Exemplo n.º 1
void HTMLFrameElementBase::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value)
    if (name == srcdocAttr)
    else if (name == srcAttr && !hasAttributeWithoutSynchronization(srcdocAttr))
    else if (name == idAttr) {
        HTMLFrameOwnerElement::parseAttribute(name, value);
        // Falling back to using the 'id' attribute is not standard but some content relies on this behavior.
        if (!hasAttributeWithoutSynchronization(nameAttr))
            m_frameName = value;
    } else if (name == nameAttr) {
        m_frameName = value;
        // FIXME: If we are already attached, this doesn't actually change the frame's name.
        // FIXME: If we are already attached, this doesn't check for frame name
        // conflicts and generate a unique frame name.
    } else if (name == marginwidthAttr) {
        m_marginWidth = value.toInt();
        // FIXME: If we are already attached, this has no effect.
    } else if (name == marginheightAttr) {
        m_marginHeight = value.toInt();
        // FIXME: If we are already attached, this has no effect.
    } else if (name == scrollingAttr) {
        // Auto and yes both simply mean "allow scrolling." No means "don't allow scrolling."
        if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value, "auto") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value, "yes"))
            m_scrolling = document().frameElementsShouldIgnoreScrolling() ? ScrollbarAlwaysOff : ScrollbarAuto;
        else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value, "no"))
            m_scrolling = ScrollbarAlwaysOff;
        // FIXME: If we are already attached, this has no effect.
    } else
        HTMLFrameOwnerElement::parseAttribute(name, value);
Exemplo n.º 2
void HTMLFrameElementBase::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value)
    if (name == srcdocAttr)
    else if (name == srcAttr && !fastHasAttribute(srcdocAttr))
    else if (isIdAttributeName(name)) {
        // Important to call through to base for the id attribute so the hasID bit gets set.
        HTMLFrameOwnerElement::parseAttribute(name, value);
        m_frameName = value;
    } else if (name == nameAttr) {
        m_frameName = value;
        // FIXME: If we are already attached, this doesn't actually change the frame's name.
        // FIXME: If we are already attached, this doesn't check for frame name
        // conflicts and generate a unique frame name.
    } else if (name == marginwidthAttr) {
        m_marginWidth = value.toInt();
        // FIXME: If we are already attached, this has no effect.
    } else if (name == marginheightAttr) {
        m_marginHeight = value.toInt();
        // FIXME: If we are already attached, this has no effect.
    } else if (name == scrollingAttr) {
        // Auto and yes both simply mean "allow scrolling." No means "don't allow scrolling."
        if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "auto") || equalIgnoringCase(value, "yes"))
            m_scrolling = ScrollbarAuto;
        else if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "no"))
            m_scrolling = ScrollbarAlwaysOff;
        // FIXME: If we are already attached, this has no effect.
    } else if (name == onbeforeunloadAttr) {
        // FIXME: should <frame> elements have beforeunload handlers?
        setAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::beforeunload, createAttributeEventListener(this, name, value));
    } else
        HTMLFrameOwnerElement::parseAttribute(name, value);
Exemplo n.º 3
void HTMLTextAreaElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value)
    if (name == rowsAttr) {
        int rows = value.toInt();
        if (rows <= 0)
            rows = defaultRows;
        if (m_rows != rows) {
            m_rows = rows;
            if (renderer())
    } else if (name == colsAttr) {
        int cols = value.toInt();
        if (cols <= 0)
            cols = defaultCols;
        if (m_cols != cols) {
            m_cols = cols;
            if (renderer())
    } else if (name == wrapAttr) {
        // The virtual/physical values were a Netscape extension of HTML 3.0, now deprecated.
        // The soft/hard /off values are a recommendation for HTML 4 extension by IE and NS 4.
