LoginView::LoginView(BRect rect, char *server, char *share) : BView(rect, "LoginView", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW) { strcpy(resource, share); strcat(resource, " on "); strcat(resource, server); rgb_color gray = ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); SetViewColor(gray); BRect bmpRect(0.0, 0.0, 31.0, 31.0); icon = new BBitmap(bmpRect, B_CMAP8); BMimeType mime("application/x-vnd.Teldar-FileSharing"); mime.GetIcon(icon, B_LARGE_ICON); BRect r(10, 72, 240, 92); user = new BTextControl(r, "User", "User:"******"", NULL); user->SetDivider(55); AddChild(user); r.top = 97; r.bottom = r.top + 20; password = new BTextControl(r, "Password", "Password:"******"", NULL); password->SetDivider(55); password->TextView()->HideTyping(true); AddChild(password); r.Set(LOGIN_PANEL_WIDTH - 160, LOGIN_PANEL_HEIGHT - 33, LOGIN_PANEL_WIDTH - 90, LOGIN_PANEL_HEIGHT - 13); BButton *okBtn = new BButton(r, "OkayBtn", "Login", new BMessage(MSG_LOGIN_OK), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); okBtn->MakeDefault(true); AddChild(okBtn); r.Set(LOGIN_PANEL_WIDTH - 80, LOGIN_PANEL_HEIGHT - 33, LOGIN_PANEL_WIDTH - 10, LOGIN_PANEL_HEIGHT - 13); AddChild(new BButton(r, "CancelBtn", "Cancel", new BMessage(MSG_LOGIN_CANCEL), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM)); }
void SetupView::AttachedToWindow() { float width = MAX(StringWidth(SERVER_TEXT), StringWidth(QUEUE_TEXT)) + 10; /* server name box */ fServerAddress = new BTextControl(SERVER_RECT, "", SERVER_TEXT, "<printer's hostname or address>", NULL); AddChild(fServerAddress); fServerAddress->SetDivider(width); /* queue name box */ fQueuePort = new BTextControl(QUEUE_RECT, "", QUEUE_TEXT, "9100", NULL); // 9100 is default HP JetDirect port number AddChild(fQueuePort); fQueuePort->SetDivider(width); /* cancel */ BButton* button = new BButton(CANCEL_RECT, "", CANCEL_TEXT, new BMessage(M_CANCEL)); AddChild(button); /* ok */ button = new BButton(OK_RECT, "", OK_TEXT, new BMessage(M_OK)); AddChild(button); button->MakeDefault(true); }
MainView::MainView( BRect frame ) : BView (frame, "mainView", B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES, B_WILL_DRAW) { SetViewColor(216, 216, 216); // nutzbare Größe frame.OffsetTo( 0.0, 0.0 ); frame.InsetBy( 5.0, 5.0 ); // Erstellen der beiden inneren Frames TopView* topView = new TopView( BRect( frame.left, frame.top, frame.right, frame.bottom - 72.0 - be_plain_font->Size() - be_bold_font->Size() ) ); AddChild( topView ); BottomView* bottomView = new BottomView( BRect( frame.left, frame.bottom - 67.0 - be_plain_font->Size() - be_bold_font->Size(), frame.right, frame.bottom - 43.0 ) ); AddChild( bottomView ); // StatusBar BStatusBar* statusBar = new BStatusBar( BRect(frame.left + 5.0, frame.bottom - be_plain_font->Size() - 23.0, frame.left + 400.0, frame.bottom), "statusBar", STATUS_STATUS, NULL); statusBar->SetText(STATUS_SELECT_FILES); statusBar->SetResizingMode(B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); rgb_color color = { 70, 100, 180, 255}; statusBar->SetBarColor(color); statusBar->SetBarHeight(14.0); AddChild(statusBar); // Do it! - Button BButton* DoItButton = new BButton( BRect ( frame.right - be_plain_font->StringWidth(STR_DO_IT) - 25.0, frame.bottom - 30.0, frame.right - 5.0 , frame.bottom - 5.0 ), "DoIt", STR_DO_IT, new BMessage(MSG_DO_IT), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM ); DoItButton->SetEnabled(false); AddChild(DoItButton); };
