double Sensor::getBMP085altitude() { BMP085 dps = BMP085(); Wire.begin(); dps.init(); long Temperature = 0, Pressure = 0, Altitude = 0; dps.getTemperature(&Temperature); dps.getPressure(&Pressure); dps.getAltitude(&Altitude); return (double) Altitude; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("BMPO85 examples program\n"); I2Cdev::initialize(); BMP085 barometer ; // BMP085 class default I2C address is 0x77, specific I2C addresses may be passed as a parameter here if ( barometer.testConnection() ) printf("BMP085 connection test successful\n") ; else { fprintf( stderr, "BMP085 connection test failed! exiting ...\n"); return 1; } barometer.loadCalibration(); float temperature; float pressure; float altitude; while (true) { barometer.setControl(BMP085_MODE_TEMPERATURE); bcm2835_delay(5); // wait 5 ms for conversion temperature = barometer.getTemperatureC(); barometer.setControl(BMP085_MODE_PRESSURE_3) ; //taking reading in highest accuracy measurement mode bcm2835_delay( barometer.getMeasureDelayMicroseconds() / 1000 ); pressure = barometer.getPressure(); altitude = barometer.getAltitude(pressure); printf(" Temperature: %3.1f deg C Pressure %3.3f kPa altitude %3.1f m\r", temperature, pressure/1000.0, altitude); fflush(stdout); bcm2835_delay(200); } return 1; }
double Sensor::getBMP085pressure() { Serial.println("At getPressure"); BMP085 dps = BMP085(); Wire.begin(); dps.init(); long Temperature = 0, Pressure = 0, Altitude = 0; dps.getTemperature(&Temperature); dps.getPressure(&Pressure); dps.getAltitude(&Altitude); Serial.print("The pressure is: ");Serial.println("Pressure"); return (double) Pressure; }
void getIMUReadings( ADXL345& a, BMP085& b, HMC5883L& c, L3G4200D& g) { a.readAccel(); // WORKING b.calculateAll(); // WORKING g.computeValues(); // appears to be WORKING c.readCompassHeading(); // appears to be WORKING }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Loop Function - Arduino Program Loop //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void loop() { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(13, LOW); delay(100); Serial.println("Updated numbers"); Serial.print("Temperature: "); Serial.print(bmp.temperature(),2); Serial.println(" deg C"); Serial.print("Pressure: "); Serial.print(bmp.pressure()); Serial.println(" Pa"); Serial.print("Altitude: "); Serial.print(bmp.altitude(),2); Serial.println(" m\n"); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Setup Function - Initializes Arduino //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void setup() { pinMode(13, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); bmp.initialize(); // Initial Serial.println("Initial Reading"); Serial.print("Temperature: "); Serial.print(bmp.temperature(),2); Serial.println(" deg C"); Serial.print("Pressure: "); Serial.print(bmp.pressure()); Serial.println(" Pa"); Serial.print("Altitude: "); Serial.print(bmp.altitude(),2); Serial.println(" m\n"); // Set with current pressure bmp.calibrateWithPres(101681); Serial.println("Set with current pressure of 101681"); Serial.print("Temperature: "); Serial.print(bmp.temperature(),2); Serial.println(" deg C"); Serial.print("Pressure: "); Serial.print(bmp.pressure()); Serial.println(" Pa"); Serial.print("Altitude: "); Serial.print(bmp.altitude(),2); Serial.println(" m\n"); // Set with current altitude bmp.calibrateWithAlt(270); Serial.println("Set with current altitude of 270"); Serial.print("Temperature: "); Serial.print(bmp.temperature(),2); Serial.println(" deg C"); Serial.print("Pressure: "); Serial.print(bmp.pressure()); Serial.println(" Pa"); Serial.print("Altitude: "); Serial.print(bmp.altitude(),2); Serial.println(" m\n"); // Set OSS to 3 bmp.setOSS(3); Serial.println("Set with OSS to 3"); Serial.print("Temperature: "); Serial.print(bmp.temperature(),2); Serial.println(" deg C"); Serial.print("Pressure: "); Serial.print(bmp.pressure()); Serial.println(" Pa"); Serial.print("Altitude: "); Serial.print(bmp.altitude(),2); Serial.println(" m\n"); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *fileName = "/dev/i2c-1"; int countdown = 0; int blink = 1; float timeStep = 83.33; int printTerminal = 1; int fd;// File description string buttonInput; float lastBlink = 0.0f; bool isOnLED = false; float timeStamp = 0.0f; int delay = 0; CTimeClass timer; Logger logger; ADXL345 acc; BMP085 baro; L3G4200D gyro; HMC5883L compass; GPIOClass gpioLED("17"); GPIOClass gpioButton("4"); // init GPIOs gpioLED.export_gpio(); gpioButton.export_gpio(); gpioLED.setdir_gpio("out"); //GPIO4 set to output gpioButton.setdir_gpio("in"); // GPIO17 set to input // switch off LED just in case gpioLED.setval_gpio("0"); // parse input arguments if( argc > 1 ) { parseArgv( countdown, blink, timeStep, printTerminal, argc, argv ); printf("c = %d, b = %d, t = %f, p = %d\n", countdown, blink, timeStep, printTerminal); } // init i2c if(!init(&fd, fileName)) { exit(1); } // wait for a little usleep(100000); // init imu acc.init(&fd, ((int) ((1000/timeStep)+0.5)), timeStep); baro.init(&fd); compass.init(&fd); gyro.init(&fd, ((int) ((1000/timeStep)+0.5))); if( countdown > 0 ) { waitUntilButton(gpioButton, gpioLED, countdown, blink ); } timer.init(); if( logger.openLogFile( timeStep, timer ) == false ) { exit( 1 ); } printf("GO\n"); for(;;) { // read current Time timer.computeStartTime(); getIMUReadings( acc, baro, compass, gyro ); timer.computeTime( timeStamp ); // print data to file MATLAB: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 fprintf(logger.fp, "%d, %4d %4d %4d %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %d %d %d %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f\n", ((int) timeStamp), gyro.x, gyro.y, gyro.z, compass.heading, baro.altitude, baro.pressure / 100, baro.temperature, acc.accKalman[ X ], acc.accKalman[ Y ], acc.accKalman[ Z ], acc.acc[ Z ], acc.magnitude, acc.zeroX[X], acc.zeroX[Y], acc.zeroX[Z], acc.pitch, acc.roll, acc.deriv2[X], acc.deriv2[Y], acc.deriv2[Z]); //fprintf(logger.fp, "%d %5d %5d %5d %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f\n", ((int) timeStamp), acc.raw[0], acc.raw[1], acc.raw[2], acc.acc[ 0 ], acc.acc[ 1 ], acc.acc[ 2 ], acc.accKalman[ 0 ], acc.accKalman[ 1 ], acc.accKalman[ 2 ]); //, acc.movingAverage[ 0 ], acc.movingAverage[ 1 ],acc.movingAverage[ 2 ]); if( printTerminal == 1 ) { printf("%d, %4d %4d %4d %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %d %d %d %5.3f %5.3f\n", ((int) timeStamp), gyro.x, gyro.y, gyro.z, compass.heading, baro.altitude, baro.pressure / 100, baro.temperature, acc.accKalman[ X ], acc.accKalman[ Y ], acc.accKalman[ Z ], acc.acc[ Z ], acc.magnitude,acc.zeroX[X], acc.zeroX[Y], acc.zeroX[Z], acc.pitch, acc.roll); } // see if user wants to quit gpioButton.getval_gpio(buttonInput); // button pressed, so exit program if( buttonInput == "0" ) { printf("Exiting\n"); break; } timer.computeEndTime(); // delay in microseconds delay = ( timeStep * 1000 ) - timer.getElapsedMilliseconds() * 1000; // sleep by 'delay' in order to have periodic readings if( delay > 0 ) { usleep(delay); } // sleep 1ms else { usleep(1000); } // if blink is set to ON if( blink == 1 ){ static float endTime; endTime = timer.getEndTime(); blinkLED( gpioLED, endTime, lastBlink, isOnLED, 888 ); } } gpioLED.setval_gpio("0"); printf("bye bye\n"); return 0; }
