void PadBMP( BMP& Input , int NewWidth , int NewHeight )
// if the NewWidth and NewHight are unchanged, exit

    if( NewWidth  == Input.TellWidth() &&
            NewHeight == Input.TellHeight() )

// find max range for the copy, so that cropping occurs
// if necessary

    int MaxWidth = Input.TellWidth();
    if( MaxWidth > NewWidth )
        MaxWidth = NewWidth;

    int MaxHeight = Input.TellHeight();
    if( MaxHeight > NewHeight )
        MaxHeight = NewHeight;

// create a temporary image to hold the original pixels

    BMP Temp;
    Temp.SetBitDepth( Input.TellBitDepth() );
    int i,j;
    int Difference = Temp.TellHeight() - MaxHeight;
    for( i=0 ; i < MaxWidth ; i++ )
        for( j=0 ; j < MaxHeight ; j++ )
            *Temp(i,j+Difference) = *Input(i,j);

// resize the original image, and recopy the pixels

    for( i=0 ; i < Input.TellWidth() ; i++ )
        for( j=0 ; j < Input.TellHeight() ; j++ )
            *Input(i,j) = *Temp(i,j);


Exemplo n.º 2
// creates a BMP from a CImage
// assumes all float values have already been scaled to [0.0, 255.0]
BMP * CImage::toBmp()
    BMP * bmp = new BMP();
    bmp->SetSize(m_width, m_height);

    // for smaller output file size
    // 8-bit bitmaps need a color table

    for (int col = 0; col < m_width; col++)
        for (int row = 0; row < m_height; row++)
            // Output is grayscale, so R, G, and B components are equal.
            // ScaleAndDisplayDisparityValues() et. al. in stereo.cpp have already
            //  scaled all float pixel values to [0, 255].
            ebmpBYTE byteVal = (ebmpBYTE) getValue(row, col, 0);
            (* bmp)(col, row)->Red = byteVal;
            (* bmp)(col, row)->Green = byteVal;
            (* bmp)(col, row)->Blue = byteVal;

    return bmp;
Exemplo n.º 3
void array2bmp()
    int i,j;
    BMP bmp;
    RGBApixel pix_black={0};//R=0 G=0 B=0为黑色
    RGBApixel pix_white={255,255,255,0};//白色

                bmp.SetPixel( i,  j,pix_black);
                bmp.SetPixel( i,  j,pix_white);

    printf("array2bmp suc...\n");
Exemplo n.º 4
void Camera::raytrace(Node *node, const std::vector<Light*>& lights) {
  BMP output;
  for(int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
    for(int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
      output(i,j)->Red = 0;
      output(i,j)->Green = 0;
      output(i,j)->Blue = 0;

  float aRatio = (float)width/height;

  glm::vec3 xAxis = glm::cross(fwd, up);
  glm::vec3 yAxis = glm::cross(xAxis, fwd);

  float xFov = std::atan(std::tan(yFov) * aRatio);

  xAxis *= std::tan(xFov/2) * glm::length(fwd) / glm::length(xAxis);
  yAxis *= std::tan(yFov/2) * glm::length(fwd) / glm::length(yAxis);

  for(unsigned int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
    std::cout << "\rline " << j << std::flush;
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < width; i++) {

      // indirect illumination
      glm::vec3 color(0);
      for(int d = 0; d < density; d++) {
        float x = (float(i) + float(rand())/RAND_MAX) / width;
        float y = (float(j) + float(rand())/RAND_MAX) / height;
        std::cout << "dbg " << fwd << " " << xAxis << " " << yAxis << "\n";
        glm::vec3 dir = glm::normalize(fwd + (2*x-1)*xAxis + (1-2*y)*yAxis);
        Ray ray(pos, dir, rayCount, true);

        glm::vec4 dirCol = rayIter(ray, node, lights);
        glm::vec3 mcCol;
        if(dirCol[3] < 1 && mcIter > 0) {
          for(int w = 0; w < mcIter; w++)
            mcCol += rayIter(ray,node);
          mcCol /= float(mcIter);
        } else {
          dirCol[3] = 1;
        color += (1.f - dirCol[3])*mcCol + dirCol[3]*glm::vec3(dirCol);
      color /= float(density);

      output(i,j)->Red = 255.0*glm::clamp(color[0],0.f,1.f);
      output(i,j)->Green = 255.0*glm::clamp(color[1],0.f,1.f);
      output(i,j)->Blue = 255.0*glm::clamp(color[2],0.f,1.f);
bool Image::writeToBMPFile(const std::string & outputFileName)
  bool success = true;

  if( m_pixels != NULL )
    // create bitmap image
    BMP outputImage;
    outputImage.SetSize(m_numCols, m_numRows);
    outputImage.SetBitDepth( 24 );

    double maxVal = m_pixels[0];
    double minVal = m_pixels[0];
    // Maximum and minimum values
    for( int i = 1; i < m_numRows * m_numCols; ++i )
      if( m_pixels[i] > maxVal )
        maxVal = m_pixels[i];
      if( m_pixels[i] <= minVal )
        minVal = m_pixels[i];
    for( int r = 0; r < m_numRows; ++r )
      for( int c = 0; c < m_numCols; ++c )
        // get pixel value and clamp between 0 and 255
        double val = 255.0 * (m_pixels[r * m_numCols + c] - minVal) / (maxVal - minVal);

        if( val < 0 )
          val = 0;
        if( val > 255 )
          val = 255;
        // set output color based on mapping
        RGBApixel pixelVal;
        pixelVal.Blue = (int)val; pixelVal.Green = (int)val; pixelVal.Red = (int)val;
        outputImage.SetPixel(c, r, pixelVal);

    // write to file
    success = outputImage.WriteToFile( outputFileName.c_str() );

    success = false;

  return success;
Exemplo n.º 6
bool HBITMAPtoBMP(HDC hDC,HBITMAP hBitmap,BMP& OutputImage)
 using namespace std;
 bool output = false;
 ZeroMemory(&BitInfo, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
 BitInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
 // get all manner of information from the incoming bitmap

 if(!::GetDIBits(hDC, hBitmap, 0, 0, NULL, &BitInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS))
 { return false; }
 // Set the size and bit depth of the BMP object

 OutputImage.SetSize( BitInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth ,BitInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight );

 // reconfigure BitInfo.bmiHeader such that the resulting bitmap will be 
 // 32 bits per pixel. This is _MUCH_ simpler 
 BitInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
 BitInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = 0;
 BitInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = OutputImage.TellHeight()*OutputImage.TellWidth()*4;
 // I don't understand the +5 part here. -- Paul 

