Exemplo n.º 1
Quad1MindlinShell3D :: computeSurfaceLoadVectorAt(FloatArray &answer, Load *load,
                                                  int iSurf, TimeStep *tStep, ValueModeType mode)
    BoundaryLoad *surfLoad = static_cast< BoundaryLoad * >(load);
    if ( dynamic_cast< ConstantPressureLoad * >(surfLoad) ) { // Just checking the type of b.c.
        FloatArray n, gcoords, pressure;


        for ( GaussPoint *gp: *integrationRulesArray [ 0 ] ) {
            double dV = this->computeVolumeAround(gp);
            this->interp.evalN( n, * gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIVoidCellGeometry() );
            this->interp.local2global( gcoords, * gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this) );
            surfLoad->computeValueAt(pressure, tStep, gcoords, mode);

            answer.at(3) += n.at(1) * pressure.at(1) * dV;
            answer.at(9) += n.at(2) * pressure.at(1) * dV;
            answer.at(15) += n.at(3) * pressure.at(1) * dV;
            answer.at(21) += n.at(4) * pressure.at(1) * dV;
        // Second surface is the outside;
        if ( iSurf == 2 ) {
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("only supports constant pressure boundary load.");
Exemplo n.º 2
void Tr1Darcy :: computeEdgeBCSubVectorAt(FloatArray &answer, Load *load, int iEdge, TimeStep *tStep)
     * Given the load *load, return it's contribution.


    if ( load->giveType() == TransmissionBC ) {                 // Neumann boundary conditions (traction)
        BoundaryLoad *boundaryLoad;
        boundaryLoad = ( BoundaryLoad * ) load;

        int numberOfEdgeIPs;
        numberOfEdgeIPs = ( int ) ceil( ( boundaryLoad->giveApproxOrder() + 1. ) / 2. ) * 2;

        GaussIntegrationRule iRule(1, this, 1, 1);
        GaussPoint *gp;
        FloatArray N, loadValue, reducedAnswer;
        IntArray mask;

        iRule.setUpIntegrationPoints(_Line, numberOfEdgeIPs, _Unknown);

        for ( int i = 0; i < iRule.getNumberOfIntegrationPoints(); i++ ) {
            gp = iRule.getIntegrationPoint(i);
            FloatArray *lcoords = gp->giveCoordinates();
            this->interpolation_lin.edgeEvalN(N, *lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this));
            double dV = this->computeEdgeVolumeAround(gp, iEdge);

            if ( boundaryLoad->giveFormulationType() == BoundaryLoad :: BL_EntityFormulation ) {                // Edge load in xi-eta system
                boundaryLoad->computeValueAt(loadValue, tStep, *lcoords, VM_Total);
            } else {  // Edge load in x-y system
                FloatArray gcoords;
                this->interpolation_lin.edgeLocal2global(gcoords, iEdge, *lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this));
                boundaryLoad->computeValueAt(loadValue, tStep, gcoords, VM_Total);

            reducedAnswer.add(loadValue.at(1) * dV, N);

        this->interpolation_lin.computeLocalEdgeMapping(mask, iEdge);
        answer.assemble(reducedAnswer, mask);
Exemplo n.º 3
void Tr21Stokes :: computeEdgeBCSubVectorAt(FloatArray &answer, Load *load, int iEdge, TimeStep *tStep)

    if ( load->giveType() == TransmissionBC ) { // Neumann boundary conditions (traction)
        BoundaryLoad *boundaryLoad = ( BoundaryLoad * ) load;

        int numberOfEdgeIPs = ( int ) ceil( ( boundaryLoad->giveApproxOrder() + 1. ) / 2. ) * 2;

