// handle an artificial 2C opening bid (23+ pts)
BOOL CArtificial2ClubConvention::RespondToConvention(const CPlayer& player, 
													 const CConventionSet& conventions, 
													 CHandHoldings& hand, 
													 CCardLocation& cardLocation, 
													 CGuessedHandHoldings** ppGuessedHands,
													 CBidEngine& bidState,  
													 CPlayerStatusDialog& status)
	// first see if another convention is active
	if (bidState.GetActiveConvention() &&
					(bidState.GetActiveConvention() != this))
		return FALSE;

	// Bidding in response to an opening 2C bid? check requirements
	int nPartnersBid = bidState.nPartnersBid;
	int nPartnersSuit = bidState.nPartnersSuit;
	int nPartnersSuitSupport = bidState.nPartnersSuitSupport;
	int numSupportCards = bidState.numSupportCards;
	int nPartnersBidLevel = bidState.nPartnersBidLevel;
	int numPartnerBidsMade = bidState.m_numPartnerBidsMade;
	int nBid;

	// see if this is our second response to partner's opening 2C bid
	if (bidState.GetConventionStatus(this) == CONV_RESPONDED)
		// see if we responded 2D last time
		if (bidState.nPreviousBid == BID_2D)
			status << "R2CLR2! Partner showed his best suit of " & bidState.szPS & 
					  " in response to our negative 2D response.\n";
			// what to do here???
			// if partner shows a suit, adjust point count as dummy
			double fAdjPts = bidState.fAdjPts = (ISSUIT(bidState.nPartnersSuit))? hand.RevalueHand(REVALUE_DUMMY, bidState.nPartnersSuit, TRUE) : bidState.fPts;
			double fCardPts = bidState.fCardPts;
			// adjust partnership point count minimums & maximums
			bidState.m_fMinTPPoints = fAdjPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
			bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints = fAdjPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;
			bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints = fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
			bidState.m_fMaxTPCPoints = fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;

			if (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints <= PTS_GAME-2)
				nBid = BID_PASS;
				status << "R2CLR10! But with only " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & " points in the partnership, we have to pass.\n";
				// either shift to our own suit, raise partner to game, or bid 3NT
				if ((nPartnersSuitSupport >= SS_MODERATE_SUPPORT) && (nPartnersBid < bidState.GetGameBid(nPartnersSuit)))
					nBid = bidState.GetGameBid(nPartnersSuit);
					status << "R2CLR20! Raise partner's & " & bidState.szPS &
							  " to game at "& BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				else if (bidState.IsSuitOpenable(bidState.nPrefSuit) && (nPartnersBidLevel <= 3))
					nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(bidState.nPrefSuit);
					status << "R2CLR22! Bid our own " & bidState.szPrefSS &
							  " suit in preference to partner's " & bidState.szPSS &
							  " suit .\n";
				else if (nPartnersBid < BID_3NT)
					nBid = BID_3NT;
					status << "R2CLR25! With only " & bidState.SLTS(nPartnersSuit) &
							  " support for partner and no good suit of our own, bid 3NT.\n";
					nBid = BID_PASS;
					status << "R2CLR30! With only " & bidState.SLTS(nPartnersSuit) &
							  " support for partner and no good suit of our own, we have to pass.\n";
			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
			return TRUE;

		// mark this convention as completed
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
		return FALSE;

	// partner must've bid 2 Club at his first opportunity,
	// and partner's bid must have been the first bid made
	if ((nPartnersBid == BID_2C) && (bidState.m_bPartnerOpenedForTeam) &&
					(numPartnerBidsMade == 1) &&
					(nPartnersBid == pDOC->GetValidBidRecord(0)))
		// condition valid
		// record that we responded
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_RESPONDED);
		return FALSE;

	// state expectations
	status << "R2CLUB! Partner made an artificial bid of 2 Clubs, showing either a game suit or " &
			  pCurrConvSet->GetValue(tn2ClubOpeningPoints) &
			  "+ points.  We want to respond positively if interested in a slam.\n";

	// the bid is forcing to game
	bidState.m_bGameForceActive = TRUE;		

	double fPts = bidState.fPts;
	double fAdjPts = bidState.fAdjPts;
	double fCardPts = bidState.fCardPts;
	int nPrefSuit = bidState.nPrefSuit;
	int nPrefSuitStrength = bidState.nPrefSuitStrength;

	bidState.AdjustPartnershipPoints(pCurrConvSet->GetValue(tn2ClubOpeningPoints), 40 - fCardPts);

	// respond negatively (2D) with < 33 points
	if (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints < PTS_SLAM) 
		nBid = BID_2D;
		status << "R2C04! With only " & fCardPts & "/" & fPts &
				  " points, we deny interest in slam by making the negative response of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
		return TRUE;

	// else with 33+ points, state slam hopes
	status << "2R2C08! With a total of " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & 
			  "+ points in the partnership, we want to invite slam.\n";

	// show an openable suit
	if (nPrefSuitStrength >= SS_OPENABLE) 
		if (ISMAJOR(nPrefSuit))
			nBid = MAKEBID(nPrefSuit,2);
			nBid = MAKEBID(nPrefSuit,3);
		status << "R2C14! With  " & fCardPts & "/" & fPts & " points in hand, and a total of " &
				  bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints & 
				  " points in the partnership, we express possible interest in slam by showing our best suit (" &
				  bidState.szPrefS & ") with a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
		return TRUE;

	// or a SOLID suit (jump shift)
	if (bidState.bPrefSuitIsSolid) 
		if (ISMAJOR(nPrefSuit))
			nBid = MAKEBID(nPrefSuit,3);
			nBid = MAKEBID(nPrefSuit,4);
		status << "R2C18! With " & fCardPts & "/" & fPts & " points in hand and a total of " &
				  bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints & 
				  " points in the partnership, we express interest in a slam by showing our solid " &
				  bidState.szPrefSS & " suit in a jump bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
		return TRUE;

	// else assume a balanced hand
	// with a balanced hand & >= 26 total HCPs, bid 3NT; 
	// with < 26 total HCPs, 2NT
	if (bidState.bBalanced) 
		if (bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints >= PTS_NT_GAME)
			nBid = BID_3NT;
			nBid = BID_2NT;
		status << "R2C22! With " & fCardPts & 
				  " HCPs and a balanced hand, and a total of " & 
				  bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints & 
				  "+ HCPs in the partnership, we respond with " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
		return TRUE;

	// else just bid the best suit
	nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nPrefSuit, BID_2C);
	status << "R2C26! With " & fCardPts & "/" & fPts & 
			  " points but with no strong suit and an unbalanced hand, we have to respond with our best suit of " & 
			  bidState.szPrefS & " by bidding " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
	return TRUE;

} // end of 2C opening section
Exemplo n.º 2
// TryCueBid()
BOOL CCueBidConvention::TryCueBid(CHandHoldings& hand, CBidEngine& bidState,  CPlayerStatusDialog& status)
	// check basic requirements
	if (bidState.m_nAgreedSuit == NONE)
		return FALSE;

	// don't make a cue bid if we're already done with it 
	int nStatus = bidState.GetConventionStatus(this);
	if (nStatus != CONV_INACTIVE)
		return FALSE;

	// get adjusted point count as declarer
	// NCR BIG PROBLEM HERE - This changes a global variable. The changes are now always wanted ???
	bidState.fAdjPts = hand.RevalueHand(REVALUE_DECLARER, bidState.m_nAgreedSuit, TRUE);
	bidState.m_fMinTPPoints = bidState.fAdjPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
	bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints = bidState.fAdjPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;
	bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints = bidState.fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
	bidState.m_fMaxTPCPoints = bidState.fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;

	// try a cue bid only if we have an interest in slam 
	if (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints < 30)
		return FALSE;

	// also, we shouldn't use cue bid if we have all four aces
	if (bidState.numAces == 4)
		return FALSE;

	// or if we're already at a slam level
	if (bidState.nPartnersBidLevel >= 6)
		return FALSE;
	int nLastBid = pDOC->GetLastValidBid();
	if (nLastBid >= bidState.GetGameBid(BID_SUIT(nLastBid)))
		return FALSE;

	// special test -- dont' cue bid if partner just raised a suit that we
	// shifted to artificially
	if ((bidState.nPartnersSuit == bidState.nPreviousSuit) && 
				( (ISSUIT(bidState.m_nAgreedSuit) && (bidState.nPreviousSuit != bidState.m_nAgreedSuit)) ||
				  (ISSUIT(bidState.m_nIntendedSuit) && (bidState.nPreviousSuit != bidState.m_nIntendedSuit)) ) )
		return FALSE;