/* * Main Loop */ void loop() { wdt_reset(); mD.vals.uslCount++; //Increment main datarecord count AccelerometerScaled Ascaled = accel.ReadScaledAxis(); //Get Scaled Accelerometer AccelerometerRaw Araw = accel.ReadRawAxis(); //Get Raw Accelerometer MagnetometerScaled Mscaled = compass.ReadScaledAxis(); //Get Scaled Magnetometer MagnetometerRaw Mraw = compass.ReadRawAxis(); //Get Raw Magnetometer; //Get Gyro // offset compass by hard iron Mraw.XAxis += 40; Mraw.YAxis += 261; Mraw.ZAxis += 54; //write Acc, Mag, & Gyro values to record float AxisGs = Ascaled.XAxis; mD.vals.AcXPayload = AxisGs * 100; AxisGs = Ascaled.YAxis; mD.vals.AcYPayload = AxisGs * 100; AxisGs = Ascaled.ZAxis; mD.vals.AcZPayload = AxisGs * 100; mD.vals.MgXPayload = Mscaled.XAxis; mD.vals.MgYPayload = Mscaled.YAxis; mD.vals.MgZPayload = Mscaled.ZAxis; mD.vals.GyXPayload = LGgyro.g.x; mD.vals.GyYPayload = LGgyro.g.y; mD.vals.GyZPayload = LGgyro.g.z; //Perform tilt compensation calculation save to record sixDOF.compCompass(Mraw.XAxis, -Mraw.YAxis, -Mraw.ZAxis, Araw.XAxis, Araw.YAxis, Araw.ZAxis, true); float compHeading = sixDOF.atan2Int(sixDOF.xAxisComp(), sixDOF.yAxisComp()); compHeading = compHeading /100; if (compHeading < 0 ) { compHeading = abs(compHeading); } else { compHeading = 180 - compHeading + 180; } mD.vals.CmpssPayload = compHeading; //get BMP085 values save to record dps.getTemperature(&TmpPayloadFULL); dps.getPressure(&mD.vals.PressurePayload); mD.vals.TmpPayload = (int16_t)(TmpPayloadFULL); mD.vals.TmpExternal = (int16_t)(sensors.getTempC(outsideThermometer)* 10); sensors.requestTemperaturesByAddress(outsideThermometer); // Send the command to get temperatures //get GPS data byte lcount = 0; //reset a loop counter while (!NEWGPSDATA && lcount++ < 255) { //Exit the loop if we have new data or have been round it a number of times NEWGPSDATA = feedgps(); } if (NEWGPSDATA) { //We have new GPS data, get all of the fields we need. int tmp_year = 0; gps.crack_datetime(&tmp_year, &mD.vals.month, &,&mD.vals.hour, &mD.vals.minute, &mD.vals.second, &mD.vals.hundredths, &mD.vals.age); mD.vals.year = tmp_year - 2000; if (gps.altitude() != TinyGPS_HJOE::GPS_INVALID_ALTITUDE && gps.altitude() >= 0) { gps.get_position(&mD.vals.iLat, &mD.vals.iLong, &mD.vals.age); mD.vals.iAlt = gps.altitude(); mD.vals.iAngle = gps.course(); mD.vals.iHspeed = gps.speed(); mD.vals.bSats = gps.satellites(); mD.vals.ihdop = gps.hdop(); } SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_BLUE,0); //Flash blue to show we are getting GPS data } else { SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_GREEN,0); //Flash Green to show that we are looping but not getting GPS data } if(ETSerialIn.receiveData()){ } //flip flop between I2C's to avoid both on one loop if (SENDWIRE && (millis() - elapseSIM900) > WAIT_SIM900) { mD.vals.tCount++; ETI2Cout.sendData(I2C_SLV_SIM900_ADDRESS); elapseSIM900 = millis(); } if (!SENDWIRE && (millis() - elapseNTXB) > WAIT_NTXB) { mD.vals.tCount++; ETI2Cout.sendData(I2C_SLV_NTXB_ADDRESS); elapseNTXB = millis(); //get I2C_SLV_SIM900_ADDRESS data } writeSDData(); //Write the data record to the SD card SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_OFF,0); //turn off the LED NEWGPSDATA = false; //Reset the New GPS Data flag SENDWIRE = !SENDWIRE; //Flipflop this }
/* * Setup */ void setup() { wdt_enable(WDTO_8S); wdt_reset(); //Setup Ports Serial.begin(115200); //Start Debug Serial 0 Serial1.begin(9600); //Start GPS Serial 1 Serial2.begin(9600); pinMode(PIN_LED_GREEN, OUTPUT); //Blue GREEN pinMode(PIN_LED_RED, OUTPUT); //Blue RED pinMode(PIN_LED_BLUE, OUTPUT); //Blue LED pinMode(PIN_SPI_CS,OUTPUT); //Chip Select Pin for the SD Card pinMode(10, OUTPUT); //SDcard library expect 10 to set set as output. // Initialise the GPS wdt_disable(); gps.init(); gps.configureUbloxSettings(); // Configure Ublox for MY_HIGH altitude mode wdt_enable(WDTO_8S); // join I2C bus //start I2C transfer to the Module/Transmitter Wire.begin(); //Set up the two EasyTransfer methods ETI2Cout.begin(details(mD.i2cOut), &Wire); //setup the data structure to transfer out ETSerialIn.begin(details(vals), &Serial2); //Start up the LGgyro if (LGgyro.init()) { #ifdef DEBUG_ON Serial.println("LGgyro OK"); #endif