Exemplo n.º 1
    bool CollectionMetadata::keyBelongsToMe( const BSONObj& key ) const {
        // For now, collections don't move. So if the collection is not sharded, assume
        // the document with the given key can be accessed.
        if ( _keyPattern.isEmpty() ) {
            return true;

        if ( _rangesMap.size() <= 0 ) {
            return false;

        RangeMap::const_iterator it = _rangesMap.upper_bound( key );
        if ( it != _rangesMap.begin() ) it--;

        bool good = rangeContains( it->first, it->second, key );

#ifdef _DEBUG
        // Logs if in debugging mode and the point doesn't belong here.
        if ( !good ) {
            log() << "bad: " << key << " " << it->first << " " << key.woCompare( it->first ) << " "
                  << key.woCompare( it->second ) << endl;

            for ( RangeMap::const_iterator i = _rangesMap.begin(); i != _rangesMap.end(); ++i ) {
                log() << "\t" << i->first << "\t" << i->second << "\t" << endl;

        return good;
Exemplo n.º 2
     * Makes sure that all the ranges here no longer exist on disk but the merged range does
    void assertWrittenAsMerged(const vector<KeyRange>& ranges) {

        BSONObj rangeMin;
        BSONObj rangeMax;

        DBDirectClient client(&_txn);

        // Ensure written
        for (vector<KeyRange>::const_iterator it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it) {
            Query query(BSON(ChunkType::min(it->minKey) << ChunkType::max(it->maxKey)
                                                        << ChunkType::shard(shardName())));
            ASSERT(client.findOne(ChunkType::ConfigNS, query).isEmpty());

            if (rangeMin.isEmpty() || rangeMin.woCompare(it->minKey) > 0) {
                rangeMin = it->minKey;

            if (rangeMax.isEmpty() || rangeMax.woCompare(it->maxKey) < 0) {
                rangeMax = it->maxKey;

        Query query(BSON(ChunkType::min(rangeMin) << ChunkType::max(rangeMax)
                                                  << ChunkType::shard(shardName())));
        ASSERT(!client.findOne(ChunkType::ConfigNS, query).isEmpty());
Exemplo n.º 3
    bool CollectionManager::belongsToMe(const BSONObj& point) const {
        // For now, collections don't move. So if the collection is not sharded, assume
        // the documet ca be accessed.
        if (_key.isEmpty()) {
            return true;

        dassert(_rangesMap.size() > 0);

        RangeMap::const_iterator it = _rangesMap.upper_bound(point);
        if (it != _rangesMap.begin())

        bool good = contains(it->first, it->second, point);

        // Logs if in debugging mode and the point doesn't belong here.
        if(dcompare(!good)) {
            log() << "bad: " << point << " "
                  << it->first << " " << point.woCompare(it->first) << " "
                  << point.woCompare(it->second) << endl;

            for (RangeMap::const_iterator i=_rangesMap.begin(); i!=_rangesMap.end(); ++i) {
                log() << "\t" << i->first << "\t" << i->second << "\t" << endl;

        return good;
Exemplo n.º 4
 static void assertEquals( const BSONObj &a, const BSONObj &b ) {
     if ( a.woCompare( b ) != 0 ) {
         out() << "expected: " << a.toString()
               << ", got: " << b.toString() << endl;
     ASSERT( a.woCompare( b ) == 0 );
Exemplo n.º 5
TEST( selector, simple_default_test_6 )
   INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
   mthSelector selector ;
   BSONObj rule = BSON( "a.b" << BSON( "$default" << 1 ) ) ;
   rc = selector.loadPattern( rule ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK , rc ) ;
   BSONObj record = BSON( "a" << 1 << "b" << 1) ;
   BSONObj result ;
   rc = selector.select( record, result ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK , rc ) ;
   cout << result.toString( FALSE, TRUE ) << endl ;
   BSONObj expect = BSONObj() ;
   rc = expect.woCompare( result ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK, rc ) ;
   INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
   mthSelector selector ;
   BSONObj rule = BSON( "a.b" << 1 ) ;
   rc = selector.loadPattern( rule ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK , rc ) ;
   BSONObj record = BSON( "a" << 1 << "b" << 1 ) ;
   BSONObj result ;
   rc = selector.select( record, result ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK , rc ) ;
   cout << result.toString( FALSE, TRUE ) << endl ;
   BSONObj expect = BSONObj() ;
   rc = expect.woCompare( result ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK, rc ) ;
Exemplo n.º 6
 void run() {
     BSONObjBuilder A,B,C;
     A.append("x", 2);
     B.append("x", 2.0);
     C.append("x", 2.1);
     BSONObj a = A.done();
     BSONObj b = B.done();
     BSONObj c = C.done();
     assert( !a.woEqual( b ) ); // comments on operator==
     int cmp = a.woCompare(b);
     assert( cmp == 0 );
     cmp = a.woCompare(c);
     assert( cmp < 0 );
Exemplo n.º 7
    static bool areResponsesEqual( const BatchedCommandResponse& responseA,
                                   const BatchedCommandResponse& responseB ) {