	// see what stage we're at
	if (nStatus == CONV_INACTIVE)
		// showing first round controls 
//		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_INVOKED_ROUND1);
		// find cheapest ace
		int nBid;
		int nAgreedSuit = bidState.m_nAgreedSuit;
		int nSuit = GetCheapestAce(hand, nAgreedSuit);

		if ((nSuit != bidState.m_nAgreedSuit) && (nSuit != bidState.nPartnersSuit))
			// found a suit to cue bid
			// the bid must be at a level that commits the partnership to game
			// i.e., for a major, it must be > 3 of the suit; for a minor, > 4
			nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nSuit);
			int nBidLevel = BID_LEVEL(nBid);
			// see if the bid is too high to qualify as a cue bid
		    if ( (ISMAJOR(nAgreedSuit) && (nBidLevel >= 5)) ||
			     (ISMINOR(nAgreedSuit) && (nBidLevel >= 6)) )
				return FALSE;
			// else if it's too low, adjust it upwards
		    if ( (ISMAJOR(nAgreedSuit) && (nBid < MAKEBID(nAgreedSuit,3))) ||
			     (ISMINOR(nAgreedSuit) && (nBid < MAKEBID(nAgreedSuit,4))) )
				nBid += 5;
			// alternatively, see if the bid is too high
			if (nBid > bidState.GetGameBid(nAgreedSuit))
				return FALSE;
			status << "CUET10! With " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & 
					  "+ pts and possible slam aspirations, make a cue bid, showing the cheapest ace (" & 
					  STS(nSuit) & ") with a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_INVOKED_ROUND1);
			return TRUE;
			// either we don't have any aces, or the ace is in the trump suit
			// either way, we can't make a cue bid with this holding
			return FALSE;
	else if (nStatus == CONV_INVOKED_ROUND1)
		// showing second round controls, necesary if we want to proceed to a grand slam
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_INVOKED_ROUND2);
		// find cheapest king or void suit
		int nSuit = GetCheapestKingOrVoid(hand, bidState.m_nAgreedSuit);
		int nPartnersBid = bidState.nPartnersBid;
		if (nSuit != bidState.m_nAgreedSuit) 
			// found a suit to cue bid
			int nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nSuit);
			status << "CUET20! Make a second-round cue bid, showing the cheapest " &
					  ((hand.GetSuitLength(nSuit) == 0)? "void suit" : "king") &
					  " (in " & STS(nSuit) & ") with a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_INVOKED_ROUND2);
			return TRUE;
			// either we don't have any second-round control to show,
			// so stop cue bidding and return to the trump suit
			int nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(bidState.m_nAgreedSuit);
			status << "CUET24! With no second-round controls to cue bid, we have to return to the trump suit at a bid of " &
					  BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_INVOKED_ROUND2);
			return TRUE;
	else if (nStatus == CONV_INVOKED_ROUND2)
		// both we and partner have shown first and second-round controls, so
		// it;s time to put up or shut up
		// error!
		AfxMessageBox("Error while attempting cue bid!");
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_ERROR);
	return TRUE;
// Rebidding as opener after a strong 2-level opening
BOOL CArtificial2ClubConvention::HandleConventionResponse(const CPlayer& player, 
													      const CConventionSet& conventions, 
														  CHandHoldings& hand, 
														  CCardLocation& cardLocation, 
														  CGuessedHandHoldings** ppGuessedHands,
														  CBidEngine& bidState,  
														  CPlayerStatusDialog& status)
	int nStatus = bidState.GetConventionStatus(this);
	if (nStatus <= 0)
		return FALSE;

	// estimate partner's strength
	int nBid;
	double fPts = bidState.fPts;
	double fAdjPts = bidState.fAdjPts;
	double fCardPts = bidState.fCardPts;
	int nPrefSuit = bidState.nPrefSuit;
	int nPrefSuitStrength = bidState.nPrefSuitStrength;
	int nPreviousSuit = bidState.nPreviousSuit;
	int nPartnersBid = bidState.nPartnersBid;
	int nPartnersBidLevel = bidState.nPartnersBidLevel;
	int nPartnersSuit = bidState.nPartnersSuit;
	int nPartnersSuitSupport = bidState.nPartnersSuitSupport;
	int numSupportCards = bidState.numSupportCards;
	BOOL bBalanced = bidState.bBalanced;
	BOOL bSemiBalanced = bidState.bSemiBalanced;

	// see if this is our first rebid
	if (nStatus == CONV_INVOKED_ROUND1)
		// first check for a strange response
		if ((nPartnersBid == BID_DOUBLE) || (nPartnersBid == BID_REDOUBLE))
			// we don't understand partner's bid
			return CConvention::HandleConventionResponse(player, conventions, hand, cardLocation, ppGuessedHands, bidState, status);

		// did we get a negative response? (2D in response to the 2C)
		if (nPartnersBid == BID_2D) 
			status << "CRB0! After our strong 2 Club opening, partner's 2 Diamond bid is a negative response, denying slam values (less than 1 Quick Trick).\n";

			// estimate points -- 0 to 6 for now
			bidState.m_fPartnersMin = 0;
			bidState.m_fPartnersMax = 6;
			bidState.m_fMinTPPoints = fAdjPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
			bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints = fAdjPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;
			bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints = fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
			bidState.m_fMaxTPCPoints = fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;

			// bid game or slam with 26+ pts
			if ((bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints >= PTS_NT_GAME) && (bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints < PTS_SMALL_SLAM))
				if (bBalanced || bSemiBalanced)
					nBid = BID_3NT;
					status << "CRB1! With a balanced distribution and " &
							  fCardPts & " HCPs in hand, rebid " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				else if ( (ISMAJOR(nPrefSuit) && (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints >= PTS_MAJOR_GAME)) ||
						  (ISMINOR(nPrefSuit) && (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints >= PTS_MINOR_GAME)) )
					nBid = bidState.GetGameBid(nPrefSuit);
					status << "CRB2! With no help from partner, we have to unilaterally push on to game at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
			else if ((bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints >= PTS_SMALL_SLAM) && (bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints < PTS_GRAND_SLAM))
				if (bBalanced || bSemiBalanced)
					nBid = BID_6NT;
					status << "CRB4! With a balanced distribution and " &
							  fCardPts & " HCPs in hand, bid a slam at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
					nBid = MAKEBID(nPrefSuit, 6);
					status << "CRB5! With no help from partner but with a total of " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints &
							  " points in the partnership, we have to unilaterally push on to a slam at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
			else if (bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints >= PTS_GRAND_SLAM)
				if (bBalanced || bSemiBalanced)
					nBid = BID_7NT;
					status << "CRB6! With a balanced distribution and " &
							  fCardPts & " HCPs in hand, bid a grand slam at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
					nBid = MAKEBID(nPrefSuit, 7);
					status << "CRB5! With no help from partner but with a total of " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints &
							  " points in the partnership, we have to unilaterally push on to a grand slam at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
				// else show our preferred suit and see if partner bids again
				nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nPrefSuit);
				status << "CRB8! Show our strongest suit (" & bidState.szPrefS &
						  ") with a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_INVOKED_ROUND2);
			return TRUE;

		// otherwise, we got a positive response, and partner has shown 
		// his long suit -- so either raise partner's suit, bid NT, or
		// rebid our own suit
		status << "2CRB20! After our strong 2 Club opening, partner's " & bidState.szPB & 
				  " bid was a positive response, indicating 7+ pts and 1+ Quick Tricks.\n";

		// estimate points -- 7+ pts for now
		bidState.m_fPartnersMin = 7;
		bidState.m_fPartnersMax = MIN(22, 40 - fCardPts);
		bidState.m_fMinTPPoints = fAdjPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
		bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints = fAdjPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;
		bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints = fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
		bidState.m_fMaxTPCPoints = fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;

		// respond to partner's NT bid here
		// bid No Trump if reasonably balanced or have poor support
		if (nPartnersBid == BID_2NT) 
			if ( bidState.bSemiBalanced ||
				 ((nPartnersSuitSupport <= SS_WEAK_SUPPORT) && (bBalanced)) )
				if (bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints >= PTS_SLAM)
					nBid = BID_6NT;
					nBid = BID_3NT;
				if (ISSUIT(nPartnersSuit))
					status << "CRB21! With a balanced hand and " & 
							  bidState.SLTS(nPartnersSuit) & " support for partner's " & bidState.szPS &
							  ", plus a total of " & bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPCPoints &
							  " HCPs in the partnership, move to Notrump and bid " & 
							  ((BID_LEVEL(nBid) >= 6)? "slam" : "game") & " at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
					status << "CRB22! With a " & (!bBalanced? "semi-" : "") &
							  "balanced hand and a total of " & 
							  bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPCPoints &
							  " HCPs in the partnership, raise partner to " & ((BID_LEVEL(nBid) >= 6)? "slam" : "game") &
							  " at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				// we're not balanced, so show our preferred suit if possible
				nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nPrefSuit);
				status << "CRB25! We don't like Notrump, so so bid our " & 
						  bidState.szPrefS & " suit at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			return TRUE;

		// raise partner's suit if possible
		if ((nPartnersSuit != NOTRUMP) && (nPartnersSuitSupport >= SS_GOOD_SUPPORT))
			// double raise partner if major, or go directly to Blackwood
			// if minor (double raise from 3C or 3D would exceed 4NT
			if (ISMAJOR(nPartnersSuit))
				bidState.m_nAgreedSuit = nPartnersSuit;
				nBid = bidState.GetGameBid(nPartnersSuit);
				BOOL bJumped = (nPartnersBidLevel == 2);
				status << "CRB28! With " & bidState.SLTS(nPartnersSuit) & 
						  " support for partner's " & bidState.szPS & 
						  " (holding " & bidState.szHP & 
						  "), go ahead and " & (bJumped? "jump" : "") & 
						  " raise to " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				status << "CRB32! We have " & bidState.SLTS(nPartnersSuit) & 
						  " support for partner's " & bidState.szPS & 
						  " (holding " & bidState.szHP & "), so push towards slam.\n";
				bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
			return TRUE;

		// else show our preferred suit
		nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nPrefSuit);
		status << "CRB44! But we don't like partner's " & bidState.szPSS & 
				  " suit (holding " & bidState.szHP & "), so bid our own " & 
				  bidState.szPrefS & " suit at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";

		// done
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
		return TRUE;

	else if (nStatus == CONV_INVOKED_ROUND2)
		// first check for a strange response
		if ((nPartnersBid == BID_DOUBLE) || (nPartnersBid == BID_REDOUBLE))
			// we don't understand partner's bid
			return CConvention::HandleConventionResponse(player, conventions, hand, cardLocation, ppGuessedHands, bidState, status);

