Exemplo n.º 1
bool CBotClass::AddItem(CBotString name, CBotTypResult type, int mPrivate)
    CBotToken   token(name, CBotString());
    CBotClass*  pClass = type.GetClass();

    CBotVar*    pVar = CBotVar::Create( name, type );
/// pVar->SetUniqNum(CBotVar::NextUniqNum());
    pVar->SetPrivate( mPrivate );

    if ( pClass != NULL )
//      pVar->SetClass(pClass);
        if ( type.Eq(CBotTypClass) )
            // adds a new statement for the object initialization
            pVar->m_InitExpr = new CBotNew() ;
            CBotToken nom( pClass->GetName() );
    return AddItem( pVar );
Exemplo n.º 2
bool CBotVar::RestoreState(FILE* pf, CBotVar* &pVar)
    unsigned short        w, wi, prv, st;
    float        ww;
    CBotString    name, s;

    delete pVar;

                pVar    = NULL;
    CBotVar*    pNew    = NULL;
    CBotVar*    pPrev    = NULL;

    while ( true )            // retrieves a list
        if (!ReadWord(pf, w)) return false;                        // private or type?
        if ( w == 0 ) return true;

        CBotString defnum;
        if ( w == 200 )
            if (!ReadString(pf, defnum)) return false;            // number with identifier
            if (!ReadWord(pf, w)) return false;                    // type

        prv = 100; st = 0;
        if ( w >= 100 )
            prv = w;
            if (!ReadWord(pf, st)) return false;                // static
            if (!ReadWord(pf, w)) return false;                    // type

        if ( w == CBotTypClass ) w = CBotTypIntrinsic;            // necessarily intrinsic

        if (!ReadWord(pf, wi)) return false;                    // init ?

        if (!ReadString(pf, name)) return false;                // variable name

        CBotToken token(name, CBotString());

        switch (w)
        case CBotTypInt:
        case CBotTypBoolean:
            pNew = CBotVar::Create(&token, w);                        // creates a variable
            if (!ReadWord(pf, w)) return false;
            pNew->SetValInt(static_cast<short>(w), defnum);
        case CBotTypFloat:
            pNew = CBotVar::Create(&token, w);                        // creates a variable
            if (!ReadFloat(pf, ww)) return false;
        case CBotTypString:
            pNew = CBotVar::Create(&token, w);                        // creates a variable
            if (!ReadString(pf, s)) return false;

        // returns an intrinsic object or element of an array
        case CBotTypIntrinsic:
        case CBotTypArrayBody:
                CBotTypResult    r;
                long            id;
                if (!ReadType(pf, r))  return false;                // complete type
                if (!ReadLong(pf, id) ) return false;

//                if (!ReadString(pf, s)) return false;
                    CBotVar* p = NULL;
                    if ( id ) p = CBotVarClass::Find(id) ;

                    pNew = new CBotVarClass(&token, r);                // directly creates an instance
                                                                    // attention cptuse = 0
                    if ( !RestoreState(pf, (static_cast<CBotVarClass*>(pNew))->m_pVar)) return false;

                    if ( p != NULL )
                        delete pNew;
                        pNew = p;            // resume known element 

        case CBotTypPointer:
        case CBotTypNullPointer:
            if (!ReadString(pf, s)) return false;
                pNew = CBotVar::Create(&token, CBotTypResult(w, s));// creates a variable
//                CBotVarClass* p = NULL;
                long id;
                ReadLong(pf, id);
//                if ( id ) p = CBotVarClass::Find(id);        // found the instance (made by RestoreInstance)

                // returns a copy of the original instance
                CBotVar* pInstance = NULL;
                if ( !CBotVar::RestoreState( pf, pInstance ) ) return false;
                (static_cast<CBotVarPointer*>(pNew))->SetPointer( pInstance );            // and point over

//                if ( p != NULL ) (static_cast<CBotVarPointer*>(pNew))->SetPointer( p );    // rather this one


        case CBotTypArrayPointer:
                CBotTypResult    r;
                if (!ReadType(pf, r))  return false;

                pNew = CBotVar::Create(&token, r);                        // creates a variable

                // returns a copy of the original instance
                CBotVar* pInstance = NULL;
                if ( !CBotVar::RestoreState( pf, pInstance ) ) return false;
                (static_cast<CBotVarPointer*>(pNew))->SetPointer( pInstance );            // and point over

        if ( pPrev != NULL ) pPrev->m_next = pNew;
        if ( pVar == NULL  ) pVar = pNew;

        pNew->m_binit = wi;        //        pNew->SetInit(wi);
        pPrev = pNew;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
// compiles a new function
// bLocal allows of the declaration of parameters on the same level
// as the elements belonging to the class for methods
CBotFunction* CBotFunction::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotFunction* finput, bool bLocal)
    CBotToken*      pp;
    CBotFunction* func = finput;
    if ( func == NULL ) func = new CBotFunction();

    CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(p, bLocal);

//  func->m_nFuncIdent = CBotVar::NextUniqNum();

    while (true)
        if ( IsOfType(p, ID_PUBLIC) )
            func->m_bPublic = true;
        pp = p;
        if ( IsOfType(p, ID_EXTERN) )
            func->m_extern = pp;        // for the position of the word "extern"
            func->m_bExtern = true;
//          func->m_bPublic = true;     // therefore also public!

    func->m_retToken = *p;
//  CBotClass*  pClass;
    func->m_retTyp = TypeParam(p, pStk);        // type of the result

    if (func->m_retTyp.GetType() >= 0)
        CBotToken*  pp = p;
        func->m_token = *p;

        if ( IsOfType(p, ID_NOT) )
            CBotToken d("~" + p->GetString());
            func->m_token = d;

        // un nom de fonction est-il là ?
        if (IsOfType(p, TokenTypVar))
            if ( IsOfType( p, ID_DBLDOTS ) )        // method for a class
                func->m_MasterClass = pp->GetString();
                CBotClass* pClass = CBotClass::Find(pp);
                if ( pClass == NULL ) goto bad;

//              pp = p;
                func->m_token = *p;
                if (!IsOfType(p, TokenTypVar)) goto bad;

            func->m_openpar = p;
            func->m_Param = CBotDefParam::Compile( p, pStk );
            func->m_closepar = p->GetPrev();
            if (pStk->IsOk())
                pStk->SetRetType(func->m_retTyp);   // for knowledge what type returns

                if (!func->m_MasterClass.IsEmpty())
                    // return "this" known
                    CBotVar* pThis = CBotVar::Create("this", CBotTypResult( CBotTypClass, func->m_MasterClass ));
//                  pThis->SetUniqNum(func->m_nThisIdent = -2); //CBotVar::NextUniqNum() will not

                    // initialize variables acording to This
                    // only saves the pointer to the first,
                    // the rest is chained
                    CBotVar* pv = pThis->GetItemList();
//                  int num = 1;
                    while (pv != NULL)
                        CBotVar* pcopy = CBotVar::Create(pv);
//                      pcopy->SetInit(2);
//                      pcopy->SetUniqNum(pv->GetUniqNum()); //num++);
                        pv = pv->GetNext();

                // and compiles the following instruction block 
                func->m_openblk = p;
                func->m_Block   = CBotBlock::Compile(p, pStk, false);
                func->m_closeblk = p->GetPrev();
                if ( pStk->IsOk() )
                    if ( func->m_bPublic )  // public function, return known for all
                    return pStack->ReturnFunc(func, pStk);
        pStk->SetError(TX_NOFONC, p);
    pStk->SetError(TX_NOTYP, p);
    if ( finput == NULL ) delete func;
    return pStack->ReturnFunc(NULL, pStk);