InetHostView(BRect rect) : BView(rect, "InetHostView", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW) { rgb_color gray = ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); SetViewColor(gray); BRect bmpRect(0.0, 0.0, 31.0, 31.0); icon = new BBitmap(bmpRect, B_CMAP8); BMimeType mime("application/x-vnd.BeServed-inetserver"); mime.GetIcon(icon, B_LARGE_ICON); BRect r(10, 52, 310, 72); editName = new BTextControl(r, "ShareName", "Name or Address:", "", NULL); editName->SetDivider(90); AddChild(editName); r.Set(155, 97, 225, 117); BButton *okBtn = new BButton(r, "OkayBtn", "OK", new BMessage(MSG_HOST_OK), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); okBtn->MakeDefault(true); AddChild(okBtn); r.Set(235, 97, 310, 117); AddChild(new BButton(r, "CancelBtn", "Cancel", new BMessage(MSG_HOST_CANCEL), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM)); editName->MakeFocus(); }
LoadLayoutArchiveWindow(BRect frame) : BWindow(frame, "Layout Loaded From Archive", B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_QUIT_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE | B_AUTO_UPDATE_SIZE_LIMITS) { fLayout = new BALMLayout(10, 10); BALM::BALMLayoutBuilder builder(this, fLayout); // Restore gui specifications. BFile guiFile; _FindGUISpecifications(kGUIFileName, guiFile); LayoutArchive layoutArchive(fLayout); if (layoutArchive.RestoreFromFile(&guiFile) != B_OK) { BString text = "Can't find layout specification file: \""; text << kGUIFileName; text << "\""; BAlert* alert = new BAlert("Layout Specifications Not Found", text, "Quit"); alert->Go(); PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); } // Access the views in the layout. BButton* button = layoutArchive.FindView<BButton>("ButtonTest"); if (button != NULL) button->SetLabel("Hey"); BRadioButton* radioButton = layoutArchive.FindView<BRadioButton>("RadioButtonTest"); if (radioButton != NULL) radioButton->SetLabel("World"); }
TView::TView(BRect frame, const char *name, uint32 resizingMode, uint32 flags) : BView(frame, name, resizingMode, flags) { BFont font; BButton *btn = new BButton(BRect(10, 10, 150, 50), NULL, "Hello World", new BMessage(BTN_HELLO_WORLD_EN_MSG)); btn->ForceFontAliasing(true); if (font.SetFamilyAndStyle("SimSun", "Regular") == B_OK) btn->SetFont(&font, B_FONT_FAMILY_AND_STYLE); btn->SetFontSize(20); AddChild(btn); btn = new BButton(BRect(10, 100, 50, 120), NULL, "Ciao Mondo", new BMessage(BTN_HELLO_WORLD_IT_MSG)); btn->ForceFontAliasing(true); if (font.SetFamilyAndStyle("SimHei", "Regular") == B_OK) { btn->SetFont(&font, B_FONT_FAMILY_AND_STYLE); btn->SetFontSize(24); } AddChild(btn); btn->ResizeToPreferred(); btn = new BButton(BRect(10, 150, 40, 180), NULL, "Disabled", new BMessage(BTN_NOT_ENABLED_MSG)); btn->SetEnabled(false); AddChild(btn); btn->ResizeToPreferred(); }
GroupPropertiesView::GroupPropertiesView(BRect rect, const char *name) : BView(rect, "GroupInfoView", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW) { newGroup = name == NULL; strcpy(group, newGroup ? "unknown" : name); getGroupDesc(group, desc, sizeof(desc)); rgb_color gray = ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); SetViewColor(gray); BRect bmpRect(0.0, 0.0, 31.0, 31.0); icon = new BBitmap(bmpRect, B_CMAP8); BMimeType mime("application/x-vnd.Teldar-Group"); mime.GetIcon(icon, B_LARGE_ICON); BRect r(10, 52, 200, 72); editName = new BTextControl(r, "GroupName", "Name:", group, NULL); editName->SetDivider(70); editName->SetEnabled(newGroup); AddChild(editName); r.Set(10, 77, 250, 97); editDesc = new BTextControl(r, "Description", "Description:", desc, NULL); editDesc->SetDivider(70); AddChild(editDesc); r.Set(205, 