		// partner bid another suit after our rebid of our suit 
		// AFTER her negative response to our opening strong 2C
		int nPartnersSuit = bidState.nPartnersSuit;
		if ((nPartnersSuit != NOTRUMP) && (nPartnersSuit != bidState.nPreviousSuit))
			status << "CRB60! Partner bid " & bidState.szPB & " after we bid our " & bidState.szPVS & 
					  " suit, indicating a strong preference for the " & bidState.szPS & " suit.\n";
			// support partner's suit if we have decent holdings, else bid our own suit
			if (bidState.nPartnersBid < bidState.GetGameBid(nPartnersSuit))
				// see if we like partner's suit
				if (bidState.nPartnersSuitSupport >= SS_GOOD_SUPPORT)
					nBid = bidState.GetGameBid(nPartnersSuit);
					status << "CRB62! So with " & bidState.SLTS(nPartnersSuitSupport) & " support for partner's " &
							   bidState.szPS & ", raise to game at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
					nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(bidState.nPreviousSuit);
					status << "CRB62! But with only " & bidState.SLTS(nPartnersSuitSupport) & " support for partner's " &
							   bidState.szPS & ", return to our own suit at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				// partner bid game!
				if (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints < PTS_SLAM)
					// we don't have points for a slam, so pass
					nBid = BID_PASS;
					if (bidState.nPartnersBidLevel < 6)
						status << "CRB68! Partner's " & bidState.szPB & " bid is at game level, so pass.\n";
						status << "CRB69! Partner's " & bidState.szPB & " bid is at slam level, so pass.\n";
					// we do have the points for a slam!
					if (bidState.nPartnersBidLevel < 6)
						nBid = BID_6NT;
						status << "CRB72! While we do not have suit agreement, we have the points for a slam, so bid " & 
								  BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
						nBid = BID_PASS;
						status << "CRB74! Partner has bid slam in his suit, so pass.\n";
		else if (nPartnersSuit == NOTRUMP)
			// partner bid NT
			// bid 3NT if possible
			if ( bidState.bSemiBalanced ||
				 ((nPartnersSuitSupport <= SS_WEAK_SUPPORT) && (bBalanced)) )
				if (bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints >= PTS_SLAM)
					nBid = BID_6NT;
					nBid = BID_3NT;
				if (ISSUIT(nPartnersSuit))
					status << "CRB76! With a balanced hand and " & 
							  bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPCPoints &
							  " HCPs in the partnership, respond at " & 
							  ((BID_LEVEL(nBid) >= 6)? "slam" : "game") & " with a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
					status << "CRB77! With a " & (!bBalanced? "semi-" : "") &
							  "balanced hand and a total of " & 
							  bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPCPoints &
							  " HCPs in the partnership, raise partner to " & ((BID_LEVEL(nBid) >= 6)? "slam" : "game") &
							  " at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				// we're not balanced, so show our preferred suit if possible
				nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nPrefSuit);
				status << "CRB78! We don't like Notrump, so so bid our " & 
						  bidState.szPrefS & " suit at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			return TRUE;
			// partner raised, which is strange!
			status << "CRB80! Partner raised our " & bidState.szPVSS & " suit, which is strange, ";
			if (bidState.nPartnersBid < bidState.GetGameBid(nPartnersSuit))
				nBid = bidState.GetGameBid(bidState.nPartnersSuit);
				status << "but go ahead and raise to game.";
				nBid = BID_PASS;
				status << "but since we're at game, stop here and pass.\n";

		// and we're done
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
		return TRUE;
	// shouldn't be here!
	return FALSE;

Exemplo n.º 4
// RespondToConvention()
BOOL CCueBidConvention::RespondToConvention(const CPlayer& player, 
											const CConventionSet& conventions, 
											CHandHoldings& hand, 
											CCardLocation& cardLocation, 
											CGuessedHandHoldings** ppGuessedHands,
											CBidEngine& bidState,  
											CPlayerStatusDialog& status)
	// first see if another convention is active
	if (bidState.GetActiveConvention() &&
							(bidState.GetActiveConvention() != this))
		return FALSE;

	// basic test -- see if we had agreed on a suit last time
	if (bidState.m_nAgreedSuit == NONE)
		return FALSE;

	// get status
	int nStatus = bidState.GetConventionStatus(this);

	int nPartnersBid = bidState.nPartnersBid;
	int nPartnersBidLevel = bidState.nPartnersBidLevel;
	int nPartnersSuit = bidState.nPartnersSuit;
	int nPartnersPrevSuit = bidState.nPartnersPrevSuit;
	int nAgreedSuit = bidState.m_nAgreedSuit;
	int nSupportLevel = bidState.nPartnersSuitSupport;
	int nBid;

	// see if partner made a cue bid
	// it needs to be a bid that commits the partnership to game, 
	// after a suit has been agreed upon
	if ((nAgreedSuit != NONE) && (nPartnersSuit != NOTRUMP) && (nPartnersSuit != nAgreedSuit) &&
		((nPartnersBid > MAKEBID(nAgreedSuit,3)) && (nPartnersBid < bidState.GetGameBid(nAgreedSuit))))
		//NCR what if suit was previously bid by this player???
		// EG: N->1H, S->2C, N->3C, S->3H  3H is NOT a cue bid, it's a response to this player's  previous bid
		// NCR how to test if partner's current bid was in suit previously bid ???
		// NCR what about a game bid???
		int nSuit =  BID_SUIT(nPartnersBid);
		for(int i=0; i < player.GetNumBidsMade(); i++) { // NCR had to add const to this function def
			int nSuitBid = pDOC->GetBidByPlayer(player.GetPosition(), i);
			if(BID_SUIT(nSuitBid) == nSuit)
				return FALSE;  // NCR not cue if partner bid before ???
                                            // NCR-295 game bid in agreed suit???
		if(bidState.IsGameBid(nPartnersBid) && (nSuit == nAgreedSuit) ) // || CheckIfSuitBid(player, BID_SUIT(nPartnersBid))) 
			return FALSE;  //NCR don't treat Game bid as cue bid
		// met the requirements
		status << "CUR0! Partner made a cue bid of " & BTS(nPartnersBid) &
				  ", hinting at slam prospects.\n";
		// this is not a cue bid
		return FALSE;

	// respond to a cue bid only if we have an interest in slam 
	// only qualify if we have 30+ team points, _OR_
	// strong trump support and 28+ poitns
	if (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints >= 30)
		// 30+ team points
		status << "2CUR1! And since we have " & 
				  bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
				  "+ points in the partnership, we want to respond favorably.\n";
	else if ((nSupportLevel >= SS_GOOD_SUPPORT) && 
								(bidState.m_fMinTPPoints >= 28))
		// good support (4 good or 5 moderate cards)
		status << "2CUR2! And since we have " & bidState.SLTS(nPartnersSuit) &
				   " trump support, " & 
				   ((bidState.m_fMinTPPoints >= 30)? " as well as " : " albeit only with ") &
				   bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
				   " points in the partnership, we want to respond favorably.\n";
		// insufficient strength for slam -- correct back to the agreed suit
		nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nAgreedSuit);
		status << "CUR4! But we don't have the points (only " & 
				  bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
				  " pts in the partnership) or the excellent trump support needed for a marginal slam, so we decline by returning to the agreed suit at a bid of " &
				  BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
		return TRUE;

	// else we're playing along -- find the cheapest response
	if (nStatus == CONV_INACTIVE)
		// first invocation -- find the cheapest Ace
		int nSuit = GetCheapestAce(hand, nPartnersSuit, bidState.m_nAgreedSuit);
		// found a suit with an ace?
		if ((nSuit != nPartnersSuit) && (nSuit != nAgreedSuit)) 
			// found a suit to cue bid
			nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nSuit);
			status << "CUR20! Respond to partner's cue bid, showing our cheapest ace (" &
					  STS(nSuit) & ") with a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_RESPONDED_ROUND1);
			return TRUE;
			// found no ace, or else it's in the trump suit, so either way
			// just sign off at the agreed suit
			nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nAgreedSuit);
			if (hand.SuitHasCard(nSuit, ACE))
				status << "CUR22! But our only Ace is in the trump suit of " &
						  STSS(nAgreedSuit) & ", so sign off at a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				status << "CUR24! We have no other Aces to offer, so sign off with the agreed " &
						  STSS(nAgreedSuit) & " suit at a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
			return TRUE;
	else if (nStatus == CONV_RESPONDED_ROUND1)
		// second invocation -- find cheapest King or void
		// first invocation -- find teh cheapest Ace
		int nSuit = GetCheapestKingOrVoid(hand, nPartnersSuit, bidState.m_nAgreedSuit);
		// found an appropriate suit?
		if ((nSuit != nPartnersSuit) && (nSuit != nAgreedSuit)) 
			// found a suit to cue bid
			nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nSuit);
			status << "CUR30! Respond to partner's cue bid, showing our cheapest " &
					  ((hand.GetSuitLength(nSuit) > 0)? "King" : "void suit") &
					  " (in " & STS(nSuit) & ") with a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
//			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_RESPONDED_ROUND2);
			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
			return TRUE;
			// found no king or void, or else found a king in the trump suit, 
			// so either way, just sign off at the agreed suit
			nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nAgreedSuit);
			if (hand.SuitHasCard(nSuit, KING))
				status << "CUR32! But our only Ace is in the trump suit of " &
						  STSS(nAgreedSuit) & ", so sign off at a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				status << "CUR34 We have no other Kings or void suits to offer, so sign off with the agreed " &
						  STSS(nAgreedSuit) & " suit at a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
			return TRUE;
		// error!
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_ERROR);
		return FALSE;
// Rebidding as opener after partner responds to a takeout double
BOOL CNegativeDoublesConvention::HandleConventionResponse(const CPlayer& player, 
														  const CConventionSet& conventions, 
														  CHandHoldings& hand, 
														  CCardLocation& cardLocation, 
														  CGuessedHandHoldings** ppGuessedHands,
														  CBidEngine& bidState,  
														  CPlayerStatusDialog& status)
	// there's no code here for now
	return FALSE;