        GaussIntegrationRule iRule(1, this, 1, 1);
        GaussPoint *gp;
        FloatArray N, t, f(6);
        IntArray edge_mapping;

        iRule.setUpIntegrationPoints(_Line, numberOfEdgeIPs, _Unknown);

        for ( int i = 0; i < iRule.getNumberOfIntegrationPoints(); i++ ) {
            gp = iRule.getIntegrationPoint(i);
            FloatArray *lcoords = gp->giveCoordinates();

            this->interpolation_quad.edgeEvalN(N, * lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this));
            double detJ = fabs(this->interpolation_quad.edgeGiveTransformationJacobian(iEdge, * lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this)));
            double dS = gp->giveWeight() * detJ;

            if ( boundaryLoad->giveFormulationType() == BoundaryLoad :: BL_EntityFormulation ) { // Edge load in xi-eta system
                boundaryLoad->computeValueAt(t, tStep, * lcoords, VM_Total);
            } else   { // Edge load in x-y system
                FloatArray gcoords;
                this->interpolation_quad.edgeLocal2global(gcoords, iEdge, * lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this));
                boundaryLoad->computeValueAt(t, tStep, gcoords, VM_Total);

            // Reshape the vector
            for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
                f(2 * j)     += N(j) * t(0) * dS;
                f(2 * j + 1) += N(j) * t(1) * dS;

        answer.assemble(f, this->edge_ordering [ iEdge - 1 ]);
    } else   {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Tr21Stokes :: computeEdgeBCSubVectorAt - Strange boundary condition type");
Exemplo n.º 4
Beam3d :: computeEdgeLoadVectorAt(FloatArray &answer, Load *load, int iedge, TimeStep *tStep, ValueModeType mode)
    FloatArray coords, components, endComponents;
    FloatMatrix T;
    double l = this->computeLength();
    double kappay = this->giveKappayCoeff(tStep);
    double kappaz = this->giveKappazCoeff(tStep);
    double fx, fy, fz, fmx, fmy, fmz, dfx, dfy, dfz, dfmx, dfmy, dfmz;

    // evaluates the receivers edge load vector
    // for clamped beam
    BoundaryLoad *edgeLoad = dynamic_cast< BoundaryLoad * >( load );
    if ( edgeLoad ) {


        switch ( edgeLoad->giveApproxOrder() ) {
        case 0:

            if ( edgeLoad->giveFormulationType() == Load :: FT_Entity ) {
                coords.at(1) = 0.0;
            } else {
                coords = * ( this->giveNode(1)->giveCoordinates() );

            edgeLoad->computeValues(components, tStep, coords, {D_u, D_v, D_w, R_u, R_v, R_w}, mode);

            // prepare transformation coeffs
            if ( edgeLoad->giveCoordSystMode() == Load :: CST_Global ) {
                if ( this->computeLoadGToLRotationMtrx(T) ) {
                    components.rotatedWith(T, 'n');

            fx = components.at(1);
            fy = components.at(2);
            fz = components.at(3);
            fmx = components.at(4);
            fmy = components.at(5);
            fmz = components.at(6);

            answer.at(1) = fx * l / 2.;
            answer.at(2) = fy * l / 2. + fmz / ( 1. + 2. * kappaz );
            answer.at(3) = fz * l / 2. + fmy / ( 1. + 2. * kappay );
            answer.at(4) = fmx * l / 2.;
            answer.at(5) = ( -1. ) * fz * l * l / 12. + fmy * l * kappay / ( 1. + 2. * kappay );
            answer.at(6) = ( 1. ) * fy * l * l / 12. + fmz * l * kappaz / ( 1. + 2. * kappaz );

            answer.at(7) = fx * l / 2.;
            answer.at(8) = fy * l / 2. - fmz / ( 1. + 2. * kappaz );
            answer.at(9) = fz * l / 2. - fmy / ( 1. + 2. * kappay );
            answer.at(10) = fmx * l / 2.;
            answer.at(11) = ( 1. ) * fz * l * l / 12. + fmy * l * kappay / ( 1. + 2. * kappay );
            answer.at(12) = ( -1. ) * fy * l * l / 12. + fmz * l * kappaz / ( 1. + 2. * kappaz );

        case 1:
            if ( edgeLoad->giveFormulationType() == Load :: FT_Entity ) {
                coords.at(1) = -1.0;
            } else {
                coords = * ( this->giveNode(1)->giveCoordinates() );

            edgeLoad->computeValues(components, tStep, coords, {D_u, D_v, D_w, R_u, R_v, R_w}, mode);

