Exemplo n.º 1
Query* MultiFieldQueryParser::parse(const TCHAR* query, const TCHAR** fields, const uint8_t* flags, Analyzer* analyzer)
    BooleanQuery* bQuery = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();
    int32_t i = 0;
    while ( fields[i] != NULL )
		Query* q = QueryParser::parse(query, fields[i], analyzer);
        uint8_t flag = flags[i];
        switch (flag)
			case MultiFieldQueryParser::REQUIRED_FIELD:
                bQuery->add(q, true, true, false);
            case MultiFieldQueryParser::PROHIBITED_FIELD:
                bQuery->add(q, true, false, true);
                bQuery->add(q, true, false, false);

    return bQuery;
Exemplo n.º 2
	void testSrchWildcard(CuTest *tc ){
		CuAssert(tc,_T("Searcher was not open"),s!=NULL);
		_TestSearchesRun(tc, &a,s, _T("term*") );
		_TestSearchesRun(tc, &a,s, _T("term*^2") );
		_TestSearchesRun(tc, &a,s, _T("term~") );
		_TestSearchesRun(tc, &a,s, _T("term^2~") );
		_TestSearchesRun(tc, &a,s, _T("term~^2") );
		_TestSearchesRun(tc, &a,s, _T("term*germ") );
		_TestSearchesRun(tc, &a,s, _T("term*germ^3") );

		//test problem reported by Gary Mangum
		BooleanQuery* bq = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();
		Term* upper = _CLNEW Term(_T("contents"),_T("0105"));
		Term* lower = _CLNEW Term(_T("contents"),_T("0105"));
		RangeQuery* rq=_CLNEW RangeQuery(lower,upper,true);

		Term* prefix = _CLNEW Term(_T("contents"),_T("reuters21578"));
		PrefixQuery* pq = _CLNEW PrefixQuery(prefix);

		Hits* h = NULL;
			h = s->search( bq );
    void testBoost()
        // NOTE: uses index build in *this* setUp

        IndexReader * pReader = IndexReader::open( m_pSmall );
	    IndexSearcher * pSearch = _CLNEW IndexSearcher( pReader );
	    Hits * pResult;

        // test for correct application of query normalization
        // must use a non score normalizing method for this.
        Query * q = csrq( _T( "data" ), _T( "1" ), _T( "6" ), true, true );
        q->setBoost( 100 );
        pResult = pSearch->search( q );
        for( size_t i = 1; i < pResult->length(); i++ )
            assertTrueMsg( _T( "score was not was not correct" ), 1.0f == pResult->score( i ));
        _CLDELETE( pResult );
        _CLDELETE( q );

        // Ensure that boosting works to score one clause of a query higher
        // than another.
        Query * q1 = csrq( _T( "data" ), _T( "A" ), _T( "A" ), true, true );  // matches document #0
        q1->setBoost( .1f );
        Query * q2 = csrq( _T( "data" ), _T( "Z" ), _T( "Z" ), true, true );  // matches document #1
        BooleanQuery * bq = _CLNEW BooleanQuery( true );
        bq->add( q1, true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );
        bq->add( q2, true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );

        pResult = pSearch->search( bq );
        assertEquals( 1, pResult->id( 0 ));
        assertEquals( 0, pResult->id( 1 ));
        assertTrue( pResult->score( 0 ) > pResult->score( 1 ));
        _CLDELETE( pResult );
        _CLDELETE( bq );

        q1 = csrq( _T( "data" ), _T( "A" ), _T( "A" ), true, true );  // matches document #0
        q1->setBoost( 10.0f );
        q2 = csrq( _T( "data" ), _T( "Z" ), _T( "Z" ), true, true );  // matches document #1
        bq = _CLNEW BooleanQuery( true );
        bq->add( q1, true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );
        bq->add( q2, true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );

        pResult = pSearch->search( bq );
        assertEquals( 0, pResult->id( 0 ));
        assertEquals( 1, pResult->id( 1 ));
        assertTrue( pResult->score( 0 ) > pResult->score( 1 ));
        _CLDELETE( pResult );
        _CLDELETE( bq );

        _CLDELETE( pSearch );

