Exemplo n.º 1
    void operator ()(const BlockedRange &r) const 
        const int num_images = static_cast<int>(features.size());
        for (int i = r.begin(); i < r.end(); ++i)
            int from = near_pairs[i].first;
            int to = near_pairs[i].second;
            int pair_idx = from*num_images + to;

            matcher(features[from], features[to], pairwise_matches[pair_idx]);
            pairwise_matches[pair_idx].src_img_idx = from;
            pairwise_matches[pair_idx].dst_img_idx = to;

            size_t dual_pair_idx = to*num_images + from;

            pairwise_matches[dual_pair_idx] = pairwise_matches[pair_idx];
            pairwise_matches[dual_pair_idx].src_img_idx = to;
            pairwise_matches[dual_pair_idx].dst_img_idx = from;

            if (!pairwise_matches[pair_idx].H.empty())
                pairwise_matches[dual_pair_idx].H = pairwise_matches[pair_idx].H.inv();

            for (size_t j = 0; j < pairwise_matches[dual_pair_idx].matches.size(); ++j)
Exemplo n.º 2
void GaborFilterBody<_Tp>::operator() (const BlockedRange& range ) const
	const complex<_Tp> i = sqrt (complex<_Tp>(-1));

	_Tp magnitude;
	_Tp commonPart;
	_Tp offsetXVal;
	_Tp offsetYVal;
	complex<_Tp> complexTempResult;
	complex<_Tp> complexResult;

	for( int index=range.begin(); index!=range.end( ); ++index )
		offsetXVal = (index/mFilterSizeY) - mOffsetX;
		offsetYVal = (index%mFilterSizeY) - mOffsetY;

		magnitude = (offsetXVal)*(offsetXVal) + (offsetYVal)*(offsetYVal);

		commonPart = mKS * exp(mKSHalf * (magnitude));

		complexTempResult =
				(exp(1.0*i * ((mKReal * offsetYVal) + (mKImag * offsetXVal)))
				- exp(-0.5 * mSSquare));

		complexResult = commonPart * complexTempResult;

		data[index] = complexResult;
Exemplo n.º 3
    void operator()( const BlockedRange& range ) const
        int i, i1 = range.begin(), i2 = range.end();
        int m = src->rows;
        size_t sstep = src->step, dstep = dst->step/sizeof(float);
        AutoBuffer<int> _d(m);
        int* d = _d;

        for( i = i1; i < i2; i++ )
            const uchar* sptr = src->data.ptr + i + (m-1)*sstep;
            float* dptr = dst->data.fl + i;
            int j, dist = m-1;

            for( j = m-1; j >= 0; j--, sptr -= sstep )
                dist = (dist + 1) & (sptr[0] == 0 ? 0 : -1);
                d[j] = dist;

            dist = m-1;
            for( j = 0; j < m; j++, dptr += dstep )
                dist = dist + 1 - sat_tab[dist - d[j]];
                d[j] = dist;
                dptr[0] = sqr_tab[dist];
Exemplo n.º 4
    void operator()( const BlockedRange& range ) const
        const float inf = 1e15f;
        int i, i1 = range.begin(), i2 = range.end();
        int n = dst->cols;
        AutoBuffer<uchar> _buf((n+2)*2*sizeof(float) + (n+2)*sizeof(int));
        float* f = (float*)(uchar*)_buf;
        float* z = f + n;
        int* v = alignPtr((int*)(z + n + 1), sizeof(int));

        for( i = i1; i < i2; i++ )
            float* d = (float*)(dst->data.ptr + i*dst->step);
            int p, q, k;

            v[0] = 0;
            z[0] = -inf;
            z[1] = inf;
            f[0] = d[0];

            for( q = 1, k = 0; q < n; q++ )
                float fq = d[q];
                f[q] = fq;

                    p = v[k];
                    float s = (fq + sqr_tab[q] - d[p] - sqr_tab[p])*inv_tab[q - p];
                    if( s > z[k] )
                        v[k] = q;
                        z[k] = s;
                        z[k+1] = inf;

