Exemplo n.º 1
    // Remove collision properties
    while ( !m_notCollidableWith.empty() )
        SetCollidableWith( m_notCollidableWith.front(), true );

    // Reset our index in the element array
    if ( m_ID != INVALID_ELEMENT_ID )
        CElementIDs::SetElement ( m_ID, NULL );

        // Got a clientside ID? Push it back on our stack so we don't run out of client id's
        if ( IsLocalEntity () )
            CElementIDs::PushClientID ( m_ID );

    if ( m_pAttachedToEntity )
        m_pAttachedToEntity->RemoveAttachedEntity ( this );

    for ( attachments_t::iterator iter = m_AttachedEntities.begin() ; iter != m_AttachedEntities.end(); ++iter )
        CClientEntity* pAttachedEntity = *iter;
        if ( pAttachedEntity )
            pAttachedEntity->m_pAttachedToEntity = NULL;

    RemoveAllCollisions ( true );

    if ( m_pEventManager )
        delete m_pEventManager;
        m_pEventManager = NULL;

    if ( m_pElementGroup )
        m_pElementGroup->Remove ( this );

    list < CClientPed* > ::iterator iterUsers = m_OriginSourceUsers.begin ();
    for ( ; iterUsers != m_OriginSourceUsers.end () ; iterUsers++ )
        CClientPed* pModel = *iterUsers;
        if ( pModel->m_interp.pTargetOriginSource == this )
            pModel->m_interp.pTargetOriginSource = NULL;
            pModel->m_interp.bHadOriginSource = true;
    m_OriginSourceUsers.clear ();

    // Unlink our contacts
    list < CClientPed * > ::iterator iterContacts = m_Contacts.begin ();
    for ( ; iterContacts != m_Contacts.end () ; iterContacts++ )
        CClientPed * pModel = *iterContacts;
        if ( pModel->GetCurrentContactEntity () == this )
            pModel->SetCurrentContactEntity ( NULL );
    m_Contacts.clear ();

    // Remove from spatial database
    if ( !g_pClientGame->IsBeingDeleted () )
        GetClientSpatialDatabase ()->RemoveEntity ( this );

    // Ensure intrusive list nodes have been isolated
    assert ( m_FromRootNode.m_pOuterItem == this && !m_FromRootNode.m_pPrev && !m_FromRootNode.m_pNext );

    if ( !g_pClientGame->IsBeingDeleted () )
        CClientEntityRefManager::OnEntityDelete ( this );
Exemplo n.º 2
CClientEntity::~CClientEntity ( void )
    #ifdef MTA_DEBUG

    // Make sure we won't get deleted later by the element deleter if we've been requested so
    if ( m_bBeingDeleted )
        g_pClientGame->GetElementDeleter ()->Unreference ( this );

    // Remove from parent
    ClearChildren ();
    SetParent ( NULL );

    // Reset our index in the element array
    if ( m_ID != INVALID_ELEMENT_ID )
        CElementIDs::SetElement ( m_ID, NULL );

        // Got a clientside ID? Push it back on our stack so we don't run out of client id's
        if ( IsLocalEntity () )
            CElementIDs::PushClientID ( m_ID );

    // Remove our custom data
    if ( m_pCustomData )
        delete m_pCustomData;

    if ( m_pAttachedToEntity )
        m_pAttachedToEntity->RemoveAttachedEntity ( this );

    for ( list < CClientEntity* >::iterator iter = m_AttachedEntities.begin () ; iter != m_AttachedEntities.end () ; ++iter )
        CClientEntity* pAttachedEntity = *iter;
        if ( pAttachedEntity )
            pAttachedEntity->m_pAttachedToEntity = NULL;

    RemoveAllCollisions ( true );

    if ( m_pEventManager )
        delete m_pEventManager;
        m_pEventManager = NULL;

    if ( m_pElementGroup )
        m_pElementGroup->Remove ( this );

    if ( m_OriginSourceUsers.size () > 0 )
        list < CClientPed* > ::iterator iterUsers = m_OriginSourceUsers.begin ();
        for ( ; iterUsers != m_OriginSourceUsers.end () ; iterUsers++ )
            CClientPed* pModel = *iterUsers;
            if ( pModel->m_interp.pTargetOriginSource == this )
                pModel->m_interp.pTargetOriginSource = NULL;
                pModel->m_interp.bHadOriginSource = true;
        m_OriginSourceUsers.clear ();

