IQI_HdivLF_DivV_Cell::IQI_HdivLF_DivV_Cell( int spatialDim,
					    const CellType& maxCellType,
					    const BasisFamily& testBasis,
					    const QuadratureFamily& quad,
					    const ParameterList& verbParams):
  ElementIntegralLinearFormCell( spatialDim ,
				 maxCellType ,
				 testBasis ,
				 quad ,
				 verbParams ),
  DivV_( testBasis.nReferenceDOFs(maxCellType,maxCellType) , quad.getNumPoints(maxCellType) ),
  QP_( quad.getNumPoints( maxCellType ) , spatialDim ),
  QW_( quad.getNumPoints( maxCellType ) )
  // bypass testBasis.refEval and use Intrepid to fill DivV
  // warning: only works on tets right now.
  Intrepid::Basis_HDIV_TET_I1_FEM<double,Intrepid::FieldContainer<double> > myBasis;

  // move quadrature points into a field container
  Array<Point> qpSundance;
  Array<double> qwSundance;
  quad.getPoints( maxCellType , qpSundance , qwSundance );

  for (int i=0;i<(int)qpSundance.size();i++) {
    for (int j=0;j<3;j++) {
      QP_(i,j) = qpSundance[i][j];

  // now tabulate the divergences 
  myBasis.getValues( DivV_ , QP_ , Intrepid::OPERATOR_DIV );

Exemplo n.º 2
ExprFieldWrapper::ExprFieldWrapper(const Expr& expr)
  : expr_(expr),
	int index = 0;
	Expr_size_ = expr.size();
	// Now it is independent of the size of the size of the Expression
	for(index = 0 ; index < Expr_size_ ; index++)
	  const DiscreteFunction* df
      = dynamic_cast<const DiscreteFunction*>(expr[index].ptr().get());
	  const DiscreteFuncElement* dfe
      = dynamic_cast<const DiscreteFuncElement*>(expr[index].ptr().get());
    if (df != 0)
      discreteSpace_ = df->discreteSpace();
      //map_ = df->map();
      BasisFamily basis = discreteSpace_.basis()[0];
      const Lagrange* lagr = dynamic_cast<const Lagrange*>(basis.ptr().get());
      if (lagr != 0 && lagr->order()==0) isPointData_ = false;
      const EdgeLocalizedBasis* elb = dynamic_cast<const EdgeLocalizedBasis*>(basis.ptr().get());
      if (elb!=0) isPointData_ = false;
      df_ = df->data();
    else if (dfe != 0)
      const DiscreteFunctionData* f = DiscreteFunctionData::getData(dfe);

      TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(f == 0, RuntimeError,
        "ExprFieldWrapper ctor argument "
        << expr << " is not a discrete function");
      discreteSpace_ = f->discreteSpace();
      //map_ = f->map();
      BasisFamily basis = discreteSpace_.basis()[indices_[index][0]];
      const Lagrange* lagr = dynamic_cast<const Lagrange*>(basis.ptr().get());
      if (lagr != 0 && lagr->order()==0) isPointData_ = false;      
      const EdgeLocalizedBasis* elb = dynamic_cast<const EdgeLocalizedBasis*>(basis.ptr().get());
      if (elb!=0) isPointData_ = false;

      df_ = f;
      TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(df == 0 && dfe == 0, RuntimeError,
        "ExprFieldWrapper ctor argument is not a discrete "
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    GlobalMPISession session(&argc, &argv);

    TimeMonitor t(totalTimer());

    int pMax = 1;
    int dim=2;

    CellType cellType = TriangleCell;

    Point a = Point(0.0, 0.0);
    Point b = Point(1.0, 0.0);
    Point c = Point(0.0, 1.0);
    CellJacobianBatch JBatch;
    JBatch.resize(1, 2, 2);
    double* J = JBatch.jVals(0);
    J[0] = b[0] - a[0];
    J[1] = c[0] - a[0];
    J[2] = b[1] - a[1];
    J[3] = c[1] - a[1];

    bool isInternalBdry=false;

    /* ------ evaluate Lagrange and FIAT-Lagrange at the vertices */
    Array<Point> verts = tuple(a,b,c);
    BasisFamily lagrange = new Lagrange(1);
    BasisFamily fiatLagrange = new Lagrange(1);
    MultiIndex d0(0,0,0);
    MultiIndex dx(1,0,0);
    MultiIndex dy(0,1,0);

    Array<Array<Array<double> > > result;

    Array<int> dummy;

    std::cerr << "------ Evaluating bases at vertices ----------" << std::endl
         << std::endl;

    std::cerr << "Evaluating phi(vert) with FIAT-Lagrange" << std::endl;
    fiatLagrange.ptr()->refEval(cellType, verts, d0, result);
    std::cerr << "results = " << result << std::endl << std::endl;

    std::cerr << "Evaluating phi(vert) with Lagrange" << std::endl;
    lagrange.ptr()->refEval(cellType, verts, d0, result);
    std::cerr << "results = " << result << std::endl << std::endl;

    std::cerr << std::endl ;

    std::cerr << "Evaluating Dx*phi(vert) with FIAT-Lagrange" << std::endl;
    fiatLagrange.ptr()->refEval(cellType, verts, dx, result);
    std::cerr << "results = " << result << std::endl << std::endl;

