Exemplo n.º 1
inline void Audio::performIO(int16_t* inputLeft, int16_t* outputLeft, int16_t* outputRight) {

    NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::getInstance();
    Application* interface = Application::getInstance();
    Avatar* interfaceAvatar = interface->getAvatar();

    memset(outputLeft, 0, PACKET_LENGTH_BYTES_PER_CHANNEL);
    memset(outputRight, 0, PACKET_LENGTH_BYTES_PER_CHANNEL);

    // Add Procedural effects to input samples
    addProceduralSounds(inputLeft, outputLeft, outputRight, BUFFER_LENGTH_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL);
    if (nodeList && inputLeft) {
        //  Measure the loudness of the signal from the microphone and store in audio object
        float loudness = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < BUFFER_LENGTH_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL; i++) {
            loudness += abs(inputLeft[i]);
        _lastInputLoudness = loudness;
        // add input (@microphone) data to the scope
        _scope->addSamples(0, inputLeft, BUFFER_LENGTH_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL);

        Node* audioMixer = nodeList->soloNodeOfType(NODE_TYPE_AUDIO_MIXER);
        if (audioMixer) {
            sockaddr_in audioSocket = *(sockaddr_in*) audioMixer->getActiveSocket();
            glm::vec3 headPosition = interfaceAvatar->getHeadJointPosition();
            glm::quat headOrientation = interfaceAvatar->getHead().getOrientation();
            int numBytesPacketHeader = numBytesForPacketHeader((unsigned char*) &PACKET_TYPE_MICROPHONE_AUDIO_NO_ECHO);
            int leadingBytes = numBytesPacketHeader + sizeof(headPosition) + sizeof(headOrientation);
            // we need the amount of bytes in the buffer + 1 for type
            // + 12 for 3 floats for position + float for bearing + 1 attenuation byte
            unsigned char dataPacket[MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
            PACKET_TYPE packetType = Menu::getInstance()->isOptionChecked(MenuOption::EchoAudio)
            unsigned char* currentPacketPtr = dataPacket + populateTypeAndVersion(dataPacket, packetType);
            // pack Source Data
            uint16_t ownerID = NodeList::getInstance()->getOwnerID();
            memcpy(currentPacketPtr, &ownerID, sizeof(ownerID));
            currentPacketPtr += (sizeof(ownerID));
            leadingBytes += (sizeof(ownerID));
            // pack Listen Mode Data
            memcpy(currentPacketPtr, &_listenMode, sizeof(_listenMode));
            currentPacketPtr += (sizeof(_listenMode));
            leadingBytes += (sizeof(_listenMode));
            if (_listenMode == AudioRingBuffer::OMNI_DIRECTIONAL_POINT) {
                memcpy(currentPacketPtr, &_listenRadius, sizeof(_listenRadius));
                currentPacketPtr += (sizeof(_listenRadius));
                leadingBytes += (sizeof(_listenRadius));
            } else if (_listenMode == AudioRingBuffer::SELECTED_SOURCES) {
                int listenSourceCount = _listenSources.size();
                memcpy(currentPacketPtr, &listenSourceCount, sizeof(listenSourceCount));
                currentPacketPtr += (sizeof(listenSourceCount));
                leadingBytes += (sizeof(listenSourceCount));
                for (int i = 0; i < listenSourceCount; i++) {
                    memcpy(currentPacketPtr, &_listenSources[i], sizeof(_listenSources[i]));
                    currentPacketPtr += sizeof(_listenSources[i]);
                    leadingBytes += sizeof(_listenSources[i]);
            // memcpy the three float positions
            memcpy(currentPacketPtr, &headPosition, sizeof(headPosition));
            currentPacketPtr += (sizeof(headPosition));
            // memcpy our orientation
            memcpy(currentPacketPtr, &headOrientation, sizeof(headOrientation));
            currentPacketPtr += sizeof(headOrientation);
            // copy the audio data to the last BUFFER_LENGTH_BYTES bytes of the data packet
            memcpy(currentPacketPtr, inputLeft, BUFFER_LENGTH_BYTES_PER_CHANNEL);
            nodeList->getNodeSocket()->send((sockaddr*) &audioSocket,
                                            BUFFER_LENGTH_BYTES_PER_CHANNEL + leadingBytes);