            for( q = 0, k = 0; q < n; q++ )
                while( z[k+1] < q )
                p = v[k];
                d[q] = std::sqrt(sqr_tab[std::abs(q - p)] + f[p]);
Exemplo n.º 5
 void operator()( const BlockedRange& range ) const
     for ( int fi = range.begin(); fi < range.end(); fi++)
         for( int si = 0; si < sample_count; si++ )
             valCache->at<float>(fi,si) = (*feval)( fi, si );
             if ( is_buf_16u )
                 *(udst + fi*sample_count + si) = (unsigned short)si;
                 *(idst + fi*sample_count + si) = si;
         if ( is_buf_16u )
             icvSortUShAux( udst + fi*sample_count, sample_count, valCache->ptr<float>(fi) );
             icvSortIntAux( idst + fi*sample_count, sample_count, valCache->ptr<float>(fi) );
Exemplo n.º 6
            void operator()( const BlockedRange& r ) const
                vector<char> pointsMask(objectPoints.cols, 0);
                memset(&pointsMask[0], 1, MIN_POINTS_COUNT );
                for( int i=r.begin(); i!=r.end(); ++i )
                    pnpTask(pointsMask, objectPoints, imagePoints, parameters,
                            inliers, rvec, tvec, initRvec, initTvec, syncMutex);
                    if ((int)inliers.size() >= parameters.minInliersCount)
#ifdef HAVE_TBB
Exemplo n.º 7
 void operator()( const BlockedRange& range ) const
     cv::AutoBuffer<float> valCache(sample_count);
     float* valCachePtr = (float*)valCache;
     for ( int fi = range.begin(); fi < range.end(); fi++)
         for( int si = 0; si < sample_count; si++ )
             valCachePtr[si] = (*feval)( fi, si );
             if ( is_buf_16u )
                 *(udst + fi*sample_count + si) = (unsigned short)si;
                 *(idst + fi*sample_count + si) = si;
         if ( is_buf_16u )
             icvSortUShAux( udst + fi*sample_count, sample_count, valCachePtr );
             icvSortIntAux( idst + fi*sample_count, sample_count, valCachePtr );
Exemplo n.º 8
 void operator()( const BlockedRange& range )
     int temp_bua = bua, temp_bna = bna;
     for( int i = range.begin(); i != range.end(); i++ )
         float rx1 = minx + i*dr;
         float rx2 = rx1 - diff.x;
         for( float ry1 = (float)miny; ry1 <= (float)maxy; ry1 += dr )
             float ry2 = ry1 - diff.y;
             //compute the distance from the ellipse center
             float e1 = (float)(ellipse1[0]*rx1*rx1 + 2*ellipse1[1]*rx1*ry1 + ellipse1[2]*ry1*ry1);
             float e2 = (float)(ellipse2[0]*rx2*rx2 + 2*ellipse2[1]*rx2*ry2 + ellipse2[2]*ry2*ry2);
             //compute the area
             if( e1<1 && e2<1 ) temp_bna++;
             if( e1<1 || e2<1 ) temp_bua++;
     bua = temp_bua;
     bna = temp_bna;
Exemplo n.º 9
void ForestTreeBestSplitFinder::operator()(const BlockedRange& range)
    int vi, vi1 = range.begin(), vi2 = range.end();
    int n = node->sample_count;
    CvDTreeTrainData* data = tree->get_data();
    AutoBuffer<uchar> inn_buf(2*n*(sizeof(int) + sizeof(float)));

    CvForestTree* ftree = (CvForestTree*)tree;
    const CvMat* active_var_mask = ftree->forest->get_active_var_mask();

    for( vi = vi1; vi < vi2; vi++ )
        CvDTreeSplit *res;
        int ci = data->var_type->data.i[vi];
        if( node->num_valid[vi] <= 1
            || (active_var_mask && !active_var_mask->data.ptr[vi]) )

        if( data->is_classifier )
            if( ci >= 0 )
                res = ftree->find_split_cat_class( node, vi, bestSplit->quality, split, (uchar*)inn_buf );
                res = ftree->find_split_ord_class( node, vi, bestSplit->quality, split, (uchar*)inn_buf );
            if( ci >= 0 )
                res = ftree->find_split_cat_reg( node, vi, bestSplit->quality, split, (uchar*)inn_buf );
                res = ftree->find_split_ord_reg( node, vi, bestSplit->quality, split, (uchar*)inn_buf );

        if( res && bestSplit->quality < split->quality )
                memcpy( (CvDTreeSplit*)bestSplit, (CvDTreeSplit*)split, splitSize );
void FastNlMeansMultiDenoisingInvoker<T>::operator() (const BlockedRange& range) const {
    int row_from = range.begin();
    int row_to = range.end() - 1;

    Array3d<int> dist_sums(temporal_window_size_, search_window_size_, search_window_size_);
    // for lazy calc optimization
    Array4d<int> col_dist_sums(
		template_window_size_, temporal_window_size_, search_window_size_, search_window_size_);
    int first_col_num = -1;

    Array4d<int> up_col_dist_sums(
        cols_, temporal_window_size_, search_window_size_, search_window_size_);
    for (int i = row_from; i <= row_to; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < cols_; j++) {
            int search_window_y = i - search_window_half_size_;
            int search_window_x = j - search_window_half_size_;