    std::cerr << "Evaluating Dx*phi(vert) with Lagrange" << std::endl;
    lagrange.ptr()->refEval(cellType, verts, dx, result);
    std::cerr << "results = " << result << std::endl << std::endl;

    std::cerr << std::endl ;
    std::cerr << "Evaluating Dy*phi(vert) with FIAT-Lagrange" << std::endl;
    fiatLagrange.ptr()->refEval(cellType, verts, dy, result);
    std::cerr << "results = " << result << std::endl << std::endl;

    std::cerr << "Evaluating Dy*phi(vert) with Lagrange" << std::endl;
    lagrange.ptr()->refEval(cellType, verts, dy, result);
    std::cerr << "results = " << result << std::endl << std::endl;


    /* --------- evaluate integrals over elements ----------- */
    RCP<Array<double> > A = rcp(new Array<double>());
    QuadratureFamily quad = new GaussianQuadrature(4);
    Array<double> quadWeights;
    Array<Point> quadPts;
    quad.getPoints(cellType, quadPts, quadWeights);
    int nQuad = quadPts.size();

    Array<double> coeff(nQuad);
    for (int i=0; i<nQuad; i++) 
      double s = quadPts[i][0];
      double t = quadPts[i][1];
      double x = a[0] + J[0]*s + J[1]*t;
      double y = a[1] + J[2]*s + J[3]*t;
      coeff[i] = x*y;
    const double* const f = &(coeff[0]);

    std::cerr << std::endl << std::endl 
         << "---------------- One-forms --------------------" 
         << std::endl << std::endl;
    for (int p=1; p<=pMax; p++)
      BasisFamily P = new Lagrange(p);
      for (int dp=0; dp<=1; dp++)
        if (dp > p) continue;
        Tabs tab0;
        std::cerr << tab0 << "test function deriv order = " << dp << std::endl;
        int numTestDir = 1;
        if (dp==1) numTestDir = dim;
        for (int t=0; t<numTestDir; t++)
          int alpha = t;
          Tabs tab;
          QuadratureIntegral ref(dim, cellType, dim, cellType, P, alpha, dp, quad, isInternalBdry);
          ref.transformOneForm(JBatch, JBatch, dummy, f, A);
          std::cerr << tab << "test deriv direction =" << t << std::endl;
          std::cerr << tab << "transformed local vector: " << std::endl;
          std::cerr << tab << "{";
          for (int r=0; r<ref.nNodesTest(); r++)
            if (r!=0) std::cerr << ", ";
            std::cerr << (*A)[r];
          std::cerr << "}" << std::endl << std::endl;

    std::cerr << std::endl << std::endl 
         << "---------------- Two-forms --------------------" 
         << std::endl << std::endl;
    for (int p=1; p<=pMax; p++)
      BasisFamily P = new Lagrange(p);
      for (int q=1; q<=pMax; q++)
        BasisFamily Q = new Lagrange(q);
        for (int dp=0; dp<=1; dp++)
          if (dp > p) continue;
          Tabs tab0;
          std::cerr << tab0 << "test function deriv order = " << dp << std::endl;
          for (int dq=0; dq<=1; dq++)
            if (dq > q) continue;
            Tabs tab1;
            std::cerr << tab1 
                 << "unk function deriv order = " << dq << std::endl;
            int numTestDir = 1;
            if (dp==1) numTestDir = dim;
            for (int t=0; t<numTestDir; t++)
              int alpha = t;
              int numUnkDir = 1;
              if (dq==1) numUnkDir = dim;
              for (int u=0; u<numUnkDir; u++)
                Tabs tab;
                int beta = u;
                QuadratureIntegral ref(dim, cellType, dim, cellType, P, alpha, 
                  dp, Q, beta, dq, quadd, isInternalBdry);
                ref.transformTwoForm(JBatch, JBatch, dummy, f, A);

                std::cerr << tab << "test deriv direction =" << 
                  t << ", unk deriv direction =" << u << std::endl;
                std::cerr << tab << "transformed local stiffness matrix" << std::endl;
                std::cerr << tab << "{";

                for (int r=0; r<ref.nNodesTest(); r++)
                  if (r!=0) std::cerr << ", ";
                  std::cerr << "{";
                  for (int c=0; c<ref.nNodesUnk(); c++)
                    if (c!=0) std::cerr << ", ";
                    std::cerr << chop((*A)[r + ref.nNodesTest()*c]);
                  std::cerr << "}";
                std::cerr << "}" << std::endl << std::endl;

	catch(std::exception& e)
    std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
void HomogeneousDOFMap::allocate(const Mesh& mesh, 
                                 const BasisFamily& basis,
                                 int numFuncs)
  Tabs tab;
  SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(), tab << "allocating DOF map for nFuncs=" << numFuncs);
  Array<int> fid(numFuncs);
  for (int f=0; f<numFuncs; f++) fid[f] = f;

  for (int d=0; d<=dim_; d++)
      Tabs tab1;
      SUNDANCE_MSG2(setupVerb(), tab1 << "allocating d=" << d);
      /* record the number of facets for each cell type so we're
       * not making a bunch of mesh calls */
      for (int fd=0; fd<d; fd++) numFacets_[d][fd]=mesh.numFacets(d, 0, fd);
      SUNDANCE_MSG3(setupVerb(), tab1 << "num facets for dimension " << d << " is " 
                         << numFacets_[d]);
      /* look up the node pointer for this cell and for all of its
       * facets */
      basis.ptr()->getLocalDOFs(mesh.cellType(d), localNodePtrs_[d]);