            // prepare transformation coeffs
            if ( edgeLoad->giveCoordSystMode() == Load :: CST_Global ) {
                if ( this->computeLoadGToLRotationMtrx(T) ) {
                    components.rotatedWith(T, 'n');

            fx = components.at(1);
            fy = components.at(2);
            fz = components.at(3);
            fmx = components.at(4);
            fmy = components.at(5);
            fmz = components.at(6);

            if ( edgeLoad->giveFormulationType() == Load :: FT_Entity ) {
                coords.at(1) = 1.0;
            } else {
                coords = * ( this->giveNode(2)->giveCoordinates() );

            edgeLoad->computeValues(endComponents, tStep, coords, {D_u, D_v, D_w, R_u, R_v, R_w}, mode);

            // prepare transformation coeffs
            if ( edgeLoad->giveCoordSystMode() == Load :: CST_Global ) {
                if ( T.isNotEmpty() ) {
                    endComponents.rotatedWith(T, 'n');

            // compute differences

            dfx = endComponents.at(1);
            dfy = endComponents.at(2);
            dfz = endComponents.at(3);
            dfmx = endComponents.at(4);
            dfmy = endComponents.at(5);
            dfmz = endComponents.at(6);

            answer.at(1) = fx * l / 2. + dfx * l / 6.;
            answer.at(2) = fy * l / 2. + dfy * l * ( 20. * kappaz + 9 ) / ( 60. * ( 1. + 2. * kappaz ) ) +
                           fmz / ( 1. + 2. * kappaz ) + dfmz * ( 1. / 2. ) / ( 1. + 2. * kappaz );
            answer.at(3) = fz * l / 2. + dfz * l * ( 20. * kappay + 9 ) / ( 60. * ( 1. + 2. * kappay ) ) +
                           fmy / ( 1. + 2. * kappay ) + dfmy * ( 1. / 2. ) / ( 1. + 2. * kappay );
            answer.at(4) = fmx * l / 2. + dfmx * l / 6.;
            answer.at(5) = ( -1. ) * fz * l * l / 12. - dfz * l * l * ( 5. * kappay + 2. ) / ( 60. * ( 1. + 2. * kappay ) ) +
                           fmy * l * kappay / ( 1. + 2. * kappay ) + dfmy * l * ( 4. * kappay - 1. ) / ( 12. * ( 1. + 2. * kappay ) );
            answer.at(6) = ( 1. ) * fy * l * l / 12. + dfy * l * l * ( 5. * kappaz + 2. ) / ( 60. * ( 1. + 2. * kappaz ) ) +
                           fmz * l * kappaz / ( 1. + 2. * kappaz ) + dfmz * l * ( 4. * kappaz - 1. ) / ( 12. * ( 1. + 2. * kappaz ) );

            answer.at(7) = fx * l / 2. + dfx * l / 3.;
            answer.at(8) = fy * l / 2. + dfy * l * ( 40. * kappaz + 21 ) / ( 60. * ( 1. + 2. * kappaz ) ) -
                           fmz / ( 1. + 2. * kappaz ) - dfmz * ( 1. / 2. ) / ( ( 1. + 2. * kappaz ) );
            answer.at(9) = fz * l / 2. + dfz * l * ( 40. * kappay + 21 ) / ( 60. * ( 1. + 2. * kappay ) ) -
                           fmy / ( 1. + 2. * kappay ) - dfmy * ( 1. / 2. ) / ( ( 1. + 2. * kappay ) );
            answer.at(10) = fmx * l / 2. + dfmx * l / 3.;
            answer.at(11) = ( 1. ) * fz * l * l / 12. + dfz * l * l * ( 5. * kappay + 3. ) / ( 60. * ( 1. + 2. * kappay ) ) +
                            fmy * l * kappay / ( 1. + 2. * kappay ) + dfmy * l * ( 8. * kappay + 1. ) / ( 12. * ( 1. + 2. * kappay ) );
            answer.at(12) = ( -1. ) * fy * l * l / 12. - dfy * l * l * ( 5. * kappaz + 3. ) / ( 60. * ( 1. + 2. * kappaz ) ) +
                            fmz * l * kappaz / ( 1. + 2. * kappaz ) + dfmz * l * ( 8. * kappaz + 1. ) / ( 12. * ( 1. + 2. * kappaz ) );

            OOFEM_ERROR("unsupported load type");