        WrapMethod wrap;
        if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "physical") || equalIgnoringCase(value, "hard") || equalIgnoringCase(value, "on"))
            wrap = HardWrap;
        else if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "off"))
            wrap = NoWrap;
            wrap = SoftWrap;
        if (wrap != m_wrap) {
            m_wrap = wrap;
            if (renderer())
    } else if (name == accesskeyAttr) {
        // ignore for the moment
    } else if (name == maxlengthAttr) {
    } else if (name == minlengthAttr) {
    } else
        HTMLTextFormControlElement::parseAttribute(name, value);
void HTMLTableCellElement::collectStyleForPresentationAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value, MutableStylePropertySet* style)
    if (name == nowrapAttr)
        addPropertyToPresentationAttributeStyle(style, CSSPropertyWhiteSpace, CSSValueWebkitNowrap);
    else if (name == widthAttr) {
        if (!value.isEmpty()) {
            int widthInt = value.toInt();
            if (widthInt > 0) // width="0" is ignored for compatibility with WinIE.
                addHTMLLengthToStyle(style, CSSPropertyWidth, value);
    } else if (name == heightAttr) {
        if (!value.isEmpty()) {
            int heightInt = value.toInt();
            if (heightInt > 0) // height="0" is ignored for compatibility with WinIE.
                addHTMLLengthToStyle(style, CSSPropertyHeight, value);
    } else
        HTMLTablePartElement::collectStyleForPresentationAttribute(name, value, style);
Exemplo n.º 5
void HTMLFrameElementBase::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value)
    if (name == srcdocAttr)
    else if (name == srcAttr && !fastHasAttribute(srcdocAttr))
    else if (isIdAttributeName(name)) {
        // Important to call through to base for the id attribute so the hasID bit gets set.
        HTMLFrameOwnerElement::parseAttribute(name, value);
        m_frameName = value;
    } else if (name == nameAttr) {
        m_frameName = value;
        // FIXME: If we are already attached, this doesn't actually change the frame's name.
        // FIXME: If we are already attached, this doesn't check for frame name
        // conflicts and generate a unique frame name.
    } else if (name == marginwidthAttr) {
        m_marginWidth = value.toInt();
        // FIXME: If we are already attached, this has no effect.
    } else if (name == marginheightAttr) {
        m_marginHeight = value.toInt();
        // FIXME: If we are already attached, this has no effect.
    } else if (name == scrollingAttr) {
        // Auto and yes both simply mean "allow scrolling." No means "don't allow scrolling."
        if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "auto") || equalIgnoringCase(value, "yes"))
            m_scrolling = document().frameElementsShouldIgnoreScrolling() ? ScrollbarAlwaysOff : ScrollbarAuto;
        else if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "no"))
            m_scrolling = ScrollbarAlwaysOff;
        // FIXME: If we are already attached, this has no effect.
    } else if (name == viewsourceAttr) {
        m_viewSource = !value.isNull();
        if (contentFrame())
    } else if (name == onbeforeloadAttr)
        setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().beforeloadEvent, name, value);
    else if (name == onbeforeunloadAttr) {
        // FIXME: should <frame> elements have beforeunload handlers?
        setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().beforeunloadEvent, name, value);
    } else
        HTMLFrameOwnerElement::parseAttribute(name, value);
int trackListIndexForElement(Element* element)
    const AtomicString trackIndexAttributeValue = element->getAttribute(trackIndexAttributeName());
    if (trackIndexAttributeValue.isNull() || trackIndexAttributeValue.isEmpty())
        return HTMLMediaElement::textTracksIndexNotFound();
    bool ok;
    int trackIndex = trackIndexAttributeValue.toInt(&ok);
    if (!ok)
        return HTMLMediaElement::textTracksIndexNotFound();
    return trackIndex;
Exemplo n.º 7
inline void HTMLLIElement::parseValue(const AtomicString& value) {

  bool valueOK;
  int requestedValue = value.toInt(&valueOK);
  if (valueOK)
Exemplo n.º 8
void HTMLFrameElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value)
    if (name == frameborderAttr) {
        m_frameBorder = value.toInt();
        m_frameBorderSet = !value.isNull();
        // FIXME: If we are already attached, this has no effect.