      SUNDANCE_MSG3(setupVerb(), tab1 << "node ptrs for dimension " << d << " are " 
                         << localNodePtrs_[d]);

      /* with the node pointers in hand, we can work out the number
       * of nodes per cell in this dimension */
      if (localNodePtrs_[d][d].size() > 0) 
          nNodesPerCell_[d] = localNodePtrs_[d][d][0].size();
          nNodesPerCell_[d] = 0;
      SUNDANCE_MSG3(setupVerb(), tab1 << 
                         "num nodes for dimension " << d << " is " 
                         << nNodesPerCell_[d]);

      totalNNodesPerCell_[d] = nNodesPerCell_[d];
      for (int dd=0; dd<d; dd++) 
          totalNNodesPerCell_[d] += numFacets_[d][dd]*nNodesPerCell_[dd];

      /* we know from the mesh the number of cells in this dimension */
      if (nNodesPerCell_[d] > 0)

      if (d > 0 && d < dim_) originalFacetOrientation_[d-1].resize(mesh.numCells(d));

      /* If any nodes are associated with the facets, then we know we have
       * a continuous basis function */
      if (d < dim_ && nNodesPerCell_[d] > 0) basisIsContinuous_ = true;

      /* now that we know the number of nodes per cell for this dimension,
       * we can allocate space for the DOFs in this dimension */
      int numCells = dofs_[d].size();
      for (int c=0; c<numCells; c++)
          dofs_[d][c].resize(funcIDList().size() * nNodesPerCell_[d]);
          /* set everything to uninitializedVal() */
          for (int i=0; i<dofs_[d][c].size(); i++) 
              dofs_[d][c][i] = uninitializedVal();
  SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(), tab << "done allocating DOF map");
void checkbasis( BasisFamily &b1 , BasisFamily &b2 )
  int maxDim=3;
  double tol = 1.0e-13;
  int maxDiffOrder = 0;
  int numErrors = 0;
  QuadratureFamily quad = new GaussianQuadrature(4);
  for (int spatialDim=1; spatialDim<=maxDim; spatialDim++) {
    std::cerr << "\t" << "spatial dimension =" << spatialDim << std::endl;
    for (int cellDim=0; cellDim<=spatialDim; cellDim++) { 
      std::cerr << "\t\t" << "cell dimension =" << cellDim << std::endl;
      CellType cellType;
      if (cellDim==0) cellType=PointCell;
      if (cellDim==1) cellType=LineCell;
      if (cellDim==2) cellType=TriangleCell;
      if (cellDim==3) cellType=TetCell;
      Array<Point> qPts;
      Array<double> qWts;
      quad.getPoints(cellType, qPts, qWts);
      for (int d=0; d<=maxDiffOrder; d++) {
	if (cellDim==0 && d>0) continue;
	cerr << "\t\t\t" << "differentiation order = " << d << std::endl;
	for (int dir=0; dir<iPow(cellDim, d); dir++) {
	  std::cerr << "\t\t\t\t" << "direction = " << dir << std::endl;
	  MultiIndex mi;
	  Array<Array<double> > values1;
	  Array<Array<double> > values2;
	  std::cerr << "\t\t\t\t" << "computing basis1...";
	  b1.ptr()->refEval(spatialDim, cellType, qPts, mi, values1);
	  std::cerr << "done" << std::endl << "\t\t\t\t" << "computing basis2...";
	  b2.ptr()->refEval(spatialDim, cellType, qPts, mi, values2);
	  std::cerr << "done" << std::endl;
	  int nNodes1 = b1.ptr()->nNodes(spatialDim, cellType);
	  int nNodes2 = b2.ptr()->nNodes(spatialDim, cellType);
	  std::cerr << "\t\t\t\t" << "num nodes: basis1=" << nNodes1
	       << " basis2=" << nNodes2 << std::endl;
	  if (nNodes1 != nNodes2) {	
	    std::cerr << "******** ERROR: node counts should be equal" << std::endl;
	  if (values1.size() != values2.size()) {
	    std::cerr << "******** ERROR: value array outer sizes should be equal" << std::endl;
	  if (values1.size() != qPts.size()) {
	    std::cerr << "******** ERROR: value array outer size should be equal to number of quad points" << std::endl;
	  for (int q=0; q<qPts.length(); q++) {
	    if (values1[q].length() != nNodes1) {
	      std::cerr << "******** ERROR: value array inner size should be equal to number of nodes" << std::endl;
	    std::cerr << "\t\t\t\t\t" << "quad point q=" << q << " pt=" << qPts[q]
		 << std::endl;
	    for (int n=0; n<nNodes1; n++) {
	      std::cerr << "\t\t\t\t\t\t" << "node n=" << n << " phi1="
		   << values1[q][n]
		   << " phi2=" << values2[q][n]
		   << " |phi1-phi2|=" << fabs(values1[q][n]-values2[q][n])
		   << std::endl;
	      if (fabs(values1[q][n]-values2[q][n]) > tol) {
		cout << "ERROR" << std::endl; numErrors++;
  std::cerr << std::endl << std::endl << "Summary: detected " << numErrors << " errors " << std::endl;
void CurveEvalMediator
::evalDiscreteFuncElement(const DiscreteFuncElement* expr,
  const Array<MultiIndex>& multiIndices,
  Array<RCP<EvalVector> >& vec) const

	  int verbo = dfVerb();
	  Tabs tab1;
	  SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1
	    << "CurveEvalMediator evaluating Discrete Function expr " << expr->toString());

	  const DiscreteFunctionData* f = DiscreteFunctionData::getData(expr);