        _CLDELETE( pReader );
Exemplo n.º 4
Query* Query::mergeBooleanQueries(Query** queries) {
    CL_NS(util)::CLVector<BooleanClause*> allClauses;
    int32_t i = 0;
    while ( queries[i] != NULL ){
		BooleanQuery* bq = (BooleanQuery*)queries[i];
		int32_t size = bq->getClauseCount();
		BooleanClause** clauses = _CL_NEWARRAY(BooleanClause*, size);
		for (int32_t j = 0;j<size;++j ){

    BooleanQuery* result = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();
    CL_NS(util)::CLVector<BooleanClause*>::iterator itr = allClauses.begin();
    while (itr != allClauses.end() ) {
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 5
/// TestBooleanScorer.java, ported 5/9/2009
void testBooleanScorer(CuTest *tc) {
    const TCHAR* FIELD = _T("category");
    RAMDirectory directory;

    TCHAR* values[] = { _T("1"), _T("2"), _T("3"), _T("4"), NULL};

    try {
        WhitespaceAnalyzer a;
        IndexWriter* writer = _CLNEW IndexWriter(&directory, &a, true);
        for (size_t i = 0; values[i]!=NULL; i++) {
            Document* doc = _CLNEW Document();
            doc->add(*_CLNEW Field(FIELD, values[i], Field::STORE_YES | Field::INDEX_TOKENIZED));

        BooleanQuery* booleanQuery1 = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();
        Term *t = _CLNEW Term(FIELD, _T("1"));
        booleanQuery1->add(_CLNEW TermQuery(t), true, BooleanClause::SHOULD);
        t = _CLNEW Term(FIELD, _T("2"));
        booleanQuery1->add(_CLNEW TermQuery(t), true, BooleanClause::SHOULD);

        BooleanQuery* query = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();
        query->add(booleanQuery1, true, BooleanClause::MUST);
        t = _CLNEW Term(FIELD, _T("9"));
        query->add(_CLNEW TermQuery(t), true, BooleanClause::MUST_NOT);

        IndexSearcher *indexSearcher = _CLNEW IndexSearcher(&directory);
        Hits *hits = indexSearcher->search(query);
        CLUCENE_ASSERT(2 == hits->length()); // Number of matched documents

    catch (CLuceneError& e) {
        CuFail(tc, e.twhat());
Exemplo n.º 6
CLuceneIndexReader::Private::createMultiFieldQuery(const Strigi::Query& query) {
    BooleanQuery* bq = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();
    for (vector<string>::const_iterator i = query.fields().begin();
            i != query.fields().end(); ++i) {
        Query* q = createSingleFieldQuery(*i, query);
        bq->add(q, true, false, false);
    return bq;
    void testBooleanOrderUnAffected()
        // NOTE: uses index build in *this* setUp

        IndexReader * pReader = IndexReader::open( m_pSmall );
	    IndexSearcher * pSearch = _CLNEW IndexSearcher( pReader );

        // first do a regular RangeQuery which uses term expansion so
        // docs with more terms in range get higher scores
        Term * pLower = _CLNEW Term( _T( "data" ), _T( "1" ));
        Term * pUpper = _CLNEW Term( _T( "data" ), _T( "4" ));
        Query * rq = _CLNEW RangeQuery( pLower, pUpper, true );
        _CLLDECDELETE( pUpper );
        _CLLDECDELETE( pLower );

        Hits * pExpected = pSearch->search( rq );
        size_t numHits = pExpected->length();
        // now do a boolean where which also contains a
        // ConstantScoreRangeQuery and make sure the order is the same
        BooleanQuery * q = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();
        q->add( rq, true, BooleanClause::MUST );
        q->add( csrq( _T( "data" ), _T( "1" ), _T( "6" ), true, true ), true, BooleanClause::MUST );
        Hits * pActual = pSearch->search( q );
        assertEqualsMsg( _T( "wrong number of hits" ), numHits, pActual->length() );
        for( size_t i = 0; i < numHits; i++ )
            assertEqualsMsg( _T( "mismatch in docid for a hit" ), pExpected->id( i ), pActual->id( i ));
        _CLDELETE( pActual );
        _CLDELETE( pExpected );
        _CLDELETE( q );

        _CLDELETE( pSearch );

