void CSwordSetupInstallSourcesDialog::slotGetListClicked() {
    QString message(tr("List of sources will be downloaded from a remote server. Sources will be added to the current list. New source will replace an old one if it has the same label. You can later remove the sources you don't want to keep.\n\nDo you want to continue?"));
    QMessageBox::StandardButton answer = message::showQuestion(this, tr("Get source list from remote server?"), message, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes);
    if (answer == QMessageBox::No) {
    BtInstallMgr iMgr;

    m_progressDialog = new QProgressDialog("", tr("Cancel"), 0 , 100, this);
    m_progressDialog->setWindowTitle(tr("Downloading List"));
    connect(m_progressDialog, SIGNAL(canceled()), SLOT(slotRefreshCanceled()));
    m_currentInstallMgr = &iMgr; //for the progress dialog
    // connect this directly to the dialog setValue(int) if possible
    connect(&iMgr, SIGNAL(percentCompleted(const int, const int)), SLOT(slotRefreshProgress(const int, const int)));

    this->slotRefreshProgress(0, 0);
    int ret = iMgr.refreshRemoteSourceConfiguration();

    if ( !ret ) { //make sure the sources were updated sucessfully
        m_progressDialog->setValue(100); //make sure the dialog closes
        m_remoteListAdded = true;
    else {
        qWarning("InstallMgr: getting remote list returned an error.");
    delete m_progressDialog;
    m_progressDialog = 0;
void BtInstallThread::removeModule()
	qDebug() << "BtInstallThread::removeModule start";
	CSwordModuleInfo* m;
	m = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName(m_module);
	if (!m) {
		m = instbackend::backend(instbackend::source(m_destination.toLatin1()))->findModuleByName(m_module);
	if (m) { //module found?
		qDebug() << "BtInstallThread::removeModule, module" << m_module << "found";
		QString prefixPath = m->config(CSwordModuleInfo::AbsoluteDataPath) + "/";
		QString dataPath = m->config(CSwordModuleInfo::DataPath);
		if (dataPath.left(2) == "./") {
			dataPath = dataPath.mid(2);

		if (prefixPath.contains(dataPath)) {
			prefixPath.remove( prefixPath.indexOf(dataPath), dataPath.length() );
		else {
			prefixPath = QString::fromLatin1(CPointers::backend()->prefixPath);

		sword::SWMgr mgr(prefixPath.toLatin1());
		BtInstallMgr iMgr;
		iMgr.removeModule(&mgr, m->name().toLatin1());
	} else {
		qDebug() << "BtInstallThread::removeModule, module" << m_module << "not found";
Exemplo n.º 3
void BtSourcesThread::run() {
    emit percentComplete(0);
    emit showMessage(tr("Getting Library List"));
    if (BtInstallMgr().refreshRemoteSourceConfiguration())
        qWarning("InstallMgr: getting remote list returned an error.");
    emit percentComplete(10);

    if (shouldStop()) {
        emit showMessage(tr("Updating stopped"));

    QStringList const sourceNames = BtInstallBackend::sourceNameList();
    int const sourceCount = sourceNames.count();
    std::unique_ptr<int[]> failedSources{new int[sourceCount]};
    int numFailedSources = 0;
    BtInstallMgr iMgr;
    for (int i = 0; i < sourceCount; ++i) {
        if (shouldStop()) {
            emit showMessage(tr("Updating stopped"));
        QString const & sourceName = sourceNames[i];
        emit showMessage(tr("Updating remote library \"%1\"").arg(sourceName));
            sword::InstallSource source = BtInstallBackend::source(sourceName);
            if (iMgr.refreshRemoteSource(&source)) {
                failedSources[numFailedSources] = i;
        emit percentComplete(10 + 90 * ((i + 1.0) / sourceCount));
    emit percentComplete(100);
    if (numFailedSources <= 0) {
        emit showMessage(tr("Remote libraries have been updated."));
        m_finishedSuccessfully.store(true, std::memory_order_release);
    } else {
        QString msg = tr("The following remote libraries failed to update: ");
        for (int i = 0;;) {
            msg += sourceNames[failedSources[i]];
            if (++i >= numFailedSources)
            msg += ", ";
        emit showMessage(std::move(msg));
        m_finishedSuccessfully.store(true, std::memory_order_release);
Exemplo n.º 4
bool setTargetList( const QStringList& targets ) {
    namespace DU = util::directory;

    //saves a new Sword config using the provided target list
    //QString filename = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("data", "bibletime/") + "sword.conf"; //default is to assume the real location isn't writable
    //QString filename = util::DirectoryUtil::getUserBaseDir().canonicalPath().append("/.sword/sword.conf");
    //bool directAccess = false;
    QString filename = swordConfigFilename();
        QFile f(filename);
        if (!f.exists()) {
            if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) {
                qWarning() << "The Sword config file can't be created!";
                return false;
            qDebug() << "The Sword config file \"" << filename
                     << "\" had to be (re)created!";

    filename = util::directory::convertDirSeparators(filename);
    SWConfig conf(filename.toLocal8Bit());

#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
    // On Windows, add the sword directory to the config file.
    QString swordPath = DU::convertDirSeparators( DU::getApplicationSwordDir().absolutePath());
        std::make_pair( SWBuf("LocalePath"), swordPath.toLocal8Bit().data() )

    bool setDataPath = false;
    for (QStringList::const_iterator it = targets.begin(); it != targets.end(); ++it) {
        QString t = DU::convertDirSeparators(*it);
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
        if (t.contains(DU::convertDirSeparators(DU::getUserHomeDir().canonicalPath().append("\\Sword")))) {
        if (t.contains(DU::getUserHomeDir().canonicalPath().append("/.sword"))) {
            //we don't want $HOME/.sword in the config
        else {
            qDebug() << "Add path to the conf file" << filename << ":" << t;
            conf["Install"].insert( std::make_pair(!setDataPath ? SWBuf("DataPath") : SWBuf("AugmentPath"), t.toLocal8Bit().data()) );
            setDataPath = true;
    qDebug() << "Saving Sword configuration ...";
    return true;

QStringList sourceNameList(bool retrieve) {
    BtInstallMgr mgr;


    QStringList names;

    //add Sword remote sources
    for (InstallSourceMap::iterator it = mgr.sources.begin(); it != mgr.sources.end(); ++it) {
        names << QString::fromLocal8Bit(it->second->caption);

    // Add local directory sources
    SWConfig config(configFilename().toLatin1());
    sword::SectionMap::iterator sourcesSection = config.Sections.find("Sources");
    if (sourcesSection != config.Sections.end()) {
        sword::ConfigEntMap::iterator sourceBegin = sourcesSection->second.lower_bound("DIRSource");
        sword::ConfigEntMap::iterator sourceEnd = sourcesSection->second.upper_bound("DIRSource");

        while (sourceBegin != sourceEnd) {
            InstallSource is("DIR", sourceBegin->second.c_str());
            names << QString::fromLatin1(is.caption.c_str());


    return names;