// BYTE *pData = new BYTE[BitInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage + 5];
// BYTE *pData = new BYTE[Output.TellHeight()*Output.TellWidth()*4+5];
 BYTE *pData = new BYTE [BitInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage];
 // now get the actual data
 if(!::GetDIBits(hDC, hBitmap, 0, BitInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight, pData, &BitInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS))
 { return false; }
 // transfer that data into the BMP object
 int i,j;
 int k=0;
 for( j=OutputImage.TellHeight()-1 ; j >= 0 ; j-- )
  for( i=0; i < OutputImage.TellWidth() ; i++ )
   OutputImage(i,j)->Blue = *(pData+k); k++;
   OutputImage(i,j)->Green = *(pData+k); k++;
   OutputImage(i,j)->Red = *(pData+k); k++;
   OutputImage(i,j)->Alpha = *(pData+k); k++;
 delete (pData);
 return true;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    cout << endl
         << "Using EasyBMP Version " << _EasyBMP_Version_ << endl << endl
         << "Copyright (c) by the EasyBMP Project 2005-6" << endl
         << "WWW: http://easybmp.sourceforge.net" << endl << endl;

    BMP Text;

    BMP Background;

    BMP Output;
    Output.SetSize( Background.TellWidth() , Background.TellHeight() );
    Output.SetBitDepth( 24 );

    RangedPixelToPixelCopy( Background, 0, Output.TellWidth() - 1,
                            Output.TellHeight() - 1 , 0,
                            Output, 0, 0 );

    RangedPixelToPixelCopyTransparent( Text, 0, 380,
                                       43, 0,
                                       Output, 110, 5,
                                       *Text(0, 0) );

    RangedPixelToPixelCopyTransparent( Text, 0, Text.TellWidth() - 1,
                                       Text.TellWidth() - 1, 50,
                                       Output, 100, 442,
                                       *Text(0, 49) );

    Output.SetBitDepth( 32 );
    cout << "writing 32bpp ... " << endl;
    Output.WriteToFile( "EasyBMPoutput32bpp.bmp" );

    Output.SetBitDepth( 24 );
    cout << "writing 24bpp ... " << endl;
    Output.WriteToFile( "EasyBMPoutput24bpp.bmp" );

    Output.SetBitDepth( 8 );
    cout << "writing 8bpp ... " << endl;
    Output.WriteToFile( "EasyBMPoutput8bpp.bmp" );

    Output.SetBitDepth( 4 );
    cout << "writing 4bpp ... " << endl;
    Output.WriteToFile( "EasyBMPoutput4bpp.bmp" );

    Output.SetBitDepth( 1 );
    cout << "writing 1bpp ... " << endl;
    Output.WriteToFile( "EasyBMPoutput1bpp.bmp" );

    Output.SetBitDepth( 24 );
    Rescale( Output, 'p' , 50 );
    cout << "writing 24bpp scaled image ..." << endl;
    Output.WriteToFile( "EasyBMPoutput24bpp_rescaled.bmp" );

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
// same as above, but highlights a range of depths in red,
// and, colors all depths outside that range black in refImage
// highlight_low and high are values in [1,100]
BMP * CImage::toHighlightedBmp(int highlight_low, int highlight_high, BMP * refBmp)
    // scale range to be highlighted to [0,255]
    highlight_low = ((float) highlight_low) * 255.0/100.0 - 2.55;
    highlight_high = ((float) highlight_high) * 255.0/100.0;

    BMP * bmp = new BMP();
    bmp->SetSize(m_width, m_height);

    // for smaller output file size
    // 8-bit bitmaps need a color table

    // add red to the color table
    RGBApixel highlightColor;
    highlightColor.Red = 255;
    highlightColor.Green = 0;
    highlightColor.Blue = 0;
    highlightColor.Alpha = 0;
    bmp->SetColor(highlight_low, highlightColor);

    // copy pixels to bmp
    for (int col = 0; col < m_width; col++)
        for (int row = 0; row < m_height; row++)
            float pixel = getValue(row, col, 0);
            if (highlight_low <= pixel && pixel <= highlight_high)
                (* bmp)(col, row)->Red = 255;
                (* bmp)(col, row)->Green = 0;
                (* bmp)(col, row)->Blue = 0;
                // Output is grayscale, so R, G, and B components are equal.
                // ScaleAndDisplayDisparityValues() et. al. in stereo.cpp have already
                //  scaled all float pixel values to [0, 255].
                ebmpBYTE byteVal = (ebmpBYTE) pixel;
                (* bmp)(col, row)->Red = byteVal;
                (* bmp)(col, row)->Green = byteVal;
                (* bmp)(col, row)->Blue = byteVal;

                // color non-highlighted areas black in refBmp
                (* refBmp)(col, row)->Red = 0;
                (* refBmp)(col, row)->Green = 0;
                (* refBmp)(col, row)->Blue = 0;

    return bmp;
Exemplo n.º 9
void w2f(GlobalMap &globalMap, int i, int j, int size=1025)
	char fileName[6] = {'0','0','.','b','m','p'};
	short z;
	RGBApixel color;
	BMP image;

	for(int y=0; y<size; y++)
		for(int x=0; x<size; x++)
			z= globalMap.getLocalMap(i,j)->getHeight(x,y);
			if(z>=0 && z<20000)
			if(z>=20000 && z<25000)
			image.SetPixel(x,y, color);

Exemplo n.º 10
void BitmapRawConverter::pixelsToBitmap(char *outFilename) {
    BMP out;
    out.SetSize(width, height);

    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
            out.SetPixel(i, j, getPixel(i,j));
Exemplo n.º 11
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    if (argc != 2) {
        cout << "Incorrect input. Please enter the name of the configuration file." << endl; 
        return -1; 
    Reader * config = new Reader(argv[1]);
    int width = config->getWIDTH();
    int height = config->getHEIGHT();
    int x = config->getX();
    int y = config->getY();
    int z = config->getZ();

    Camera * rayGenerator = new Camera(config->getEYEP(), config->getVDIR(), 
                                                config->getUVEC(), config->getFOVY(), width, height);
    BMP output;
    output.SetSize(width, height);