        _CLDELETE( pReader );
Exemplo n.º 8
Query* MultiFieldQueryParser::parse(const TCHAR* query, const TCHAR** fields, Analyzer* analyzer)
    BooleanQuery* bQuery = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();
    int32_t i = 0;
    while ( fields[i] != NULL ){
		   Query* q = QueryParser::parse(query, fields[i], analyzer);
			bQuery->add(q, true, false, false);

    return bQuery;
Exemplo n.º 9
CLuceneIndexReader::Private::createBooleanQuery(const Strigi::Query& query) {
    BooleanQuery* bq = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();
    bool isAnd = query.type() == Strigi::Query::And;
    const vector<Strigi::Query>& sub = query.subQueries();
    for (vector<Strigi::Query>::const_iterator i = sub.begin(); i != sub.end();
            ++i) {
        Query* q = createQuery(*i);
        bq->add(q, true, isAnd, i->negate());
    return bq;
Exemplo n.º 10
void testExtractFromBooleanQuery( CuTest * tc )
    Directory *     pIndex  = setUpIndex();
    IndexReader *   pReader = IndexReader::open( pIndex );
    TermSet         termSet;
    Term * t1 = _CLNEW Term( _T("data"), _T("aaaab") );
    Term * t2 = _CLNEW Term( _T("data"), _T("aaabb") );
    Term * t3 = _CLNEW Term( _T("data"), _T("aaabb") );
    BooleanQuery * bq = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();
    bq->add( _CLNEW TermQuery( t1 ), true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );
    bq->add( _CLNEW TermQuery( t2 ), true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );
    bq->add( _CLNEW TermQuery( t3 ), true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );

    Query * rewrite = bq->rewrite( pReader );

    rewrite->extractTerms( &termSet );
    assertEqualsMsg( _T( "wrong number of terms" ), 2, termSet.size() );
    for( TermSet::iterator itTerms = termSet.begin(); itTerms != termSet.end(); itTerms++ )
        Term * pTerm = *itTerms;
        assertTrueMsg( _T( "wrong term" ), ( 0 == t1->compareTo( pTerm ) || 0 == t2->compareTo( pTerm )));
    clearTermSet( termSet );

    _CLLDECDELETE( t1 );
    _CLLDECDELETE( t2 );
    _CLLDECDELETE( t3 );

    if( rewrite != bq )
        _CLDELETE( rewrite );
    _CLDELETE( bq );
    _CLDELETE( pReader );

    closeIndex( pIndex );
    pIndex = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 11
void TestBasics::testBoolean2()
    Term * term1 = _CLNEW Term( _T( "field" ), _T( "sevento" ));
    Term * term2 = _CLNEW Term( _T( "field" ), _T( "sevenly" ));

    BooleanQuery * query = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();
    query->add( _CLNEW TermQuery( term1 ), true, BooleanClause::MUST );
    query->add( _CLNEW TermQuery( term2 ), true, BooleanClause::MUST );
    _CLLDECDELETE( term1 );
    _CLLDECDELETE( term2 );

    checkHits( query, NULL, 0 );
    _CLLDELETE( query );
Exemplo n.º 12
     * FIXME: Describe <code>rewrite</code> method here.
     * @param reader an <code>IndexReader</code> value
     * @return a <code>Query</code> value
     * @exception IOException if an error occurs
    Query* RangeQuery::rewrite(IndexReader* reader){

        BooleanQuery* query = _CLNEW BooleanQuery;
        TermEnum* enumerator = reader->terms(lowerTerm);
		Term* lastTerm = NULL;
        try {
            bool checkLower = false;
            if (!inclusive) // make adjustments to set to exclusive
                checkLower = true;

            const TCHAR* testField = getField();
            do {
                lastTerm = enumerator->term();
                if (lastTerm != NULL && lastTerm->field() == testField ) {
                    if (!checkLower || _tcscmp(lastTerm->text(),lowerTerm->text()) > 0) {
                        checkLower = false;
                        if (upperTerm != NULL) {
                            int compare = _tcscmp(upperTerm->text(),lastTerm->text());
                            /* if beyond the upper term, or is exclusive and
                             * this is equal to the upper term, break out */
                            if ((compare < 0) || (!inclusive && compare == 0))
                        TermQuery* tq = _CLNEW TermQuery(lastTerm); // found a match
                        tq->setBoost(getBoost()); // set the boost
                        query->add(tq, true, false, false); // add to query
                }else {
            while (enumerator->next());
			_CLDECDELETE(lastTerm); //always need to delete this
			_CLDELETE(query); //in case of error, delete the query
			throw; //rethrow
		_CLDECDELETE(lastTerm); //always need to delete this