        // TODO: Better reporting of why not equal
        if ( responseA.getOk() != responseB.getOk() )
            return false;
        if ( responseA.getN() != responseB.getN() )
            return false;
        if ( responseA.isSingleUpsertedSet() != responseB.isSingleUpsertedSet() )
            return false;
        if ( responseA.isUpsertDetailsSet() != responseB.isUpsertDetailsSet() )
            return false;

        if ( responseA.isSingleUpsertedSet() ) {
            BSONObj upsertA = responseA.getSingleUpserted();
            BSONObj upsertB = responseB.getSingleUpserted();
            if ( upsertA.woCompare( upsertB ) != 0 )
                return false;

        if ( responseA.isUpsertDetailsSet() ) {
            // TODO:

        if ( responseA.getOk() )
            return true;

        // TODO: Compare errors here

        return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
 int ShardKeyPattern::compare( const BSONObj& lObject , const BSONObj& rObject ) const {
     BSONObj L = extractKey(lObject);
     uassert( 10198 , "left object doesn't have full shard key", L.nFields() == (int)patternfields.size());
     BSONObj R = extractKey(rObject);
     uassert( 10199 , "right object doesn't have full shard key", R.nFields() == (int)patternfields.size());
     return L.woCompare(R);
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: jsobj.cpp Projeto: fes/mongo
        void testRegex() {
            BSONObjBuilder b;
            b.appendRegex("x", "foo");
            BSONObj o = b.done();

            BSONObjBuilder c;
            c.appendRegex("x", "goo");
            BSONObj p = c.done();

            assert( !o.woEqual( p ) );
            assert( o.woCompare( p ) < 0 );

				BSONObjBuilder b;
				b.appendRegex("r", "^foo");
				BSONObj o = b.done();
				assert( o.firstElement().simpleRegex() == "foo" );
				BSONObjBuilder b;
				b.appendRegex("r", "^f?oo");
				BSONObj o = b.done();
				assert( o.firstElement().simpleRegex() == "" );
				BSONObjBuilder b;
				b.appendRegex("r", "^fz?oo");
				BSONObj o = b.done();
				assert( o.firstElement().simpleRegex() == "f" );
Exemplo n.º 10
TEST(QueryRequestTest, ParseFromCommandCommentWithValidMinMax) {
    BSONObj cmdObj = fromjson(
        "{find: 'testns',"
        "comment: 'the comment',"
        "min: {a: 1},"
        "max: {a: 2}}");
    const NamespaceString nss("test.testns");
    bool isExplain = false;
    unique_ptr<QueryRequest> qr(
        assertGet(QueryRequest::makeFromFindCommand(nss, cmdObj, isExplain)));

    ASSERT_EQUALS("the comment", qr->getComment());
    BSONObj expectedMin = BSON("a" << 1);
    ASSERT_EQUALS(0, expectedMin.woCompare(qr->getMin()));
    BSONObj expectedMax = BSON("a" << 2);
    ASSERT_EQUALS(0, expectedMax.woCompare(qr->getMax()));
Exemplo n.º 11
TEST(KeyStringTest, Timestamp) {
    BSONObj a = BSON("" << Timestamp(0, 0));
    BSONObj b = BSON("" << Timestamp(1234, 1));
    BSONObj c = BSON("" << Timestamp(1234, 2));
    BSONObj d = BSON("" << Timestamp(1235, 1));


        ASSERT_LESS_THAN(a, b);
        ASSERT_LESS_THAN(b, c);
        ASSERT_LESS_THAN(c, d);