	  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(f==0, std::logic_error,
	    "QuadratureEvalMediator::evalDiscreteFuncElement() called "
	    "with expr that is not a discrete function");

	  SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 << "After casting DiscreteFunctionData" << expr->toString());

	  RCP<Array<Array<double> > > localValues;
	  Array<int> cellLIDs_tmp(1);
	  Array<Point> phyPoints;
	  Array<Point> refPoints;
	  Array<Point> refDevs;
	  Array<Point> refNormal;
	  int nCells = cellLID()->size();

      RCP<const MapStructure> mapStruct;
	  int myIndex = expr->myIndex();
	  int nQuad = numQuadPtsForMaxCell_;
	  Array<int> k(multiIndices.size(),0);

	  Teuchos::BLAS<int,double> blas;

	  SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 << "After declaring BLAS: " << expr->toString());

	  // resize correctly the result vector
	  for (int i=0; i<multiIndices.size(); i++)

	  // loop over each cell
	  for (int c=0; c<nCells; c++)
			int maxCellLID = (*cellLID())[c];
		    localValues = rcp(new Array<Array<double> >());
			SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 <<  "Cell:" << c <<  " of " << nCells << " , maxCellLID:" << maxCellLID );

			cellLIDs_tmp[0] = (*cellLID())[c];
			SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 <<  " Before calling f->getLocalValues:" << cellLIDs_tmp.size() <<
					" f==0 : " << (f==0) << " tmp:" << f->mesh().spatialDim());
			// - get local values from the DiscreteFunctionElementData
			mapStruct = f->getLocalValues(maxCellDim(), cellLIDs_tmp , *localValues);
			SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 <<  " After getting mapStruct:" << maxCellLID );
			SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 <<  " mapStruct->numBasisChunks():" << mapStruct->numBasisChunks() );
		    int chunk = mapStruct->chunkForFuncID(myIndex);
		    int funcIndex = mapStruct->indexForFuncID(myIndex);
		    int nFuncs = mapStruct->numFuncs(chunk);
			SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 <<  " chunk:" << chunk );
			SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 <<  " funcIndex:" << funcIndex );
			SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 <<  " nFuncs:" << nFuncs );

			// the chunk of the function
		    BasisFamily basis = rcp_dynamic_cast<BasisFamilyBase>(mapStruct->basis(chunk));
		    int nNodesTotal = basis.nReferenceDOFsWithFacets(maxCellType(), maxCellType());

			// - get intersection (reference)points from the mesh (if not existent than compute them)
			if ( mesh().hasCurvePoints( maxCellLID , paramcurve_.myID() ))
				mesh().getCurvePoints( maxCellLID , paramcurve_.myID() , refPoints , refDevs , refNormal );
			else // we have to calculate now the points
				// calculate the intersection points
				CurveIntegralCalc::getCurveQuadPoints( maxCellType_ , maxCellLID , mesh() , paramcurve_ , quad_ ,
						refPoints, refDevs , refNormal);
				// store the intersection point in the mesh
				mesh().setCurvePoints( maxCellLID , paramcurve_.myID() , refPoints, refDevs , refNormal );

			// loop over each multi-index
			SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 << " multiIndices.size()" << multiIndices.size() );
			for (int i=0; i<multiIndices.size(); i++)

				int nDerivResults = 1;
				if ( multiIndices[i].order() == 1 ) nDerivResults = maxCellDim();

			    int pDir = 0;
			    int derivNum = 1;
				MultiIndex mi;
				SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 << " before asking anything i = " << i);
				SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 << " multiindex order : " << multiIndices[i].order());
				SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 << " multiindex : " << multiIndices[i] );
				if (multiIndices[i].order() > 0){
					pDir = multiIndices[i].firstOrderDirection();
					mi[pDir] = 1;
					derivNum = mesh().spatialDim();

				Array<Array<double> > result(nQuad*derivNum);
				Array<Array<Array<double> > > tmp;

				int offs = nNodesTotal;

				// resize the result vector
				for (int deriv = 0 ; deriv < derivNum ; deriv++)
                    // test weather we have to compute derivative
					if (multiIndices[i].order() > 0){
						// in case of derivatives we set one dimension
						MultiIndex mi_tmp;
						mi_tmp[deriv] = 1;
						SpatialDerivSpecifier deriv(mi_tmp);
						SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 << "computing derivatives : " << deriv << " on reference cell ");
						basis.refEval( maxCellType_ , refPoints , deriv, tmp , verbo );
					} else {
						SpatialDerivSpecifier deriv(mi);
						 // --- end eval basis functions
						SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 << "computing values reference cell ");
						basis.refEval( maxCellType_ , refPoints , deriv, tmp , verbo );

					SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 << "resize result vector , offs:" << offs);
					for (int q=0; q<nQuad; q++){
						result[nQuad*deriv + q].resize(offs);

				   	// copy the result in an other format
					SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 << "copy results ");
					int  offs1 = 0;
				    for (int q=0; q<nQuad; q++)
				    	offs1 = 0;
						for (int d=0; d<basis.dim(); d++)
						   int nNodes = tmp[d][q].size();
					       for (int n=0; n<nNodes; n++ , offs1++ )
					          	result[nQuad*deriv + q][offs1] = tmp[d][q][n];
				}// loop over all dimensional derivative

                // multiply the local results with the coefficients, (matrix vector OP)
				SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 << "summing up values , funcIndex:" << funcIndex << " offs:" << offs);
				for (int deriv = 0 ; deriv < derivNum ; deriv++)
					for (int q=0; q<nQuad; q++)
						double sum = 0.0;
						// sum over nodes
						for (int n = 0 ; n < offs ; n++){
							sum = sum + result[nQuad*deriv + q][n] * (*localValues)[chunk][funcIndex*offs + n];
						// sum up the result in the 0th element
						result[nQuad*deriv + q][0] = sum;

			    // multiply the result if necesary with the inverse of the Jacobian
				const CellJacobianBatch& J = JTrans();
				if (mi.order()==1)
					Tabs tab1;
					Tabs tab2;
				    SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo, tab2 << "Jacobian batch nCells=" << J.numCells());
			        SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo, tab2 << "Jacobian batch cell dim=" << J.cellDim());
			        SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo, tab2 << "Jacobian batch spatial dim=" << J.spatialDim());
                    // we just multiply the derivative direction component
			        Array<double> invJ;
			        J.getInvJ(c, invJ);
					for (int q=0; q<nQuad; q++)
						double sum = 0.0;
						for (int deriv = 0 ; deriv < derivNum ; deriv++)
							// multiply one row from the J^{-T} matrix with the gradient vector
							sum = sum + result[nQuad*deriv + q][0] * invJ[derivNum*pDir + deriv];
						// the resulting derivative on the physical cell in the "pDir" direction
						result[q][0] = sum;

				// --- just copy the result to the "vec" back, the result should be in the  "result[q][0]" place----
				//SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 << "copy results back ");
				double* vecPtr = vec[i]->start();
				for (int q=0; q<nQuad; q++, k[i]++)
					vecPtr[k[i]] = result[q][0];
				SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 << " END copy results back ");
			} // --- end loop multiindex
			SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 << " END loop over multiindex ");
	}// --- end loop over cells
	SUNDANCE_MSG2(verbo , tab1 << " END loop over cells ");
  const CellType& cellType,
  const BasisFamily& testBasis,
  int alpha,
  int testDerivOrder,
  const BasisFamily& unkBasis,
  int beta,
  int unkDerivOrder,
  const QuadratureFamily& quad,
  const ParametrizedCurve& globalCurve,
  const Mesh& mesh,
  int verb)
  : ElementIntegral(dimension(cellType), cellType, dimension(cellType),
    cellType, testBasis,
    alpha, testDerivOrder, unkBasis, beta, unkDerivOrder, true,
    globalCurve, mesh, 
  Tabs tab0(0);
  SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(), tab0 << "MaximalQuadratureIntegral ctor for 2-form");
  if (setupVerb()) describe(Out::os());

  // store the quadrature points and weights  
  quad.getPoints(cellType, quadPts_, quadWeights_);
  int nQuad = quadPts_.size();

  W_.resize(nQuad * nRefDerivTest() * nNodesTest()  
    * nRefDerivUnk() * nNodesUnk());

  /* compute the basis functions */
  Array<Array<Array<Array<double> > > > testBasisVals(nRefDerivTest());
  Array<Array<Array<Array<double> > > > unkBasisVals(nRefDerivUnk());

  for (int r=0; r<nRefDerivTest(); r++)
    MultiIndex mi;
    if (testDerivOrder==1) mi[r] = 1;
    SpatialDerivSpecifier deriv(mi);
    testBasis.refEval(evalCellType(), quadPts_, deriv, 
      testBasisVals[r], setupVerb());
  for (int r=0; r<nRefDerivUnk(); r++)
    MultiIndex mi;
    if (unkDerivOrder==1) mi[r] = 1;
    SpatialDerivSpecifier deriv(mi);
      quadPts_, deriv, unkBasisVals[r], setupVerb());

  int vecComp = 0;
  /* form the products of basis functions at each quad pt */
  for (int q=0; q<nQuad; q++)
    for (int t=0; t<nRefDerivTest(); t++)
      for (int nt=0; nt<nNodesTest(); nt++)
        for (int u=0; u<nRefDerivUnk(); u++)
          for (int nu=0; nu<nNodesUnk(); nu++)
            wValue(q, t, nt, u, nu)
              = chop(quadWeights_[q] * testBasisVals[t][vecComp][q][nt] 
                * unkBasisVals[u][vecComp][q][nu]);
            W_ACI_F2_[q][t][nt][u][nu] =
            	chop(testBasisVals[t][vecComp][q][nt] * unkBasisVals[u][vecComp][q][nu]);