        return query;
Exemplo n.º 13
void TestBasics::testBoolean()
    int32_t expectedDocs[] = {77, 777, 177, 277, 377, 477, 577, 677, 770, 771, 772, 773, 774, 775, 776, 778, 779, 877, 977};

    Term * term1 = _CLNEW Term( _T( "field" ), _T( "seventy" ));
    Term * term2 = _CLNEW Term( _T( "field" ), _T( "seven" ));

    BooleanQuery * query = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();
    query->add( _CLNEW TermQuery( term1 ), true, BooleanClause::MUST );
    query->add( _CLNEW TermQuery( term2 ), true, BooleanClause::MUST );
    _CLLDECDELETE( term1 );
    _CLLDECDELETE( term2 );

    checkHits( query, expectedDocs, sizeof( expectedDocs ) / sizeof( expectedDocs[ 0 ] ));
    _CLLDELETE( query );
Exemplo n.º 14
void TestSpansAdvanced::doTestBooleanQueryWithSpanQueries( const float_t expectedScore )
    Term * t1 = _CLNEW Term( field_text, _T( "work" ));
    Query * spanQuery = _CLNEW SpanTermQuery( t1 );
    BooleanQuery * query = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();

    query->add( spanQuery, false, BooleanClause::MUST );
    query->add( spanQuery, false, BooleanClause::MUST );

    TCHAR * expectedIds[] = { _T( "1" ), _T( "2" ), _T( "3" ), _T( "4" ) };
    float_t expectedScores[] = { expectedScore, expectedScore, expectedScore, expectedScore };

    assertHits( query, _T( "two span queries" ), expectedIds, expectedScores, 4 );

    _CLLDECDELETE( t1 );
    _CLLDELETE( spanQuery );
    _CLLDELETE( query );
Exemplo n.º 15
   Query* PrefixQuery::rewrite(IndexReader* reader){
    BooleanQuery* query = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();
    TermEnum* enumerator = reader->terms(prefix);
	Term* lastTerm = NULL;
    try {
      const TCHAR* prefixText = prefix->text();
      const TCHAR* prefixField = prefix->field();
      const TCHAR* tmp;
      size_t i;
	  int32_t prefixLen = prefix->textLength();
      do {
        lastTerm = enumerator->term();
		if (lastTerm != NULL && lastTerm->field() == prefixField ){
		  //now see if term->text() starts with prefixText
		  int32_t termLen = lastTerm->textLength();
		  if ( prefixLen>termLen )
			  break; //the prefix is longer than the term, can't be matched

            tmp = lastTerm->text();
            //check for prefix match in reverse, since most change will be at the end
            for ( i=prefixLen-1;i!=-1;--i ){
                if ( tmp[i] != prefixText[i] ){
                    tmp=NULL;//signals inequality
            if ( tmp == NULL )