            // calc dist_sums
            if (j == 0) {
                calcDistSumsForFirstElementInRow(i, dist_sums, col_dist_sums, up_col_dist_sums);
                first_col_num = 0;

            } else { // calc cur dist_sums using previous dist_sums
                if (i == row_from) {
                    calcDistSumsForElementInFirstRow(i, j, first_col_num, 
                        dist_sums, col_dist_sums, up_col_dist_sums);    

                } else {
                    int ay = border_size_ + i; 
                    int ax = border_size_ + j + template_window_half_size_;

                    int start_by = 
                        border_size_ + i - search_window_half_size_;

                    int start_bx = 
                        border_size_ + j - search_window_half_size_ + template_window_half_size_;

                    T a_up = main_extended_src_.at<T>(ay - template_window_half_size_ - 1, ax);
                    T a_down = main_extended_src_.at<T>(ay + template_window_half_size_, ax);

                    // copy class member to local variable for optimization
                    int search_window_size = search_window_size_;

                    for (int d = 0; d < temporal_window_size_; d++) {
                        Mat cur_extended_src = extended_srcs_[d];
                        Array2d<int> cur_dist_sums = dist_sums[d];
                        Array2d<int> cur_col_dist_sums = col_dist_sums[first_col_num][d];
                        Array2d<int> cur_up_col_dist_sums = up_col_dist_sums[j][d];
                        for (int y = 0; y < search_window_size; y++) {
                            int* dist_sums_row = cur_dist_sums.row_ptr(y);
                            int* col_dist_sums_row = cur_col_dist_sums.row_ptr(y);
                            int* up_col_dist_sums_row = cur_up_col_dist_sums.row_ptr(y);

                            const T* b_up_ptr = 
                                cur_extended_src.ptr<T>(start_by - template_window_half_size_ - 1 + y);
                            const T* b_down_ptr = 
                                cur_extended_src.ptr<T>(start_by + template_window_half_size_ + y);
                            for (int x = 0; x < search_window_size; x++) {
                                dist_sums_row[x] -= col_dist_sums_row[x];
                                col_dist_sums_row[x] = up_col_dist_sums_row[x] + 
                                        a_up, a_down, 
                                        b_up_ptr[start_bx + x], b_down_ptr[start_bx + x]

                                dist_sums_row[x] += col_dist_sums_row[x];
                                up_col_dist_sums_row[x] = col_dist_sums_row[x];
                first_col_num = (first_col_num + 1) % template_window_size_;

            // calc weights
            int weights_sum = 0;
            int estimation[3];            
            for (int channel_num = 0; channel_num < channels_count_; channel_num++) {
                estimation[channel_num] = 0;
            for (int d = 0; d < temporal_window_size_; d++) {
                const Mat& esrc_d = extended_srcs_[d];
                for (int y = 0; y < search_window_size_; y++) {
                    const T* cur_row_ptr = esrc_d.ptr<T>(border_size_ + search_window_y + y);

                    int* dist_sums_row = dist_sums.row_ptr(d, y);

                    for (int x = 0; x < search_window_size_; x++) {
                        int almostAvgDist = 
                            dist_sums_row[x] >> almost_template_window_size_sq_bin_shift;

                        int weight = almost_dist2weight[almostAvgDist];
                        weights_sum += weight;
                        T p = cur_row_ptr[border_size_ + search_window_x + x];
                        incWithWeight(estimation, weight, p);

            if (weights_sum > 0) {
                for (int channel_num = 0; channel_num < channels_count_; channel_num++) {
                    estimation[channel_num] = 
                        cvRound(((double)estimation[channel_num]) / weights_sum);

                dst_.at<T>(i,j) = saturateCastFromArray<T>(estimation);

            } else { // weights_sum == 0
                const Mat& esrc = extended_srcs_[temporal_window_half_size_];
                dst_.at<T>(i,j) = esrc.at<T>(i,j);
Exemplo n.º 11
    void operator()(const BlockedRange& range) const
        int y0 = range.begin(), y1 = range.end();
        int ncols = src->cols, nchannels = src->channels();
        AutoBuffer<float> buf(src->cols*nchannels);
        float alpha1 = 1.f - alphaT;
        float dData[CV_CN_MAX];

        for( int y = y0; y < y1; y++ )
            const float* data = buf;
            if( cvtfunc )
                cvtfunc( src->ptr(y), src->step, 0, 0, (uchar*)data, 0, Size(ncols*nchannels, 1), 0);
                data = src->ptr<float>(y);

            float* mean = mean0 + ncols*nmixtures*nchannels*y;
            GMM* gmm = gmm0 + ncols*nmixtures*y;
            uchar* modesUsed = modesUsed0 + ncols*y;
            uchar* mask = dst->ptr(y);

            for( int x = 0; x < ncols; x++, data += nchannels, gmm += nmixtures, mean += nmixtures*nchannels )
                //calculate distances to the modes (+ sort)
                //here we need to go in descending order!!!
                bool background = false;//return value -> true - the pixel classified as background

                bool fitsPDF = false;//if it remains zero a new GMM mode will be added
                int nmodes = modesUsed[x], nNewModes = nmodes;//current number of modes in GMM
                float totalWeight = 0.f;

                float* mean_m = mean;

