virtual void visit(AstUdpTable* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	UINFO(5,"UDPTABLE  "<<nodep<<endl);
	if (!v3Global.opt.bboxUnsup()) {
	    // We don't warn until V3Inst, so that UDPs that are in libraries and
	    // never used won't result in any warnings.
	} else {
	    // Massive hack, just tie off all outputs so our analysis can proceed
	    AstVar* varoutp = NULL;
	    for (AstNode* stmtp = m_modp->stmtsp(); stmtp; stmtp=stmtp->nextp()) {
		if (AstVar* varp = stmtp->castVar()) {
		    if (varp->isInput()) {
		    } else if (varp->isOutput()) {
			if (varoutp) { varp->v3error("Multiple outputs not allowed in udp modules"); }
			varoutp = varp;
			// Tie off
			m_modp->addStmtp(new AstAssignW(varp->fileline(),
							new AstVarRef(varp->fileline(), varp, true),
							new AstConst(varp->fileline(), AstConst::LogicFalse())));
		    } else {
			varp->v3error("Only inputs and outputs are allowed in udp modules");
	    nodep->unlinkFrBack(); pushDeletep(nodep); nodep=NULL;
Exemplo n.º 2
    virtual void visit(AstDefImplicitDType* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	UINFO(8,"   DEFIMPLICIT "<<nodep<<endl);
	// Must remember what names we've already created, and combine duplicates
	// so that for "var enum {...} a,b" a & b will share a common typedef
	// Unique name space under each containerp() so that an addition of a new type won't change every verilated module.
	AstTypedef* defp = NULL;
	ImplTypedefMap::iterator it = m_implTypedef.find(make_pair(nodep->containerp(), nodep->name()));
	if (it != m_implTypedef.end()) {
	    defp = it->second;
	} else {
	    // Definition must be inserted right after the variable (etc) that needed it
	    // AstVar, AstTypedef, AstNodeFTask are common containers
	    AstNode* backp = nodep->backp();
	    for (; backp; backp=backp->backp()) {
		if (backp->castVar()) break;
		else if (backp->castTypedef()) break;
		else if (backp->castNodeFTask()) break;
	    if (!backp) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Implicit enum/struct type created under unexpected node type");
	    AstNodeDType* dtypep = nodep->dtypep(); dtypep->unlinkFrBack();
	    if (backp->castTypedef()) { // A typedef doesn't need us to make yet another level of typedefing
		// For typedefs just remove the AstRefDType level of abstraction
		nodep->deleteTree(); nodep=NULL;
	    } else {
		defp = new AstTypedef(nodep->fileline(), nodep->name(), dtypep);
		m_implTypedef.insert(make_pair(make_pair(nodep->containerp(), defp->name()), defp));
	nodep->replaceWith(new AstRefDType(nodep->fileline(), defp->name()));
	nodep->deleteTree(); nodep=NULL;
Exemplo n.º 3
    AstJumpLabel* findAddLabel(AstNode* nodep, bool endOfIter) {
	// Put label under given node, and if WHILE optionally at end of iteration
	UINFO(4,"Create label for "<<nodep<<endl);
	if (nodep->castJumpLabel()) return nodep->castJumpLabel(); // Done

	AstNode* underp = NULL;
	bool     under_and_next = true;
	if (nodep->castBegin()) underp = nodep->castBegin()->stmtsp();
	else if (nodep->castNodeFTask()) underp = nodep->castNodeFTask()->stmtsp();
	else if (nodep->castWhile()) {
	    if (endOfIter) {
		// Note we jump to end of bodysp; a FOR loop has its increment under incsp() which we don't skip
		underp = nodep->castWhile()->bodysp();
	    } else {
		underp = nodep; under_and_next=false; // IE we skip the entire while
	else {
	    nodep->v3fatalSrc("Unknown jump point for break/disable/continue");
	    return NULL;
	// Skip over variables as we'll just move them in a momement
	// Also this would otherwise prevent us from using a label twice
	// see t_func_return test.
	while (underp && underp->castVar()) underp = underp->nextp();
	if (underp) UINFO(5,"  Underpoint is "<<underp<<endl);

	if (!underp) {
	    nodep->v3fatalSrc("Break/disable/continue not under expected statement");
	    return NULL;
	} else if (underp->castJumpLabel()) {
	    return underp->castJumpLabel();
	} else { // Move underp stuff to be under a new label
	    AstJumpLabel* labelp = new AstJumpLabel(nodep->fileline(), NULL);