          TermQuery* tq = _CLNEW TermQuery(lastTerm);	  // found a match
          tq->setBoost(getBoost());                // set the boost
          query->add(tq,true,false, false);		  // add to query
        } else
      } while (enumerator->next());
// static
Query* MultiFieldQueryParser::parse(const TCHAR* query, const TCHAR** _fields, const uint8_t* flags, Analyzer* analyzer) {
	BooleanQuery* bQuery = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();
	for (size_t i = 0; _fields[i]!=NULL; i++) {
	  //TODO: this is really confusing... why not refactor _fields and flags to use a array object.
	  //flags can be NULL since NULL == 0...
		/*if (flags[i] == NULL) {
			_CLTHROWA(CL_ERR_IllegalArgument, "_fields.length != flags.length");
		QueryParser* qp = _CLNEW QueryParser(_fields[i], analyzer);
		Query* q = qp->parse(query);
		if (q!=NULL && // q never null, just being defensive
			(!(q->instanceOf(BooleanQuery::getClassName())) || ((BooleanQuery*)q)->getClauseCount()>0)) {
				bQuery->add(q, true, (BooleanClause::Occur)flags[i]);
		} else
	return bQuery;
Exemplo n.º 17
 * Tests a single span query that matches multiple documents.
void TestSpansAdvanced2::testMultipleDifferentSpanQueries()
    Term * t1 = _CLNEW Term( field_text, _T( "should" ));
    Term * t2 = _CLNEW Term( field_text, _T( "we" ));
    Query * spanQuery1 = _CLNEW SpanTermQuery( t1 );
    Query * spanQuery2 = _CLNEW SpanTermQuery( t2 );
    BooleanQuery * query = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();
    query->add( spanQuery1, true, BooleanClause::MUST );
    query->add( spanQuery2, true, BooleanClause::MUST );
    TCHAR * expectedIds[] = { _T( "D" ), _T( "A" ) };
    // these values were pre LUCENE-413
    // final float[] expectedScores = new float[] { 0.93163157f, 0.20698164f };
    float_t expectedScores[] = { 1.0191123f, 0.93163157f };
    assertHits( query, _T( "multiple different span queries" ), expectedIds, expectedScores, 2 );

    _CLDELETE( query );
    _CLLDECDELETE( t1 );
    _CLLDECDELETE( t2 );
Query* MultiFieldQueryParser::parse(const TCHAR** _queries, const TCHAR** _fields, Analyzer* analyzer)
	BooleanQuery* bQuery = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();
	for (size_t i = 0; _fields[i]!=NULL; i++)
		if (_queries[i] == NULL) {
			_CLTHROWA(CL_ERR_IllegalArgument, "_queries.length != _fields.length");
		// TODO: Reuse qp instead of creating it over and over again
		QueryParser* qp = _CLNEW QueryParser(_fields[i], analyzer);
		Query* q = qp->parse(_queries[i]);
		if (q!=NULL && // q never null, just being defensive
			(!(q->instanceOf(BooleanQuery::getClassName()) || ((BooleanQuery*)q)->getClauseCount() > 0))) {
				bQuery->add(q, true, BooleanClause::SHOULD);
		} else
	return bQuery;
    // CLucene specific 
    // Visual Studio 2005 shows memory leaks for this test, but some other 
    // tools do not detect any memory leaks. So what is right?
    // IN VC80 shows memory leaks ONLY if both sub-queries are added as 
    // MUST BooleanClauses. 
    void testBooleanMemLeaks()
        IndexReader * pReader = IndexReader::open( m_pSmall );
	    IndexSearcher * pSearch = _CLNEW IndexSearcher( pReader );
        Query * q1 = csrq( _T( "data" ), _T( "A" ), _T( "A" ), true, true );  // matches document #0
        Query * q2 = csrq( _T( "data" ), _T( "Z" ), _T( "Z" ), true, true );  // matches document #1
        BooleanQuery * bq = _CLNEW BooleanQuery( true );
        bq->add( q1, true, BooleanClause::MUST );
        bq->add( q2, true, BooleanClause::MUST );

        Hits * pResult = pSearch->search( bq );

        _CLDELETE( pResult );
        _CLDELETE( bq );

        _CLDELETE( pSearch );

        _CLDELETE( pReader );
Exemplo n.º 20
/// TestBooleanPrefixQuery.java, ported 5/9/2009
void testBooleanPrefixQuery(CuTest* tc) {
    RAMDirectory directory;
    WhitespaceAnalyzer a;

    TCHAR* categories[] = {_T("food"), _T("foodanddrink"),
        _T("foodanddrinkandgoodtimes"), _T("food and drink"), NULL};

    Query* rw1 = NULL;
    Query* rw2 = NULL;
    try {
        IndexWriter* writer = _CLNEW IndexWriter(&directory, &a, true);
        for (size_t i = 0; categories[i]!=NULL; i++) {
            Document* doc = new Document();
            doc->add(*_CLNEW Field(_T("category"), categories[i], Field::STORE_YES | Field::INDEX_UNTOKENIZED));