    Raymarch * raymarch = new Raymarch(config->getVB(), rayGenerator, config->getEYEP(), 
                                        config->getMRGB(), config->getBRGB(), 
                                        config->getLCOL(), config->getLPOS(), config->getOFST());
    for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) {
		cout << "Rendering: " << (float) w/width << endl;
        for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) {
            // Ray direction color test
            output(w,h)->Red = abs(rayGenerator->getRayDirection(w,h).x) *255;
            output(w,h)->Green = abs(rayGenerator->getRayDirection(w,h).y) *255;
            output(w,h)->Blue = abs(rayGenerator->getRayDirection(w,h).z) *255;
            glm::vec3 colors = raymarch->getColor(w,h, config->getSTEP(), glm::vec3(x, y, z));
            if (colors.x > 255) 
                colors.x = 255;
            if (colors.y > 255) 
                colors.y = 255;
            if (colors.z > 255) 
                colors.z = 255;
            output(w,h)->Red =colors.x;
            output(w,h)->Green = colors.y;
            output(w,h)->Blue = colors.z;
	cout << "File has been finished rendering." <<endl;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 12
void Camera::printImage(char* outputName) {
	BMP output;
	output.SetSize(imgWidth, imgHeight);
	glm::vec3 outR;
	for (int i = 0; i < imgWidth; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < imgHeight; j++) {
			outR = glm::abs(glm::normalize(getDirectionFromCoordinate(i,j)-eye));
			output(i,j)->Red = outR.x * 255;
			output(i,j)->Green = outR.y * 255;
			output(i,j)->Blue = outR.z * 255;
Exemplo n.º 13
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL n_FSetPixelRGBA( AMX* amx, cell* params ){
	posx = params[1];
	posy = params[2];
	RGBApixel value;
	value.Red = (ebmpBYTE)params[4];
	value.Green = (ebmpBYTE)params[5];
	value.Blue = (ebmpBYTE)params[6];
	value.Alpha = (ebmpBYTE)params[7];
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 14
        bool ExportBMP( const _TImg_t     & in_indexed,
                        const std::string & filepath )
        //shorten this static constant
        typedef utils::do_exponent_of_2_<_TImg_t::pixel_t::mypixeltrait_t::BITS_PER_PIXEL> NbColorsPP_t;
        BMP output;

        if( in_indexed.getNbColors() != NbColorsPP_t::value )
#ifdef _DEBUG
            throw std::runtime_error( "ERROR: The tiled image to write to a bitmap image file has an invalid amount of color in its palette!" );
        //copy palette
        for( int i = 0; i < NbColorsPP_t::value; ++i )
            output.SetColor( i, colorRGB24ToRGBApixel( in_indexed.getPalette()[i] ) );

        //Copy image
        output.SetSize( in_indexed.getNbPixelWidth(), in_indexed.getNbPixelHeight() );

        for( int i = 0; i < output.TellWidth(); ++i )
            for( int j = 0; j < output.TellHeight(); ++j )
                auto &  refpixel = in_indexed.getPixel( i, j );
                uint8_t temp     = static_cast<uint8_t>( refpixel.getWholePixelData() );
                output.SetPixel( i,j, colorRGB24ToRGBApixel( in_indexed.getPalette()[temp] ) ); //We need to input the color directly thnaks to EasyBMP

        bool bsuccess = false;
            bsuccess = output.WriteToFile( filepath.c_str() );
        catch( std::exception e )
            cerr << "<!>- Error outputing image : " << filepath <<"\n"
                 << "     Exception details : \n"     
                 << "        " <<e.what()  <<"\n";

            bsuccess = false;
        return bsuccess;
Exemplo n.º 15
bool _surf_save_bmp(const d_surf * srf, const char * filename) {

	if (!filename)
		return false;

	if (!srf) {
		writelog(LOG_ERROR,"surf_save_png : no surf loaded");
		return false;

	writelog(LOG_MESSAGE,"Saving surf %s to file %s (BMP)", srf->getName(), filename);

	size_t NN = srf->getCountX();
	size_t MM = srf->getCountY();
	BMP res;
	REAL minz, maxz;
	srf->getMinMaxZ(minz, maxz);

	size_t i, j;
	double gray_color;
	for (j = 0; j < MM; j++) {
		for (i = 0; i < NN; i++) {
			REAL value = srf->getValueIJ(i,MM-j-1);
			if (value == srf->undef_value) {
				res(i,j)->Red = 0;
				res(i,j)->Green = 0;
				res(i,j)->Blue = 0;
				res(i,j)->Alpha = 0;
			} else {
				gray_color = MAX(0,MIN(255,floor((value - minz)/(maxz-minz)*255 + 0.5)));
				res(i,j)->Red = (ebmpBYTE)gray_color;
				res(i,j)->Green = (ebmpBYTE)gray_color;
				res(i,j)->Blue = (ebmpBYTE)gray_color;
				res(i,j)->Alpha = 255;



	return true;

Exemplo n.º 16
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL n_SetPixelRGBA( AMX* amx, cell* params ){
	BMP Image;
	posx = params[2];
	posy = params[3];
	RGBApixel value;
	value.Red = (ebmpBYTE)params[4];
	value.Green = (ebmpBYTE)params[5];
	value.Blue = (ebmpBYTE)params[6];
	value.Alpha = (ebmpBYTE)params[7];
	return Image.WriteToFile(tmp);
Exemplo n.º 17
void Camera::debugRender(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, std::string& outputFile)
	BMP file;

	double d = m_direction.length();              //Distance from Eye to Middle point of the image

	Vector myVectorEyetoMiddle(m_direction);
	myVectorEyetoMiddle *= d;    //C in full length

	double tanfovx = tan(m_fovRad)*double(width)/height ;  
    Vector myEyeVectorX = myVectorEyetoMiddle.crossProduct(m_up) ;      //A
	Vector myEyeVectorY = myEyeVectorX.crossProduct(myVectorEyetoMiddle) ;      //B

	Vector myMiddlePoint =  myVectorEyetoMiddle + m_position;

	Vector myImageVectorX = myEyeVectorX *  ( myVectorEyetoMiddle.normalize().length() * tanfovx / myEyeVectorX.length() );    //H
	Vector myImageVectorY = myEyeVectorY *  ( myVectorEyetoMiddle.normalize().length() * tan(m_fovRad) / myEyeVectorY.length() );    //V

	for(unsigned int i=0;i<width;i++){
		for(unsigned int j=0;j<height;j++){
		    double sx,sy;
			sx = double(i)/width;
			sy = double(j)/height;

			Vector P =  myImageVectorX*(2*sx-1) + myImageVectorY*(2*sy-1) + myMiddlePoint ;
			Vector myRayCasting = (P - m_position)*(1.0 / (P - m_position).normalize().length()); //RayDirection = (P - E)/normalize(P - E);
			Vector normalizedRay = myRayCasting.normalize();

			RGBApixel NewColor;
			NewColor.Red = (ebmpBYTE) abs(normalizedRay[0])*255;
			NewColor.Green = (ebmpBYTE) abs(normalizedRay[1])*255;
			NewColor.Blue = (ebmpBYTE) abs(normalizedRay[2])*255;
			NewColor.Alpha = 0;
			file.SetPixel(i, height-j-1, NewColor);