    + W_.size());
  for (int i=0; i<W_.size(); i++) W_[i] = chop(W_[i]);

  const CellType& cellType,
  const BasisFamily& testBasis,
  int alpha,
  int testDerivOrder,
  const QuadratureFamily& quad,
  const ParametrizedCurve& globalCurve,
  const Mesh& mesh,
  int verb)
  : ElementIntegral(dimension(cellType), cellType, dimension(cellType),
    cellType, testBasis,
    alpha, testDerivOrder, true, globalCurve, mesh, verb),
  Tabs tab0(0);
  SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(), tab0 << "MaximalQuadratureIntegral ctor for 1-form");
  if (setupVerb()) describe(Out::os());

  SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(), tab0 << "quadrature family=" << quad);  
  quad.getPoints(cellType, quadPts_, quadWeights_);
  int nQuad = quadPts_.size();
  W_.resize(nQuad * nRefDerivTest() * nNodesTest());

  SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(), tab0 << "num nodes for test function " << nNodesTest());

  Array<Array<Array<Array<double> > > > testBasisVals(nRefDerivTest());

  for (int r=0; r<nRefDerivTest(); r++)
    Tabs tab3;
    SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(), tab3 
      << "evaluating basis functions for ref deriv direction " << r);
    MultiIndex mi;
    if (testDerivOrder==1) mi[r] = 1;
    SpatialDerivSpecifier deriv(mi);
    testBasis.refEval(evalCellType(), quadPts_, deriv, 
      testBasisVals[r], setupVerb());

  int vecComp = 0;
  for (int q=0; q<nQuad; q++)
    for (int t=0; t<nRefDerivTest(); t++)
      for (int nt=0; nt<nNodesTest(); nt++)
        wValue(q, t, nt) 
          = chop(quadWeights_[q] * testBasisVals[t][vecComp][q][nt]) ;
        W_ACI_F1_[q][t][nt] = chop(testBasisVals[t][vecComp][q][nt]);

Exemplo n.º 9
ElementIntegral::ElementIntegral(int spatialDim,
                                 const CellType& maxCellType,
                                 int dim,
                                 const CellType& cellType,
                                 const BasisFamily& testBasis,
                                 int alpha,
                                 int testDerivOrder,
                                 bool isInternalBdry,
                                 const ParametrizedCurve& globalCurve,
                                 const Mesh& mesh,
                                 int verb)
    : setupVerb_(verb),
      nRefDerivTest_(ipow(spatialDim, testDerivOrder)),
      nNodesTest_(testBasis.nReferenceDOFsWithFacets(maxCellType, cellType)),
    Tabs tab0(0);
    SUNDANCE_MSG2(setupVerb(), tab0 << "constructing 1-form ElementIntegral");
    /* if we're integrating a derivative along a facet, we
     * may need to refer back to the maximal cell. */
    bool okToRestrictTestToBdry = basisRestrictableToBoundary(testBasis);

    Tabs tab1;
    SUNDANCE_MSG2(setupVerb(), tab1 << "dim=" << dim << " spatialDim=" << spatialDim);
    if (dim != spatialDim)
        if (isInternalBdry)
        if (alwaysUseCofacets() || testDerivOrder>0)
            Tabs tab2;
            evalCellType_ = maxCellType_;
            nFacetCases_ = numFacets(maxCellType, dim);
            nNodesTest_ = testBasis.nReferenceDOFsWithFacets(maxCellType, maxCellType);
            SUNDANCE_MSG2(setupVerb(), tab2 << "nNodesTest=" << nNodesTest_);
            nNodes_ = nNodesTest_;
            TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(nNodes_ == 0);

    SUNDANCE_MSG2(setupVerb(), tab1 << "nNodes=" << nNodes_);
Exemplo n.º 10
RefIntegral::RefIntegral(int spatialDim,
  const CellType& maxCellType,
  int dim,
  const CellType& cellType,
  const BasisFamily& testBasis,
  int alpha,
  int testDerivOrder,
  const BasisFamily& unkBasis,
  int beta,
  int unkDerivOrder, 
  const QuadratureFamily& quad_in,
  bool isInternalBdry,
  const ParametrizedCurve& globalCurve,
  const Mesh& mesh,
  int verb)
  : ElementIntegral(spatialDim, maxCellType,  dim, cellType,
    testBasis, alpha, testDerivOrder, 
    unkBasis, beta, unkDerivOrder, isInternalBdry, globalCurve , mesh ,verb), W_()

  Tabs tab0(0);
    tab0 << "************* creating reference 2-form integrals ********");
  if (setupVerb()) describe(Out::os());



  QuadratureType qType = new GaussianQuadratureType();
  int reqOrder = qType.findValidOrder(cellType,
      std::max(1, unkBasis.order() + testBasis.order()));

      tab0 << "using quadrature order=" << reqOrder);
  QuadratureFamily quad = qType.createQuadFamily(reqOrder);