	    AstNRelinker repHandle;
	    if (under_and_next) underp->unlinkFrBackWithNext(&repHandle);
	    else underp->unlinkFrBack(&repHandle);

	    // Keep any AstVars under the function not under the new JumpLabel
	    for (AstNode* nextp, *varp=underp; varp; varp = nextp) {
		nextp = varp->nextp();
		if (varp->castVar()) {
	    return labelp;
    void makeSmallNames(AstNodeModule* modp) {
	vector<int> usedLetter; usedLetter.resize(256);
	// Pass 1, assign first letter to each gparam's name
	for (AstNode* stmtp = modp->stmtsp(); stmtp; stmtp=stmtp->nextp()) {
	    if (AstVar* varp = stmtp->castVar()) {
		if (varp->isGParam()||varp->isIfaceRef()) {
		    char ch = varp->name()[0];
		    ch = toupper(ch); if (ch<'A' || ch>'Z') ch='Z';
		    varp->user4(usedLetter[static_cast<int>(ch)]*256 + ch);
Exemplo n.º 5
void EmitCSyms::emitDpiImp() {
    UINFO(6,__FUNCTION__<<": "<<endl);
    string filename = v3Global.opt.makeDir()+"/"+topClassName()+"__Dpi.cpp";
    AstCFile* cfilep = newCFile(filename, false/*slow*/, true/*source*/);
    V3OutCFile hf (filename);
    m_ofp = &hf;

    puts("// DESCR" "IPTION: Verilator output: Implementation of DPI export functions.\n");
    puts("// Verilator compiles this file in when DPI functions are used.\n");
    puts("// If you have multiple Verilated designs with the same DPI exported\n");
    puts("// function names, you will get multiple definition link errors from here.\n");
    puts("// This is an unfortunate result of the DPI specification.\n");
    puts("// To solve this, either\n");
    puts("//    1. Call "+topClassName()+"::{export_function} instead,\n");
    puts("//       and do not even bother to compile this file\n");
    puts("// or 2. Compile all __Dpi.cpp files in the same compiler run,\n");
    puts("//       and #ifdefs already inserted here will sort everything out.\n");

    puts("#include \""+topClassName()+"__Dpi.h\"\n");
    puts("#include \""+topClassName()+".h\"\n");