Exemplo n.º 18
void DisplayClass::doRayTrace() {
	unsigned int width = static_cast<int>(*resoX);
	unsigned int height = static_cast<int>(*resoY);
	glm::vec3 A = glm::cross(rayCamera->center, rayCamera->up);
	glm::vec3 B = glm::cross(A, rayCamera->center);
	glm::vec3 M = rayCamera->center + rayCamera->eye;
	glm::vec3 V = (B * glm::length(rayCamera->center) * tan(glm::radians(rayCamera->fovy)))/ glm::length(B);
	//float fovx = atan(length(V) * (*WriteBMP::resoX/ *WriteBMP::resoY)/length(M));
	glm::vec3 H = (*resoX/ *resoY) * V;
	H.x = H.y;
	H.y = 0.0f;
	H.z = 0.0f;
	BMP output;
	output.SetSize(width, height);
	glm::vec3 P;
	glm::vec3 D;
	glm::vec3* E = new glm::vec3(rayCamera->eye.x, rayCamera->eye.y, rayCamera->eye.z);
	glm::vec3* color = new glm::vec3();
	std::cout << "Beginning raytrace" << std::endl;
	for(unsigned int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
		for(unsigned int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
			color = new glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			E->x = rayCamera->eye.x;
			E->y = rayCamera->eye.y;
			E->z = rayCamera->eye.z;
			P = DisplayClass::mapPoint(x, height - y - 1, M, H, V);
			D = glm::normalize(P - *E);///glm::length(P - *E);
			traceRay(color, 0, *E, D, 1.0f, 1.0f, *rayLightCol->at(0));
			output(x, y)->Red = 255 * color->x;
			output(x, y)->Green = 255 * color->y;
			output(x, y)->Blue = 255 * color->z;
			delete color;
			color = 0;
		if (x % 10 == 0) {
			std::cout << "finished vertical line: " << x << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Finished raytrace!" << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 19
void raycast(mat4 cameraMatrix) {
	int width = 800;
	int height = 600;

	const float Wd2 = width/2;
	const float Hd2 = height/2;

	BMP output;
	output.SetSize(width, height);
	glm::vec4 camerapos = glm::vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);

	for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) 
		for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) 
			float xtemp = x - Wd2;
			float ytemp = y - Hd2;

			xtemp = xtemp/Wd2;
			ytemp = ytemp/Hd2;

			glm::vec4 pixelpos = glm::vec4(xtemp,ytemp,1,0);
			glm::vec4 ray = camerapos-pixelpos;
			ray = glm::normalize(ray);

			vec4 color = intersectTest(ray);
			output(x,y)->Red = color.r;
			output(x,y)->Green = color.g;
			output(x,y)->Blue = color.b;

Exemplo n.º 20
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	cout << "Enter filename with max 30 characters:" << endl;
	char s[30];
	cin.getline(s, 30);

	//char* s = std::cin;

	BMP Image;
	if (Image.ReadFromFile(s)){
		int height = Image.TellHeight();
		int width = Image.TellWidth();

		for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
			for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
				double Temp = 0.30*(Image(x, y)->Red) + 0.59*(Image(x, y)->Green) + 0.11*(Image(x, y)->Blue);
				Image(x, y)->Red = (Byte)Temp;
				Image(x, y)->Green = (Byte)Temp;
				Image(x, y)->Blue = (Byte)Temp;

		char output[30] = "grey_";
		strcat(output, s);
		std::cout << output << std::endl;
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 21
// outputs the image to a bmp
// by writing the value of the array we have 
// to each of RG, and B
void outputImg(void){
  //setup Output IMG
  BMP OutputIMG;
  int byte;
  cout<< "Output Image to File" << endl;
  for( int j=0 ; j < ROWS ; j++)
      for( int i=0 ; i < COLUMNS ; i++)
	  byte =  imageArray[i][j];
	  OutputIMG(i,j)->Red = byte;
	  OutputIMG(i,j)->Green = byte;
	  OutputIMG(i,j)->Blue = byte;
  cout << "\n**** NOW GO OPEN Output.BMP ******" << endl;
Exemplo n.º 22
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
  const int width = 3, thresh = 5;

  BMFH bmfh = GetBMFH(argv[1]);
  if (bmfh.bfType != BMP::BMP_FILE_TYPE) { return -1; }

  BMP inImage;
  BMP outImage;
  outImage.SetSize(inImage.TellWidth(), inImage.TellHeight());

  const int numNbr = (2 * width + 1) * (2 * width + 1) - 1;
  for( int i=width ; i < inImage.TellWidth()-width ; i++) {
    for( int j=width ; j < inImage.TellHeight()-width ; j++) {
      // find average of neighboring input pixels
      int rPij = 0, gPij = 0, bPij = 0;
      for (int di = -width; di <= width; ++di) {
	for (int dj = -width; dj <= width; ++dj) {
	  if (di == 0 && dj == 0) continue; 
	  rPij += inImage.redPixel(i+di, j+dj);
	  gPij += inImage.greenPixel(i+di, j+dj);
	  bPij += inImage.bluePixel(i+di, j+dj);
      outImage.redPixel(i,j) = 
	filter(inImage.redPixel(i,j), rPij / numNbr, thresh);
      outImage.greenPixel(i,j) = 
	filter(inImage.greenPixel(i,j), gPij / numNbr, thresh);
      outImage.bluePixel(i,j) = 
	filter(inImage.bluePixel(i,j), bPij / numNbr, thresh);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 23
int main()
	long start = getMsTime();

	//state = getState();

//	printf("Original camera: (%f, %f, %f), %p\n", state->camera.x, state->camera.y, state->camera.z, state);

	PpuPThreadData datas[MAX_SPE_THREADS];

	int spe_threads = spe_cpu_info_get(SPE_COUNT_USABLE_SPES, -1);

	int count;
	if (spe_threads > MAX_SPE_THREADS) 
		spe_threads = MAX_SPE_THREADS;

	Scene* scene = getScene();

	int numberOfColorGroups = (int)round((X_PIXELS*Y_PIXELS)/4.0);
    int size = sizeof(ColorGroup)*numberOfColorGroups;

    ColorGroup* pixels = (ColorGroup*)aligned_alloc(size, 10);

    BMP myImage;

    myImage.SetSize(X_PIXELS, Y_PIXELS);

    int xPixel_4 = X_PIXELS / 4;