                //go through all modes
                for( int mode = 0; mode < nmodes; mode++, mean_m += nchannels )
                    float weight = alpha1*gmm[mode].weight + prune;//need only weight if fit is found

                    //fit not found yet
                    if( !fitsPDF )
                        //check if it belongs to some of the remaining modes
                        float var = gmm[mode].variance;

                        //calculate difference and distance
                        float dist2;

                        if( nchannels == 3 )
                            dData[0] = mean_m[0] - data[0];
                            dData[1] = mean_m[1] - data[1];
                            dData[2] = mean_m[2] - data[2];
                            dist2 = dData[0]*dData[0] + dData[1]*dData[1] + dData[2]*dData[2];
                            dist2 = 0.f;
                            for( int c = 0; c < nchannels; c++ )
                                dData[c] = mean_m[c] - data[c];
                                dist2 += dData[c]*dData[c];

                        //background? - Tb - usually larger than Tg
                        if( totalWeight < TB && dist2 < Tb*var )
                            background = true;

                        //check fit
                        if( dist2 < Tg*var )
                            //belongs to the mode
                            fitsPDF = true;

                            //update distribution

                            //update weight
                            weight += alphaT;
                            float k = alphaT/weight;

                            //update mean
                            for( int c = 0; c < nchannels; c++ )
                                mean_m[c] -= k*dData[c];

                            //update variance
                            float varnew = var + k*(dist2-var);
                            //limit the variance
                            varnew = MAX(varnew, varMin);
                            varnew = MIN(varnew, varMax);
                            gmm[mode].variance = varnew;

                            //all other weights are at the same place and
                            //only the matched (iModes) is higher -> just find the new place for it
                            for( int i = mode; i > 0; i-- )
                                //check one up
                                if( weight < gmm[i-1].weight )

                                //swap one up
                                std::swap(gmm[i], gmm[i-1]);
                                for( int c = 0; c < nchannels; c++ )
                                    std::swap(mean[i*nchannels + c], mean[(i-1)*nchannels + c]);
                            //belongs to the mode - bFitsPDF becomes 1

                    //check prune
                    if( weight < -prune )
                        weight = 0.0;

                    gmm[mode].weight = weight;//update weight by the calculated value
                    totalWeight += weight;
                //go through all modes

                //renormalize weights
                totalWeight = 1.f/totalWeight;
                for( int mode = 0; mode < nmodes; mode++ )
                    gmm[mode].weight *= totalWeight;

                nmodes = nNewModes;

                //make new mode if needed and exit
                if( !fitsPDF )
                    // replace the weakest or add a new one
                    int mode = nmodes == nmixtures ? nmixtures-1 : nmodes++;

                    if (nmodes==1)
                        gmm[mode].weight = 1.f;
                        gmm[mode].weight = alphaT;

                        // renormalize all other weights
                        for( int i = 0; i < nmodes-1; i++ )
                            gmm[i].weight *= alpha1;

                    // init
                    for( int c = 0; c < nchannels; c++ )
                        mean[mode*nchannels + c] = data[c];

                    gmm[mode].variance = varInit;

                    //find the new place for it
                    for( int i = nmodes - 1; i > 0; i-- )
                        // check one up
                        if( alphaT < gmm[i-1].weight )

                        // swap one up
                        std::swap(gmm[i], gmm[i-1]);
                        for( int c = 0; c < nchannels; c++ )
                            std::swap(mean[i*nchannels + c], mean[(i-1)*nchannels + c]);

                //set the number of modes
                modesUsed[x] = uchar(nmodes);
                mask[x] = background ? 0 :
                          detectShadows && detectShadowGMM(data, nchannels, nmodes, gmm, mean, Tb, TB, tau) ?
                          shadowVal : 255;
Exemplo n.º 12
 void operator()( const BlockedRange& range ) const
     for ( int fi = range.begin(); fi < range.end(); fi++)
         for( int si = 0; si < sample_count; si++ )
             valCache->at<float>(fi,si) = (*feval)( fi, si );