        IndexReader* reader = IndexReader::open(&directory);
        Term* t = _CLNEW Term(_T("category"), _T("foo"));
        PrefixQuery* query = _CLNEW PrefixQuery(t);

        rw1 = query->rewrite(reader);

        BooleanQuery* bq = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();
        bq->add(query, true, BooleanClause::MUST);

        rw2 = bq->rewrite(reader);

        reader->close(); // TODO: check necessity (_CLLDELETE(reader) alone will not do the same cleanup)

    } catch (CLuceneError& e) {
        CuFail(tc, e.twhat());

    BooleanQuery* bq1 = NULL;
    if (rw1->instanceOf(BooleanQuery::getClassName())) {
        bq1 = (BooleanQuery*) rw1;

    BooleanQuery* bq2 = NULL;
    if (rw2->instanceOf(BooleanQuery::getClassName())) {
        bq2 = (BooleanQuery*) rw2;
    } else {
        CuFail(tc, _T("Rewrite"));

    bool bClausesMatch = bq1->getClauseCount() == bq2->getClauseCount();


    if (!bClausesMatch) {
        CuFail(tc, _T("Number of Clauses Mismatch"));
Exemplo n.º 21
QMap< int, float >
FuzzyIndex::search( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query )
    QMutexLocker lock( &m_mutex );

    QMap< int, float > resultsmap;
        if ( !m_luceneReader )
            if ( !IndexReader::indexExists( TomahawkUtils::appDataDir().absoluteFilePath( "tomahawk.lucene" ).toStdString().c_str() ) )
                qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "index didn't exist.";
                return resultsmap;

            m_luceneReader = IndexReader::open( m_luceneDir );
            m_luceneSearcher = _CLNEW IndexSearcher( m_luceneReader );

        float minScore;
        const TCHAR** fields = 0;
        MultiFieldQueryParser parser( fields, m_analyzer );
        BooleanQuery* qry = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();

        if ( query->isFullTextQuery() )
            QString escapedQuery = QString::fromWCharArray( parser.escape( DatabaseImpl::sortname( query->fullTextQuery() ).toStdWString().c_str() ) );

            Term* term = _CLNEW Term( _T( "track" ), escapedQuery.toStdWString().c_str() );
            Query* fqry = _CLNEW FuzzyQuery( term );
            qry->add( fqry, true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );

            term = _CLNEW Term( _T( "artist" ), escapedQuery.toStdWString().c_str() );
            fqry = _CLNEW FuzzyQuery( term );
            qry->add( fqry, true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );

            term = _CLNEW Term( _T( "fulltext" ), escapedQuery.toStdWString().c_str() );
            fqry = _CLNEW FuzzyQuery( term );
            qry->add( fqry, true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );

            minScore = 0.00;
            QString track = QString::fromWCharArray( parser.escape( DatabaseImpl::sortname( query->track() ).toStdWString().c_str() ) );
            QString artist = QString::fromWCharArray( parser.escape( DatabaseImpl::sortname( query->artist() ).toStdWString().c_str() ) );
//            QString album = QString::fromWCharArray( parser.escape( query->album().toStdWString().c_str() ) );

            Term* term = _CLNEW Term( _T( "track" ), track.toStdWString().c_str() );
            Query* fqry = _CLNEW FuzzyQuery( term );
            qry->add( fqry, true, BooleanClause::MUST );

            term = _CLNEW Term( _T( "artist" ), artist.toStdWString().c_str() );
            fqry = _CLNEW FuzzyQuery( term );
            qry->add( fqry, true, BooleanClause::MUST );

            minScore = 0.00;

        Hits* hits = m_luceneSearcher->search( qry );
        for ( uint i = 0; i < hits->length(); i++ )
            Document* d = &hits->doc( i );

            float score = hits->score( i );
            int id = QString::fromWCharArray( d->get( _T( "trackid" ) ) ).toInt();

            if ( score > minScore )
                resultsmap.insert( id, score );
//                tDebug() << "Index hit:" << id << score << QString::fromWCharArray( ((Query*)qry)->toString() );

        delete hits;
        delete qry;
    catch( CLuceneError& error )
        tDebug() << "Caught CLucene error:" << error.what();
        Q_ASSERT( false );

    return resultsmap;