        KeyString ka(a, ALL_ASCENDING);
        KeyString kb(b, ALL_ASCENDING);
        KeyString kc(c, ALL_ASCENDING);
        KeyString kd(d, ALL_ASCENDING);

        ASSERT(ka.compare(kb) < 0);
        ASSERT(kb.compare(kc) < 0);
        ASSERT(kc.compare(kd) < 0);

        Ordering ALL_ASCENDING = Ordering::make(BSON("a" << -1));


        ASSERT(d.woCompare(c, ALL_ASCENDING) < 0);
        ASSERT(c.woCompare(b, ALL_ASCENDING) < 0);
        ASSERT(b.woCompare(a, ALL_ASCENDING) < 0);

        KeyString ka(a, ALL_ASCENDING);
        KeyString kb(b, ALL_ASCENDING);
        KeyString kc(c, ALL_ASCENDING);
        KeyString kd(d, ALL_ASCENDING);

        ASSERT(ka.compare(kb) > 0);
        ASSERT(kb.compare(kc) > 0);
        ASSERT(kc.compare(kd) > 0);
Exemplo n.º 12
 int ShardKeyPattern::compare( const BSONObj& lObject , const BSONObj& rObject ) const {
     BSONObj L = extractKey(lObject);
     uassert( 10198 , str::stream() << "left object ("  << lObject << ") doesn't have full shard key (" << pattern << ')',
             L.nFields() == (int)patternfields.size());
     BSONObj R = extractKey(rObject);
     uassert( 10199 , str::stream() << "right object (" << rObject << ") doesn't have full shard key (" << pattern << ')',
             R.nFields() == (int)patternfields.size());
     return L.woCompare(R);
Exemplo n.º 13
bool AsyncResultsMerger::MergingComparator::operator()(const size_t& lhs, const size_t& rhs) {
    const BSONObj& leftDoc = _remotes[lhs].docBuffer.front();
    const BSONObj& rightDoc = _remotes[rhs].docBuffer.front();

    BSONObj leftDocKey = leftDoc[ClusterClientCursorParams::kSortKeyField].Obj();
    BSONObj rightDocKey = rightDoc[ClusterClientCursorParams::kSortKeyField].Obj();

    return leftDocKey.woCompare(rightDocKey, _sort, false /*considerFieldName*/) > 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
bool AsyncResultsMerger::MergingComparator::operator()(const size_t& lhs, const size_t& rhs) {
    const BSONObj& leftDoc = _remotes[lhs].docBuffer.front();
    const BSONObj& rightDoc = _remotes[rhs].docBuffer.front();

    BSONObj leftDocKey = leftDoc[ClusterClientCursorParams::kSortKeyField].Obj();
    BSONObj rightDocKey = rightDoc[ClusterClientCursorParams::kSortKeyField].Obj();

    // This does not need to sort with a collator, since mongod has already mapped strings to their
    // ICU comparison keys as part of the $sortKey meta projection.
    return leftDocKey.woCompare(rightDocKey, _sort, false /*considerFieldName*/) > 0;
Exemplo n.º 15
        void testRegex() {
            BSONObjBuilder b;
            b.appendRegex("x", "foo");
            BSONObj o = b.done();

            BSONObjBuilder c;
            c.appendRegex("x", "goo");
            BSONObj p = c.done();

            assert( !o.woEqual( p ) );
            assert( o.woCompare( p ) < 0 );
Exemplo n.º 16
 void testbounds(){
     BSONObj l , r;
         BSONObjBuilder b;
         b.append( "x" , numeric_limits<long long>::max() );
         l = b.obj();
         BSONObjBuilder b;
         b.append( "x" , numeric_limits<double>::max() );
         r = b.obj();
     assert( l.woCompare( r ) < 0 );
     assert( r.woCompare( l ) > 0 );
         BSONObjBuilder b;
         b.append( "x" , numeric_limits<int>::max() );
         l = b.obj();
     assert( l.woCompare( r ) < 0 );
     assert( r.woCompare( l ) > 0 );
Exemplo n.º 17
void BSONInfo::Functions::bsonWoCompare(JSContext* cx, JS::CallArgs args) {
    if (args.length() != 2)
        uasserted(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "bsonWoCompare needs 2 argument");

    if (!args.get(0).isObject())
        uasserted(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "first argument to bsonWoCompare must be an object");

    if (!args.get(1).isObject())
        uasserted(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "second argument to bsonWoCompare must be an object");