    VectorSInt rInt;
    VectorSInt gInt;
    VectorSInt bInt;

	long stateTime = getMsTime() - start;

	long spuCreationTime = getMsTime();

	for (int i = 0, offset = 0; i < spe_threads; i++, offset += count)
		/* Create a SPE context */
		if ((datas[i].spe_ctx = spe_context_create (0, NULL)) == NULL) 
		    perror ("Failed creating context");
	    	exit (1);

		/* Load SPE program into the SPE context*/
		if (spe_program_load (datas[i].spe_ctx, &raytracer_spe))  
			perror ("Failed loading program");
		    exit (1);

		/* Initialize context run data */
		RayTraceState* state = getState(pixels + offset, scene);

		count = (numberOfColorGroups / spe_threads + 1023) & ~1023;
		state->offset = offset;
		state->pixelsToProcess = (i == spe_threads - 1) ? 
			numberOfColorGroups - offset : count;
		datas[i].argp = state;

		//printf("Pixels: %p, ncg: %d, count: %d, offset: %d\n", pixels + offset, numberOfColorGroups, count, offset);

		/* Create pthread for each of the SPE contexts */
		if (pthread_create (&datas[i].pthread, NULL, &ppu_pthread_function, &datas[i])) 
			perror ("Failed creating thread");
			exit (1);

	spuCreationTime = getMsTime() - spuCreationTime;

	long processingTime = 0;
	long totalSpuTime = 0;

	for (int spe = 0; spe < spe_threads; spe++)
		long spuTime = getMsTime();

		/* Wait for the threads to complete */
		if (pthread_join (datas[spe].pthread, NULL)) 
	    	perror ("Failed joining thread\n");
	    	exit (1);

        if (spe_context_destroy(datas[spe].spe_ctx) != 0)
            perror("Failed destroying context");
            exit (1);

		spuTime = getMsTime() - spuTime;
		totalSpuTime += spuTime;

		printf("Time waiting for spu %d: %li\n", spe, spuTime);

		long tidbitProcessingTime = getMsTime();

		RayTraceState* state = (RayTraceState*)datas[spe].argp;

		int offset = state->offset;
		int row = offset / xPixel_4;
		int column = offset % xPixel_4;

		int pixelsToProcess = state->pixelsToProcess;
		int pixelsProcessed = 0; 

		bool breakOut = false;

		printf("Now outputting pixels for row %d, column %d\n", row, column);

		int i = 0, j = 0;

        for (i = row; i < Y_PIXELS; i++)
            for (j = column; j < xPixel_4; j++)
                int index = i * xPixel_4 + j;

                rInt.vec = vec_cts(pixels[index].r, 8);
                gInt.vec = vec_cts(pixels[index].g, 8);
                bInt.vec = vec_cts(pixels[index].b, 8);

                for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                    myImage(4*j+k,i)->Red   = round(rInt.points[k]);
                    myImage(4*j+k,i)->Green = round(gInt.points[k]);
                    myImage(4*j+k,i)->Blue  = round(bInt.points[k]);

				if (++pixelsProcessed == pixelsToProcess)
					breakOut = true;

			column = 0;

			if (breakOut)

		tidbitProcessingTime = getMsTime() - tidbitProcessingTime;
		processingTime += tidbitProcessingTime;

		printf("Processing %d pixels (offset: %d, up to row %d, column %d) for spu %d: %li\n", pixelsToProcess, offset, i, 4*j + 3, spe, tidbitProcessingTime);

	long fileWritingTime = getMsTime();


    fileWritingTime = getMsTime() - fileWritingTime;

	long time = getMsTime() - start;

    printf("Finished.  Total time: %li (state: %li, spu creation: %li, spu execution: %li, processing: %li, file: %li)\n", time, stateTime, spuCreationTime, totalSpuTime, processingTime, fileWritingTime);

Exemplo n.º 24
int hpx_main()
    BMP SetImage;
    SetImage.SetSize(sizeX * 2, sizeY);
    hpx::util::high_resolution_timer t;

        using namespace std;

        using hpx::future;
        using hpx::async;
        using hpx::wait_all;

        int const max_iteration = 255;

        vector<future<int> > iteration;

        hpx::cout << "Initial setup completed in "
                  << t.elapsed()
                  << "s. Initializing and running futures...\n"
                  << hpx::flush;

            hpx::threads::executors::local_queue_executor exec;

            for (int i = 0; i < sizeX; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < sizeY; ++j)
                    float x0 = (float)i * 3.5f / (float)sizeX - 2.5f;
                    float y0 = (float)j * 2.0f / (float)sizeY - 1.0f;

                    iteration.push_back(async(exec, &fractal_pixel_value,
                        x0, y0, max_iteration));

            // the executor's destructor will wait for all spawned tasks to
            // finish executing

        hpx::cout << sizeX*sizeY << " calculations run in "
                  << t.elapsed()
                  << "s. Transferring from futures to general memory...\n"
                  << hpx::flush;

        for (int i = 0; i < sizeX; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < sizeY; ++j)
                int it = iteration[i*sizeX + j].get();
                for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k)
                    int p = (it * 255) / max_iteration;
                    SetImage.SetPixel(i * 2 + k, j, RGBApixel(p, p, p));

    hpx::cout << "Transfer process completed in "
              << t.elapsed() << "s. Writing to hard disk...\n"
              << hpx::flush;


    hpx::cout << "Fractal image written to file \"out.bmp\" from memory in "
              << t.elapsed() << "s.\nShutting down process.\n"
              << hpx::flush;

    return hpx::finalize(); // Handles HPX shutdown
Exemplo n.º 25
Arquivo: x.cpp Projeto: J-Liu/EasyBMP
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  int width = 161, height = 161, layer = 80;
  int i, j;

  nifti_image *nim = NULL;
  char *fin = "/Users/jia/Desktop/F1_58-ed.nii";

  nim = nifti_image_read(fin, 1);
  if (!nim) {
    fprintf(stderr,"** failed to read NIfTI image from '%s'\n", fin);
    return 2;

  printf("%dD, x=%d y=%d z=%d t=%d u=%d v=%d w=%d\n",
         nim->ndim, nim->nx, nim->ny, nim->nz,
         nim->nt, nim->nu, nim->nv, nim->nw);
  printf("nvox=%d nbyper=%d\n",
         nim->nvox, nim->nbyper);
  printf("%fD x=%f y=%f z=%f t=%f u=%f v=%f w=%f\n",
         nim->pixdim[0], nim->dx, nim->dy, nim->dz,
         nim->dt, nim->du, nim->dv, nim->dw);

  unsigned short *q = static_cast<unsigned short *>(nim->data);
  unsigned short max = 0, min = 0, mean = 0;
  unsigned long long sum = 0;

  for (int i = width*height*layer; i < width*height*(layer+1); i++) {
    sum += q[i];
//    printf("%u\n", q[i]);
    if (q[i] > max)
      max = q[i];

  mean = sum / (width*height);
  printf("max=%u min=%u mean=%u\n", max, min, mean);