  /* If we have a valid curve (in case of Adaptive Cell Integration)
   * then we have to choose the quadrature which the user specified*/
  if (globalCurve.isCurveValid()){
	 quad = quad_in;
	 Tabs tab1;
	 SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(),tab1 << "ACI change quadrature to Quadrature of order: "<<quad.order());
  quad_ = quad;

    tab0 << "processing evaluation cases");

  for (int fc=0; fc<nFacetCases(); fc++)
    Tabs tab1;
    SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(), tab1 << "------ evaluation case " << fc << " of "
      << nFacetCases() << "-------");
    W_[fc].resize(nRefDerivTest() * nNodesTest()  * nRefDerivUnk() * nNodesUnk());
    for (int i=0; i<W_[fc].size(); i++) W_[fc][i]=0.0;

    Array<Array<Array<Array<double> > > > testBasisVals(nRefDerivTest());
    Array<Array<Array<Array<double> > > > unkBasisVals(nRefDerivUnk());
    getQuad(quad, fc, quadPts_, quadWeights_);
    int nQuad = quadPts_.size();

    for (int r=0; r<nRefDerivTest(); r++)
      Tabs tab2;
      SUNDANCE_MSG2(setupVerb(), tab2 
        << "evaluating test function basis derivative " 
        << r << " of " << nRefDerivTest());
      MultiIndex mi;
      if (testDerivOrder==1) mi[r] = 1;
      SpatialDerivSpecifier deriv(mi);
      testBasis.refEval(evalCellType(), quadPts_, deriv,
        testBasisVals[r], setupVerb());

    for (int r=0; r<nRefDerivUnk(); r++)
      Tabs tab2;
      SUNDANCE_MSG2(setupVerb(), tab2 
        << "evaluating unknown function basis derivative " 
        << r << " of " << nRefDerivUnk());
      MultiIndex mi;
      if (unkDerivOrder==1) mi[r] = 1;
      SpatialDerivSpecifier deriv(mi);
    	quadPts_, deriv, unkBasisVals[r], setupVerb());

    SUNDANCE_MSG2(setupVerb(), tab1 << "doing quadrature...");
    int vecComp = 0;
    for (int q=0; q<nQuad; q++)
      for (int t=0; t<nRefDerivTest(); t++)
        for (int nt=0; nt<nNodesTest(); nt++)
          for (int u=0; u<nRefDerivUnk(); u++)
            for (int nu=0; nu<nNodesUnk(); nu++)
              value(fc, t, nt, u, nu) 
                += chop(quadWeights_[q] * testBasisVals[t][vecComp][q][nt]
                  * unkBasisVals[u][vecComp][q][nu]);
              W_ACI_F2_[fc][q][t][nt][u][nu] = chop( testBasisVals[t][vecComp][q][nt]
                                               * unkBasisVals[u][vecComp][q][nu] );
    SUNDANCE_MSG2(setupVerb(), tab1 << "...done");
      + W_[fc].size());
    for (int i=0; i<W_[fc].size(); i++) W_[fc][i] = chop(W_[fc][i]);

  SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(), tab0 
    << "----------------------------------------");
  SUNDANCE_MSG4(setupVerb(), tab0 
    << "reference bilinear form integral results");
  if (setupVerb() >= 4)
    for (int fc=0; fc<nFacetCases(); fc++)
      Tabs tab1;
      SUNDANCE_MSG4(setupVerb(), tab1 << "evaluation case " << fc << " of "
        << nFacetCases());
      for (int rt=0; rt<nRefDerivTest(); rt++)
        for (int ru=0; ru<nRefDerivUnk(); ru++)
          Tabs tab2;
          MultiIndex miTest;
          if (testDerivOrder==1) miTest[rt] = 1;
          MultiIndex miUnk;
          if (unkDerivOrder==1) miUnk[ru] = 1;
          SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(), tab2 << "test multiindex=" << miTest
            << " unk multiindex=" << miUnk);
          ios_base::fmtflags oldFlags = Out::os().flags();
          for (int nt=0; nt<nNodesTest(); nt++)
            Tabs tab3;
            Out::os() << tab3 << setw(10) << nt;
            for (int nu=0; nu<nNodesUnk(); nu++)
              Out::os() << setw(12) << std::setprecision(5)
                        << value(fc, rt, nt, ru, nu) ;
            Out::os() << std::endl;

  SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(), tab0 << "done reference bilinear form ctor");
Exemplo n.º 11
RefIntegral::RefIntegral(int spatialDim,
  const CellType& maxCellType,
  int dim, 
  const CellType& cellType,
  const BasisFamily& testBasis,
  int alpha,
  int testDerivOrder,
  const QuadratureFamily& quad_in,
  bool isInternalBdry,
  const ParametrizedCurve& globalCurve,
  const Mesh& mesh,
  int verb)
  : ElementIntegral(spatialDim, maxCellType, dim, cellType, 
    testBasis, alpha, testDerivOrder, isInternalBdry, globalCurve , mesh , verb), W_()
  Tabs tab0(0);
    tab0 << "************* creating reference 1-form integrals ********");
  if (setupVerb()) describe(Out::os());


