QueryPathsDialog::QueryPathsDialog(QWidget * parent, BlastQuery * query) :
    ui(new Ui::QueryPathsDialog)
    setWindowFlags(windowFlags() | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint);

    connect(this, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(hidden()));
    connect(ui->tableWidget, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(tableSelectionChanged()));

    g_memory->queryPathDialogIsVisible = true;

    ui->tableWidget->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList() << "Path" << "Length\n(bp)" << "Query\ncovered\nby path" <<
                                               "Query\ncovered\nby hits" << "Mean hit\nidentity"  << "Total\nhit mis-\nmatches" <<
                                               "Total\nhit gap\nopens" << "Length\ndiscre-\npancy" << "E-value\nproduct");

    QString queryDescription = "Query name: " + query->getName();
    queryDescription += "      type: " + query->getTypeString();
    queryDescription += "      length: " + formatIntForDisplay(query->getLength());
    if (query->getSequenceType() == PROTEIN)
        queryDescription += " (" + formatIntForDisplay(3 * query->getLength()) + " bp)";
        queryDescription += " bp";


    int pathCount = query->getPathCount();

    if (pathCount == 0)

    QList<BlastQueryPath> paths = query->getPaths();

    for (int i = 0; i < pathCount; ++i)
        BlastQueryPath * queryPath = &paths[i];

        QTableWidgetItem * pathString = new QTableWidgetItem(queryPath->getPath().getString(true));
        pathString->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);

        int length = queryPath->getPath().getLength();
        TableWidgetItemInt * pathLength = new TableWidgetItemInt(formatIntForDisplay(length), length);
        pathLength->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);

        double queryCoveragePath = queryPath->getPathQueryCoverage();
        TableWidgetItemDouble * pathQueryCoveragePath = new TableWidgetItemDouble(formatDoubleForDisplay(100.0 * queryCoveragePath, 2) + "%", queryCoveragePath);
        pathQueryCoveragePath->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);
        pathLength->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);

        double queryCoverageHits = queryPath->getHitsQueryCoverage();
        TableWidgetItemDouble * pathQueryCoverageHits = new TableWidgetItemDouble(formatDoubleForDisplay(100.0 * queryCoverageHits, 2) + "%", queryCoverageHits);
        pathQueryCoverageHits->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);

        double percIdentity = queryPath->getMeanHitPercIdentity();
        TableWidgetItemDouble * pathPercIdentity = new TableWidgetItemDouble(formatDoubleForDisplay(percIdentity, 2) + "%", percIdentity);
        pathPercIdentity->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);

        int mismatches = queryPath->getTotalHitMismatches();
        TableWidgetItemInt * pathMismatches = new TableWidgetItemInt(formatIntForDisplay(mismatches), mismatches);
        pathMismatches->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);

        int gapOpens = queryPath->getTotalHitGapOpens();
        TableWidgetItemInt * pathGapOpens = new TableWidgetItemInt(formatIntForDisplay(gapOpens), gapOpens);
        pathGapOpens->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);

        double lengthDisc = queryPath->getRelativeLengthDiscrepancy();
        QString lengthDiscSign = "";
        if (lengthDisc > 0.0)
            lengthDiscSign = "+";
        TableWidgetItemDouble * pathLengthDisc = new TableWidgetItemDouble(lengthDiscSign + formatDoubleForDisplay(100.0 * lengthDisc, 2) + "%", lengthDisc);
        pathLengthDisc->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);

        double evalueProduct = queryPath->getEvalueProduct();
        TableWidgetItemDouble * pathEvalueProduct = new TableWidgetItemDouble(QString::number(evalueProduct), evalueProduct);
        pathEvalueProduct->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);

        ui->tableWidget->setItem(i, 0, pathString);
        ui->tableWidget->setItem(i, 1, pathLength);
        ui->tableWidget->setItem(i, 2, pathQueryCoveragePath);
        ui->tableWidget->setItem(i, 3, pathQueryCoverageHits);
        ui->tableWidget->setItem(i, 4, pathPercIdentity);
        ui->tableWidget->setItem(i, 5, pathMismatches);
        ui->tableWidget->setItem(i, 6, pathGapOpens);
        ui->tableWidget->setItem(i, 7, pathLengthDisc);
        ui->tableWidget->setItem(i, 8, pathEvalueProduct);


    ui->queryPathsInfoText->setInfoText("This table shows information about the possible paths through the graph which "
                                        "represent the query. These paths can be either simple (residing within a single "
                                        "node) or complex (spanning multiple nodes). The columns in the table are as "
                                        "<b>Path</b>: This is the query path through the graph, as written in Bandage's "
                                        "path notation. The nodes in the path are separated by commas. The start position "
                                        "in the first node is shown in parentheses at the beginning of the path. The end "
                                        "position in the last node is shown in parentheses at the end of the path."
                                        "<b>Length</b>: This is the path length. It is shown in base pairs, whether the "
                                        "query is a nucleotide query or a protein query."
                                        "<b>Query covered by path</b>: This is the fraction of the query which is covered "
                                        "by the path. It is calculated by taking 100% and subtracting the fraction of the "
                                        "query which is not captured by the start and the fraction of the query which is "
                                        "not captured by the end."
                                        "<b>Query covered by hits</b>: This is the fraction of the query which is covered "
                                        "by the BLAST hits in this path. Since a path may contain nodes or parts of nodes which "
                                        "are not covered by BLAST hits, this value will be less than or equal to the 'Query "
                                        "covered by path' value."
                                        "<b>Mean hit identity</b>: This is the mean of the percent identity for the BLAST "
                                        "hits in this path, weighted by the hits' lengths."
                                        "<b>Total hit mismatches</b>: This is the sum of the mismatches for the BLAST hits "
                                        "in this path."
                                        "<b>Total hit gap opens</b>: This is the sum of the gap opens for the BLAST hits "
                                        "in this path."
                                        "<b>Length discrepancy</b>: This is the percent difference in the path length and "
                                        "the appropriate length for the relecant fraction of the query. A positive value "
                                        "indicates that the path is too long; a negative value indicates that the path is "
                                        "too short."
                                        "<b>E-value product</b>: This is the product of the e-values for the BLAST hits "
                                        "in this path.");