                                                                                            + leadingBytes);
    AudioRingBuffer* ringBuffer = &_ringBuffer;
    // if there is anything in the ring buffer, decide what to do:
    if (ringBuffer->getEndOfLastWrite()) {
        if (!ringBuffer->isStarted() && ringBuffer->diffLastWriteNextOutput() <
            (PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES + _jitterBufferSamples * (ringBuffer->isStereo() ? 2 : 1))) {
            //  If not enough audio has arrived to start playback, keep waiting
        } else if (ringBuffer->isStarted() && ringBuffer->diffLastWriteNextOutput() == 0) {
            //  If we have started and now have run out of audio to send to the audio device, 
            //  this means we've starved and should restart.  
            _packetsReceivedThisPlayback = 0;
            _wasStarved = 10;          //   Frames for which to render the indication that the system was starved.
            qDebug("Starved, remaining samples = %d\n",

        } else {
            //  We are either already playing back, or we have enough audio to start playing back.
            if (!ringBuffer->isStarted()) {
                qDebug("starting playback %0.1f msecs delayed, jitter = %d, pkts recvd: %d \n",
                         (usecTimestampNow() - usecTimestamp(&_firstPacketReceivedTime))/1000.0,

            // play whatever we have in the audio buffer
            // if we haven't fired off the flange effect, check if we should
            // TODO: lastMeasuredHeadYaw is now relative to body - check if this still works.
            int lastYawMeasured = fabsf(interfaceAvatar->getHeadYawRate());
            if (!_samplesLeftForFlange && lastYawMeasured > MIN_FLANGE_EFFECT_THRESHOLD) {
                // we should flange for one second
                if ((_lastYawMeasuredMaximum = std::max(_lastYawMeasuredMaximum, lastYawMeasured)) != lastYawMeasured) {
                    _lastYawMeasuredMaximum = std::min(_lastYawMeasuredMaximum, MIN_FLANGE_EFFECT_THRESHOLD);
                    _samplesLeftForFlange = SAMPLE_RATE;
                    _flangeIntensity = MIN_FLANGE_INTENSITY +
                        ((_lastYawMeasuredMaximum - MIN_FLANGE_EFFECT_THRESHOLD) /
                        (1 - MIN_FLANGE_INTENSITY);
                    _flangeRate = FLANGE_BASE_RATE * _flangeIntensity;
                    _flangeWeight = MAX_FLANGE_SAMPLE_WEIGHT * _flangeIntensity;
            for (int s = 0; s < PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL; s++) {
                int leftSample = ringBuffer->getNextOutput()[s];
                int rightSample = ringBuffer->getNextOutput()[s + PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL];
                if (_samplesLeftForFlange > 0) {
                    float exponent = (SAMPLE_RATE - _samplesLeftForFlange - (SAMPLE_RATE / _flangeRate)) /
                        (SAMPLE_RATE / _flangeRate);
                    int sampleFlangeDelay = (SAMPLE_RATE / (1000 * _flangeIntensity)) * powf(2, exponent);
                    if (_samplesLeftForFlange != SAMPLE_RATE || s >= (SAMPLE_RATE / 2000)) {
                        // we have a delayed sample to add to this sample
                        int16_t *flangeFrame = ringBuffer->getNextOutput();
                        int flangeIndex = s - sampleFlangeDelay;
                        if (flangeIndex < 0) {
                            // we need to grab the flange sample from earlier in the buffer
                            flangeFrame = ringBuffer->getNextOutput() != ringBuffer->getBuffer()
                            ? ringBuffer->getNextOutput() - PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES
                            : ringBuffer->getNextOutput() + RING_BUFFER_LENGTH_SAMPLES - PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES;
                            flangeIndex = PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL + (s - sampleFlangeDelay);
                        int16_t leftFlangeSample = flangeFrame[flangeIndex];
                        int16_t rightFlangeSample = flangeFrame[flangeIndex + PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL];
                        leftSample = (1 - _flangeWeight) * leftSample + (_flangeWeight * leftFlangeSample);
                        rightSample = (1 - _flangeWeight) * rightSample + (_flangeWeight * rightFlangeSample);
                        if (_samplesLeftForFlange == 0) {
                            _lastYawMeasuredMaximum = 0;
                outputLeft[s] += leftSample;
                outputRight[s] += rightSample;
                outputLeft[s] += inputLeft[s];
                outputRight[s] += inputLeft[s];
            ringBuffer->setNextOutput(ringBuffer->getNextOutput() + PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES);
            if (ringBuffer->getNextOutput() == ringBuffer->getBuffer() + RING_BUFFER_LENGTH_SAMPLES) {

    eventuallySendRecvPing(inputLeft, outputLeft, outputRight);