	// check status
	if ((bidState.GetConventionStatus(this) != CONV_INVOKED_ROUND1) &&
		(bidState.GetConventionStatus(this) != CONV_INVOKED_ROUND2))
		return FALSE;

	// get some info
//	int nBid;
	double fPts = bidState.fPts;
	double fAdjPts = bidState.fAdjPts;
	double fCardPts = bidState.fCardPts;
	int nPrefSuit = bidState.nPrefSuit;
	int nPrefSuitStrength = bidState.nPrefSuitStrength;
	int nPreviousSuit = bidState.nPreviousSuit;
	BOOL bBalanced = bidState.bBalanced;
	int nPartnersBid = bidState.nPartnersBid;
	int nPartnersBidLevel = bidState.nPartnersBidLevel;
	int nPartnersSuit = bidState.nPartnersSuit;
	int nPartnersSuitSupport = bidState.nPartnersSuitSupport;
	int nPartnersPrevSuit = bidState.nPartnersPrevSuit;
	int numSupportCards = bidState.numSupportCards;

	// first check for a strange response
	if ((nPartnersBid == BID_DOUBLE) || (nPartnersBid == BID_REDOUBLE))
		// we don't understand partner's bid
		return CConvention::HandleConventionResponse(player, conventions, hand, cardLocation, ppGuessedHands, bidState, status);

	if (bidState.GetConventionStatus(this) == CONV_INVOKED_ROUND1) 
		// responding to partner's forced bid
		// - estimate partner's strength

		// did partner pass? (horror of horrors!)
		if (nPartnersBid == BID_PASS) 
			if (bidState.nLHOBid >= BID_PASS)
				status << "NGDRb10! After interference from the left-hand opponent, partner passed our takeout.\n";
				status << "NGDRb12! Partner unexpectedly passed our takeout double, which is supposed to be forcing.  Bidding will proceed as if the takeout was not made\n";
			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
			return FALSE;

		// set team point estimates -- be conservative
		BOOL bPartnerJumped = FALSE;
		BOOL bPartnerJumpedToGame = FALSE;
		int nEnemyBid = pDOC->GetValidBidRecord(0);
		int nEnemyBidLevel = BID_LEVEL(nEnemyBid);
		int nEnemySuit = BID_SUIT(nEnemyBid);
		if (nPartnersBidLevel > (nEnemyBidLevel + 1))
			bPartnerJumped = TRUE;
		if (nPartnersBid == bidState.GetGameBid(nPartnersSuit))
			bPartnerJumpedToGame = TRUE;
		// flag to see if we doubled in preference to an overcall
		BOOL bWantedToOvercall = FALSE;

		if (nPartnersSuit == NOTRUMP)
			if (nPartnersBid == BID_1NT)
				// partner has 6-9 HCPs
				bidState.m_fPartnersMin = 6;
				bidState.m_fPartnersMax = 9;
			else if (nPartnersBid == BID_2NT)
				// partner has 10-12 HCPs, maybe more
				bidState.m_fPartnersMin = 10;
				bidState.m_fPartnersMax = 12;
			else if (nPartnersBid == BID_3NT)
				// partner has 13+ HCPs
				bidState.m_fPartnersMin = 13;
				bidState.m_fPartnersMax = 40 - fCardPts;
				status << "NGDRb20! Partner's response of 3NT to our takeout double indicates that the opponent's suit is well stopped.\n";
				// partner has 13+ HCPs???
				status << "NGDRb21! Partner's response of " & BTS(nPartnersBid) & 
						  " to our takeout double is unorthodox; treating it like a 3NT response.\n";
				bidState.m_fPartnersMin = 13;
				bidState.m_fPartnersMax = MIN(22, 40 - fCardPts);
			// accept NT if we hold at least a semi-balanced 
			// and we don't have a 6-card major
			if ( !(ISMAJOR(bidState.nPrefSuit) && (bidState.numPrefSuitCards >= 6)) &&
				 (bidState.bSemiBalanced) )
				bidState.m_nAgreedSuit = NOTRUMP;
			bidState.m_fMinTPPoints = fAdjPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
			bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints = fAdjPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;
			bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints = fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
			bidState.m_fMaxTPCPoints = fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;
			status << "NGDRb29! Partner's response of " & BTS(nPartnersBid) & 
					  " to our takeout double indicates " & 
					  bidState.m_fPartnersMin & "-" & bidState.m_fPartnersMax & 
					  " HCPs, for a total of " &
					  bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPCPoints & " / " &
					  bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints & 
					  " pts in the partnership.\n";

			// partner bid a suit
			// see if we really intended to overcall last time
			if (bidState.GetConventionStatus(&overcallsConvention) == CONV_SUBSUMED)
				bWantedToOvercall = TRUE;
			if (nPartnersSuit == nEnemySuit)
				// partner bid the enemy suit, showing 13+ pts.
				status << "NEGDRb40! Partner has responded in the enemy suit, indicating 13+ pts but no long suits.\n";
				bidState.m_fPartnersMin = 13;
				bidState.m_fPartnersMax = MIN(22, 40 - bidState.fCardPts);
				bidState.m_bGameForceActive = TRUE;
			else if (bPartnerJumpedToGame)
				// partner had 13+ pts & a 5-card major
				status << "NEGDRb41! Partner has jumped to game in " & STS(nPartnersSuit) &
						  ", indicating 13+ pts and a 5+ card suit.\n";
				bidState.m_fPartnersMin = 30;
				bidState.m_fPartnersMax = MIN(22, 40 - bidState.fCardPts);
				if (!bWantedToOvercall)
					bidState.m_nAgreedSuit = nPartnersSuit;
			else if (bPartnerJumped)
				// partner had 10-12 pts
				status << "NEGDRb42! Partner has made a jump response of " & BTS(nPartnersBid) &
						  ", indicating 10-12 pts and a 4-5 card suit.\n";
				bidState.m_fPartnersMin = 10;
				bidState.m_fPartnersMax = 12;
				if (!bWantedToOvercall)
					bidState.m_nAgreedSuit = nPartnersSuit;
				// partner had <= 9 pts
				status << "NEGDRb43! Partner has made a minimum response of " & BTS(nPartnersBid) &
						  ", indicating no more than 9 points.\n";
				bidState.m_fPartnersMin = 0;
				bidState.m_fPartnersMax = 9;
				if (!bWantedToOvercall)
					bidState.m_nAgreedSuit = nPartnersSuit;
			bidState.m_fMinTPPoints = fAdjPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
			bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints = fAdjPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;
			bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints = fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
			bidState.m_fMaxTPCPoints = fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;
			status << "NGDRb49! The total point count in the partnership is therefore " &
					  bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints & 
					  " pts.\n";

		// see if RHO bid after partner's response -- that mitigates our responsibility
		// to bid again, unless partner's bid was game forcing
	//	if (bidState.nRHOBid > BID_PASS)
		if ((bidState.nRHOBid > BID_PASS) && 
			(bidState.nRHOBid != BID_DOUBLE) && (bidState.nRHOBid != BID_REDOUBLE))
			status << "2NGDRb51! The right-hand opponent has " &
					  ((bidState.nRHOBid == BID_DOUBLE)? "doubled" : "bid") &
					  " after partner's response, interfering with our communication.\n";

		// see if we have an agreed suit
		int nBid;
		if (bidState.m_nAgreedSuit > NONE)
			if (bidState.m_nAgreedSuit == NOTRUMP)
				// we've agreed to play in NoTrump
				// see if we can raise partner to a higher NT contract
				if (bidState.BidNoTrumpAsAppropriate(FALSE,STOPPED_DONTCARE))
					bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
					return TRUE;
				// else pass
				nBid = BID_PASS;
				status << "NGDRb69! With a total of " &
						  bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPCPoints &
						  " HCPs in the partnership, we have insufficient strength to raise partner's " &
						  BTS(nPartnersBid) & " bid, so we have to pass.\n";
				bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
				return TRUE;
				// we've agreed on a suit, so raise if possible
				// if partner didn't jump, we may have credited him with
				// zero pts, so adjust rqmts accordingly

				// if partner jumped to game && we have < 32 pts, pass
				if ((bPartnerJumpedToGame) && (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints < 32))
					status << "NGDRb70! Partner jumped to game in his " & bidState.szPSS & 
							  " suit, so with a team total of " &
							  bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
							  " points, we pass.\n";
					bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
					return TRUE;
				// raise partner if possible -- bearing in mind that 
				// partner may have a wide range of points

