Exemplo n.º 1
int PurchaseEditor::getCategoryId()
  QSqlQuery query(db);
  int code=-1;
  QString currentText = ui->categoriesCombo->currentText();
  Azahar *myDb = new Azahar;
  code = myDb->getCategoryId(currentText);
  return code;
void SubcategoryEditor::addNewChild()
    //launch dialog to ask for the new child. Using this same dialog.
    SubcategoryEditor *scEditor = new SubcategoryEditor(this);
    Azahar *myDb = new Azahar;

    scEditor->setCatList( catList );
    scEditor->setScatList( scatList );
    scEditor->setDialogType(dialogType+1);//incrementing because this dialog is a child dialog (parentType+1)

    if (dialogType == 1) {
        //From "Add Department" dialog, creating a category.
        scEditor->setLabelForName(i18n("New category:"));
        scEditor->setLabelForList(i18n("Select the child subcategories for this category:"));
        scEditor->populateList( myDb->getSubCategoriesList() );
    } else if (dialogType == 2) {
        //From "Add Category" dialog, creating a subcategory. No child allowed.
        scEditor->setLabelForName(i18n("New subcategory:"));
        scEditor->hideListView(); //subcategories does not have children.
    if ( scEditor->exec() ) {
        QString text = scEditor->getName();
        QStringList children = scEditor->getChildren();
        qDebug()<<text<<" CHILDREN:"<<children;

        if (dialogType == 1) { //The dialog is launched from the "Add Department" dialog. So we are going to create a category.
            //Create the category
            if (!myDb->insertCategory(text)) {
                delete myDb;
            //insert new category to the box
            catList << text;
            //mark item as checkable
            ui->listView->item(ui->listView->count()-1)->setFlags(ui->listView->item(ui->listView->count()-1)->flags() |Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable);
            ui->listView->item(ui->listView->count()-1)->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); //mark as checked.
            qulonglong cId = myDb->getCategoryId(text);
            //create the m2m  relations for the new category->subcategory.
            foreach(QString cat, children) {
                //get subcategory id
                qulonglong scId = myDb->getSubCategoryId(cat);
                //create the link [category] --> [subcategory]
                myDb->insertM2MCategorySubcategory(cId, scId);
        } else if (dialogType == 2) { //The dialog is launched from the "Add Category" dialog. So we are going to create a subcategory which does have a child.
Exemplo n.º 3
void PromoEditor::setFilter()
  QRegExp regexp = QRegExp(ui->editName->text());
  if (ui->chByName->isChecked()) {
    //1st if: Filter by DESC.
    if (!regexp.isValid() || ui->editName->text().isEmpty() || (ui->editName->text()=="*") )  model->setFilter("");
    else  model->setFilter(QString("products.name REGEXP '%1'").arg(ui->editName->text()));
  else { // filter by category...
    int catId=-1;
    QString catText = ui->comboCategory->currentText();
    Azahar *myDb = new Azahar;
    catId = myDb->getCategoryId(catText);
    //qDebug()<<"Category:"<<catText<<" Id:"<<catId;