320, 275, 340); BButton *okBtn = new BButton(r, "OkayBtn", "OK", new BMessage(MSG_GROUP_OK), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); okBtn->MakeDefault(true); AddChild(okBtn); r.Set(285, 320, 360, 340); AddChild(new BButton(r, "CancelBtn", "Cancel", new BMessage(MSG_GROUP_CANCEL), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM)); r.Set(285, 125, 360, 145); AddChild(new BButton(r, "AddUserBtn", "Add", new BMessage(MSG_GROUP_ADD), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM)); r.Set(285, 155, 360, 175); removeBtn = new BButton(r, "RemoveBtn", "Remove", new BMessage(MSG_GROUP_REMOVE), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); removeBtn->SetEnabled(false); AddChild(removeBtn); // Now add the membership list. CLVContainerView *listContView; r.Set(13, 125, 280 - B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, 305); listView = new SmartColumnListView(r, &listContView, NULL, B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS | B_NAVIGABLE, B_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST, false, false, true, false, B_FANCY_BORDER); listView->AddColumn(new CLVColumn(NULL, 20.0, CLV_LOCK_AT_BEGINNING | CLV_NOT_MOVABLE | CLV_NOT_RESIZABLE | CLV_PUSH_PASS | CLV_MERGE_WITH_RIGHT)); listView->AddColumn(new CLVColumn("User", 85.0, CLV_SORT_KEYABLE, 50.0)); listView->AddColumn(new CLVColumn("Full Name", 130.0, CLV_SORT_KEYABLE)); listView->SetSelectionMessage(new BMessage(MSG_MEMBER_SELECT)); listView->SetInvocationMessage(new BMessage(MSG_LIST_DESELECT)); AddGroupMembers(listView); AddChild(listContView); }
void _OwqList::AttachedToWindow() { inherited::AttachedToWindow(); if( mAdd ) mAdd->SetTarget( this ); if( mChange ) mChange->SetTarget( this ); if( mRemove ) mRemove->SetTarget( this ); }
void LprSetupView::AttachedToWindow() { float width = max(StringWidth(SERVER_TEXT), StringWidth(QUEUE_TEXT)) + 10; /* server name box */ // TODO remember previous value fServer = new BTextControl(SERVER_RECT, "", SERVER_TEXT, "", NULL); AddChild(fServer); fServer->SetDivider(width); /* queue name box */ // TODO remember previous value fQueue = new BTextControl(QUEUE_RECT, "", QUEUE_TEXT, "LPT1_PASSTHRU", NULL); AddChild(fQueue); fQueue->SetDivider(width); /* cancel */ BButton *button = new BButton(CANCEL_RECT, "", CANCEL_TEXT, new BMessage(M_CANCEL)); AddChild(button); /* ok */ button = new BButton(OK_RECT, "", OK_TEXT, new BMessage(M_OK)); AddChild(button); button->MakeDefault(true); }
// show_window void show_window(BRect frame, const char* name) { BWindow* window = new BWindow(frame, name, B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS | B_QUIT_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE); BView* view = new TestView(window->Bounds(), "test", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW/* | B_FULL_UPDATE_ON_RESIZE*/); window->AddChild(view); BRect b(0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 15.0); b.OffsetTo(5.0, view->Bounds().bottom - (b.Height() + 15.0)); BButton* control = new BButton(b, "button", "Copy", new BMessage(MSG_COPY_BITS)); view->AddChild(control); control->SetTarget(view); // test CopyBits() on top of children b = BRect(80, 130, 130, 160); BView* child = new BView(b, "some child", B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM, 0); child->SetViewColor(255, 0, 0); view->AddChild(child); b = BRect(136, 127, 158, 140); child = new BView(b, "some other child", B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM, 0); child->SetViewColor(255, 255, 0); view->AddChild(child); window->Show(); }
