Exemplo n.º 1
String NybbleizeString(const String & s)
   String retStr;
   ByteBuffer inBuf; inBuf.AdoptBuffer(s.Length(), (uint8 *) s());

   const status_t ret = NybbleizeData(inBuf, retStr);
   (void) inBuf.ReleaseBuffer();

   if (ret != B_NO_ERROR) retStr.Clear();
   return retStr;
Exemplo n.º 2
int32 PacketTunnelIOGateway :: DoInputImplementation(AbstractGatewayMessageReceiver & receiver, uint32 maxBytes)
   if (_inputPacketBuffer.SetNumBytes(_maxTransferUnit, false) != B_NO_ERROR) return -1;

   bool firstTime = true;
   uint32 totalBytesRead = 0;
   while((totalBytesRead < maxBytes)&&((firstTime)||(IsSuggestedTimeSliceExpired() == false)))
      firstTime = false;

      int32 bytesRead = GetDataIO()()->Read(_inputPacketBuffer.GetBuffer(), _inputPacketBuffer.GetNumBytes());
//printf("   READ " INT32_FORMAT_SPEC "/" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " bytes\n", bytesRead, _inputPacketBuffer.GetNumBytes());
      if (bytesRead > 0)
         totalBytesRead += bytesRead;

         IPAddressAndPort fromIAP;
         const PacketDataIO * packetIO = dynamic_cast<PacketDataIO *>(GetDataIO()());
         if (packetIO) fromIAP = packetIO->GetSourceOfLastReadPacket();

         const uint8 * p = (const uint8 *) _inputPacketBuffer.GetBuffer();
         if ((_allowMiscData)&&((bytesRead < (int32)FRAGMENT_HEADER_SIZE)||(((uint32)B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(muscleCopyIn<uint32>(p))) != _magic)))
            // If we're allowed to handle miscellaneous data, we'll just pass it on through verbatim
            ByteBuffer temp;
            temp.AdoptBuffer(bytesRead, const_cast<uint8 *>(p));
            HandleIncomingMessage(receiver, ByteBufferRef(&temp, false), fromIAP);
            (void) temp.ReleaseBuffer();
            const uint8 * invalidByte = p+bytesRead;
            while(invalidByte-p >= (int32)FRAGMENT_HEADER_SIZE)
               const uint32 magic     = B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(muscleCopyIn<uint32>(&p[0*sizeof(uint32)]));
               const uint32 sexID     = B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(muscleCopyIn<uint32>(&p[1*sizeof(uint32)]));
               const uint32 messageID = B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(muscleCopyIn<uint32>(&p[2*sizeof(uint32)]));
               const uint32 offset    = B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(muscleCopyIn<uint32>(&p[3*sizeof(uint32)]));
               const uint32 chunkSize = B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(muscleCopyIn<uint32>(&p[4*sizeof(uint32)]));
               const uint32 totalSize = B_LENDIAN_TO_HOST_INT32(muscleCopyIn<uint32>(&p[5*sizeof(uint32)]));
//printf("   PARSE magic=" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC "/" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " sex=" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC "/" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " messageID=" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " offset=" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " chunkSize=" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " totalSize=" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC "\n", magic, _magic, sexID, _sexID, messageID, offset, chunkSize, totalSize);

               p += FRAGMENT_HEADER_SIZE;
               if ((magic == _magic)&&((_sexID == 0)||(_sexID != sexID))&&((invalidByte-p >= (int32)chunkSize)&&(totalSize <= _maxIncomingMessageSize)))
                  ReceiveState * rs = _receiveStates.Get(fromIAP);
                  if (rs == NULL)
                     if (offset == 0) rs = _receiveStates.PutAndGet(fromIAP, ReceiveState(messageID));
                     if (rs)
                        rs->_buf = GetByteBufferFromPool(totalSize);
                        if (rs->_buf() == NULL)
                           rs = NULL;
                  if (rs)
                     if ((offset == 0)||(messageID != rs->_messageID))
                        // A new message... start receiving it (but only if we are starting at the beginning)
                        rs->_messageID = messageID;
                        rs->_offset    = 0;
                        rs->_buf()->SetNumBytes(totalSize, false);

                     uint32 rsSize = rs->_buf()->GetNumBytes();
//printf("  CHECK:  offset=" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC "/" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " %s\n", offset, rs->_offset, (offset==rs->_offset)?"":"DISCONTINUITY!!!");
                     if ((messageID == rs->_messageID)&&(totalSize == rsSize)&&(offset == rs->_offset)&&(offset+chunkSize <= rsSize))
                        memcpy(rs->_buf()->GetBuffer()+offset, p, chunkSize);
                        rs->_offset += chunkSize;
                        if (rs->_offset == rsSize) 
                           HandleIncomingMessage(receiver, rs->_buf, fromIAP);
                           rs->_offset = 0;
                           rs->_buf()->Clear(rsSize > MAX_CACHE_SIZE);
                        LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_DEBUG, "Unknown fragment (" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC "/" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC "/" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC "/" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC ") received from %s, ignoring it.\n", messageID, offset, chunkSize, totalSize, fromIAP.ToString()());
                        rs->_offset = 0;
                        rs->_buf()->Clear(rsSize > MAX_CACHE_SIZE);
                  p += chunkSize;
               else break;
      else if (bytesRead < 0) return -1;
      else break;
   return totalBytesRead;