    BSONObj firstObject = ValueWriter(cx, args.get(0)).toBSON();
    BSONObj secondObject = ValueWriter(cx, args.get(1)).toBSON();

Exemplo n.º 18
TEST( selector, simple_slice_test_8 )
   INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
   mthSelector selector ;
   BSONObj rule = BSON( "a.b" << BSON( "$slice" << 1 ) ) ;
   rc = selector.loadPattern( rule ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK , rc ) ;
   BSONObj record = BSON( "a" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON("b" << 1 ) << BSON( "b" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 << 2 << 3)) << BSON( "b" << BSON_ARRAY(4 << 5 << 6))<< BSON("b" << 1) ) << "b" << 1 ) ;
   BSONObj result ;
   rc = selector.select( record, result ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK , rc ) ;
   cout << result.toString( FALSE, TRUE ) << endl ;
   BSONObj expect = BSON( "a" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "b" << 1) << BSON("b" << BSON_ARRAY( 1)) << BSON("b" << BSON_ARRAY(4)) << BSON("b" << 1) )<< "b" << 1 ) ;
   rc = expect.woCompare( result ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK, rc ) ;
Exemplo n.º 19
TEST( selector, simple_elemmatch_test_3 )
   INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
   mthSelector selector ;
   BSONObj rule = BSON( "a" << BSON( "$elemMatch" << BSON( "b" << 1 ) ) ) ;
   rc = selector.loadPattern( rule ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK , rc ) ;
   BSONObj record = BSON( "a" << 1 << "b" << 2 ) ;
   BSONObj result ;
   rc = selector.select( record, result ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK , rc ) ;
   cout << result.toString( FALSE, TRUE ) << endl ;
   BSONObj expect = BSON( "b" << 2 ) ;
   rc = expect.woCompare( result ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK, rc ) ;
Exemplo n.º 20
TEST( selector, simple_include_test_6 )
   INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
   mthSelector selector ;
   BSONObj rule = BSON( "a.b" << BSON( "$include" << 1 ) ) ;
   rc = selector.loadPattern( rule ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK , rc ) ;
   BSONObj record = BSON( "a" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "c" << 1) << BSON("d" << 1) << BSON("b"<< 1) << BSON("b" << 2)) ) ;
   BSONObj result ;
   rc = selector.select( record, result ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK , rc ) ;
   cout << result.toString( FALSE, TRUE ) << endl ;
   BSONObj expect = BSON( "a" << BSON_ARRAY(BSONObj() << BSONObj() <<BSON("b" << 1) << BSON("b" << 2))) ;
   rc = expect.woCompare( result ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK, rc ) ;
// TODO: We should really update this to be an ASSERT_ something, so that we can print out
// the expected and actual documents.
bool checkDoc(const Document& lhs, const BSONObj& rhs) {
    // Get the fundamental result via BSONObj's woCompare path. This is the best starting
    // point, because we think that Document::getObject and the serialization mechanism is
    // pretty well sorted.
    BSONObj fromLhs = lhs.getObject();
    const int primaryResult = fromLhs.woCompare(rhs);

    // Validate primary result via other comparison paths.
    const int secondaryResult = lhs.compareWithBSONObj(rhs, nullptr);

    assertSameSign(primaryResult, secondaryResult);

    // Check that mutables serialized result matches against its origin.
    ASSERT_EQUALS(0, lhs.compareWithBSONObj(fromLhs, nullptr));

    return (primaryResult == 0);
    DiskLoc BtreeBasedAccessMethod::findSingle(const BSONObj& key) const {
        boost::scoped_ptr<BtreeInterface::Cursor> cursor(_newInterface->newCursor(1));
        cursor->locate(key, minDiskLoc);

        // A null bucket means the key wasn't found (nor was anything found after it).
        if (cursor->isEOF()) {
            return DiskLoc();

        // We found something but it could be a key after 'key'.  Examine what we're pointing at.
        if (0 != key.woCompare(cursor->getKey(), BSONObj(), false)) {
            // If the keys don't match, return "not found."
            return DiskLoc();