//        suv_max_group = max(temp_img)*weight/(decay_factor*dose);
//        suv_mean_group = mean(temp_img)*weight/(decay_factor*dose);
//weight INPUT
//dose INPUT
//time INPUT
//half_life INPUT
//decay_factor  = 2^(-time*60/half_life);

  int weight = 156;
  int dose = 156;
  int time = 16;
  int half_life = 15;
  int decay_factor = 2^(-time*60/half_life);
  printf("weight=%d decay_factor=%d dose=%d\n", weight, decay_factor, dose);

  int suv_max = max * weight / (decay_factor * dose);
  int suv_mean = mean * weight / (decay_factor * dose);
  printf("suv_max=%d suv_mean=%d\n", suv_max, suv_mean);

  unsigned short p[width*height];
  for (int i = 0; i < width*height; i++) {
    p[i] = q[width*height*layer + i] * 255 / max;

  BMP Output;
  Output.SetSize(width, height);

  for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < width; j++) {
      RGBApixel NewPixel;

      if (check_area(i, j) == 1) {
          NewPixel.Red = p[i*width + j];
          NewPixel.Green = p[i*width + j];
          NewPixel.Blue = p[i*width + j];
      } else {
          NewPixel.Red = 0;
          NewPixel.Green = 0;
          NewPixel.Blue = 0;
      NewPixel.Alpha = 0;
      Output.SetPixel(i, j, NewPixel);






  Rescale(Output, 'p', 50);

  /* and clean up memory */

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 26
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    BMP image;

	std::vector<Camera> cameras;
	Scene scene;

	// check for proper usage
	if(argc == 1 || argc > 2) 
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: usage: %s FILENAME\n", argv[0], argv[0]);
		return 1;

	Parser* fileParser = new Parser();
	if(fileParser->parse(argv[1]) == 1)
		return 1;
	cameras = fileParser->getCameras();
	scene = fileParser->getScene();
	for(size_t i = 0; i < scene.planes.size(); i++)
		Plane* curr_plane = &scene.planes.at(i);

	// for each camera
	for(int i = 0; i < cameras.size(); i++)
		Camera* current_camera = &cameras.at(i);
		// for every pixel
		for(int px=0; px<W; px++)
			printf("printing column: %d\n", px);
			for(int py=0; py<H; py++)
				//printf("coloring %d %d\n", px, py);
				Color current_pix = colorPixel(px, py, &scene, current_camera);
				image(px, py)->Red = (ebmpBYTE) 255 * current_pix.r;
				image(px, py)->Green = (ebmpBYTE) 255 * current_pix.g;
				image(px, py)->Blue = (ebmpBYTE) 255 * current_pix.b;
				image(px, py)->Alpha = 0.0; 
				//printf("%d\t%d\n", px, py);
				//printf("%f\t%f\t%f\n", current_pix.r, current_pix.g, current_pix.b);

		std::string inputfileName = argv[1];
		size_t pos = inputfileName.find_last_of('.');
		inputfileName = inputfileName.substr(0, pos);
		char* camnum = new char[20];
		std::string s;
		std::stringstream out;
		out << i;
		s = out.str();
		std::string outfileName = inputfileName;

    //BMP texture;
    return 0;
//trilinear interpolation simualtion 
void TrilinearInterpolationSimulation::Simulation()
	//declare an object for ifstream 
	ifstream myReadFile; 
	//open the first txt file "test1.txt"
	//declare a index
	int index =0; 
	//declare a vector to store the string 
	vector<string> vSstore (1010000); 
	//declare a vector to store Q 
	vector<float> vQstore (1001000);
	//declare a temporary number 
	float temp = 0;
	//declare a vector to store voxel; 
	vector<voxel> vVstore (1010000); 
	//read the contents from "text1.txt"
		string str;
			getline(myReadFile, str);
			vSstore[index] = str; 

	//store all the density into the vector 
	for(int i = 0; i<1000000; ++i)
	   from_string<float>(temp, std::string(vSstore[i+13]), std::dec);
	   if(str == "test1.txt")
	   if(str == "test2.txt")
	   if(str == "test3.txt")
	//define the step size
    const float step = 0.5;
	//set light Red corlor
	const int lightRedColor = 1; 
	//set light blue color 
	const int lightBlueColor = 1; 
	//set light green color 
	const int lightGreenColor = 1;

	//check which combination of background color we should use 
	if(str == "test1.txt")
		backRedColor = 69; 
		backGreenColor = 130;
		backBlueColor = 181;
		kapa = (float) 0.7;
	if(str == "test2.txt")
		backRedColor = 255; 
		backGreenColor = 69;
		backBlueColor = 0;
		kapa = (float)0.9;
	if(str == "test3.txt")
		backRedColor = 0; 
		backGreenColor = 0;
		backBlueColor = 204;
		kapa = (float)0.4;

	BMP output; 
	output.SetSize(640, 480);
	output.SetBitDepth (24);