				// raise a major to game with 23-31 pts and 4 trumps
				//					  or with 26-31 pts and 3 trumps
				// or raise to the 3-level with 20-24 pts and 3 trumps
				if ( (bidState.RaisePartnersSuit(SUIT_MAJOR,RAISE_TO_4,PTS_MAJOR_GAME-3,31,SUPLEN_4)) ||
				     (bidState.RaisePartnersSuit(SUIT_MAJOR,RAISE_TO_4,PTS_MAJOR_GAME,31,SUPLEN_3)) ||
					if (!bPartnerJumped)
						status << "NGDRb71a! (we can assume partner has some strength in the " & bidState.szPSS & 
								  " suit, so we are shading the requirements slightly.\n";
					bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_INVOKED_ROUND2);
					return TRUE;
				// raise a minor to game with 28-32 pts and 4 trumps
				//                    or with 29-32 pts and 3 trumps
				// or raise to the 4-level with 26-28 pts and 3 trumps
				// or raise to the 3-level with 23-25 pts and 3 trumps
				if ( (bidState.RaisePartnersSuit(SUIT_MINOR,RAISE_TO_5,PTS_MINOR_GAME-1,PTS_SLAM-1,SUPLEN_4)) ||
					 (bidState.RaisePartnersSuit(SUIT_MINOR,RAISE_TO_5,PTS_MINOR_GAME,PTS_SLAM-1,SUPLEN_3)) ||
					 (bidState.RaisePartnersSuit(SUIT_MINOR,RAISE_TO_4,PTS_MINOR_GAME-3,PTS_MINOR_GAME-1,SUPLEN_3)) ||
					 (bidState.RaisePartnersSuit(SUIT_MINOR,RAISE_TO_3,PTS_MINOR_GAME-6,PTS_MINOR_GAME-4,SUPLEN_3)) )
					if (!bPartnerJumped)
						status << "NGDRb71b! We can assume partner has some strength in the " & bidState.szPSS & 
								  " suit, so we can shade the requirements slightly.\n";
					bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_INVOKED_ROUND2);
					return TRUE;
				// with 32+ pts, invoke Blackwood
				if (bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints >= 32)
					bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_INVOKED_ROUND2);
					return TRUE;
				// else pass
				nBid = BID_PASS;
				status << "NGDRb90! With a total of " &
						  bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						  " points in the partnership, we have insufficient strength to raise partner's " &
						  BTS(nPartnersBid) & " bid, so we have to pass.\n";
				bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
				return TRUE;

		// here, we have no suit agreement (e.g., partner bid the opponents' suit)
		int nLastBid = pDOC->GetLastValidBid();
		if (bBalanced)
			// try notrumps
			if (hand.IsSuitProbablyStopped(nEnemySuit))
				status << "NGDRb80! Without clear suit agreement, and holding a blanaced hand, we want to steer towards a contract in No Trump.\n";
				if (bidState.BidNoTrumpAsAppropriate(FALSE,STOPPED_DONTCARE))
					bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_INVOKED_ROUND2);
					return TRUE;
			// else pass
			status << "NGDRb81! But as we do not have a proper hand to bid No Trump at the appropriate level, we have to pass.\n";
			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
			return TRUE;
		else if (bidState.numPrefSuitCards >= 5)
			// bid the suit
			nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nPrefSuit, nLastBid);
			if (bidState.IsBidSafe(nBid, 4))
				if (bWantedToOvercall)
					status << "NGDRb90! Partner's forced response of " & bidState.szPB & 
							 " not withstanding, we can now show the " & 
							  STSS(nPrefSuit) & " suit that we wanted to overcall with last round by bidding " &
							  BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
					status << "NGDRb91! Without clear suit agreement, we bid our " &
							  bidState.numPrefSuitCards & "-card " & STSS(bidState.nPrefSuit) &
							  " suit at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_INVOKED_ROUND2);
				return TRUE;

		// else we have no other options, so pass
		status << "NEGDRb99! We see no good fit with partner and no other options, so pass.\n";
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
		return TRUE;

		// responding after partner's second response to our takeout

		// did partner pass?
		if (nPartnersBid == BID_PASS) 
			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
			return FALSE;

		// otherwise, consider the choices:
		// - with suit agreement, raise if possible
		//         S    N     S     N     S
		//   e.g., X -> 1C -> 1S -> 2S -> ???
		// - without suit agreement,
		//   e.g., X -> 1C -> 1S -> 2H -? ???
		//   bid the 4th suit if we have the pts (26+)
		// - without suit agreement, but if partner bids NT,
		//   or if we have a balanaced hand, bid NT
		double fMinTPPoints = bidState.m_fMinTPPoints;
		double fMaxTPPoints = bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints;
		double fMinTPCPoints = bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints;
		double fMaxTPCPoints = bidState.m_fMaxTPCPoints;
		int nBid;
		// see if we have suit agreement
		if (nPartnersSuit == nPreviousSuit)
			// partner raised our suit -- re-raise if possible
			bidState.m_nAgreedSuit = nPreviousSuit;
			if (nPartnersBid >= bidState.GetGameBid(nPreviousSuit))
				// partner bid game or beyond
				if ((nPartnersBidLevel == 7) ||
					((nPartnersBidLevel == 6) && (fMinTPPoints <= 36)) )
					nBid = BID_PASS;
					status << "NGDRc10! Partner raised our " & bidState.szPVSS & 
							  " suit to a slam, so pass.\n";
				else if ((nPartnersBidLevel <= 6) && (fMinTPPoints >= 37))
					nBid = MAKEBID(nPreviousSuit, 7);
					status << "NGDRc11! Partner raised our " & bidState.szPVSS & 
							  " suit to " & 
							  ((nPartnersBidLevel == 6)? "slam" : "game") &
							  ", but we have the poitns to push to a grand slam, so bid " & 
							  BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				else if ((nPartnersBidLevel < 6) && (fMinTPPoints >= 33))
					nBid = MAKEBID(nPreviousSuit, 6);
					status << "NGDRc12! Partner raised our " & bidState.szPVSS & 
							  " suit to game, but we have the poitns for a slam, so bid " & 
							  BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
					nBid = BID_PASS;
					status << "NGDRc13! Partner raised our " & bidState.szPVSS & 
							  " suit to game, which is acceptable with " & 
							  fMinTPPoints & "-" & fMaxTPPoints & 
							  " pts in the partnership, so pass.\n";
				// partner raised below game
				// re-raise if possible
				if ( (ISMAJOR(nPreviousSuit) && (fMinTPPoints >= PTS_MAJOR_GAME)) ||
					 (ISMINOR(nPreviousSuit) && (fMinTPPoints >= PTS_MINOR_GAME)) )
					nBid = bidState.GetGameBid(nPreviousSuit);
					status << "NGDRc20! With a total of " & 
							  fMinTPPoints & "-" & fMaxTPPoints & 
							  " pts in the partnership, raise to game in the " &
							  bidState.szPVSS & " suit at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
					// else try to raise cheaply
					nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nPreviousSuit);
					if (bidState.IsBidSafe(nBid))
						status << "NGDRc22! With a total of " & 
								  fMinTPPoints & "-" & fMaxTPPoints & 
								  " pts in the partnership, we can raise again to " &
								  BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
						nBid = BID_PASS;
						status << "NGDRc29! With a total of " & 
								  fMinTPPoints & "-" & fMaxTPPoints & 
								  " pts in the partnership, we cannot safely raise any partner further, so pass.\n";
		else if ((nPartnersSuit == NOTRUMP) || (bidState.bBalanced))
			// partner bid NT, or else we have a balanced hand
			if (bidState.BidNoTrumpAsAppropriate(FALSE, STOPPED_DONTCARE))
				nBid = bidState.m_nBid;
				status << "NGDRc30! With a total of " & 
						  fMinTPCPoints & "-" & fMaxTPCPoints & 
						  " HCPs in the partnership, we can bid " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				nBid = BID_PASS;
				if (nPartnersSuit == NOTRUMP)
					status << "NGDRc35! We're willing to accept a contract in NoTrumps, but don't have the points to raise further, so pass.\n";
					status << "NGDRc36! We'd like to play in NoTrumps, but don't have the points to bid agian, so pass.\n";
			// else we have no suit agreement, and can't play NT

			// bid the 4th suit if we have enough pts
			int nSuit = bidState.GetFourthSuit(nPreviousSuit, nPartnersSuit, nPartnersPrevSuit);
			nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nSuit);

			if ((fMinTPPoints >= PTS_GAME) && (nBid < bidState.GetGameBid(nSuit)))
				status << "NGDRc40! With a total of " & 
						  fMinTPPoints & "-" & fMaxTPPoints & 
						  " pts in the partnership and no suit agreement, bid another suit (" &
						  STS(nSuit) & ") at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				// gotta pass
				nBid = BID_PASS;
				if (nPartnersBid >= bidState.GetGameBid(nPartnersSuit))
					status << "NGDRc45! With a total of " & 
							  fMinTPPoints & "-" & fMaxTPPoints & 
							  " pts in the partnership, partner has gone to game in his suit at " &
							  bidState.szPB & ", so pass.\n";
				else if (fMinTPPoints >= PTS_GAME)
					status << "NGDRc46! With a total of " & 
							  fMinTPPoints & "-" & fMaxTPPoints & 
							  " pts in the partnership, but having run out of bidding room, we have to bail out and pass.\n";
					status << "NGDRc47! With a total of only " & 
							  fMinTPPoints & "-" & fMaxTPPoints & 
							  " pts in the partnership, and no agreement in suits, we have to pass.\n";
		// done with the second rebid 
		return TRUE;
// Rebidding as opener after partner responds to an Jacoby 2NT Bid
BOOL CJacoby2NTConvention::HandleConventionResponse(const CPlayer& player, 
													const CConventionSet& conventions, 
													CHandHoldings& hand, 
													CCardLocation& cardLocation, 
													CGuessedHandHoldings** ppGuessedHands,
													CBidEngine& bidState,  
													CPlayerStatusDialog& status)
	// check status
	if ((bidState.GetConventionStatus(this) != CONV_INVOKED_ROUND1) &&
		(bidState.GetConventionStatus(this) != CONV_INVOKED_ROUND2))
		return FALSE;