        // Return the DiskLoc found.
        return cursor->getDiskLoc();
Exemplo n.º 23
    bool ShardChunkManager::_belongsToMe( const BSONObj& x ) const {
        RangeMap::const_iterator it = _rangesMap.upper_bound( x );
        if ( it != _rangesMap.begin() )

        bool good = contains( it->first , it->second , x );

#if 0
        if ( ! good ) {
            log() << "bad: " << x << " " << it->first << " " << x.woCompare( it->first ) << " " << x.woCompare( it->second ) << endl;
            for ( RangeMap::const_iterator i=_rangesMap.begin(); i!=_rangesMap.end(); ++i ) {
                log() << "\t" << i->first << "\t" << i->second << "\t" << endl;

        return good;
Exemplo n.º 24
    RecordId IndexAccessMethod::findSingle(OperationContext* txn, const BSONObj& key) const {
        boost::scoped_ptr<SortedDataInterface::Cursor> cursor(_newInterface->newCursor(txn, 1));
        cursor->locate(key, RecordId::min());

        // A null bucket means the key wasn't found (nor was anything found after it).
        if (cursor->isEOF()) {
            return RecordId();

        // We found something but it could be a key after 'key'.  Examine what we're pointing at.
        if (0 != key.woCompare(cursor->getKey(), BSONObj(), false)) {
            // If the keys don't match, return "not found."
            return RecordId();

        // Return the RecordId found.
        return cursor->getRecordId();
Exemplo n.º 25
 * "Finishes" the max object for the $max query option by filling in an empty object with
 * MinKey/MaxKey and stripping field names.
 * See comment for finishMinObj() for why we need both 'minObj' and 'maxObj'.
static BSONObj finishMaxObj(const BSONObj& kp, const BSONObj& minObj, const BSONObj& maxObj) {
    BSONObjBuilder bob;
    BSONObj maxKey = bob.obj();

    if (maxObj.isEmpty()) {
        if (0 < maxKey.woCompare(minObj, kp, false)) {
            BSONObjBuilder maxKeyBuilder;
            return maxKeyBuilder.obj();
        } else {
            BSONObjBuilder minKeyBuilder;
            return minKeyBuilder.obj();
    } else {
        return stripFieldNames(maxObj);
Exemplo n.º 26
    DiskLoc BtreeBasedAccessMethod::findSingle(const BSONObj& key) const {
        DiskLoc bucket;
        int pos;

        _newInterface->locate(key, minDiskLoc, 1, &bucket, &pos);

        // A null bucket means the key wasn't found (nor was anything found after it).
        if (bucket.isNull()) {
            return DiskLoc();

        // We found something but it could be a key after 'key'.  Examine what we're pointing at.
        if (0 != key.woCompare(_newInterface->getKey(bucket, pos), BSONObj(), false)) {
            // If the keys don't match, return "not found."
            return DiskLoc();

        // Return the DiskLoc found.
        return _newInterface->getDiskLoc(bucket, pos);
Exemplo n.º 27
unique_ptr<CollectionMetadata> CollectionMetadata::clonePlusChunk(
    const BSONObj& minKey, const BSONObj& maxKey, const ChunkVersion& newShardVersion) const {
    invariant(newShardVersion.epoch() == _shardVersion.epoch());
    invariant(minKey.woCompare(maxKey) < 0);
    invariant(!rangeMapOverlaps(_chunksMap, minKey, maxKey));

    unique_ptr<CollectionMetadata> metadata(stdx::make_unique<CollectionMetadata>());
    metadata->_keyPattern = _keyPattern.getOwned();
    metadata->_pendingMap = _pendingMap;
    metadata->_chunksMap = _chunksMap;
    metadata->_chunksMap.insert(make_pair(minKey.getOwned(), maxKey.getOwned()));
    metadata->_shardVersion = newShardVersion;
    metadata->_collVersion = newShardVersion > _collVersion ? newShardVersion : _collVersion;

    return metadata;
Exemplo n.º 28
 * "Finishes" the max object for the $max query option by filling in an empty object with
 * MinKey/MaxKey and stripping field names. Also translates keys according to the collation, if
 * necessary.
 * See comment for finishMinObj() for why we need both 'minObj' and 'maxObj'.
static BSONObj finishMaxObj(const IndexEntry& indexEntry,
                            const BSONObj& minObj,
                            const BSONObj& maxObj) {
    BSONObjBuilder bob;
    BSONObj maxKey = bob.obj();