    } else if (name == noresizeAttr) {
        if (auto* renderer = this->renderer())
    } else
        HTMLFrameElementBase::parseAttribute(name, value);
Exemplo n.º 9
void HTMLTableElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value)
    CellBorders bordersBefore = cellBorders();
    unsigned short oldPadding = m_padding;

    if (name == borderAttr)  {
        // FIXME: This attribute is a mess.
        m_borderAttr = parseBorderWidthAttribute(value);
    } else if (name == bordercolorAttr) {
        m_borderColorAttr = !value.isEmpty();
    } else if (name == frameAttr) {
        // FIXME: This attribute is a mess.
        bool borderTop;
        bool borderRight;
        bool borderBottom;
        bool borderLeft;
        m_frameAttr = getBordersFromFrameAttributeValue(value, borderTop, borderRight, borderBottom, borderLeft);
    } else if (name == rulesAttr) {
        m_rulesAttr = UnsetRules;
        if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "none"))
            m_rulesAttr = NoneRules;
        else if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "groups"))
            m_rulesAttr = GroupsRules;
        else if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "rows"))
            m_rulesAttr = RowsRules;
        else if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "cols"))
            m_rulesAttr = ColsRules;
        else if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "all"))
            m_rulesAttr = AllRules;
    } else if (name == cellpaddingAttr) {
        if (!value.isEmpty())
            m_padding = std::max(0, value.toInt());
            m_padding = 1;
    } else if (name == colsAttr) {
        // ###
    } else
        HTMLElement::parseAttribute(name, value);

    if (bordersBefore != cellBorders() || oldPadding != m_padding) {
        m_sharedCellStyle = 0;
        bool cellChanged = false;
        for (Node* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
            cellChanged |= setTableCellsChanged(child);
        if (cellChanged)
Exemplo n.º 10
void HTMLTableElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name,
                                      const AtomicString& oldValue,
                                      const AtomicString& value) {
  CellBorders bordersBefore = getCellBorders();
  unsigned short oldPadding = m_padding;

  if (name == borderAttr) {
    // FIXME: This attribute is a mess.
    m_borderAttr = parseBorderWidthAttribute(value);
  } else if (name == bordercolorAttr) {
    m_borderColorAttr = !value.isEmpty();
  } else if (name == frameAttr) {
    // FIXME: This attribute is a mess.
    bool borderTop;
    bool borderRight;
    bool borderBottom;
    bool borderLeft;
    m_frameAttr = getBordersFromFrameAttributeValue(
        value, borderTop, borderRight, borderBottom, borderLeft);
  } else if (name == rulesAttr) {
    m_rulesAttr = UnsetRules;
    if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "none"))
      m_rulesAttr = NoneRules;
    else if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "groups"))
      m_rulesAttr = GroupsRules;
    else if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "rows"))
      m_rulesAttr = RowsRules;
    else if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "cols"))
      m_rulesAttr = ColsRules;
    else if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "all"))
      m_rulesAttr = AllRules;
  } else if (name == cellpaddingAttr) {
    if (!value.isEmpty())
      m_padding = std::max(0, value.toInt());
      m_padding = 1;
  } else if (name == colsAttr) {
    // ###
  } else {
    HTMLElement::parseAttribute(name, oldValue, value);

  if (bordersBefore != getCellBorders() || oldPadding != m_padding) {
    m_sharedCellStyle = nullptr;
Exemplo n.º 11
void HTMLIFrameElement::collectStyleForPresentationAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value, MutableStylePropertySet& style)
    if (name == widthAttr)
        addHTMLLengthToStyle(style, CSSPropertyWidth, value);
    else if (name == heightAttr)
        addHTMLLengthToStyle(style, CSSPropertyHeight, value);
    else if (name == alignAttr)
        applyAlignmentAttributeToStyle(value, style);
    else if (name == frameborderAttr) {
        // Frame border doesn't really match the HTML4 spec definition for iframes. It simply adds
        // a presentational hint that the border should be off if set to zero.
        if (!value.toInt()) {
            // Add a rule that nulls out our border width.