    // add output (@speakers) data just written to the scope
    _scope->addSamples(1, outputLeft, BUFFER_LENGTH_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL);
    _scope->addSamples(2, outputRight, BUFFER_LENGTH_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL);

    gettimeofday(&_lastCallbackTime, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 2
int audioCallback (const void *inputBuffer,
                   void *outputBuffer,
                   unsigned long frames,
                   const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo,
                   PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags,
                   void *userData)
    AudioData *data = (AudioData *) userData;
    int16_t *inputLeft = ((int16_t **) inputBuffer)[0];
//    int16_t *inputRight = ((int16_t **) inputBuffer)[1];
    //printf("Audio callback at %6.0f\n", usecTimestampNow()/1000);
    if (inputLeft != NULL) {
        //  Measure the loudness of the signal from the microphone and store in audio object
        float loudness = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < BUFFER_LENGTH_SAMPLES; i++) {
            loudness += abs(inputLeft[i]);
        loudness /= BUFFER_LENGTH_SAMPLES;
        data->lastInputLoudness = loudness;
        data->averagedInputLoudness = 0.66*data->averagedInputLoudness + 0.33*loudness;
        //  If scope is turned on, copy input buffer to scope
        if (scope->getState()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < BUFFER_LENGTH_SAMPLES; i++) {
                scope->addData((float)inputLeft[i]/32767.0, 1, i);
        if (data->mixerAddress != 0) {
            sockaddr_in audioMixerSocket;
            audioMixerSocket.sin_family = AF_INET;
            audioMixerSocket.sin_addr.s_addr = data->mixerAddress;
            audioMixerSocket.sin_port = data->mixerPort;
            int leadingBytes = 2 + (sizeof(float) * 4);
            // we need the amount of bytes in the buffer + 1 for type
            // + 12 for 3 floats for position + float for bearing + 1 attenuation byte
            unsigned char dataPacket[BUFFER_LENGTH_BYTES + leadingBytes];
            dataPacket[0] = PACKET_HEADER_INJECT_AUDIO;
            unsigned char *currentPacketPtr = dataPacket + 1;
            // memcpy the three float positions
            for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++) {
                memcpy(currentPacketPtr, &data->linkedHead->getPos()[p], sizeof(float));
                currentPacketPtr += sizeof(float);
            // tell the mixer not to add additional attenuation to our source
            *(currentPacketPtr++) = 255;
            // memcpy the corrected render yaw
            float correctedYaw = fmodf(data->linkedHead->getRenderYaw(), 360);
            if (correctedYaw > 180) {
                correctedYaw -= 360;
            } else if (correctedYaw < -180) {
                correctedYaw += 360;
            if (data->mixerLoopbackFlag) {
                correctedYaw = correctedYaw > 0 ? correctedYaw + AGENT_LOOPBACK_MODIFIER : correctedYaw - AGENT_LOOPBACK_MODIFIER;
            memcpy(currentPacketPtr, &correctedYaw, sizeof(float));
            currentPacketPtr += sizeof(float);
//            if (samplesLeftForWalk == 0) {
//                sampleWalkPointer = walkingSoundArray;
//            }
//            if (data->playWalkSound) {
//                // if this boolean is true and we aren't currently playing the walk sound
//                // set the number of samples left for walk
//                samplesLeftForWalk = walkingSoundSamples;
//                data->playWalkSound = false;
//            }
//            if (samplesLeftForWalk > 0) {
//                // we need to play part of the walking sound
//                // so add it in
//                int affectedSamples = std::min(samplesLeftForWalk, BUFFER_LENGTH_SAMPLES);
//                for (int i = 0; i < affectedSamples; i++) {
//                    inputLeft[i] += *sampleWalkPointer;
//                    inputLeft[i] = std::max(inputLeft[i], std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min());
//                    inputLeft[i] = std::min(inputLeft[i], std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max());
//                    sampleWalkPointer++;
//                    samplesLeftForWalk--;
//                    if (sampleWalkPointer - walkingSoundArray > walkingSoundSamples) {
//                        sampleWalkPointer = walkingSoundArray;
//                    };
//                }
//            }
            // copy the audio data to the last BUFFER_LENGTH_BYTES bytes of the data packet
            memcpy(currentPacketPtr, inputLeft, BUFFER_LENGTH_BYTES);
            data->audioSocket->send((sockaddr *)&audioMixerSocket, dataPacket, BUFFER_LENGTH_BYTES + leadingBytes);
    int16_t *outputLeft = ((int16_t **) outputBuffer)[0];
    int16_t *outputRight = ((int16_t **) outputBuffer)[1];
    memset(outputLeft, 0, PACKET_LENGTH_BYTES_PER_CHANNEL);
    memset(outputRight, 0, PACKET_LENGTH_BYTES_PER_CHANNEL);