Tearoff::Tearoff(BRect frame, const char *name, MainWindow *parent, MenuName menu_name, int idx) : BWindow(frame, name, B_FLOATING_WINDOW, B_NOT_RESIZABLE | B_NOT_ZOOMABLE, 0) { int y = 0; BFont font; BMenu *menu; this->parent = parent; menu = parent->GetMenu(menu_name); menu->GetFont(&font); for(int i = 1; i < menu->CountItems(); i++) { BMenuItem *item = menu->ItemAt(i); if(item->Message()) { BButton *b = new BButton(BRect(0, y, frame.IntegerWidth(), y + TEAROFF_BUTTON_HEIGHT), "", item->Label(), new BMessage(item->Message()->what), B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP, B_WILL_DRAW); font.SetSize(TEAROFF_FONT_SIZE); b->SetFont(&font); AddChild(b); y = y + TEAROFF_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } } this->ResizeTo(frame.IntegerWidth(), y); this->SetTitle(menu->Name()); this->index = idx; delete menu; }
status_t addon_init (uint32 index, becasso_addon_info *info) { strcpy (info->name, "CaptureTest"); strcpy (info->author, "Sander Stoks"); strcpy (info->copyright, "© 1998-2001 ∑ Sum Software"); strcpy (info->description, "Fake Capture add-on"); info->type = BECASSO_CAPTURE; info->index = index; info->version = 1; info->release = 2; info->becasso_version = 2; info->becasso_release = 0; info->does_preview = 0; info->flags = 0; window = new CaptureWindow (BRect (100, 180, 100 + 188, 180 + 72)); BView *bg = new BView (BRect (0, 0, 188, 72), "bg", B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES, B_WILL_DRAW); bg->SetViewColor (LightGrey); window->AddChild (bg); BMessage *msg = new BMessage (CAPTURE_READY); msg->AddInt32 ("index", index); BButton *grab = new BButton (BRect (128, 40, 180, 64), "grab", "Grab", msg); grab->SetTarget (be_app); bg->AddChild (grab); window->Run(); return (0); }
TStatusWindow::TStatusWindow(BRect rect, BMessenger target, const char* status) : BWindow(rect, "", B_MODAL_WINDOW, B_NOT_RESIZABLE), fTarget(target) { BView* view = new BView(Bounds(), "", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW); view->SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); AddChild(view); BRect r(STATUS_FIELD_H, STATUS_FIELD_V, STATUS_FIELD_WIDTH, STATUS_FIELD_V + STATUS_FIELD_HEIGHT); fStatus = new BTextControl(r, "", STATUS_TEXT, status, new BMessage(STATUS)); view->AddChild(fStatus); fStatus->SetDivider(fStatus->StringWidth(STATUS_TEXT) + 6); fStatus->BTextControl::MakeFocus(true); r.Set(S_OK_BUTTON_X1, S_OK_BUTTON_Y1, S_OK_BUTTON_X2, S_OK_BUTTON_Y2); BButton *button = new BButton(r, "", S_OK_BUTTON_TEXT, new BMessage(OK)); view->AddChild(button); button->MakeDefault(true); r.Set(S_CANCEL_BUTTON_X1, S_CANCEL_BUTTON_Y1, S_CANCEL_BUTTON_X2, S_CANCEL_BUTTON_Y2); button = new BButton(r, "", S_CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT, new BMessage(CANCEL)); view->AddChild(button); Show(); }
BButton* BAlert::_CreateButton(int32 which, const char* label) { BMessage* message = new BMessage(kAlertButtonMsg); if (message == NULL) return NULL; message->AddInt32("which", which); BRect rect; rect.top = Bounds().bottom - kBottomOffset; rect.bottom = rect.top; char name[32]; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "_b%ld_", which); BButton* button = new(std::nothrow) BButton(rect, name, label, message, B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); if (button == NULL) return NULL; float width, height; button->GetPreferredSize(&width, &height); if (fButtonWidth == B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL) { float fontFactor = be_plain_font->Size() / 11.0f; width = max_c(width, kButtonUsualWidth * fontFactor); } button->ResizeTo(width, height); button->MoveBy(0.0f, -height); return button; }