	// get some info
	int nBid = NONE;
	int nPrevSuit = bidState.nPartnersPrevSuit;
	int nSuit = bidState.nPartnersSuit;
	int nPartnersBid = bidState.nPartnersBid;
	int nPartnersBidLevel = bidState.nPartnersBidLevel;
	int numSupportCards = bidState.numSupportCards;

	// handling partner's Drury response
	int nStatus = bidState.GetConventionStatus(this);

	if (nStatus == CONV_INVOKED)
		// here, our actions depend on partner's response
		if (bidState.nPartnersBid == MAKEBID(nPrevSuit, 3))
			// partner responded in the suit at the 3-level, for 18+ pts
			status << "J2N40! Partner responded to our Jacoby 2NT inquiry by rebidding his " & 
					   STSS(nPrevSuit) & " suit at the 3-level, indicating " & 
					   OPEN_PTS(18) & "+ points.\n";

			// revalue partnership totals
			bidState.AdjustPartnershipPoints(18, pCurrConvSet->GetValue(tn2ClubOpeningPoints));
		else if ((nPartnersBidLevel == 3) && ISSUIT(nSuit) && (nSuit != nPrevSuit))
			// partner responded in a different suit at the 3-level
			status << "J2N41! Partner responded to our Jacoby 2NT inquiry by bidding the " & 
					   STSS(nSuit) & " suit at the 3-level, indicating " & OPEN_PTS(15) & "-" & OPEN_PTS(17) & 
					   " points and a singleton or void in " & STS(nSuit) & ".\n";

			// revalue partnership totals
			bidState.AdjustPartnershipPoints(15, 17);
		else if (nPartnersBid == BID_3NT)
			// partner responded with 3NT
			status << "J2N42! Partner responded to our Jacoby 2NT inquiry by bidding 3NT, indicating " &
					   OPEN_PTS(15) & "-" & OPEN_PTS(17) & " points with a balanced hand.\n";

			// revalue partnership totals
			bidState.AdjustPartnershipPoints(15, 17);
		else if ((nPartnersBidLevel == 4) && ISSUIT(nSuit) && (nSuit != nPrevSuit))
			// partner responded in a different suit at the 4-level
			status << "J2N44! Partner responded to our Jacoby 2NT inquiry by bidding the " & 
					   STSS(nSuit) & " suit at the 4-level, indicating a strong 5-card side suit and " & 
					   OPEN_PTS(15) & "-" & OPEN_PTS(17) & " points in the hand.\n";

			// revalue partnership totals
			bidState.AdjustPartnershipPoints(15, 17);
		else if ((nPartnersBidLevel == 4) && (nSuit == nPrevSuit))
			// partner responded in the original suit at the 4-level
			status << "J2N44! Partner responded to our Jacoby 2NT inquiry by rebidding his " & 
					   STSS(nSuit) & " suit at the 4-level, indicating a minimum opener of approx. " & 
					   OPEN_PTS(12) & "-" & OPEN_PTS(14) & " points in the hand.\n";

			// revalue partnership totals
			bidState.AdjustPartnershipPoints(12, 14);
		else if ((nPartnersBid == BID_DOUBLE) || (nPartnersBid == BID_REDOUBLE))
			// the convention is cancelled!
			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_ERROR);
			return FALSE;

		// now figure out what to do
		if (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints >= PTS_SLAM)
			// go to Blackwood
			status << "J2N60! With a total of " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
					  " pts in the partnership, push on to slam in partner's " & STSS(nPrevSuit) & " suit.\n";
			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
			return TRUE;
		else if (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints >= PTS_MAJOR_GAME)
			// we want to bid game
			if (nPartnersBid < bidState.GetGameBid(nPrevSuit))
				// raise or shift to game
				nBid = bidState.GetGameBid(nPrevSuit);
				status << "J2N62! With a total of " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						  " pts in the partnership, go to game in " & STS(nPrevSuit) &
						  " with a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				// here partner bid game or higher -- pass unless it needs correction
				if (nSuit == nPrevSuit)
					nBid = BID_PASS;
					status << "J2N64! With a total of " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
							  " pts in the partnership, pass partner's " & BTS(nPartnersBid) & " bid.\n";
					// correct to the original suit
					nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nPrevSuit, nPartnersBid);
					status << "J2N66! With a total of " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
							  " pts in the partnership, we want to stop at game in " & STS(nPrevSuit) & 
							  "; correct partner's " & BTS(nPartnersBid) & " bid to " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			// oops, caught with too few points
			// either pass 3NT , or return to the suit at the cheapest level possible
			if ((nPartnersBid == BID_3NT) || ((nSuit == nPrevSuit)))
				nBid = BID_PASS;
				status << "J2N70! With a total of only " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						  " pts in the partnership, we have to stop here at " & BTS(nPartnersBid) &
						  ", so pass.\n";
				nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nPrevSuit, nPartnersBid);
				status << "J2N72! With a total of only " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						  " pts in the partnership, we have to return to the " & STSS(nPrevSuit) & 
						  " and stop at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";

		// done
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
		return TRUE;


	// oops!
	bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_ERROR);
	return FALSE;
// Rebidding as opener after partner responds to a Michaels Cue Bid
BOOL CMichaelsCueBidConvention::HandleConventionResponse(const CPlayer& player, 
													     const CConventionSet& conventions, 
													     CHandHoldings& hand, 
														 CCardLocation& cardLocation, 
														 CGuessedHandHoldings** ppGuessedHands,
													     CBidEngine& bidState,  
													     CPlayerStatusDialog& status)
	// check status
	if ((bidState.GetConventionStatus(this) != CONV_INVOKED_ROUND1) &&
		(bidState.GetConventionStatus(this) != CONV_INVOKED_ROUND2))
		return FALSE;

	// get some info
	int nBid;
	double fPts = bidState.fPts;
	double fAdjPts = bidState.fAdjPts;
	double fCardPts = bidState.fCardPts;
	int nPrefSuit = bidState.nPrefSuit;
	int nPrefSuitStrength = bidState.nPrefSuitStrength;
	int nPreviousSuit = bidState.nPreviousSuit;
	int nPreviousBidLevel = bidState.nPreviousBidLevel;
	BOOL bBalanced = bidState.bBalanced;
	int nPartnersBid = bidState.nPartnersBid;
	int nPartnersBidLevel = bidState.nPartnersBidLevel;
	int nPartnersSuit = bidState.nPartnersSuit;
	int nPartnersSuitSupport = bidState.nPartnersSuitSupport;
	int nPartnersPrevSuit = bidState.nPartnersPrevSuit;
	int numSupportCards = bidState.numSupportCards;

	// handling partner's Michaels response
	int nStatus = bidState.GetConventionStatus(this);

	if (nStatus == CONV_INVOKED)
		// first check for a strange response
		if ((nPartnersBid == BID_DOUBLE) || (nPartnersBid == BID_REDOUBLE))
			// we don't understand partner's bid
			return CConvention::HandleConventionResponse(player, conventions, hand, cardLocation, ppGuessedHands, bidState, status);

		// if we're holding the STRONG Michaels hand indicate it by cue-bidding the
		// enemy suit again
		if (bidState.fPts >= PT_COUNT(17))
			nBid = MAKEBID(nPreviousSuit, 3);
			status << "MCLRH12! with a strong Michaels hand (" & bidState.fPts & 
					  " pts), cue bid the enemy suit again at " & BTS(nBid) & 
					  " to indicate our strength.\n";
			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_INVOKED_ROUND2);
			return TRUE;

		// did partner bid 2NT, asking for the minor?
		if (ISMAJOR(nPreviousSuit) && (nPartnersBid == BID_2NT))
			// with a weak Michaels opener, indicate the minor
			int nSuit = bidState.GetLongerSuit(CLUBS, DIAMONDS);
			nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit, 3);
			status << "MCLRH10! With the weak flavor of Michaels, respond to partner's Michaels minor inquiry with a bid of " & BTS(nBid) &
					  ", indicating " & STS(nSuit) & " as the unknown minor.\n";
			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_INVOKED_ROUND2);
			return TRUE;

		// did partner cue-bid the enemy suit (a slam try)?
		if ((nPartnersSuit == nPreviousSuit) && (nPartnersBidLevel == nPreviousBidLevel+1))
			// determine the cheapest of the two suits
			int nCheapestSuit;
			if (ISMINOR(nPreviousSuit))
				nCheapestSuit = HEARTS;		// 5/5 in the majors, so Hearts is cheapest
				nCheapestSuit = bidState.GetLongerSuit(CLUBS, DIAMONDS);

			// respond affirmatively only with a strong hand
			status << "2MCLRH20! Partner cue bid the enemy suit, which is a game or slam try.\n";
			if (bidState.fPts >= PT_COUNT(17))
				// jump into Blackwood
				status << "MCLRH21! And with " & bidState.fPts & " pts in hand, proceed towards slam in the preferred "&
						  STSS(bidState.nPrefSuit) & " suit.\n";
			else if ( (ISMAJOR(nCheapestSuit) && (bidState.fPts >= PT_COUNT(9))) ||
				(ISMINOR(nCheapestSuit) && (bidState.fPts >= PT_COUNT(12))) )
				// stop at game in the cheapest suit
				nBid = bidState.GetGameBid(nCheapestSuit);
				status << "MCLRH22! But with only " & bidState.fPts & " pts in hand, forget about slam and stop at game in the cheapest suit ("&
						  STS(nCheapestSuit) & ") at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				// 8 or fewer pts -- bail out in the cheapest suit
				nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nCheapestSuit);
				status << "MCLRH23! But with only " & bidState.fPts & " pts in hand, forget about slam and bail out in the cheapest suit (" &
						  STS(nCheapestSuit) & ") at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			// done
			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
			return TRUE;