    AudioRingBuffer *ringBuffer = data->ringBuffer;
    // if we've been reset, and there isn't any new packets yet
    // just play some silence
    if (ringBuffer->getEndOfLastWrite() != NULL) {
        if (!ringBuffer->isStarted() && ringBuffer->diffLastWriteNextOutput() < PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES + JITTER_BUFFER_SAMPLES) {
            //printf("Held back, buffer has %d of %d samples required.\n", ringBuffer->diffLastWriteNextOutput(), PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES + JITTER_BUFFER_SAMPLES);
        } else if (ringBuffer->diffLastWriteNextOutput() < PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES) {
            packetsReceivedThisPlayback = 0;

            //printf("Starved #%d\n", starve_counter);
            data->wasStarved = 10;      //   Frames to render the indication that the system was starved.
        } else {
            if (!ringBuffer->isStarted()) {
                printf("starting playback %3.1f msecs delayed \n", (usecTimestampNow() - usecTimestamp(&firstPlaybackTimer))/1000.0);
            } else {
                //printf("pushing buffer\n");
            // play whatever we have in the audio buffer
            // if we haven't fired off the flange effect, check if we should
            int lastYawMeasured = fabsf(data->linkedHead->getLastMeasuredYaw());
            if (!samplesLeftForFlange && lastYawMeasured > MIN_FLANGE_EFFECT_THRESHOLD) {
                // we should flange for one second
                if ((lastYawMeasuredMaximum = std::max(lastYawMeasuredMaximum, lastYawMeasured)) != lastYawMeasured) {
                    lastYawMeasuredMaximum = std::min(lastYawMeasuredMaximum, MIN_FLANGE_EFFECT_THRESHOLD);
                    samplesLeftForFlange = SAMPLE_RATE;
                    flangeIntensity = MIN_FLANGE_INTENSITY +
                        ((lastYawMeasuredMaximum - MIN_FLANGE_EFFECT_THRESHOLD) / (float)(MAX_FLANGE_EFFECT_THRESHOLD - MIN_FLANGE_EFFECT_THRESHOLD)) *
                        (1 - MIN_FLANGE_INTENSITY);
                    flangeRate = FLANGE_BASE_RATE * flangeIntensity;
                    flangeWeight = MAX_FLANGE_SAMPLE_WEIGHT * flangeIntensity;
            // check if we have more than we need to play out
//            int thresholdFrames = ceilf((PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES + JITTER_BUFFER_SAMPLES) / (float)PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES);
//            int thresholdSamples = thresholdFrames * PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES;
//            if (ringBuffer->diffLastWriteNextOutput() > thresholdSamples) {
//                // we need to push the next output forwards
//                int samplesToPush = ringBuffer->diffLastWriteNextOutput() - thresholdSamples;
//                if (ringBuffer->getNextOutput() + samplesToPush > ringBuffer->getBuffer()) {
//                    ringBuffer->setNextOutput(ringBuffer->getBuffer() + (samplesToPush - (ringBuffer->getBuffer() + RING_BUFFER_SAMPLES - ringBuffer->getNextOutput())));
//                } else {
//                    ringBuffer->setNextOutput(ringBuffer->getNextOutput() + samplesToPush);
//                }
//            }
            for (int s = 0; s < PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL; s++) {
                int leftSample = ringBuffer->getNextOutput()[s];
                int rightSample = ringBuffer->getNextOutput()[s + PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL];
                if (samplesLeftForFlange > 0) {
                    float exponent = (SAMPLE_RATE - samplesLeftForFlange - (SAMPLE_RATE / flangeRate)) / (SAMPLE_RATE / flangeRate);
                    int sampleFlangeDelay = (SAMPLE_RATE / (1000 * flangeIntensity)) * powf(2, exponent);
                    if (samplesLeftForFlange != SAMPLE_RATE || s >= (SAMPLE_RATE / 2000)) {
                        // we have a delayed sample to add to this sample