    // Unlink our contacts
    list < CClientPed * > ::iterator iterContacts = m_Contacts.begin ();
    for ( ; iterContacts != m_Contacts.end () ; iterContacts++ )
        CClientPed * pModel = *iterContacts;
        if ( pModel->GetCurrentContactEntity () == this )
            pModel->SetCurrentContactEntity ( NULL );
    m_Contacts.clear ();

    // Unlink disabled-collisions
    while ( !m_DisabledCollisions.empty () )
        CClientEntity * pEntity = m_DisabledCollisions.begin ()->first;
        SetCollidableWith ( pEntity, true );

    // Ensure not referenced in the disabled collisions list
    assert ( !MapContains ( g_pClientGame->m_AllDisabledCollisions, this ) );

    // Ensure nothing has inadvertently set a parent
    assert ( m_pParent == NULL );
Exemplo n.º 3
CClientEntity::~CClientEntity ( void )
    // Make sure we won't get deleted later by the element deleter if we've been requested so
    if ( m_bBeingDeleted )
        g_pClientGame->GetElementDeleter ()->Unreference ( this );

    // Remove from parent
    ClearChildren ();
    SetParent ( NULL );

    // Reset our index in the element array
    if ( m_ID != INVALID_ELEMENT_ID )
        CElementIDs::SetElement ( m_ID, NULL );

        // Got a clientside ID? Push it back on our stack so we don't run out of client id's
        if ( IsLocalEntity () )
            CElementIDs::PushClientID ( m_ID );

    // Remove our custom data
    if ( m_pCustomData )
        delete m_pCustomData;

    // Detach from everything
    AttachTo( NULL );
    while( m_AttachedEntities.size() )
        CClientEntity* pAttachedEntity = m_AttachedEntities.back();
        pAttachedEntity->AttachTo( NULL );
    m_bDisallowAttaching = true;
    assert( !m_pAttachedToEntity && m_AttachedEntities.empty() );

    RemoveAllCollisions ();

    if ( m_pEventManager )
        delete m_pEventManager;
        m_pEventManager = NULL;

    if ( m_pElementGroup )
        m_pElementGroup->Remove ( this );

    if ( m_OriginSourceUsers.size () > 0 )
        list < CClientPed* > ::iterator iterUsers = m_OriginSourceUsers.begin ();
        for ( ; iterUsers != m_OriginSourceUsers.end () ; iterUsers++ )
            CClientPed* pModel = *iterUsers;
            if ( pModel->m_interp.pTargetOriginSource == this )
                pModel->m_interp.pTargetOriginSource = NULL;
                pModel->m_interp.bHadOriginSource = true;
        m_OriginSourceUsers.clear ();

    // Unlink our contacts
    list < CClientPed * > ::iterator iterContacts = m_Contacts.begin ();
    for ( ; iterContacts != m_Contacts.end () ; iterContacts++ )
        CClientPed * pModel = *iterContacts;
        if ( pModel->GetCurrentContactEntity () == this )
            pModel->SetCurrentContactEntity ( NULL );
    m_Contacts.clear ();

    // Unlink disabled-collisions
    while ( !m_DisabledCollisions.empty () )
        CClientEntity * pEntity = m_DisabledCollisions.begin ()->first;
        SetCollidableWith ( pEntity, true );

    // Remove from spatial database
    if ( !g_pClientGame->IsBeingDeleted () )
        GetClientSpatialDatabase ()->RemoveEntity ( this );

    // Ensure not referenced in the disabled collisions list
    assert ( !MapContains ( g_pClientGame->m_AllDisabledCollisions, this ) );

    // Ensure nothing has inadvertently set a parent
    assert ( m_pParent == NULL );

    if ( !g_pClientGame->IsBeingDeleted () )
        CClientEntityRefManager::OnEntityDelete ( this );

    g_pClientGame->GetGameEntityXRefManager ()->OnClientEntityDelete ( this );
    SAFE_RELEASE( m_pChildrenListSnapshot );
    g_pCore->GetGraphics ()->GetRenderItemManager ()->RemoveClientEntityRefs ( this );