		// else partner made a signoff, invitational, or game bid
		if (bidState.IsGameBid(nPartnersBid))
			status << "MCLRH30! Partner responded to our Michaels Cue bid with a game bid of " & 
					  bidState.szPB & ", so we should pass.\n";
			nBid = BID_PASS;	
		else if (nPartnersBid != BID_PASS) 
			// see if we should raise partner to game
			status << "2MCLRH40! Partner responded to our Michaels Cue bid with a bid of " & 
					  bidState.szPB & ", a possible invitation to game.\n";
			// go to game with 17+ pts (strong hand)
			if (fPts < PT_COUNT(17))
				nBid = BID_PASS;	
				status << "MCLRH41! But since we opened Michaels with a weak hand (" & fPts &
						  ") pts, we likely do not have the points for game and have to pass.\n";
				nBid = bidState.GetGameBid(nPartnersSuit);	
				status << "MCLRH42! and since we opened Michaels with a strong hand (" & fPts &
						  ") pts, we can raise to game at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			status << "2MCLRH49! Partner passed" & (bidState.bLHOInterfered? "after opponents interference" : "") &
					  ", so Michaels is off.\n";
			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
			return FALSE;

		// done
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
		return TRUE;

	else if (nStatus == CONV_INVOKED_ROUND2)
		// last time, we either showed our minor suit or indicated our strength 
		// with another cue bid of the opponents' suit

		// first check for a strange response
		if ((nPartnersBid == BID_DOUBLE) || (nPartnersBid == BID_REDOUBLE))
			// we don't understand partner's bid
			return CConvention::HandleConventionResponse(player, conventions, hand, cardLocation, ppGuessedHands, bidState, status);

		// did we have the strong hand?
		if (bidState.fPts >= PT_COUNT(17))
			// see what partner's reaction was
			if (nPartnersSuit == BID_4NT)
				// parter still wants to see our minor!!!
				int nSuit = bidState.GetLongerSuit(CLUBS, DIAMONDS);
				nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nSuit);
				status << "MCLRH50! After our second Michaels cue bid of the enemy suit, partner still wants to see the unknown minor, so show it (" &
						  STS(nSuit) & ") with a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_INVOKED_ROUND3);
				return TRUE;

			// else partner's bid was natural
			if (bidState.IsGameBid(nPartnersBid))
				if (fPts < PT_COUNT(20))
					status << "MCLRH55! Partner responded to our second Michaels cue bid with a game bid of " & 
							  bidState.szPB & ", so we should pass.\n";
					nBid = BID_PASS;
					// jump to slam
					nBid = MAKEBID(nPartnersSuit, 6);
					status << "MCLRH55! Partner responded to our second Michaels cue bid with a game bid of " & 
							  bidState.szPB & ", and with " & fPts & "+ in hand, we can go ahead and jump to slam at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			else if (nPartnersBid != BID_PASS)
				// see if we should raise partner to game
				nBid = bidState.GetGameBid(nPartnersSuit);
				status << "MCLRH56! Partner responded to our second Michaels cue bid of the enemy suit with a bid of " & 
						  bidState.szPB & ", an invitation to game -- so go ahead and bid game at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				if (bidState.bLHOInterfered)
					status << "MCLRH58! Partner passed our second Michaels cue bid after interference, so we have to pass also.\n";
					status << "MCLRH59! Partner passed in spite of our second Michaels cue bid, so we should pass also.\n";
				nBid = BID_PASS;
			// partner responded to our minor answer
			if (bidState.IsGameBid(nPartnersBid))
				status << "MCLRH60! Partner responded to our Michaels minors answer with a game bid of " & 
						  bidState.szPB & ", so we should pass.\n";
				nBid = BID_PASS;
			else if (nPartnersBid != BID_PASS)
				// see if we should raise partner to game
				status << "MCLRH70! Partner responded to our Michaels minor answer with a bid of " & 
						  bidState.szPB & ", a possible invitation to game.\n";

				// go to game with 17+ pts (strong hand)
				if (fPts < PT_COUNT(17))
					nBid = BID_PASS;	
					status << "MCLRH72! But since we opened Michaels with a weak hand (" & fPts &
							  ") pts, we likely do not have the points for game and have to pass.\n";
					nBid = bidState.GetGameBid(nPartnersSuit);	
					status << "MCLRH72! and since we opened Michaels with a strong hand (" & fPts &
							  ") pts, we can raise to game at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				if (bidState.bLHOInterfered)
					status << "MCLRH75! Partner passed our Michaels minor answer after interference, so we have to pass also.\n";
					status << "MCLRH76! Partner passed our Michaels minor answer, so we should pass also.\n";
				nBid = BID_PASS;

		// done
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
		return TRUE;

	else if (nStatus == CONV_INVOKED_ROUND3)
		// first check for a strange response
		if ((nPartnersBid == BID_DOUBLE) || (nPartnersBid == BID_REDOUBLE))
			// we don't understand partner's bid
			return CConvention::HandleConventionResponse(player, conventions, hand, cardLocation, ppGuessedHands, bidState, status);

		// we indicated our strength with another cue bid, and partner asked
		// to see our minor, _then_ bid
		if (bidState.IsGameBid(nPartnersBid))
			if (fPts < PT_COUNT(20))
				status << "MCLRH80! Partner responded to our Michaels minor answer with a game bid of " & 
						  bidState.szPB & ", so we should pass.\n";
				nBid = BID_PASS;
				// jump to slam
				nBid = MAKEBID(nPartnersSuit, 6);
				status << "MCLRH81! Partner responded to our Michaels minor answer with a game bid of " & 
						  bidState.szPB & ", and with " & fPts & "+ in hand, we can go ahead and jump to slam at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
		else if (nPartnersBid != BID_PASS)
			// see if we should raise partner to game
			nBid = bidState.GetGameBid(nPartnersSuit);
			status << "MCLRH85! Partner responded to our Michaels minor answer with a bid of " & 
					  bidState.szPB & ", an invitation to game -- so go ahead and bid game at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			if (bidState.bLHOInterfered)
				status << "MCLRH86! Partner passed our Michaels minor answer after interference, so we have to pass also.\n";
				status << "MCLRH87! Partner passed in spite of our Michaels minor answer, so we should pass also.\n";
			nBid = BID_PASS;

		// done (finally!)
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
		return TRUE;

	// oops!
	bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_ERROR);
	return FALSE;
// respond to partner's Michaels Cue Bid
BOOL CMichaelsCueBidConvention::RespondToConvention(const CPlayer& player, 
													const CConventionSet& conventions, 
													CHandHoldings& hand, 
													CCardLocation& cardLocation, 
												    CGuessedHandHoldings** ppGuessedHands,
													CBidEngine& bidState,  
													CPlayerStatusDialog& status)
	// first see if another convention is active
	if ((bidState.GetActiveConvention() != NULL) &&
					(bidState.GetActiveConvention() != this))
		return FALSE;

	// make a responding bid
	int nPartnersBid = bidState.nPartnersBid;
	int nPartnersBidLevel = bidState.nPartnersBidLevel;
	int nPartnersSuit = bidState.nPartnersSuit;
	int nPartnersPrevSuit = bidState.nPartnersPrevSuit;
	int nBid, nSuit;
	double fPts = bidState.fPts;
	double fCardPts = bidState.fCardPts;

	// see what round this is
	int nStatus = bidState.GetConventionStatus(this);
	if (nStatus == CONV_INACTIVE)
		// Bidding in response to partner's Michael's bid? check requirements
		// the identifying marks of a Michaels bid are:
		// 1: we must not have bid yet
		// 2: LHO must have bid a suit at the 1 level, and 
		// 3: partner overcalled LHO's suit at the 2 level
		int nLastValidBid = pDOC->GetLastValidBid();

		// apply tests #1, 2, and 3
		int nOpeningBid = pDOC->GetOpeningBid();
		int nOpeningBidder = pDOC->GetOpeningBidder();
		BOOL bLHOMajor = ISMAJOR(nOpeningBid);
		if (ISBID(nOpeningBid) && (GetPlayerTeam(nOpeningBidder) != player.GetTeam()) &&
			 ((nOpeningBid >= BID_1C) && (nOpeningBid <= BID_1S)) &&
			  (nPartnersSuit == bidState.nLHOSuit) && (nPartnersBidLevel == 2) &&
			  (bidState.m_numBidsMade == 0) )
			status << "MCLR10! Partner has made a Michaels Cue bid of " & BTS(nPartnersBid) &
					  ", indicating 5/5 length in " &
					  (bLHOMajor? ((bidState.nLHOSuit == HEARTS)? "Spades and a minor" : "Hearts and a minor") : "the majors") & ".\n";
			return FALSE;

