Exemplo n.º 1
    virtual void visit(AstNodeAssign* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	if (nodep->user2() < 2) return; // Don't need clones
	UINFO(4, "Cloning "<<nodep->user2()<<" times: "<<nodep<<endl);
	for (int i = 0; i < nodep->user2(); ++i) {
	    // Clone the node and iterate over the clone
	    m_vecIdx = -1;
	    AstNodeAssign* clonep = nodep->cloneTree(false)->castNodeAssign();
	nodep->unlinkFrBack()->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
Exemplo n.º 2
    virtual void visit(AstVarRef* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	if (!nodep->user2Inc()) {  // Not done yet
	    if (m_inDly && nodep->lvalue()) {
		UINFO(4,"AssignDlyVar: "<<nodep<<endl);
		markVarUsage(nodep->varScopep(), VU_DLY);
		if (!m_activep) nodep->v3fatalSrc("<= not under sensitivity block");
		if (!m_activep->hasClocked()) nodep->v3error("Internal: Blocking <= assignment in non-clocked block, should have converted in V3Active");
		AstVarScope* oldvscp = nodep->varScopep();
		if (!oldvscp) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Var didn't get varscoped in V3Scope.cpp\n");
		AstVarScope* dlyvscp = oldvscp->user1p()->castNode()->castVarScope();
		if (dlyvscp) {  // Multiple use of delayed variable
		    AstActive* oldactivep = dlyvscp->user2p()->castNode()->castActive();
		    checkActivePost(nodep, oldactivep);
		if (!dlyvscp) {  // First use of this delayed variable
		    string newvarname = (string("__Vdly__")+nodep->varp()->shortName());
		    dlyvscp = createVarSc(oldvscp, newvarname, 0);
		    AstNodeAssign* prep
			= new AstAssignPre (nodep->fileline(),
					    new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), dlyvscp, true),
					    new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), oldvscp, false));
		    AstNodeAssign* postp
			= new AstAssignPost (nodep->fileline(),
					     new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), oldvscp, true),
					     new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), dlyvscp, false));
		    postp->lhsp()->user2(true);	// Don't detect this assignment
		    oldvscp->user1p(dlyvscp);  // So we can find it later
		    // Make new ACTIVE with identical sensitivity tree
		    AstActive* newactp = createActivePost(nodep);
		    newactp->addStmtsp(prep);	// Add to FRONT of statements
		AstVarRef* newrefp = new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), dlyvscp, true);
		newrefp->user2(true);  // No reason to do it again
		nodep->replaceWith(newrefp); nodep->deleteTree(); nodep=NULL;
	    else if (!m_inDly && nodep->lvalue()) {
		//UINFO(9,"NBA "<<nodep<<endl);
		if (!m_inInitial) {
		    UINFO(4,"AssignNDlyVar: "<<nodep<<endl);
		    markVarUsage(nodep->varScopep(), VU_NONDLY);
Exemplo n.º 3
    void mergeEnd() {
        if (!m_mgAssignps.empty()) {
            uint32_t items = m_mgIndexHi - m_mgIndexLo + 1;
            UINFO(9, "End merge iter="<<items<<" "<<m_mgIndexHi<<":"<<m_mgIndexLo
                  <<" "<<m_mgAssignps[0]<<endl);
            if (items >= RELOOP_MIN_ITERS) {
                UINFO(6, "Reloop merging items="<<items<<" "<<m_mgIndexHi<<":"<<m_mgIndexLo
                      <<" "<<m_mgAssignps[0]<<endl);
                m_statReItems += items;

                // Transform first assign into for loop body
                AstNodeAssign* bodyp = m_mgAssignps.front();
                if (bodyp->lhsp() != m_mgSelLp) bodyp->v3fatalSrc("Corrupt queue/state");
                FileLine* fl = bodyp->fileline();
                AstVar* itp = findCreateVarTemp(fl, m_mgCfuncp);

                AstNode* initp = new AstAssign(fl, new AstVarRef(fl, itp, true),
                                               new AstConst(fl, m_mgIndexLo));
                AstNode* condp = new AstLte(fl, new AstVarRef(fl, itp, false),
                                            new AstConst(fl, m_mgIndexHi));
                AstNode* incp = new AstAssign(fl, new AstVarRef(fl, itp, true),
                                              new AstAdd(fl, new AstConst(fl, 1),
                                                         new AstVarRef(fl, itp, false)));
                AstWhile* whilep = new AstWhile(fl, condp, NULL, incp);

                // Replace constant index with new loop index
                AstNode* lbitp = m_mgSelLp->bitp();
                lbitp->replaceWith(new AstVarRef(fl, itp, false));
                lbitp->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(lbitp);
                if (m_mgSelRp) {  // else constant and no replace
                    AstNode* rbitp = m_mgSelRp->bitp();
                    rbitp->replaceWith(new AstVarRef(fl, itp, false));
                    rbitp->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(lbitp);
                if (debug()>=9) initp->dumpTree(cout, "-new: ");
                if (debug()>=9) whilep->dumpTree(cout, "-new: ");