            addPropertyToPresentationAttributeStyle(style, CSSPropertyBorderWidth, 0, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX);
    } else
        HTMLFrameElementBase::collectStyleForPresentationAttribute(name, value, style);
Exemplo n.º 12
void HTMLTableColElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value)
    if (name == spanAttr) {
        m_span = !value.isNull() ? value.toInt() : 1;
        if (renderer() && renderer()->isRenderTableCol())
    } else if (name == widthAttr) {
        if (!value.isEmpty()) {
            if (renderer() && renderer()->isRenderTableCol()) {
                RenderTableCol* col = toRenderTableCol(renderer());
                int newWidth = width().toInt();
                if (newWidth != col->width())
    } else
        HTMLTablePartElement::parseAttribute(name, value);
Exemplo n.º 13
void HTMLHRElement::collectStyleForPresentationAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value, MutableStyleProperties& style)
    if (name == alignAttr) {
        if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value, "left")) {
            addPropertyToPresentationAttributeStyle(style, CSSPropertyMarginLeft, 0, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX);
            addPropertyToPresentationAttributeStyle(style, CSSPropertyMarginRight, CSSValueAuto);
        } else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value, "right")) {
            addPropertyToPresentationAttributeStyle(style, CSSPropertyMarginLeft, CSSValueAuto);
            addPropertyToPresentationAttributeStyle(style, CSSPropertyMarginRight, 0, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX);
        } else {
            addPropertyToPresentationAttributeStyle(style, CSSPropertyMarginLeft, CSSValueAuto);
            addPropertyToPresentationAttributeStyle(style, CSSPropertyMarginRight, CSSValueAuto);
    } else if (name == widthAttr) {
        bool ok;
        int v = value.toInt(&ok);
        if (ok && !v)
            addPropertyToPresentationAttributeStyle(style, CSSPropertyWidth, 1, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX);
            addHTMLLengthToStyle(style, CSSPropertyWidth, value);
    } else if (name == colorAttr) {
        addPropertyToPresentationAttributeStyle(style, CSSPropertyBorderStyle, CSSValueSolid);
        addHTMLColorToStyle(style, CSSPropertyBorderColor, value);
        addHTMLColorToStyle(style, CSSPropertyBackgroundColor, value);
    } else if (name == noshadeAttr) {
        if (!hasAttributeWithoutSynchronization(colorAttr)) {
            addPropertyToPresentationAttributeStyle(style, CSSPropertyBorderStyle, CSSValueSolid);

            RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> darkGrayValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createColorValue(Color::darkGray);
            style.setProperty(CSSPropertyBorderColor, darkGrayValue);
            style.setProperty(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor, darkGrayValue);
    } else if (name == sizeAttr) {
        StringImpl* si = value.impl();
        int size = si->toInt();
        if (size <= 1)
            addPropertyToPresentationAttributeStyle(style, CSSPropertyBorderBottomWidth, 0, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX);
            addPropertyToPresentationAttributeStyle(style, CSSPropertyHeight, size - 2, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX);
    } else
        HTMLElement::collectStyleForPresentationAttribute(name, value, style);
Exemplo n.º 14
void HTMLOListElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value)
    if (name == startAttr) {
        int oldStart = start();
        bool canParse;
        int parsedStart = value.toInt(&canParse);
        m_hasExplicitStart = canParse;
        m_start = canParse ? parsedStart : 0xBADBEEF;
        if (oldStart == start())
    } else if (name == reversedAttr) {
        bool reversed = !value.isNull();
        if (reversed == m_isReversed)
        m_isReversed = reversed;
    } else
        HTMLElement::parseAttribute(name, value);
Exemplo n.º 15
void HTMLFrameSetElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value)
    if (name == rowsAttr) {
        if (!value.isNull()) {
            m_rowLengths = newLengthArray(value.string(), m_totalRows);
    } else if (name == colsAttr) {
        if (!value.isNull()) {
            m_colLengths = newLengthArray(value.string(), m_totalCols);
    } else if (name == frameborderAttr) {
        if (!value.isNull()) {
            if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "no") || equalIgnoringCase(value, "0")) {
                m_frameborder = false;
                m_frameborderSet = true;
            } else if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "yes") || equalIgnoringCase(value, "1")) {
                m_frameborderSet = true;
        } else {
            m_frameborder = false;
            m_frameborderSet = false;
    } else if (name == noresizeAttr) {
        m_noresize = true;
    } else if (name == borderAttr) {
        if (!value.isNull()) {
            m_border = value.toInt();
            m_borderSet = true;
        } else
            m_borderSet = false;
    } else if (name == bordercolorAttr)
        m_borderColorSet = !value.isEmpty();
    else if (name == onloadAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().loadEvent, name, value);
    else if (name == onbeforeunloadAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().beforeunloadEvent, name, value);
    else if (name == onunloadAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().unloadEvent, name, value);
    else if (name == onblurAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().blurEvent, name, value);