  /* Determine the quadrature order needed for exact integrations */
  QuadratureType qType = new GaussianQuadratureType();
  int reqOrder = qType.findValidOrder(cellType, 
    std::max(1, testBasis.order()));

    tab0 << "using quadrature order=" << reqOrder);
  /* Create a quadrature family of the required order */
  QuadratureFamily quad = qType.createQuadFamily(reqOrder);
  /* If we have a valid curve (in case of Adaptive Cell Integration)
   * then we have to choose the quadrature which the user specified*/
  if (globalCurve.isCurveValid()){
	 quad = quad_in;
	 Tabs tab1;
	 SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(),tab1 << "ACI change quadrature to Quadrature of order: "<<quad.order());
  quad_ = quad;

  /* We now loop over the different evaluation cases, integrating the
   * basis functions for each. Because this is a reference integral,
   * we can actually do the untransformed integrals here. */
  for (int fc=0; fc<nFacetCases(); fc++)
    Tabs tab1;
      tab1 << "evaluation case=" << fc << " of " << nFacetCases());
    /* initialize size of untransformed integral results array */
    W_[fc].resize(nRefDerivTest() * nNodesTest());

    /* initialize values of integrals to zero */
    for (int i=0; i<W_[fc].size(); i++) { W_[fc][i]=0.0; }

    Array<Array<Array<Array<double> > > > testBasisVals(nRefDerivTest());
    /* get quadrature points */

    getQuad(quad, fc, quadPts_, quadWeights_);

    int nQuad = quadPts_.size();

    /* compute the basis functions */
    for (int r=0; r<nRefDerivTest(); r++)
      Tabs tab2;
      SUNDANCE_MSG2(setupVerb(), tab2 << "evaluating basis derivative " 
        << r << " of " << nRefDerivTest());

      MultiIndex mi;
      if (testDerivOrder==1) mi[r] = 1;
      SpatialDerivSpecifier deriv(mi);
      testBasis.refEval(evalCellType(), quadPts_, deriv,
        testBasisVals[r], setupVerb());

    /* do the quadrature */
    SUNDANCE_MSG2(setupVerb(), tab1 << "doing quadrature");
    int vecComp = 0;
    for (int q=0; q<nQuad; q++)
      for (int t=0; t<nRefDerivTest(); t++)
        for (int nt=0; nt<nNodesTest(); nt++)
          value(fc, t, nt) 
            += chop(quadWeights_[q] * testBasisVals[t][vecComp][q][nt]) ;
          W_ACI_F1_[fc][q][t][nt] = chop(testBasisVals[t][vecComp][q][nt]);

    for (int i=0; i<W_[fc].size(); i++) W_[fc][i] = chop(W_[fc][i]);

    addFlops(3*nQuad*nRefDerivTest()*nNodesTest() + W_[fc].size());

  /* print the result */
  SUNDANCE_MSG4(setupVerb(), tab0 << "--------------------------------------");
  SUNDANCE_MSG4(setupVerb(), tab0 << "reference linear form integral results");
  if (setupVerb() >= 4)
    for (int fc=0; fc<nFacetCases(); fc++)
      Tabs tab1;
      SUNDANCE_MSG4(setupVerb(), tab1 << "------ evaluation case " << fc << " of "
        << nFacetCases() << "-------");
      for (int r=0; r<nRefDerivTest(); r++)
        Tabs tab2;

        MultiIndex mi;
        if (testDerivOrder==1) mi[r] = 1;
        SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(), tab2 << "multiindex=" << mi);

        ios_base::fmtflags oldFlags = Out::os().flags();
        for (int nt=0; nt<nNodesTest(); nt++)
          Tabs tab3;
          Out::os() << tab3 << setw(10) << nt 
                    << setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << value(fc, r, nt) 
                    << std::endl;

  SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb(), tab0 << "done reference linear form ctor");
::SubmaximalNodalDOFMap(const Mesh& mesh, 
  const CellFilter& cf,
  int nFuncs,
  int setupVerb)
  : DOFMapBase(mesh, setupVerb),
  Tabs tab0(0);
  SUNDANCE_MSG1(setupVerb, tab0 << "in SubmaximalNodalDOFMap ctor");
  Tabs tab1;
  SUNDANCE_MSG2(setupVerb, tab1 << "domain " << domain_);
  SUNDANCE_MSG2(setupVerb, tab1 << "N funcs " << nFuncs);

  const MPIComm& comm = mesh.comm();
  int rank = comm.getRank();
  int nProc = comm.getNProc();
  dim_ = cf.dimension(mesh);  

  CellSet nodes = cf.getCells(mesh);
  int nc = nodes.numCells();

  Array<Array<int> > remoteNodes(nProc);
  int nextDOF = 0;
  int k=0; 
  for (CellIterator c=nodes.begin(); c!=nodes.end(); c++, k++)
    int nodeLID = *c;
    lidToPtrMap_.put(nodeLID, k);
    int remoteOwner = rank;
    if (isRemote(0, nodeLID, remoteOwner))
      int GID = mesh.mapLIDToGID(0, nodeLID);
      for (int f=0; f<nFuncs; f++) nodeDOFs_.append(-1);
      for (int f=0; f<nFuncs; f++) nodeDOFs_.append(nextDOF++);

  /* Compute offsets for each processor */
  int localCount = nextDOF;
  /* Resolve remote DOF numbers */

  BasisFamily basis = new Lagrange(1);
  mapStructure_ = rcp(new MapStructure(nTotalFuncs_, basis.ptr()));