Exemplo n.º 1
         * actually applies a reduce, to a list of tuples (key, value).
         * After the call, tuples will hold a single tuple {"0": key, "1": value}
        void JSReducer::_reduce( const BSONList& tuples , BSONObj& key , int& endSizeEstimate ) {
            uassert( 10074 ,  "need values" , tuples.size() );

            int sizeEstimate = ( tuples.size() * tuples.begin()->getField( "value" ).size() ) + 128;

            // need to build the reduce args: ( key, [values] )
            BSONObjBuilder reduceArgs( sizeEstimate );
            boost::scoped_ptr<BSONArrayBuilder>  valueBuilder;
            int sizeSoFar = 0;
            unsigned n = 0;
            for ( ; n<tuples.size(); n++ ) {
                BSONObjIterator j(tuples[n]);
                BSONElement keyE = j.next();
                if ( n == 0 ) {
                    reduceArgs.append( keyE );
                    key = keyE.wrap();
                    sizeSoFar = 5 + keyE.size();
                    valueBuilder.reset(new BSONArrayBuilder( reduceArgs.subarrayStart( "tuples" ) ));

                BSONElement ee = j.next();

                uassert( 13070 , "value too large to reduce" , ee.size() < ( BSONObjMaxUserSize / 2 ) );

                if ( sizeSoFar + ee.size() > BSONObjMaxUserSize ) {
                    assert( n > 1 ); // if not, inf. loop

                valueBuilder->append( ee );
                sizeSoFar += ee.size();
            BSONObj args = reduceArgs.obj();

            Scope * s = _func.scope();

            s->invokeSafe( _func.func() , args );

            if ( s->type( "return" ) == Array ) {
                uasserted( 10075 , "reduce -> multiple not supported yet");

            endSizeEstimate = key.objsize() + ( args.objsize() / tuples.size() );

            if ( n == tuples.size() )

            // the input list was too large, add the rest of elmts to new tuples and reduce again
            // note: would be better to use loop instead of recursion to avoid stack overflow
            BSONList x;
            for ( ; n < tuples.size(); n++ ) {
                x.push_back( tuples[n] );
            BSONObjBuilder temp( endSizeEstimate );
            temp.append( key.firstElement() );
            s->append( temp , "1" , "return" );
            x.push_back( temp.obj() );
            _reduce( x , key , endSizeEstimate );
Exemplo n.º 2
            bool run(const char *ns, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool){
                string dbname = cc().database()->name; // this has to come before dbtemprelease
                dbtemprelease temprelease; // we don't touch the db directly

                string shardedOutputCollection = cmdObj["shardedOutputCollection"].valuestrsafe();

                MRSetup mr( dbname , cmdObj.firstElement().embeddedObjectUserCheck() , false );
                set<ServerAndQuery> servers;
                BSONObjBuilder shardCounts;
                map<string,long long> counts;
                BSONObj shards = cmdObj["shards"].embeddedObjectUserCheck();
                vector< auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> > shardCursors;
                BSONObjIterator i( shards );
                while ( i.more() ){
                    BSONElement e = i.next();
                    string shard = e.fieldName();

                    BSONObj res = e.embeddedObjectUserCheck();
                    uassert( 10078 ,  "something bad happened" , shardedOutputCollection == res["result"].valuestrsafe() );
                    servers.insert( shard );
                    shardCounts.appendAs( res["counts"] , shard.c_str() );

                    BSONObjIterator j( res["counts"].embeddedObjectUserCheck() );
                    while ( j.more() ){
                        BSONElement temp = j.next();
                        counts[temp.fieldName()] += temp.numberLong();


                BSONObj sortKey = BSON( "_id" << 1 );

                ParallelSortClusteredCursor cursor( servers , dbname + "." + shardedOutputCollection ,
                                                    Query().sort( sortKey ) );
                auto_ptr<Scope> s = globalScriptEngine->getPooledScope( ns );
                ScriptingFunction reduceFunction = s->createFunction( mr.reduceCode.c_str() );
                ScriptingFunction finalizeFunction = 0;
                if ( mr.finalizeCode.size() )
                    finalizeFunction = s->createFunction( mr.finalizeCode.c_str() );

                BSONList values;

                result.append( "result" , mr.finalShort );

                DBDirectClient db;
                while ( cursor.more() ){
                    BSONObj t = cursor.next().getOwned();
                    if ( values.size() == 0 ){
                        values.push_back( t );
                    if ( t.woSortOrder( *(values.begin()) , sortKey ) == 0 ){
                        values.push_back( t );

                    db.insert( mr.tempLong , reduceValues( values , s.get() , reduceFunction , 1 , finalizeFunction ) );
                    values.push_back( t );
                if ( values.size() )
                    db.insert( mr.tempLong , reduceValues( values , s.get() , reduceFunction , 1 , finalizeFunction ) );
                long long finalCount = mr.renameIfNeeded( db );
                log(0) << " mapreducefinishcommand " << mr.finalLong << " " << finalCount << endl;

                for ( set<ServerAndQuery>::iterator i=servers.begin(); i!=servers.end(); i++ ){
                    ScopedDbConnection conn( i->_server );
                    conn->dropCollection( dbname + "." + shardedOutputCollection );
                result.append( "shardCounts" , shardCounts.obj() );
                    BSONObjBuilder c;
                    for ( map<string,long long>::iterator i=counts.begin(); i!=counts.end(); i++ ){
                        c.append( i->first , i->second );
                    result.append( "counts" , c.obj() );

                return 1;