    for (vector<AstCFunc*>::iterator it = m_dpis.begin(); it != m_dpis.end(); ++it) {
	AstCFunc* nodep = *it;
	if (nodep->dpiExportWrapper()) {
	    puts("#ifndef _VL_DPIDECL_"+nodep->name()+"\n");
	    puts("#define _VL_DPIDECL_"+nodep->name()+"\n");
	    puts(nodep->rtnTypeVoid()+" "+nodep->name()+" ("+cFuncArgs(nodep)+") {\n");
	    puts("// DPI Export at "+nodep->fileline()->ascii()+"\n");
	    puts("return "+topClassName()+"::"+nodep->name()+"(");
	    string args;
	    for (AstNode* stmtp = nodep->argsp(); stmtp; stmtp=stmtp->nextp()) {
		if (AstVar* portp = stmtp->castVar()) {
		    if (portp->isIO() && !portp->isFuncReturn()) {
			if (args != "") args+= ", ";
			args += portp->name();
Exemplo n.º 6
    virtual void visit(AstNodeFTaskRef* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	AstNode* pinp = nodep->pinsp();
	AstNodeFTask* taskp = nodep->taskp();
	// We'll deal with mismatching pins later
	if (!taskp) return;
	for (AstNode* stmtp = taskp->stmtsp(); stmtp && pinp; stmtp=stmtp->nextp()) {
	    if (AstVar* portp = stmtp->castVar()) {
		if (portp->isIO()) {
		    if (portp->isInput()) {
		    } else {  // Output or Inout
			m_setRefLvalue = true;
			m_setRefLvalue = false;
		    // Advance pin
		    pinp = pinp->nextp();
Exemplo n.º 7
    void makePublicFuncWrappers() {
	// We recorded all public functions in m_modFuncs.
	// If for any given name only one function exists, we can use that function directly.
	// If multiple functions exist, we need to select the appropriate scope.
	for (FuncMmap::iterator it = m_modFuncs.begin(); it!=m_modFuncs.end(); ++it) {
	    string name = it->first;
	    AstCFunc* topFuncp = it->second;
	    FuncMmap::iterator nextIt1 = it; ++nextIt1;
	    bool moreOfSame1 =  (nextIt1!=m_modFuncs.end() && nextIt1->first == name);
	    if (moreOfSame1) {
		// Multiple functions under this name, need a wrapper function
		UINFO(6,"  Wrapping "<<name<<" multifuncs\n");
		AstCFunc* newfuncp = topFuncp->cloneTree(false);
		if (newfuncp->initsp())  newfuncp->initsp()->unlinkFrBackWithNext()->deleteTree();
		if (newfuncp->stmtsp())  newfuncp->stmtsp()->unlinkFrBackWithNext()->deleteTree();
		if (newfuncp->finalsp()) newfuncp->finalsp()->unlinkFrBackWithNext()->deleteTree();
		    new AstCStmt(newfuncp->fileline(),
				 EmitCBaseVisitor::symClassVar()+" = this->__VlSymsp;\n"));
		newfuncp->addInitsp(new AstCStmt(newfuncp->fileline(), EmitCBaseVisitor::symTopAssign()+"\n"));
		// In the body, call each function if it matches the given scope
		for (FuncMmap::iterator eachIt = it; eachIt!=m_modFuncs.end() && eachIt->first==name; ++eachIt) {
		    it = eachIt;
		    AstCFunc* funcp = eachIt->second;
		    FuncMmap::iterator nextIt2 = eachIt; ++nextIt2;
		    bool moreOfSame =  (nextIt2!=m_modFuncs.end() && nextIt2->first == name);
		    if (!funcp->scopep()) funcp->v3fatalSrc("Not scoped");

		    UINFO(6,"     Wrapping "<<name<<" "<<funcp<<endl);
		    UINFO(6,"  at "<<newfuncp->argTypes()<<" und "<<funcp->argTypes()<<endl);
		    AstNode* argsp = NULL;
		    for (AstNode* stmtp = newfuncp->argsp(); stmtp; stmtp=stmtp->nextp()) {
			if (AstVar* portp = stmtp->castVar()) {
			    if (portp->isIO() && !portp->isFuncReturn()) {
				argsp = argsp->addNextNull(new AstVarRef(portp->fileline(), portp,

		    AstNode* returnp = new AstCReturn (funcp->fileline(),
						       new AstCCall (funcp->fileline(),

		    if (moreOfSame) {
			AstIf* ifp = new AstIf (funcp->fileline(),
						new AstEq(funcp->fileline(),
							  new AstCMath(funcp->fileline(),
								       "this", 64),
							  new AstCMath(funcp->fileline(),
								       +")", 64)),
						returnp, NULL);
		    } else {
		// Not really any way the user could do this, and we'd need to come up with some return value
		//newfuncp->addStmtsp(new AstDisplay (newfuncp->fileline(), AstDisplayType::DT_DISPLAY,
		//				      string("%%Error: ")+name+"() called with bad scope", NULL));
		//newfuncp->addStmtsp(new AstStop (newfuncp->fileline()));
		if (debug()>=9) newfuncp->dumpTree(cout,"   newfunc: ");
	    } else {
		// Only a single function under this name, we can simply rename it
		UINFO(6,"  Wrapping "<<name<<" just one "<<topFuncp<<endl);