// Stuff we can only do when the main view is attached to a window void OutputFormatView::AttachedToWindow() { // Get the window and lock it the_window = Window(); the_window->Lock(); // Set some size limits on the window the_window->SetSizeLimits( 200.0, 32767.0, Bounds().Height() - scroll_view->Bounds().Height() + 50.0, 32767.0); // Set the target for messages sent to this view list_view->SetTarget(this); the_button->SetTarget(this); // Make the list view the keyboard focus list_view->MakeFocus(); // Select the first item in the list, // and make its config view show up if (list_view->CountItems() > 0) list_view->Select(0); else the_button->SetEnabled(false); // Unlock the window the_window->Unlock(); // Call the base class BView::AttachedToWindow(); }
void AboutBoxView::AttachedToWindow() { BRect rect; rect.Set(110, 50, 175, 55); BButton *button = new BButton(rect, "", "OK", new BMessage(kMsgOK)); AddChild(button); button->MakeDefault(true); }
FriendWindow(BRect frame) : BWindow(frame, "ALM Friend Test", B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_QUIT_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE | B_AUTO_UPDATE_SIZE_LIMITS), fLayout2(NULL), fBoom(NULL), fLeft(NULL), fTop(NULL), fRight(NULL), fBottom(NULL) { BButton* button1 = _MakeButton("friends!"); BButton* button2 = _MakeButton("friends!"); BButton* button3 = _MakeButton("friends!"); BButton* button4 = _MakeButton("friends!"); BButton* button5 = _MakeButton("friends!"); BButton* button6 = _MakeButton("friends!"); BALMLayout* layout1 = new BALMLayout(10, 10); BView* almView1 = _MakeALMView(layout1); BReference<XTab> xTabs[2]; layout1->AddXTabs(xTabs, 2); BALM::BALMLayoutBuilder(layout1) .Add(button1, layout1->Left(), layout1->Top(), xTabs[0], layout1->Bottom()) .StartingAt(button1) .AddToRight(button2, xTabs[1]) .AddToRight(button3, layout1->Right()); fLayout2 = new BALMLayout(10, 10, layout1); BView* almView2 = _MakeALMView(fLayout2); BALM::BALMLayoutBuilder(fLayout2) .Add(button4, fLayout2->Left(), fLayout2->Top(), xTabs[0]) .StartingAt(button4) .AddBelow(button5, NULL, xTabs[1], fLayout2->Right()) .AddBelow(button6, fLayout2->Bottom(), xTabs[0]); fLeft = fLayout2->Left(); fBottom = fLayout2->BottomOf(button5); fTop = fLayout2->BottomOf(button4); fRight = xTabs[1]; layout1->AreaFor(button2)->SetContentAspectRatio(1.0f); fLayout2->Solver()->AddConstraint(-1.0f, layout1->Left(), 1.0f, xTabs[0], LinearProgramming::kLE, 90.0f); BButton* archiveButton = new BButton("clone", new BMessage('arcv')); archiveButton->SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize(B_SIZE_UNLIMITED, B_SIZE_UNSET)); BLayoutBuilder::Group<>(this, B_VERTICAL) .Add(almView1->GetLayout()) .Add(almView2->GetLayout()) .Add(archiveButton); }
///// // view attached to window // void MCMainView::AttachedToWindow() { BButton *btn; btn = (BButton*) this->FindView("newchipbtn"); btn->SetTarget(be_app); btn = (BButton*) this->FindView("prefbtn"); btn->SetTarget(be_app); }
void ModulesView::AttachedToWindow() { _OpenSaver(); fScreenSaversListView->SetTarget(this); fTestButton->SetTarget(this); fAddButton->SetTarget(this); }
BButton* _MakeButton(const char* label) { BButton* button = new BButton(label, new BMessage('BOOM')); button->SetExplicitMinSize(BSize(10, 50)); button->SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize(500, 500)); button->SetExplicitAlignment(BAlignment(B_ALIGN_USE_FULL_WIDTH, B_ALIGN_USE_FULL_HEIGHT)); return button; }