    if (maxObj.isEmpty()) {
        if (0 < maxKey.woCompare(minObj, indexEntry.keyPattern, false)) {
            BSONObjBuilder maxKeyBuilder;
            return maxKeyBuilder.obj();
        } else {
            BSONObjBuilder minKeyBuilder;
            return minKeyBuilder.obj();
    } else {
        return stripFieldNamesAndApplyCollation(maxObj, indexEntry.collator);
Exemplo n.º 29
uint64_t CollectionShardingState::_incrementChunkOnInsertOrUpdate(OperationContext* opCtx,
                                                                  const BSONObj& document,
                                                                  long dataWritten) {

    // Here, get the collection metadata and check if it exists. If it doesn't exist, then the
    // collection is not sharded, and we can simply return -1.
    ScopedCollectionMetadata metadata = getMetadata();
    if (!metadata) {
        return -1;

    std::shared_ptr<ChunkManager> cm = metadata->getChunkManager();
    const ShardKeyPattern& shardKeyPattern = cm->getShardKeyPattern();

    // Each inserted/updated document should contain the shard key. The only instance in which a
    // document could not contain a shard key is if the insert/update is performed through mongod
    // explicitly, as opposed to first routed through mongos.
    BSONObj shardKey = shardKeyPattern.extractShardKeyFromDoc(document);
    if (shardKey.woCompare(BSONObj()) == 0) {
        warning() << "inserting document " << document.toString() << " without shard key pattern "
                  << shardKeyPattern << " into a sharded collection";
        return -1;

    // Use the shard key to locate the chunk into which the document was updated, and increment the
    // number of bytes tracked for the chunk. Note that we can assume the simple collation, because
    // shard keys do not support non-simple collations.
    std::shared_ptr<Chunk> chunk = cm->findIntersectingChunkWithSimpleCollation(shardKey);

    // If the chunk becomes too large, then we call the ChunkSplitter to schedule a split. Then, we
    // reset the tracking for that chunk to 0.
    if (_shouldSplitChunk(opCtx, shardKeyPattern, *chunk)) {
        // TODO: call ChunkSplitter here
    return chunk->getBytesWritten();
Exemplo n.º 30
TEST(QueryRequestTest, ParseFromCommandAllNonOptionFields) {
    BSONObj cmdObj = fromjson(
        "{find: 'testns',"
        "filter: {a: 1},"
        "sort: {b: 1},"
        "projection: {c: 1},"
        "hint: {d: 1},"
        "readConcern: {e: 1},"
        "$queryOptions: {$readPreference: 'secondary'},"
        "collation: {f: 1},"
        "limit: 3,"
        "skip: 5,"
        "batchSize: 90,"
        "singleBatch: false}");
    const NamespaceString nss("test.testns");
    bool isExplain = false;
    unique_ptr<QueryRequest> qr(
        assertGet(QueryRequest::makeFromFindCommand(nss, cmdObj, isExplain)));

    // Check the values inside the QR.
    BSONObj expectedQuery = BSON("a" << 1);
    ASSERT_EQUALS(0, expectedQuery.woCompare(qr->getFilter()));
    BSONObj expectedSort = BSON("b" << 1);
    ASSERT_EQUALS(0, expectedSort.woCompare(qr->getSort()));
    BSONObj expectedProj = BSON("c" << 1);
    ASSERT_EQUALS(0, expectedProj.woCompare(qr->getProj()));
    BSONObj expectedHint = BSON("d" << 1);
    ASSERT_EQUALS(0, expectedHint.woCompare(qr->getHint()));
    BSONObj expectedReadConcern = BSON("e" << 1);
    ASSERT_EQUALS(0, expectedReadConcern.woCompare(qr->getReadConcern()));
    BSONObj expectedUnwrappedReadPref = BSON("$readPreference"
                                             << "secondary");
    ASSERT_EQUALS(0, expectedUnwrappedReadPref.woCompare(qr->getUnwrappedReadPref()));
    BSONObj expectedCollation = BSON("f" << 1);
    ASSERT_EQUALS(0, expectedCollation.woCompare(qr->getCollation()));
    ASSERT_EQUALS(3, *qr->getLimit());
    ASSERT_EQUALS(5, *qr->getSkip());
    ASSERT_EQUALS(90, *qr->getBatchSize());