		// did partner bid a minor, indicating both majors?
		if (ISMINOR(nPartnersSuit))
			// Pard has both majors -- pick the preferred one
			nSuit = bidState.PickSuperiorSuit(HEARTS, SPADES);
			if (hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nSuit) < 3)
				// should have at least 3 trumps
				int nOtherSuit = (nSuit == HEARTS)? SPADES : HEARTS;
				if (hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nOtherSuit) >= 3)
					nSuit = nOtherSuit;
		else if (nPartnersSuit == HEARTS)
			// pard has Spades + a minor
			// see if Spades are decent (3-card support)
//			if ((hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(SPADES) >= 3) && (hand.GetSuitStrength(SPADES) >= SS_MODERATE_SUPPORT))
			if (hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(SPADES) >= 3)
				// fine, go with Spades
				nSuit = SPADES;
				// Spades are too weak; look for a minor
				if ((hand.GetSuitStrength(CLUBS) >= SS_MODERATE_SUPPORT) || (hand.GetSuitStrength(DIAMONDS) >= SS_MODERATE_SUPPORT))
					nSuit = NOTRUMP;
					nSuit = SPADES;	// minors are no good either, so go with Spades
			// pard has Hearts + a minor
			// see if Hearts are decent (3-card support)
//			if ((hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(HEARTS) >= 3) && (hand.GetSuitStrength(HEARTS) >= SS_MODERATE_SUPPORT))
			if (hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(HEARTS) >= 3)
				// fine, go with Hearts
				nSuit = HEARTS;
				// Spades are too weak; look for a minor
				if ((hand.GetSuitStrength(CLUBS) >= SS_MODERATE_SUPPORT) || (hand.GetSuitStrength(DIAMONDS) >= SS_MODERATE_SUPPORT))
					nSuit = NOTRUMP;
					nSuit = HEARTS;	// minors are no good either, so go with Hearts

		// now adjust point count
		if (ISSUIT(nSuit))
			fPts = bidState.fAdjPts = hand.RevalueHand(REVALUE_DECLARER, nSuit, TRUE);
		// partner may have 6-11 OR 17+ pts; assume it's a weak hand
		bidState.AdjustPartnershipPoints(6, 11);

		// and make a responding bid
		CString strChoices = ISMINOR(nPartnersSuit)? "the two majors" : 
					(nPartnersSuit == HEARTS)? "Spades and a minor" : "Hearts and an unknown minor";
		int numTrumps = ISSUIT(nSuit)? hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nSuit) : 0;

		// set initial convention status to finished
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);

		// see if we need to look at the minor
		if (nSuit == NOTRUMP)
			// bid 2NT to ask for the minor
			nBid = BID_2NT;
			if (nBid > nLastValidBid)
				if (nPartnersSuit == HEARTS)
					status << "MCLR12! Given a choice between a " & hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(SPADES) &
							  "-card Spade suit and an unknown minor, we're forced to ask for the minor by bidding " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
					status << "MCLR12! Given a choice between a " & hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(HEARTS) &
							  "-card Heart suit and an unknown minor, we're forced to ask for the minor by bidding " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				// this convention will go another round
				bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_RESPONDED_ROUND1);
				nBid = BID_PASS;
				status << "MCLR13! We'd like to bid 2NT to ask for partner's minor, but we can't do so after RHO's interference, so we have to pass.\n";
		else if ((numTrumps >= 5) && (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints <= PT_COUNT(20)) &&
			ISMAJOR(nSuit) && (MAKEBID(nSuit, 4) > nLastValidBid))
			// make a preemptive bid if possible
			nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit, 4);
			status << "MCLR15! With " & numTrumps & " " & STS(nSuit) & " and a total of " & 
					  bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
					  " pts in the partnership, make a shutout bid in " & STS(nSuit) & 
					  " by jumping to " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
		else if (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints <= PT_COUNT(21))
			// respond at the 2-level
			nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nSuit, nLastValidBid);
			if (BID_LEVEL(nBid) == 2)
				status << "MCLR20! Given a choice between " & strChoices & 
						   ", respond to partner's Michaels with the preferred " & 
						   STSS(nSuit) & " suit with a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				nBid = BID_PASS;
				status << "MCLR21! After RHO interference, we don't have the points to go to the 3-level in response to partner's Michaels, so pass.\n";
		else if (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints <= PT_COUNT(24))
			// bid at the 3-level
			nBid = MAKEBID(nSuit, 3);
			if (nBid > nLastValidBid)
				status << "MCLR24! With a total of " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						   " pts in the partnership and a choice between " & strChoices &
						   ", invite game in " & STS(nSuit) & " by jumping to " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				nBid = BID_PASS;
				status << "MCLR25! After RHO interference, we don't have the points to go to the 4-level in response to partner's Michaels, so pass.\n";
		else if (ISMINOR(nSuit) && (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints <= PT_COUNT(27)))
			// with 25+ pts, bid game
			nBid = bidState.GetGameBid(nSuit);
			if (nBid > nLastValidBid)
				status << "MCLR27! With a total of " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						   " pts in the partnership and a choice between " & strChoices & 
						   ", jump to the 4-level in " & STS(nSuit) & " with a bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				nBid = BID_PASS;
				status << "MCLR28! After RHO interference, we don't have the points to go to the 5-level in response to partner's Michaels, so pass.\n";
			// with 25+ pts in a major, or 28+ pts in a minor, bid game
			nBid = bidState.GetGameBid(nSuit);
			if (nBid > nLastValidBid)
				status << "MCLR30! With a total of " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						   " pts in the partnership and a choice between " & strChoices & 
						   ", jump to game in " & STS(nSuit) & " at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				nBid = BID_PASS;
				status << "MCLR31! After RHO interference, we don't want to bid past game, so pass.\n";

		// done!
		return TRUE;

	else if (nStatus == CONV_RESPONDED_ROUND1)
		// round 2 -- we must've bid 2NT last time to ask for partner's minor

		// see if partner cue bid the enemy suit again
		if (nPartnersSuit == nPartnersPrevSuit)
			// partner has 17+ pts
			bidState.AdjustPartnershipPoints(OPEN_PTS(17), MIN(17,40 - bidState.fCardPts));

			// bid 4NT to ask for the minor again
			if (fPts >= PT_COUNT(15))
				// else make a natural game bid
				nBid = BID_4NT;
				status << "MCLR35! Partner cue bid the enemy suit again, indicating a strong Michaels opening hand with " &
						   OPEN_PTS(17) & "+ pts; so with " & 
						   bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						   " pts in the partnership, ask for the other minor by bidding " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_RESPONDED_ROUND2);
				// else make a natural 3NT game bid
				nBid = BID_3NT;
				status << "MCLR36! Partner cue bid the enemy suit again, indicating a strong Michaels opening hand with " &
						   OPEN_PTS(17) & "+ pts; but with " & 
						   bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						   " pts in the partnership, stop at game with a natural bid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
				bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
			// done
			return TRUE;

		// see if partner's bid is valid
		if (!ISMINOR(nPartnersSuit))
			status << "MCLR40! After his opening Michaels Cue Bid, partner did not respond properly to our 2NT minor suit inquiry, so michaels is off.\n";
			bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_ERROR);
			return FALSE;

		// see if we can live with partner's minor
		int nAgreedSuit;
		if (hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nPartnersSuit) >= 3)
			// stick with the minor
			status << "4MCLR41! Since we have " & hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nPartnersSuit) & 
					  " cards in the " & STSS(nPartnersSuit) & " suit, choose that suit for our response.\n";
			nAgreedSuit = nPartnersSuit;
			// minor's not so great; select the better of the minor or the major
			nAgreedSuit = bidState.PickSuperiorSuit(nPartnersSuit, bidState.nPartnersPrevSuit);
			if (nAgreedSuit == nPartnersSuit)
				status << "4MCLR42! The " & STSS(nPartnersSuit) & " suit isn't great, but it's better than " &
						   STS(bidState.nPartnersPrevSuit) & ", so choose that suit for our response.\n";
				status << "4MCLR43! The " & STSS(nPartnersSuit) & " suit is poor, so pick the major suit ("& 
						   STS(bidState.nPartnersPrevSuit) & ") for our response.\n";
			bidState.SetAgreedSuit(bidState.PickSuperiorSuit(nPartnersSuit, bidState.nPartnersPrevSuit));

		// recalc points as dummy
		fPts = bidState.fAdjPts = hand.RevalueHand(REVALUE_DECLARER, nAgreedSuit, TRUE);

		// select the bid level
		if (ISMINOR(nAgreedSuit))
			// Clubs or Diamonds
			if (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints <= PTS_MINOR_GAME-6)	// <= 22
				nBid = BID_PASS;
			else if (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints <= PTS_MINOR_GAME-4)	// <= 24
				nBid = MAKEBID(nPartnersBid, 4);
				nBid = MAKEBID(nPartnersBid, 5);	// go for game
			if (nBid == BID_PASS)
				status << "MCLR45! Partner showed his minor to be " & STS(nPartnersSuit) & 
						  ", which we can support with " & hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nPartnersSuit) &
						  " trumps, but with only " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						  " pts in the partnership, we have to pass.\n";
				status << "MCLR46! Partner showed his minor to be " & STS(nPartnersSuit) & 
						  ", which we can support with " & hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nPartnersSuit) &
						  " trumps, so with " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						  " pts in the partnership, we bid " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			// sticking with the major (though not a very good one!)
			// sign off at the 3-level or go to game
			if (bidState.m_fMinTPPoints < PTS_MAJOR_GAME)	// < 25
				nBid = MAKEBID(nPartnersBid, 3);
				nBid = MAKEBID(nPartnersBid, 4);
			if (BID_LEVEL(nBid) == 3)
				status << "MCLR47! With " & hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nAgreedSuit) & 
						  "-card support for partner's " & STS(nAgreedSuit) & 
						  ", and with only " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						  " pts in the partnership, we have to pass.\n";
				status << "MCLR47! With " & hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nAgreedSuit) & 
						  "-card support for partner's " & STS(nAgreedSuit) & 
						  ", and with " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints &
						  " pts in the partnership, we can go to game at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";

		// done!
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
		return TRUE;
	else if (nStatus == CONV_RESPONDED_ROUND2)
		// round 3 -- we must've bid 4NT last time to ask for partner's minor
		//            after partner's second Michaels cue bid


	return FALSE;