AskName::AskName(): BWindow(BRect(100, 100, 500, 200), "Enter your name", B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_NOT_RESIZABLE | B_NOT_CLOSABLE | B_NOT_ZOOMABLE | B_NOT_MINIMIZABLE), Text(NULL), text(NULL) { BView *back; BButton * Accept; BTextView *TV; BStringView *str; const char *names[] = { "BeOS forever!", "BShisen Rules!", "Thanks Sheppy", "Say NO to drugs!", "Say NO to piracy!", "Say YES to BeOS!", "Just say \"BShisen\"", "Say YES to BShisen!", }; back = new BView(Bounds(), NULL, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW); back->SetViewColor(216, 216, 216); AddChild(back); str = new BStringView(BRect(10, 10, 390, 25), "", "Congratulations! Enter your name for posterity."); str->SetFont(be_bold_font); back->AddChild(str); Accept = new BButton( BRect(10, 60+5, 90, 75+5), "Accept", "Accept", new BMessage(ACCEPT_BUTTON)); Accept->MakeDefault(true); back->AddChild(Accept); Text = new BTextControl(BRect(10, 35, 390, 50), "", "Your Name", "", NULL); Text->SetDivider(Text->StringWidth("Your Name ")); TV = Text->TextView(); TV->SetMaxBytes(31); Text->SetText(REGISTERED ? names[rand() % 8] : "I Want To Register!"); back->AddChild(Text); Text->MakeFocus(true); }
FindOpenFileWindow::FindOpenFileWindow(const char* panelText) : DWindow(BRect(0, 0, 0, 0), TR("Find and open file"), B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_NOT_RESIZABLE | B_NOT_ZOOMABLE | B_AUTO_UPDATE_SIZE_LIMITS) { AddCommonFilter(new EscapeCancelFilter()); BView* top = GetBackgroundView(); fNameTextControl = new AutoTextControl("nameText", TR("Open: "), "", new BMessage); fNameTextControl->SetExplicitMinSize( BSize(fNameTextControl->StringWidth("M") * 20, B_SIZE_UNSET)); fSystemCheckBox = new BCheckBox("systembox", TR("Search only system folders"), new BMessage); BButton* cancel = new BButton("cancel", TR("Cancel"), new BMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED)); BButton* open = new BButton("open", TR("Open"), new BMessage(M_FIND_FILE)); BLayoutBuilder::Group<>(top, B_VERTICAL) .AddGrid(B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING, B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING) .Add(fNameTextControl->CreateLabelLayoutItem(), 0, 0) .Add(fNameTextControl->CreateTextViewLayoutItem(), 1, 0) .Add(fSystemCheckBox, 1, 1) .End() .AddGlue() .AddGroup(B_HORIZONTAL) .AddGlue() .Add(cancel) .Add(open) .End() .SetInsets(B_USE_WINDOW_INSETS) .End(); BString text = panelText; if (text.CountChars() > 1) { fNameTextControl->SetText(text.String()); int32 position = text.FindLast("."); if (position > 0) fNameTextControl->TextView()->Select(0, position); else fNameTextControl->TextView()->SelectAll(); } else { fNameTextControl->SetText(".h"); fNameTextControl->TextView()->GoToLine(0); } open->MakeDefault(true); fNameTextControl->MakeFocus(true); CenterOnScreen(); }
// Private function to switch between follow bottom behaviour void OutputFormatView::MakeFollowBottom(bool flag) { scroll_view->SetResizingMode(B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | (flag ? B_FOLLOW_TOP_BOTTOM : B_FOLLOW_TOP)); cancel_button->SetResizingMode(B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | (flag ? B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM : B_FOLLOW_TOP)); the_button->SetResizingMode(B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | (flag ? B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM : B_FOLLOW_TOP)); info_caption->SetResizingMode(B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | (flag ? B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM : B_FOLLOW_TOP)); info_view->SetResizingMode(B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | (flag ? B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM : B_FOLLOW_TOP)); if (config_caption) config_caption->SetResizingMode(B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | (flag ? B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM : B_FOLLOW_TOP)); }
