Exemplo n.º 1
// binary arithmetic operators
BigInteger operator+ (const BigInteger& a, const BigInteger& b)
    // handle sign and change operation
    if (a.Sign() != b.Sign())
        return (a.Sign()) ? a - b.Abs() : b - a.Abs();

    // allocate array
    int length = (a.Cardinality() >= b.Cardinality()) ?
         a.Cardinality() + 1 :
         b.Cardinality() + 1;

    int* digits = new int[length];

    // add numbers digit per digit
    int carry = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        if (i < a.Cardinality())
            carry += a[i];
        if (i < b.Cardinality())
            carry += b[i];

        digits[i] = carry % 10;
        carry /= 10;

    BigInteger tmp (a.Sign(), digits, length);
    return tmp;
Exemplo n.º 2
BigInteger operator/ (const BigInteger& a, const BigInteger& b)
    BigInteger remainder;

    char* result = new char[1];
    result[0] = '\0';

    // need positive divisor
    BigInteger bAbs = b.Abs();

    int pos = a.Cardinality() - 1;
    while (pos >= 0)
        // append next digit from dividend to temporary divisor
        int len = (remainder.IsNull()) ? 1 : remainder.Cardinality() + 1;
        int* digits = new int[len];

        // copy old digits
        for (int k = 0; k < len - 1; k++)
            digits[k + 1] = remainder.m_digits[k];

        // fetch digit from dividend
        digits[0] = a.m_digits[pos];

        remainder = BigInteger(true, digits, len);  // TODO: Ob len hier stimmt, ist OFFEN

        // divide current dividend with divisor
        int n = 0;
        while (bAbs <= remainder)
            remainder -= bAbs;

        // append digit to result string
        int slen = strlen(result);
        char* tmp = new char[slen + 2];
        strcpy_s (tmp, slen + 2, result);
        tmp[slen] = '0' + n;
        tmp[slen + 1] = '\0';
        delete[] result;
        result = tmp;

        // fetch next digit from divisor

    BigInteger tmp (result);
    tmp.m_sign = (a.Sign() == b.Sign()) ? true : false;
    return tmp;
Exemplo n.º 3
BigInteger operator- (const BigInteger& a, const BigInteger& b)
    // handle sign and change operation
    if (a.Sign() != b.Sign())
        return (a.Sign()) ? a + b.Abs() : -(a.Abs() + b);

    if (a.Abs() < b.Abs())
        return (a.Sign()) ? -(b - a) : b.Abs() - a.Abs();

    // create copy of minuend
    BigInteger tmp (a);

    // traverse digits of subtrahend
    for (int i = 0; i < b.Cardinality(); i++)
        if (tmp[i] < b[i])
            if (tmp[i + 1] != 0)
                tmp[i + 1]--;
                tmp[i] += 10;
                // preceding digit is zero, cannot borrow directly
                int pos = i + 1;
                while (tmp[pos] == 0)

                // borrow indirectly
                for (int k = pos; k >= i + 1; k--)
                    tmp[k - 1] += 10;

        // subtract current subtrahend digit from minuend digit
        tmp[i] -= b[i];

    return tmp;