                // Remove remaining assigns
                for (AssVec::iterator it=m_mgAssignps.begin(); it!=m_mgAssignps.end(); ++it) {
                    AstNodeAssign* assp = *it;
                    if (assp != bodyp) {
                        assp->unlinkFrBack()->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(assp);
            // Setup for next merge
            m_mgSelLp = NULL;
            m_mgSelRp = NULL;
            m_mgVarrefLp = NULL;
            m_mgVarrefRp = NULL;
            m_mgConstRp = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 4
    void deadCheckVar() {
	// Delete any unused varscopes
	for (vector<AstVarScope*>::iterator it = m_vscsp.begin(); it!=m_vscsp.end(); ++it) {
	    AstVarScope* vscp = *it;
	    if (vscp->user1() == 0) {
		UINFO(4,"  Dead "<<vscp<<endl);
		pair <AssignMap::iterator,AssignMap::iterator> eqrange = m_assignMap.equal_range(vscp);
		for (AssignMap::iterator it = eqrange.first; it != eqrange.second; ++it) {
		    AstNodeAssign* assp = it->second;
		    UINFO(4,"    Dead assign "<<assp<<endl);
		    assp->unlinkFrBack()->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(assp);
		vscp->unlinkFrBack()->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(vscp);
	for (vector<AstNode*>::iterator it = m_varEtcsp.begin(); it!=m_varEtcsp.end(); ++it) {
	    if ((*it)->user1() == 0) {
		UINFO(4,"  Dead "<<(*it)<<endl);
		(*it)->unlinkFrBack()->deleteTree(); (*it)=NULL;
Exemplo n.º 5
    AstNodeVarRef* findDupe(AstNode* nodep, AstVarScope* consumerVarScopep, AstActive* activep) {
	m_assignp = NULL;
	m_ifCondp = NULL;
	m_always = false;
	m_dedupable = true;
	if (m_dedupable && m_assignp) {
	    AstNode* lhsp = m_assignp->lhsp();
	    // Possible todo, handle more complex lhs expressions
	    if (AstNodeVarRef* lhsVarRefp = lhsp->castNodeVarRef()) {
		if (lhsVarRefp->varScopep() != consumerVarScopep) consumerVarScopep->v3fatalSrc("Consumer doesn't match lhs of assign");
		if (AstNodeAssign* dup =  m_hash.hashAndFindDupe(m_assignp,activep,m_ifCondp)) {
		    return (AstNodeVarRef*) dup->lhsp();
	return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 6
    virtual AstNUser* visit(GateVarVertex *vvertexp, AstNUser*) {
	for (V3GraphEdge* edgep = vvertexp->inBeginp(); edgep; ) {
	    V3GraphEdge* oldedgep = edgep;
	    edgep = edgep->inNextp();  // for recursive since the edge could be deleted
	    if (GateLogicVertex* lvertexp = dynamic_cast<GateLogicVertex*>(oldedgep->fromp())) {
		if (AstNodeAssign* assignp = lvertexp->nodep()->castNodeAssign()) {
		    //if (lvertexp->outSize1() && assignp->lhsp()->castSel()) {
		    if (assignp->lhsp()->castSel() && lvertexp->outSize1()) {
			UINFO(9, "assing to the nodep["<<assignp->lhsp()->castSel()->lsbConst()<<"]"<<endl);
			// first assign with Sel-lhs
			if (!m_activep) m_activep = lvertexp->activep();
			if (!m_logicvp) m_logicvp = lvertexp;
			if (!m_assignp) m_assignp = assignp;

			// not under the same active
			if (m_activep != lvertexp->activep()) {
			    m_activep = lvertexp->activep();
			    m_logicvp = lvertexp;
			    m_assignp = assignp;

			AstSel* preselp = m_assignp->lhsp()->castSel();
			AstSel* curselp = assignp->lhsp()->castSel();
			if (!preselp || !curselp) continue;

			if (AstSel* newselp = merge(preselp, curselp)) {
			    UINFO(5, "assemble to new sel: "<<newselp<<endl);
			    // replace preSel with newSel
			    preselp->replaceWith(newselp); preselp->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(preselp);
			    // create new rhs for pre assignment
			    AstNode* newrhsp = new AstConcat(m_assignp->rhsp()->fileline(), m_assignp->rhsp()->cloneTree(false), assignp->rhsp()->cloneTree(false));
			    AstNode* oldrhsp = m_assignp->rhsp();
			    oldrhsp->replaceWith(newrhsp); oldrhsp->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(oldrhsp);
			    m_assignp->dtypeChgWidthSigned(m_assignp->width()+assignp->width(), m_assignp->width()+assignp->width(), AstNumeric::fromBool(true));
			    // don't need to delete, will be handled
			    //assignp->unlinkFrBack(); assignp->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(assignp);

			    // update the graph
				// delete all inedges to lvertexp
				if (!lvertexp->inEmpty()) { 
				    for (V3GraphEdge* ledgep = lvertexp->inBeginp(); ledgep; ) {
					V3GraphEdge* oedgep = ledgep;
					ledgep = ledgep->inNextp();
					GateEitherVertex* fromvp = dynamic_cast<GateEitherVertex*>(oedgep->fromp());
					new V3GraphEdge(m_graphp, fromvp, m_logicvp, 1);
					oedgep->unlinkDelete(); VL_DANGLING(oedgep);
				// delete all outedges to lvertexp, only one
				oldedgep->unlinkDelete(); VL_DANGLING(oldedgep);
			} else {
			    m_assignp = assignp;
			    m_logicvp = lvertexp;
	return NULL;