    else if (name == onfocusAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().focusEvent, name, value);
    else if (name == onfocusinAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().focusinEvent, name, value);
    else if (name == onfocusoutAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().focusoutEvent, name, value);
    else if (name == onorientationchangeAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().orientationchangeEvent, name, value);
    else if (name == onhashchangeAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().hashchangeEvent, name, value);
    else if (name == onresizeAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().resizeEvent, name, value);
    else if (name == onscrollAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().scrollEvent, name, value);
    else if (name == onstorageAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().storageEvent, name, value);
    else if (name == ononlineAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().onlineEvent, name, value);
    else if (name == onofflineAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().offlineEvent, name, value);
    else if (name == onpopstateAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventNames().popstateEvent, name, value);
        HTMLElement::parseAttribute(name, value);
Exemplo n.º 16
void HTMLFrameSetElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value)
    if (name == rowsAttr) {
        if (!value.isNull()) {
            m_rowLengths = parseListOfDimensions(value.string());
    } else if (name == colsAttr) {
        if (!value.isNull()) {
            m_colLengths = parseListOfDimensions(value.string());
    } else if (name == frameborderAttr) {
        if (!value.isNull()) {
            if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "no") || equalIgnoringCase(value, "0")) {
                m_frameborder = false;
                m_frameborderSet = true;
            } else if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "yes") || equalIgnoringCase(value, "1")) {
                m_frameborderSet = true;
        } else {
            m_frameborder = false;
            m_frameborderSet = false;
    } else if (name == noresizeAttr) {
        m_noresize = true;
    } else if (name == borderAttr) {
        if (!value.isNull()) {
            m_border = value.toInt();
            m_borderSet = true;
        } else
            m_borderSet = false;
    } else if (name == bordercolorAttr)
        m_borderColorSet = !value.isEmpty();
    else if (name == onloadAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::load, createAttributeEventListener(document().frame(), name, value));
    else if (name == onbeforeunloadAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::beforeunload, createAttributeEventListener(document().frame(), name, value));
    else if (name == onunloadAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::unload, createAttributeEventListener(document().frame(), name, value));
    else if (name == onpagehideAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::pagehide, createAttributeEventListener(document().frame(), name, value));
    else if (name == onpageshowAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::pageshow, createAttributeEventListener(document().frame(), name, value));
    else if (name == onblurAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::blur, createAttributeEventListener(document().frame(), name, value));
    else if (name == onerrorAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::error, createAttributeEventListener(document().frame(), name, value));
    else if (name == onfocusAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::focus, createAttributeEventListener(document().frame(), name, value));
    else if (name == onfocusinAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::focusin, createAttributeEventListener(document().frame(), name, value));
    else if (name == onfocusoutAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::focusout, createAttributeEventListener(document().frame(), name, value));
    else if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::orientationEventEnabled() && name == onorientationchangeAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::orientationchange, createAttributeEventListener(document().frame(), name, value));
    else if (name == onhashchangeAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::hashchange, createAttributeEventListener(document().frame(), name, value));
    else if (name == onmessageAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::message, createAttributeEventListener(document().frame(), name, value));
    else if (name == onresizeAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::resize, createAttributeEventListener(document().frame(), name, value));
    else if (name == onscrollAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::scroll, createAttributeEventListener(document().frame(), name, value));
    else if (name == onstorageAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::storage, createAttributeEventListener(document().frame(), name, value));
    else if (name == ononlineAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::online, createAttributeEventListener(document().frame(), name, value));
    else if (name == onofflineAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::offline, createAttributeEventListener(document().frame(), name, value));
    else if (name == onpopstateAttr)
        document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::popstate, createAttributeEventListener(document().frame(), name, value));
        HTMLElement::parseAttribute(name, value);