                        int16_t *flangeFrame = ringBuffer->getNextOutput();
                        int flangeIndex = s - sampleFlangeDelay;
                        if (flangeIndex < 0) {
                            // we need to grab the flange sample from earlier in the buffer
                            flangeFrame = ringBuffer->getNextOutput() != ringBuffer->getBuffer()
                            ? ringBuffer->getNextOutput() - PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES
                            : ringBuffer->getNextOutput() + RING_BUFFER_SAMPLES - PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES;
                            flangeIndex = PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL + (s - sampleFlangeDelay);
                        int16_t leftFlangeSample = flangeFrame[flangeIndex];
                        int16_t rightFlangeSample = flangeFrame[flangeIndex + PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL];
                        leftSample = (1 - flangeWeight) * leftSample + (flangeWeight * leftFlangeSample);
                        rightSample = (1 - flangeWeight) * rightSample + (flangeWeight * rightFlangeSample);
                        if (samplesLeftForFlange == 0) {
                            lastYawMeasuredMaximum = 0;
                outputLeft[s] = leftSample;
                outputRight[s] = rightSample;
            ringBuffer->setNextOutput(ringBuffer->getNextOutput() + PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES);
            if (ringBuffer->getNextOutput() == ringBuffer->getBuffer() + RING_BUFFER_SAMPLES) {
    gettimeofday(&data->lastCallback, NULL);
    return paContinue;
Exemplo n.º 3
void *receiveAudioViaUDP(void *args) {
    AudioRecThreadStruct *threadArgs = (AudioRecThreadStruct *) args;
    AudioData *sharedAudioData = threadArgs->sharedAudioData;
    int16_t *receivedData = new int16_t[PACKET_LENGTH_SAMPLES];
    ssize_t receivedBytes;
    //  Init Jitter timer values 
    timeval previousReceiveTime, currentReceiveTime = {};
    gettimeofday(&previousReceiveTime, NULL);
    gettimeofday(&currentReceiveTime, NULL);
    int totalPacketsReceived = 0;
        char *directory = new char[50];
        char *filename = new char[50];
        sprintf(directory, "%s/Desktop/echo_tests", getenv("HOME"));
        mkdir(directory, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);
        sprintf(filename, "%s/%ld.csv", directory, previousReceiveTime.tv_sec);
        logFile.open(filename, std::ios::out);
        delete[] directory;
        delete[] filename;
    while (!stopAudioReceiveThread) {
        if (sharedAudioData->audioSocket->receive((void *)receivedData, &receivedBytes)) {
            gettimeofday(&currentReceiveTime, NULL);

            if (LOG_SAMPLE_DELAY) {
                // write time difference (in microseconds) between packet receipts to file
                double timeDiff = diffclock(&previousReceiveTime, &currentReceiveTime);
                logFile << timeDiff << std::endl;
            double tDiff = diffclock(&previousReceiveTime, &currentReceiveTime);
            //printf("tDiff %4.1f\n", tDiff);
            //  Discard first few received packets for computing jitter (often they pile up on start)    
            if (totalPacketsReceived > 3) stdev.addValue(tDiff);
            if (stdev.getSamples() > 500) {
                sharedAudioData->measuredJitter = stdev.getStDev();
                //printf("Avg: %4.2f, Stdev: %4.2f\n", stdev.getAverage(), sharedAudioData->measuredJitter);
            AudioRingBuffer *ringBuffer = sharedAudioData->ringBuffer;
            if (!ringBuffer->isStarted()) {
            else {
                //printf("Audio packet received at %6.0f\n", usecTimestampNow()/1000);
            if (packetsReceivedThisPlayback == 1) gettimeofday(&firstPlaybackTimer, NULL);

            ringBuffer->parseData(receivedData, PACKET_LENGTH_BYTES);