	 //store the precomputed transmittance 
	for(int i = -320; i< 320; ++i)
		for(int j = -240; j< 240; ++j)
			   float a = (float) (200*200 + j*j + i*i); 
			   float length = sqrt(a);
			   //calculate the corresponding step size in the x, y, z direction 
			   stepX = 200*step/length; 
			   stepY = i*step/length; 
			   stepZ = j*step/length;
			   //calculate step times
			   int stepTime = (int) (length/step); 
			   //delcare delta Q
			   float deltaQ = 0.0; 
			   //declare Q 
			   float Q = 0.5;
			   //declare dentisty 
			   float Density = 0.0;
               //delcare weight
			   float weightX = 0.0; 
			   float weightY = 0.0; 
			   float weightZ = 0.0;
			   float weight =0.0;
			   //go through the light one by one 
			   for(int l= 1; l<= stepTime; ++l)
				    x = (float)(200-l*stepX); 
			        y = (float)(l*stepY); 
			        z = (float)(l*stepZ); 
					float interpolatedDensity = 0.0;
						//convert x,y,z into integer
						voxelX = (int) (x-xMove);
						voxelY = (int) (y-yMove); 
						voxelZ = (int) (z-zMove);
						for(int a = voxelX; a<= voxelX+1; ++a)
					        for(int b = voxelY; b<= voxelY+1; ++b)
						        for(int c = voxelZ; c<= voxelZ+1; ++c)
									weightX = (1-abs(x-(float)(a+xMove)))/1;
							        weightY = (1-abs(y-(float)(b+yMove)))/1;
							        weightZ = (1-abs(z-(float)(c+zMove)))/1;
							        weight = weightX*weightY*weightZ;
                                    index = a +100*b + c*100*100;
									if(index <= 1000000)
									  interpolatedDensity += vVstore[index].getDensity()*weight;
						index = voxelX + voxelY*100 + voxelZ*100*100; 
					    deltaQ = exp(-kapa*step*interpolatedDensity);
						Q *= deltaQ; 
						vQstore[index]= Q;
	//ray match between eye and voxel
    for(int i = -320; i < 320; ++i)
		for(int j= -240; j < 240; ++j)
			//calculate and record the total length of the ray 
			float a = (float) (i*i + j*j + 240*240); 
			float length = sqrt(a); 
		    //the red color in the pixel 
			int redColor = 0; 
			//the green color in the pixel
			int greenColor = 0;
			//the blue color in the pixel 
			int blueColor = 0; 
			//calculate how many steps should go in the ray 
			int stepTime = (int) (length/step);
			//density is used to record voxel density 
			float Density = 0.0; 
			//define transmittance; 
			float Transmittance = 1.0;
			//deltaT is used to calculate transmittance 
			float deltaT = 0.0;
			//calculate the corresponding step size in the x, y, z direction
			stepX = i*step/length; 
			stepY = j*step/length;
			stepZ = 240*step/length;
			//declare weight
			float weightX = 0.0; 
			float weightY = 0.0; 
			float weightZ = 0.0; 
			float weight =0.0; 

			for(int k = 1; k <= stepTime; ++k)
			   x = (float)(k*stepX); 
			   y = (float)(k*stepY); 
			   z = (float)(200.0-k*stepZ); 
               //conditional judgement to see if light is cast into the grid 
				   //convert x,y,z into integer
				   voxelX = (int) (x-xMove);
				   voxelY = (int) (y-yMove); 
				   voxelZ = (int) (z-zMove);
				   float interpolatedDensity = 0.0;
				   float interpolatedRedColor = 0.0; 
				   float interpolatedGreenColor =0.0; 
				   float interpolatedBlueColor =0.0;
				   for(int a = voxelX; a<= voxelX+1; ++a)
					   for(int b = voxelY; b<= voxelY+1; ++b)
						   for(int c = voxelZ; c<= voxelZ+1; ++c)
							   weightX = (1-abs(x-(float)(a+xMove)))/1;
							   weightY = (1-abs(y-(float)(b+yMove)))/1;
							   weightZ = (1-abs(z-(float)(c+zMove)))/1;
							   weight = weightX*weightY*weightZ;
							   index = a + b*100 + c*100*100;
							   if(index <= 1000000)
								   //interpolate density 
								   interpolatedDensity += vVstore[index].getDensity()*weight;
								   //interpolate redColor 
								   interpolatedRedColor += vVstore[index].getRedValue()*weight; 
								   //interpolate greenColor
								   interpolatedGreenColor += vVstore[index].getGreenValue()*weight; 
								   //interpolate blueColor 
								   interpolatedBlueColor += vVstore[index].getBlueValue()*weight; 
				   deltaT = exp(-kapa*step*interpolatedDensity);
				   if(Transmittance < exp(-6.0))
				   index = voxelX + 100*voxelY + 100*100*voxelZ;
				   redColor += (int)((1-deltaT)/kapa*(interpolatedRedColor*lightRedColor)*Transmittance*vQstore[index]);
				   greenColor += (int)((1-deltaT)/kapa*(interpolatedGreenColor*lightGreenColor)*Transmittance*vQstore[index]);
				   blueColor += (int)((1-deltaT)/kapa*(interpolatedBlueColor*lightBlueColor)*Transmittance*vQstore[index]);
			//set the color by adding material color with blackground color 
		    if(Transmittance > exp(-6.0)){
				   redColor = (int) (redColor*(1-Transmittance)+ backRedColor*Transmittance); 
				   greenColor = (int) (greenColor*(1-Transmittance) + backGreenColor*Transmittance); 
				   blueColor = (int) (blueColor*(1-Transmittance) + backBlueColor*Transmittance); 

			output(i+320, 239-j)->Red = redColor; 
			output(i+320, 239-j)->Blue = blueColor; 
			output(i+320, 239-j)->Green = greenColor;

	//check the file name 
	if(str == "test1.txt")
	}else if (str == "test2.txt")
	}if (str == "test3.txt")
Exemplo n.º 28
void Camera::renderRayBoxIntersection(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, float m_bgcolor[], float m_boxcolor[], std::string& outputFile){

	BMP file;

	Vector myVectorEyetoMiddle(m_direction.normalize());

	double tanfovx = tan(m_fovRad)*double(width)/height ;  
    Vector myEyeVectorX = myVectorEyetoMiddle.crossProduct(m_up) ;     //A
	Vector myEyeVectorY = myEyeVectorX.crossProduct(myVectorEyetoMiddle) ;     //B

	Vector myMiddlePoint = myVectorEyetoMiddle + m_position;

	Vector myImageVectorX = myEyeVectorX *  ( myVectorEyetoMiddle.normalize().length() * tanfovx / myEyeVectorX.length() ); //H
	Vector myImageVectorY = myEyeVectorY *  ( myVectorEyetoMiddle.normalize().length() * tan(m_fovRad) / myEyeVectorY.length() ); //V

	RGBApixel BGColor; 
	BGColor.Red = (ebmpBYTE) m_bgcolor[0]*255;
	BGColor.Green = (ebmpBYTE) m_bgcolor[1]*255;
	BGColor.Blue = (ebmpBYTE) m_bgcolor[2]*255;
	BGColor.Alpha = 0;
	RGBApixel BoxColor; 
	BoxColor.Red = (ebmpBYTE) m_boxcolor[0]*255;
	BoxColor.Green = (ebmpBYTE) m_boxcolor[1]*255;
	BoxColor.Blue = (ebmpBYTE) m_boxcolor[2]*255;
	BoxColor.Alpha = 0;

	double UnitCube[2][3] = { {0, 0, -1},  {1, 1, 0} };  //cube

	double a1 = UnitCube[0][0] - m_position[0];
	double a2 = UnitCube[1][0] - m_position[0];
	double b1 = UnitCube[0][1] - m_position[1];
	double b2 = UnitCube[1][1] - m_position[1];
	double c1 = UnitCube[0][2] - m_position[2];
	double c2 = UnitCube[1][2] - m_position[2];

	for(unsigned int i=0;i<width;i++){
		for(unsigned int j=0;j<height;j++){

			double t1x, t2x, t1y, t2y, t1z, t2z;
		    double sx,sy;
			sx = double(i)/width;
			sy = double(j)/height;