void _OwqList::SelectionChanged() { inherited::SelectionChanged(); BRow* selection = CurrentSelection(); if( selection ) { if( mChange ) mChange->SetEnabled( true ); if( mRemove ) mRemove->SetEnabled( true ); } else { if( mChange ) mChange->SetEnabled( false ); if( mRemove ) mRemove->SetEnabled( false ); } }
ID_Win::ID_Win(BLooper *l, unsigned int g): Txt_Ctl(NULL), done(0), Game(0), BWindow(BRect(100, 100, 300, 180), "New Game By ID", B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_NOT_RESIZABLE | /*B_NOT_CLOSABLE |*/ B_NOT_ZOOMABLE | B_NOT_MINIMIZABLE) { BView *back; BButton * Cancel; BButton * Accept; BTextView *T; register int i; loop = l; Game = g; back = new BView(Bounds(), NULL, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW); back->SetViewColor(216, 216, 216); AddChild(back); Accept = new BButton( BRect(10, 40, 90, 55), "Accept", "Accept", new BMessage(ACCEPT_BUTTON)); Accept->MakeDefault(true); back->AddChild(Accept); Cancel = new BButton( BRect(120, 40, 190, 55), "Cancel", "Cancel", new BMessage(CANCEL_BUTTON)); back->AddChild(Cancel); Txt_Ctl = new BTextControl(BRect(10, 10, 190, 25), "", "Game Number", "", NULL); T = Txt_Ctl->TextView(); /* * Only allow #s in there. */ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) T->DisallowChar(i); for (i = '0'; i < '9' + 1; i++) T->AllowChar(i); back->AddChild(Txt_Ctl); char buffer[64]; if (!Game) Game = rand(); sprintf(buffer, "%d", Game); Txt_Ctl->SetText(buffer); Txt_Ctl->MakeFocus(true); //Port = create_port(1, "ID Window Port"); Show(); }
DocInfoWindow::DocInfoWindow(BMessage *docInfo) : HWindow(BRect(0, 0, 400, 250), "Document Information", B_TITLED_WINDOW_LOOK, B_MODAL_APP_WINDOW_FEEL, B_NOT_MINIMIZABLE), fDocInfo(docInfo) { BRect bounds(Bounds()); BView *background = new BView(bounds, "bachground", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW); background->SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); AddChild(background); bounds.InsetBy(10.0, 10.0); BButton *button = new BButton(bounds, "ok", "OK", new BMessage(OK_MSG), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); background->AddChild(button); button->ResizeToPreferred(); button->MoveTo(bounds.right - button->Bounds().Width(), bounds.bottom - button->Bounds().Height()); BRect buttonFrame(button->Frame()); button = new BButton(buttonFrame, "cancel", "Cancel", new BMessage(CANCEL_MSG), B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM); background->AddChild(button); button->ResizeToPreferred(); button->MoveTo(buttonFrame.left - (button->Bounds().Width() + 10.0), buttonFrame.top); bounds.bottom = buttonFrame.top - 10.0; #if HAVE_FULLVERSION_PDF_LIB BString permissions; if (_DocInfo()->FindString("permissions", &permissions) == B_OK) fPermissions.Decode(permissions.String()); BTabView *tabView = new BTabView(bounds, "tabView"); _SetupDocInfoView(_CreateTabPanel(tabView, "Information")); _SetupPasswordView(_CreateTabPanel(tabView, "Password")); _SetupPermissionsView(_CreateTabPanel(tabView, "Permissions")); background->AddChild(tabView); #else BBox* panel = new BBox(bounds, "top_panel", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP, B_NO_BORDER); _SetupDocInfoView(panel); background->AddChild(panel); #endif if (fTable->ChildAt(0)) fTable->ChildAt(0)->MakeFocus(); BRect winFrame(Frame()); BRect screenFrame(BScreen().Frame()); MoveTo((screenFrame.right - winFrame.right) / 2, (screenFrame.bottom - winFrame.bottom) / 2); SetSizeLimits(400.0, 10000.0, 250.0, 10000.0); }