            previousReceiveTime = currentReceiveTime;
Exemplo n.º 4
//Allocate Audio Buffer List(s) to hold the data from input.
OSStatus CAPlayThrough::SetupBuffers()
	OSStatus err = noErr;
	UInt32 bufferSizeFrames,bufferSizeBytes,propsize;
	CAStreamBasicDescription asbd,asbd_dev1_in,asbd_dev2_out;			
	Float64 rate=0;
	//Get the size of the IO buffer(s)
	UInt32 propertySize = sizeof(bufferSizeFrames);
	err = AudioUnitGetProperty(mInputUnit, kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSize, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &bufferSizeFrames, &propertySize);
	bufferSizeBytes = bufferSizeFrames * sizeof(Float32);
	//Get the Stream Format (Output client side)
	propertySize = sizeof(asbd_dev1_in);
	err = AudioUnitGetProperty(mInputUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 1, &asbd_dev1_in, &propertySize);
	//printf("=====Input DEVICE stream format\n" );	
	//Get the Stream Format (client side)
	propertySize = sizeof(asbd);
	err = AudioUnitGetProperty(mInputUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 1, &asbd, &propertySize);		
	//printf("=====current Input (Client) stream format\n");	

	//Get the Stream Format (Output client side)
	propertySize = sizeof(asbd_dev2_out);
	err = AudioUnitGetProperty(mOutputUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 0, &asbd_dev2_out, &propertySize);
	//printf("=====Output (Device) stream format\n");	
	//Set the format of all the AUs to the input/output devices channel count
	//For a simple case, you want to set this to the lower of count of the channels
	//in the input device vs output device
	asbd.mChannelsPerFrame =((asbd_dev1_in.mChannelsPerFrame < asbd_dev2_out.mChannelsPerFrame) ?asbd_dev1_in.mChannelsPerFrame :asbd_dev2_out.mChannelsPerFrame) ;
	//printf("Info: Input Device channel count=%ld\t Input Device channel count=%ld\n",asbd_dev1_in.mChannelsPerFrame,asbd_dev2_out.mChannelsPerFrame);	
	//printf("Info: CAPlayThrough will use %ld channels\n",asbd.mChannelsPerFrame);	

	// We must get the sample rate of the input device and set it to the stream format of AUHAL
	propertySize = sizeof(Float64);
	AudioDeviceGetProperty(mInputDevice.mID, 0, 1, kAudioDevicePropertyNominalSampleRate, &propertySize, &rate);
	asbd.mSampleRate =rate;
	propertySize = sizeof(asbd);
	//Set the new formats to the AUs...
	err = AudioUnitSetProperty(mInputUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 1, &asbd, propertySize);
	err = AudioUnitSetProperty(mVarispeedUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &asbd, propertySize);
	//Set the correct sample rate for the output device, but keep the channel count the same
	propertySize = sizeof(Float64);
	AudioDeviceGetProperty(mOutputDevice.mID, 0, 0, kAudioDevicePropertyNominalSampleRate, &propertySize, &rate);
	asbd.mSampleRate =rate;
	propertySize = sizeof(asbd);
	//Set the new audio stream formats for the rest of the AUs...
	err = AudioUnitSetProperty(mVarispeedUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 0, &asbd, propertySize);
	err = AudioUnitSetProperty(mOutputUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &asbd, propertySize);

	//calculate number of buffers from channels
	propsize = offsetof(AudioBufferList, mBuffers[0]) + (sizeof(AudioBuffer) *asbd.mChannelsPerFrame);

	//malloc buffer lists
	mInputBuffer = (AudioBufferList *)malloc(propsize);
	mInputBuffer->mNumberBuffers = asbd.mChannelsPerFrame;
	//pre-malloc buffers for AudioBufferLists
	for(UInt32 i =0; i< mInputBuffer->mNumberBuffers ; i++) {
		mInputBuffer->mBuffers[i].mNumberChannels = 1;
		mInputBuffer->mBuffers[i].mDataByteSize = bufferSizeBytes;
		mInputBuffer->mBuffers[i].mData = malloc(bufferSizeBytes);
	//Alloc ring buffer that will hold data between the two audio devices
	mBuffer = new AudioRingBuffer();	
	mBuffer->Allocate(asbd.mChannelsPerFrame, asbd.mBytesPerFrame, bufferSizeFrames * 20);
    return err;