Exemplo n.º 1
inline void
debug_check_verts(Cstr_ptr& msg, CBvert_list& verts, CBvert_list& dirty_verts)
   Bvert_list A = verts.filter(BitSetSimplexFilter(Lvert::DIRTY_VERT_LIST_BIT));
   if (!dirty_verts.contains_all(A)) {
      Bvert_list bad = A.minus(dirty_verts);
      cerr << msg << ": found " << bad.num()
           << " vertices missing from dirty list" << endl;
      WORLD::show_pts(bad.pts(), 8, Color::red);
   Bvert_list B = verts.filter(BitClearSimplexFilter(Lvert::DIRTY_VERT_LIST_BIT));
   if (dirty_verts.contains_any(B)) {
      Bvert_list bad = dirty_verts.minus(B);
      cerr << msg << ": found " << bad.num()
           << " unexpected vertices in dirty list" << endl;
      WORLD::show_pts(bad.pts(), 8, Color::blue);
Exemplo n.º 2
inline int
match_span(Bvert* v, Bedge* e, CPIXEL_list& trail, int k, double thresh)
   // Ensure various required conditions are true:
   if (!(v && e && e->contains(v) && trail.valid_index(k))) {
      err_adv(debug, "match_span: invalid vert/edge/index");
      return -1;

   // Get the chain of vertices at the "current" mesh level:
   Bvert_list verts = get_cur_level_verts(v, e);
   assert(verts.num() > 1);

   // Ensure the vertex chain starts near the current
   // position in the pixel trail:
   if (trail[k].dist(verts.first()->wloc()) > thresh) {
      err_adv(debug, "match_span: vert chain too far from pixel trail: %f > %f",
              trail[k].dist(verts.first()->wloc()), thresh);
      return -1;

   // Test that the length of the refined edge is
   // close to the length of the chosen span.
   // This is a cheap way of seeing that the projected edge
   // lies reasonably along the given portion of the pixel trail.
   int ret = next_match(verts.last(), trail, k, thresh);
   if (ret < 0) {
      err_adv(debug, "match_span: can't match next vert");
      return -1;
   double vlen = pix_len(verts.wpts());
   if (vlen < 0)
      return -1;
   // Measure length of the trail, including distance to
   // beginning and end of the projected edge:
   double tlen = length(trail, k, ret);
   double e1 = verts.first()->pix().dist(trail[  k]);
   double e2 = verts.last ()->pix().dist(trail[ret]);;
   err_adv(debug, "adding %3.0f, %3.0f", e1, e2);
   err_adv(debug, "edge length: %3.0f, span length: %3.0f, ratio: %1.2f: %s",
           vlen, tlen, tlen/vlen, (tlen > 1.2*vlen) ? "rejected" : "accepted");
   if (tlen > 1.2*vlen)
      return -1;
   return ret;
Exemplo n.º 3
LMESH::get_subdiv_inputs(CBvert_list& verts)
   static bool debug = Config::get_var_bool("DEBUG_LMESH_SUBDIV_INPUTS",false);

   // Given a set of vertices from the same LMESH, return
   // the vertices of the parent LMESH that affect the
   // subdivision locations of the given vertices.

   // Require verts share common LMESH
   // XXX - could relax this, provided we test each Bvert
   //       to ensure it is really an Lvert.
   if (!isa(verts.mesh()))
      return Bvert_list();

   // Get direct parent vertices and edges
   Bvert_list vp;       // vertex parents
   Bedge_list ep;       // edge parents
   get_parents(verts, vp, ep);

   err_adv(debug, "%d verts: parents: %d verts, %d edges",
           verts.num(), vp.num(), ep.num());

   // Clear flags of all adjacent faces

   // Put all adjacent faces into a list
   Bface_list faces = get_q_faces(vp);
   err_adv(debug, "parent faces from verts: %d", faces.num());
   try_append(faces, ep.get_primary_faces());
   err_adv(debug, "parent faces from edges too: %d", faces.num());

   // Pull out the vertices:
   return faces.get_verts();
Exemplo n.º 4

   int n = 0; //number of faces outside the bounding box   
   //get all the quads
   Bface_list faces = _proxy_mesh->faces();
   //clear out all the markings
   for(int i=0; i < faces.num(); ++i)
         ProxyData::set_mark(faces[i],this, false);
      //   cerr << "FACE is NULL" << endl;
   //mark all the faces that do not overap bounding box
   for(int i=0; i < faces.num(); ++i)
         bool t1 = (is_inside_bounding_box(faces[i]->e1())) ? true : false;
         bool t2 = (is_inside_bounding_box(faces[i]->e2())) ? true : false;
         bool t3 = (is_inside_bounding_box(faces[i]->e3())) ? true : false;
         // If all the edges are outside, then mark the face
         if(!t1 && !t2 && !t3){
            //cerr << "we can delete this face" << endl;
            ProxyData::set_mark(faces[i], this, true);
      }else {
         //cerr << "FACE is NULL" << endl;

   if(n < 1)

   //for all verts check to see if all the faces that it is attached to has a marked
   Bvert_list verts = _proxy_mesh->verts();
   for(int i=0; i < verts.num(); ++i)
      ARRAY<Bface*> ret;
      // Make sure that all adjasent faces need to be deleted
      bool do_it=true;
      for(int k=0; k < ret.num(); ++k)
            if(!ProxyData::get_mark(ret[k], this) || !ProxyData::get_mark(ret[k]->quad_partner(), this))
              // cerr << "vert degree " << verts[i]->p_degree() << endl;
               do_it = false;
         UVpt remove_uv;
         UVdata::get_uv(verts[i], remove_uv);

   //clean up faces
   Bface_list faces2 = _proxy_mesh->faces();
   for(int i=0; i < faces2.num(); ++i)
      if(!(faces2[i]->is_quad()) || !(faces2[i]->quad_partner())){

