
      for (size_t j=0; j<X.getNumVectors(); ++j) {
	ArrayRCP<const DomainScalar> xvecVals = X.getVector( j )->get1dView();
	if( xvecVals.size() ) {
	  std::transform( xvecVals.begin(), 
			  Y.getVectorNonConst( j )->get1dViewNonConst().begin(), 
			  Teuchos::asFunc<RangeScalar>() );
Exemplo n.º 24
  TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST(MLParameterListInterpreter, SetParameterList)

    //TODO: this test can be done at compilation time
#if !defined(HAVE_MUELU_EPETRA) or !defined(HAVE_MUELU_IFPACK) or !defined(HAVE_MUELU_AMESOS)
    if (TestHelpers::Parameters::getLib() == Xpetra::UseEpetra) {
      out << "Test skipped (dependencies not available)" << std::endl;

#if !defined(HAVE_MUELU_TPETRA) or !defined(HAVE_MUELU_IFPACK2) or !defined(HAVE_MUELU_AMESOS2)
    if (TestHelpers::Parameters::getLib() == Xpetra::UseTpetra) {
      out << "Test skipped (dependencies not available)" << std::endl;

    RCP<Matrix> A = TestHelpers::TestFactory<SC, LO, GO, NO>::Build1DPoisson(99);
    Teuchos::ParameterList galeriParameters;
    RCP<MultiVector> coordinates = Galeri::Xpetra::Utils::CreateCartesianCoordinates<SC,LO,GO,Map,MultiVector>("1D", A->getRowMap(), galeriParameters);

    ArrayRCP<std::string> fileList = TestHelpers::GetFileList(std::string("ParameterList/MLParameterListInterpreter/"), std::string(".xml"));

    for(int i=0; i< fileList.size(); i++) {
      out << "Processing file: " << fileList[i] << std::endl;
      Teuchos::ParameterList myList;
      myList.set("xml parameter file","ParameterList/MLParameterListInterpreter/" + fileList[i]);

      Teuchos::ArrayRCP<MultiVector::scalar_type> xcoord=coordinates->getDataNonConst(0);

      MLParameterListInterpreter mueluFactory(myList,A->getRowMap()->getComm());

      RCP<Hierarchy> H = mueluFactory.CreateHierarchy();
      H->GetLevel(0)->Set<RCP<Matrix> >("A", A);


      //TODO: check no unused parameters
      //TODO: check results of Iterate()
Exemplo n.º 25
  TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST(ML_CreateSublists, SetParameterList)
    std::string dir("ParameterList/CreateSublists/");

    ArrayRCP<std::string> fileList = TestHelpers::GetFileList(dir, std::string(".xml"));

    for(int i=0; i< fileList.size(); i++) {
      out << "Processing file: " << fileList[i] << std::endl;

      Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::ParameterList> inputList = Teuchos::getParametersFromXmlFile(dir + fileList[i]);
      Teuchos::ParameterList outputList;

      ML_CreateSublists(*inputList, outputList);

      // Test against reference output (replace '.xml' by '.output' to get the filename)
      Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> refOutputList = Teuchos::getParametersFromXmlFile(dir + fileList[i].substr(0, fileList[i].find_last_of(".")) + ".output");
      TEST_EQUALITY(outputList, *refOutputList);
Exemplo n.º 26
    ArrayRCP<RCP<Albany::MeshSpecsStruct> > mesh_specs,
    Albany::StateManager & state_manager)
  // Construct all Phalanx evaluators
      mesh_specs.size() != 1,
      "Problem supports one Material Block");

  fm[0] = rcp(new PHX::FieldManager<AlbanyTraits>);


Exemplo n.º 27
 /*! \brief Print all the metrics
 void printGraphMetrics(std::ostream &os) const {
   Zoltan2::printMetrics<scalar_t, part_t>(os, 
     targetGlobalParts_, numGlobalParts_, 
     graphMetrics_.view(0, graphMetrics_.size()));
 void AggregationPhase1Algorithm_kokkos<LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node>::RandomReorder(ArrayRCP<LO> list) const {
   //TODO: replace int
   int n = list.size();
   for(int i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
     std::swap(list[i], list[RandomOrdinal(i,n-1)]);
Exemplo n.º 29
 /*! \brief Return the object normed weight imbalance.
  *  \param imbalance on return is the object normed weight imbalance.
  *  If there were no weights, this is the object count imbalance.
  *  If there was one weight, it is the imbalance with respect to that weight.
 void getNormedImbalance(scalar_t &imbalance) const{
   if (metrics_.size() > 1)
     imbalance = metrics_[1].getMaxImbalance();
     imbalance = metrics_[0].getMaxImbalance();
Exemplo n.º 30
  TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST(Aggregates, UncoupledPhase3)
    out << "version: " << MueLu::Version() << std::endl;

    RCP<Matrix> A = TestHelpers::TestFactory<SC, LO, GO, NO>::Build1DPoisson(36);
    RCP<const Map> rowmap = A->getRowMap();
    RCP<AmalgamationInfo> amalgInfo;
    RCP<Aggregates> aggregates = gimmeUncoupledAggregates(A, amalgInfo,false,false,false,true);
    GO numAggs = aggregates->GetNumAggregates();
    RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm = TestHelpers::Parameters::getDefaultComm();


    ArrayRCP<LO> aggSizes = Teuchos::ArrayRCP<LO>(numAggs);
    ArrayRCP<LO> aggStart;
    ArrayRCP<GO> aggToRowMap;
    amalgInfo->UnamalgamateAggregates(*aggregates, aggStart, aggToRowMap);
    for (LO i = 0; i < numAggs; ++i)
      aggSizes[i] = aggStart[i+1] - aggStart[i];

    bool foundAggNotSize2=false;
    for (int i=0; i<aggSizes.size(); ++i)
      if (aggSizes[i] != 2) {

    switch (comm->getSize()) {

      case 1 :
        TEST_EQUALITY(numAggs, 18);
        TEST_EQUALITY(foundAggNotSize2, false);

      case 2:
        TEST_EQUALITY(numAggs, 9);
        TEST_EQUALITY(foundAggNotSize2, false);

      case 3:
        TEST_EQUALITY(numAggs, 6);
        TEST_EQUALITY(foundAggNotSize2, false);

      case 4:
        TEST_EQUALITY(numAggs, 4);
        TEST_EQUALITY(foundAggNotSize2, true);

        std::string msg = "Only 1-4 MPI processes are supported.";
        out << msg << std::endl;

    //ArrayRCP< ArrayRCP<GO> > aggToRowMap(numAggs);
    int root = out.getOutputToRootOnly();
    for (int j=0; j<comm->getSize(); ++j) {
      if (comm->getRank() == j) {
        out << "++ pid " << j << " ++" << std::endl;
        out << "   num local DOFs = " << rowmap->getNodeNumElements() << std::endl;
        for (int i=0; i< numAggs; ++i) {
          out << "   aggregate " << i << ": ";
          for (int k=aggStart[i]; k< aggStart[i+1]; ++k)
            out << aggToRowMap[k] << " ";
          out << std::endl;

  } //UncoupledPhase3