void CPrefsDialog::UpdateFields() { if (fNewOrCur->IndexOf(fNewOrCur->FindMarked()) == 1) GrabDocFont(); else GrabNewFont(); BButton *b; b = (BButton *)FindView("ok"); b->SetEnabled(true); b = (BButton *)FindView("cancel"); b->SetEnabled(true); } /* CPrefsDialog::UpdateFields */
TWindow::TWindow(BRect frame, const char *title, window_type type, uint32 flags, uint32 workspace) : BWindow(frame, title, type, flags, workspace), quited(false) { // SetBackgroundColor(0, 255, 255); BButton *btn = new BButton(BRect(10, 200, 40, 230), NULL, "Focus Button", new BMessage(BTN_FOCUS_MSG)); AddChild(btn); btn->ResizeToPreferred(); btn->MakeFocus(true); BView *view = new TView(frame.OffsetToCopy(B_ORIGIN), NULL, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW |B_FRAME_EVENTS); AddChild(view); }
bool CPrefsDialog::CancelClicked() { char s[256]; ResetFontSheet(); SetOn("autorecalc", fAutoRecalc); SetOn("displayzero", fDisplayZero); s[1] = 0; s[0] = gDecimalPoint; SetText("decsep", s); s[0] = gThousandSeparator; SetText("thoussep", s); s[0] = gListSeparator; SetText("listsep", s); s[0] = gTimeSeparator; SetText("timesep", s); s[0] = gDateSeparator; SetText("datesep", s); fDMY->FindItem(gPrefs->GetPrefString("date order"))->SetMarked(true); SetOn("24 hours", g24Hours); SetOn("excel", gPrefs->GetPrefInt("Excel keys", 0)); SetOn("grayselect", gPrefs->GetPrefInt("Select Gray", 0)); SetOn(gPrefs->GetPrefInt("start with new", 1) ? "donew" : "doopen", B_CONTROL_ON); SetOn("formula starts with equal", gPrefs->GetPrefInt("formula starts with equal", 0)); SetOn("dark gridlines", gPrefs->GetPrefInt("dark gridlines")); SetText("c_symbol", gPrefs->GetPrefString("c_symbol", "$")); SetOn(gPrefs->GetPrefInt("c_before", 1) ? "c_before" : "c_after", B_CONTROL_ON); SetOn("c_neg_par", gPrefs->GetPrefInt("c_neg_par", 1) ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); sprintf(s, "%d", gPrefs->GetPrefInt("c_digits")); SetText("c_digits", s); if (fPageSetup) FREE(fPageSetup); fPageSetup = (char *)Hex2Bin(gPrefs->GetPrefString("default page setup", ""), fPageSetupSize); SetOn("prgrid", fPrGrid); SetOn("prhead", fPrBorders); SetOn("dispgrid", fShGrid); SetOn("disphead", fShBorders); BButton *b; b = (BButton *)FindView("ok"); b->SetEnabled(false); b = (BButton *)FindView("cancel"); b->SetEnabled(false); return false; } /* CPrefsDialog::CancelClicked */
void HWindow::Pulse() { HEventRow* row = (HEventRow*)fEventList->CurrentSelection(); BMenuField* menufield = dynamic_cast<BMenuField*>(FindView("filemenu")); BButton* button = dynamic_cast<BButton*>(FindView("play")); BButton* stop = dynamic_cast<BButton*>(FindView("stop")); if (menufield == NULL || button == NULL || stop == NULL) return; if (row != NULL) { menufield->SetEnabled(true); const char* path = row->Path(); if (path != NULL && strcmp(path, "")) button->SetEnabled(true); else button->SetEnabled(false); } else { menufield->SetEnabled(false); button->SetEnabled(false); } if (fPlayer != NULL) { if (fPlayer->IsPlaying()) stop->SetEnabled(true); else stop->SetEnabled(false); } else stop->SetEnabled(false); }