Exemplo n.º 1
 int compare(const T& i)const
    log_prefix_event(m_value, i, "compare");
    int r = m_value.compare(i);
    log_postfix_event(m_value, r, "compare");
    return r;
Exemplo n.º 2
 int compare(const logged_adaptor& o)const
    log_prefix_event(m_value, o.value(), "compare");
    int r = m_value.compare(o.value());
    log_postfix_event(m_value, r, "compare");
    return r;
Exemplo n.º 3
 int compare(const T& i)const
    return m_value.compare(i);
Exemplo n.º 4
std::string convert_to_string(Backend b, std::streamsize digits, std::ios_base::fmtflags f)
   using default_ops::eval_log10;
   using default_ops::eval_floor;
   using default_ops::eval_pow;
   using default_ops::eval_convert_to;
   using default_ops::eval_multiply;
   using default_ops::eval_divide;
   using default_ops::eval_subtract;
   using default_ops::eval_fpclassify;

   typedef typename mpl::front<typename Backend::unsigned_types>::type ui_type;
   typedef typename Backend::exponent_type exponent_type;

   std::string result;
   bool iszero = false;
   bool isneg = false;
   exponent_type expon = 0;
   std::streamsize org_digits = digits;
   BOOST_ASSERT(digits > 0);

   int fpt = eval_fpclassify(b);

   if(fpt == (int)FP_ZERO)
      result = "0";
      iszero = true;
   else if(fpt == (int)FP_INFINITE)
      if(b.compare(ui_type(0)) < 0)
         return "-inf";
         return ((f & std::ios_base::showpos) == std::ios_base::showpos) ? "+inf" : "inf";
   else if(fpt == (int)FP_NAN)
      return "nan";
      // Start by figuring out the exponent:
      isneg = b.compare(ui_type(0)) < 0;
      Backend t;
      Backend ten;
      ten = ui_type(10);

      eval_log10(t, b);
      eval_floor(t, t);
      eval_convert_to(&expon, t);
      if(-expon > std::numeric_limits<number<Backend> >::max_exponent10 - 3)
         int e = -expon / 2;
         Backend t2;
         eval_pow(t2, ten, e);
         eval_multiply(t, t2, b);
         eval_multiply(t, t2);
         if(expon & 1)
            eval_multiply(t, ten);
         eval_pow(t, ten, -expon);
         eval_multiply(t, b);
      // Make sure we're between [1,10) and adjust if not:
      if(t.compare(ui_type(1)) < 0)
         eval_multiply(t, ui_type(10));
      else if(t.compare(ui_type(10)) >= 0)
         eval_divide(t, ui_type(10));
      Backend digit;
      ui_type cdigit;
      // Adjust the number of digits required based on formatting options:
      if(((f & std::ios_base::fixed) == std::ios_base::fixed) && (expon != -1))
         digits += expon + 1;
      if((f & std::ios_base::scientific) == std::ios_base::scientific)
      // Extract the digits one at a time:
      for(unsigned i = 0; i < digits; ++i)
         eval_floor(digit, t);
         eval_convert_to(&cdigit, digit);
         result += static_cast<char>('0' + cdigit);
         eval_subtract(t, digit);
         eval_multiply(t, ten);
      // Possibly round result:
      if(digits >= 0)
         eval_floor(digit, t);
         eval_convert_to(&cdigit, digit);
         eval_subtract(t, digit);
         if((cdigit == 5) && (t.compare(ui_type(0)) == 0))
            // Bankers rounding:
            if((*result.rbegin() - '0') & 1)
               round_string_up_at(result, result.size() - 1, expon);
         else if(cdigit >= 5)
            round_string_up_at(result, result.size() - 1, expon);
   while((result.size() > digits) && result.size())
      // We may get here as a result of rounding...
      if(result.size() > 1)
         result.erase(result.size() - 1);
         if(expon > 0)
            --expon; // so we put less padding in the result.
   BOOST_ASSERT(org_digits >= 0);
      result.insert(static_cast<std::string::size_type>(0), 1, '-');
   format_float_string(result, expon, org_digits, f, iszero);

   return result;
Exemplo n.º 5
 int compare(const debug_adaptor& o)const
    return m_value.compare(o.value());