			Vector P =  myImageVectorX*(2*sx-1) + myImageVectorY*(2*sy-1) + myMiddlePoint ;
			Vector myRayCasting = (P - m_position)*(1.0 / (P - m_position).normalize().length()); //RayDirection = (P - E)/normalize(P - E);
			t1x =  a1 / myRayCasting[0];
			t2x =  a2 / myRayCasting[0];
			t1y =  b1 / myRayCasting[1];
			t2y =  b2 / myRayCasting[1];
			t1z =  c1 / myRayCasting[2];
			t2z =  c2 / myRayCasting[2];
			bool hit = RayBoxIntersection( t1x, t2x, t1y, t2y, t1z, t2z );

			if (!hit)
				file.SetPixel(i, height-j-1, BGColor);
				file.SetPixel(i, height-j-1, BoxColor);

Exemplo n.º 29
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	if(argc!=2) {
		cout<<"Requires an argument specifying output file";
	int width = 600, height = 600;

	/* Material Test */
	Brdf br1 = {Vector3f(1.0, 0.0, 1.0), Vector3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), Vector3f(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), Vector3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 50.0};
	Material m1(br1);
	m1.ri = 1.52;
	Brdf br2 = {Vector3f(1.0, 1.0, 0.0), Vector3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), Vector3f(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), Vector3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 50.0};
	Material m2(br2);
	m2.ri = 1.52;
	Brdf br3 = {Vector3f(0.0, 1.0, 1.0), Vector3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), Vector3f(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), Vector3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 50.0};
	Material m3(br3);
	m3.ri = 1.52;
	Brdf br4 = {Vector3f(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), Vector3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), Vector3f(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), Vector3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 50.0};
	Material m4(br4);
	m4.ri = 1.52;

	/* Primitive test */
	Sphere sp = Sphere(Vector3f(0, 0, 20), Vector3f(1,0,0), 3.0);
	GeoPrimitive g(&sp, &m1);
	Vector3f vertices[3];
	vertices[0] = Vector3f(-5, 5, 17);
	vertices[1] = Vector3f(-1, 4, 20);
	vertices[2] = Vector3f(-6, -1, 20);
	Triangle tr = Triangle(vertices, Vector3f(1,0,0));
	GeoPrimitive t(&tr, &m4);
	Brdf* temp;
	LocalGeo temp2;
	Sphere sp2 = Sphere(Vector3f(2, 2, 15), Vector3f(0,1,0), 1.0);
	GeoPrimitive g2(&sp2, &m2);
	Sphere sp3 = Sphere(Vector3f(2, -0.5, 15), Vector3f(0,0,1), 1.0);
	GeoPrimitive g3(&sp3, &m3);
	//Sphere sp4 = Sphere(Vector3f(0,-1008,10), Vector3f(0,0,1), 1000.0);
	//GeoPrimitive g4(&sp4, &m4);
	/* Light Test */
	DirectionalLight l = DirectionalLight(Vector3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), Vector3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vector3f(0.57735, -0.57735, -0.57735));
	PointLight l1 = PointLight(Vector3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), Vector3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), Vector3f(0.0, -100.0, 0.0));
	PointLight l2 = PointLight(Vector3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), Vector3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), Vector3f(0.0, 100.0, 0.0));
	//DirectionalLight l2 = DirectionalLight(Vector3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), Vector3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vector3f(0.57735, -0.57735, -0.57735));
	/* Camera test */
	Sample s;
	s.x = 0;
	s.y = 0;
	Camera c(Vector3f(0, 0, 5), Vector3f(0,0,15), Vector3f(0,1,0), pi/3, pi/3, width, height);

	/* Sampler test */
	Sampler smp(width, height);
	s = *(smp.sample);

	/* Scene test */
	Scene sc;

	/* Generating output bitmap */
	BMP image;
	image.SetSize(width, height);

	/* Ray Tracer multi trace test*/
	Ray r;
	Vector3f color;
	RayTracer rt(10, &sc, &c);
	cout<<"\n --------- RayTracer Multi Trace----------\n";
	while(smp.getSample()) {
		c.generateRay(*(smp.sample), &r);
		//cout<<"Ray - \n Origin = "<<r.origin<<"\nDirection = "<<r.direction<<"\n";
		color = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
		//cout<<"X = "<<smp.sample->x<<" Y = "<<smp.sample->y<<"\n";
		rt.trace(r, 0, &color);
		//cout<<"\n-----Color = "<<color<<"\n\n";
		for (int i = 0; i<3; i++) {
			if (color[i]>1.0) color[i] = 1.0;
			else if (color[i]<0.0) color[i] = 0.0;
		image(smp.sample->x, smp.sample->y)->Red = color[0]*255;
		image(smp.sample->x, smp.sample->y)->Green = color[1]*255;
		image(smp.sample->x, smp.sample->y)->Blue = color[2]*255;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 30
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	unsigned int width = 800;
	unsigned int height = 600;
	float aspect = ((float)width)/height;
	float fovy = 90.0f * 3.1415926535/180;
	float phi = fovy/2;
	vec4 up = vec4(0,1,0,0);
	vec4 u = vec4(-1,0,0,0);

	vec4 v = up * tan(phi);
	vec4 h = -u * tan(phi) * aspect;

	vec4 m = vec4(0,0,-1,1);
	vec4 e = vec4(0,0,0,1);

	BMP output;
	output.SetSize(width, height);

	for(unsigned int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
		for(unsigned int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
			Ray ray;
			vec4 p = m + (2 * (float)x/(width-1)-1)*h + (2 * (float)y/(height-1)-1) * v;
			ray.origin = e;
			ray.direction = (p-e)/length(p-e);

			output(x, y)->Red = abs(ray.direction.x)*255;
			output(x, y)->Green = abs(ray.direction.y)*255;
			output(x, y)->Blue = abs(ray.direction.z)*255;

			/*if(x % 40 == 0) {
				if(y % 40 == 0) {
					output(x, y)->Red = 255;
					output(x, y)->Blue = 0;
					output(x, y)->Green = 0;
				else {
					output(x, y)->Red = 0;
					output(x, y)->Blue = 255;
					output(x, y)->Green = 0;
			else {
				if(y % 40 == 0) {
					output(x, y)->Red = 0;
					output(x, y)->Blue = 255;
					output(x, y)->Green = 0;
				else {
					output(x, y)->Red = 255;
					output(x, y)->Blue = 0;
					output(x, y)->Green = 0;

	return 0;