LGgyro.enableDefault(); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_ON Serial.println("LGgyro not working"); #endif SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_WHITE,500); //White LED SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_RED,1000); //Red LED } //Start up the accelerometer accel = ADXL345(); // Create an instance of the accelerometer if(accel.EnsureConnected()) { // Check that the accelerometer is connected. #ifdef DEBUG_ON Serial.println("Connected to ADXL345."); #endif accel.SetRange(2, true); // Set the range of the accelerometer to a maximum of 2G. accel.EnableMeasurements(); // Tell the accelerometer to start taking measurements. } else{ #ifdef DEBUG_ON Serial.println("Could not connect to ADXL345."); #endif SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_WHITE,500); //White LED SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_RED,2000); //Red LED } //Start up the compass compass = HMC5883L(); // Construct a new HMC5883 compass. #ifdef DEBUG_ON if(compass.EnsureConnected() == 1) { Serial.println("Connected to HMC5883L."); } else { Serial.println("Not Connected to HMC5883L."); } #endif error = compass.SetScale(1.3); // Set the scale of the compass. #ifdef DEBUG_ON if(error != 0) { // If there is an error, print it out. Serial.println("Compass Error 1"); Serial.println(compass.GetErrorText(error)); } else { Serial.println("Compass Ok 1"); } #endif error = compass.SetMeasurementMode(Measurement_Continuous); // Set the measurement mode to Continuous #ifdef DEBUG_ON if(error != 0) { // If there is an error, print it out. Serial.println("Compass error 2"); Serial.println(compass.GetErrorText(error)); } else { Serial.println("Compass Ok 2"); } #endif //Start up the Pressure Sensor dps = BMP085(); dps.init(); #ifdef DEBUG_ON Serial.print("BMP Mode "); Serial.println(dps.getMode()); #endif wdt_reset(); // Start up the OneWire Sensors library and turn off blocking takes too long! sensors.begin(); sensors.setWaitForConversion(false); sensors.requestTemperaturesByAddress(outsideThermometer); // Send the command to get temperature //Initialise all of the record values mD.vals.tCount = 0; mD.vals.uslCount = 0; mD.vals.year = 0; mD.vals.month = 0; = 0; mD.vals.hour = 0; mD.vals.minute = 0; mD.vals.second = 0; mD.vals.hundredths = 0; mD.vals.iLat = 0; mD.vals.iLong = 0; mD.vals.iAlt = 0; mD.vals.bSats = 0; mD.vals.iAngle = 0; mD.vals.iHspeed = 0; mD.vals.iVspeed = 0; mD.vals.age = 0; mD.vals.ihdop = 0; mD.vals.AcXPayload = 0; mD.vals.AcYPayload = 0; mD.vals.AcZPayload = 0; mD.vals.GyXPayload = 0; mD.vals.GyYPayload = 0; mD.vals.GyZPayload = 0; mD.vals.MgXPayload = 0; mD.vals.MgYPayload = 0; mD.vals.MgZPayload = 0; mD.vals.TmpPayload = 0; //Connect to the SD Card if(!SD.begin(PIN_SPI_CS, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) { #ifdef DEBUG_ON Serial.println("SD not working!!"); #endif SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_WHITE,500); //White LED SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_RED,3000); //Red LED } else { #ifdef DEBUG_ON Serial.println("SD OK"); #endif, O_CREAT | O_WRITE | O_APPEND); //Open Logfile if (!dataFile.isOpen()) { #ifdef DEBUG_ON Serial.println("SD Data File Not Opened"); #endif SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_WHITE,500); SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_RED,3000); } } //Cycle lights SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_OFF,0); SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_RED,500); SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_GREEN,500); SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_BLUE,500); SET_LED_Status(SET_LED_OFF,0); elapseSIM900 = millis(); //Elapse counter for data to SIM900 elapseNTXB = millis(); //Elapse counter for data to NTXB NEWGPSDATA = false; wdt_enable(WDTO_2S); wdt_reset(); }