Exemplo n.º 1
// Return current size of file.
// size = getFileSize(filename);
//   filename: VFS filename (may include path)
unsigned int JSI_VFS::GetFileSize(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* UNUSED(pCxPrivate), std::wstring filename)
	CFileInfo fileInfo;
	Status err = g_VFS->GetFileInfo(filename, &fileInfo);

	return (unsigned int)fileInfo.Size();
Exemplo n.º 2
	 * Creates MD5 hash key from skeletons.xml info and COLLADA converter version,
	 * used to invalidate cached .pmd/psas
	 * @param[out] hash resulting MD5 hash
	 * @param[out] version version passed to CCacheLoader, used if code change should force
	 *		  cache invalidation
	void PrepareCacheKey(MD5& hash, u32& version)
		// Add converter version to the hash

		// Cache the skeleton files hash data
		if (m_skeletonHashInvalidated)
			VfsPaths paths;
			if (vfs::GetPathnames(m_VFS, L"art/skeletons/", L"*.xml", paths) != INFO::OK)
				LOGWARNING("Failed to load skeleton definitions");

			// Sort the paths to not invalidate the cache if mods are mounted in different order
			// (No need to stable_sort as the VFS gurantees that we have no duplicates)
			std::sort(paths.begin(), paths.end());

			// We need two u64s per file

			CFileInfo fileInfo;
			for (const VfsPath& path : paths)
				// This will cause an assertion failure if *it doesn't exist,
				//	because fileinfo is not a NULL pointer, which is annoying but that
				//	should never happen, unless there really is a problem
				if (m_VFS->GetFileInfo(path, &fileInfo) != INFO::OK)
					LOGERROR("Failed to stat '%s' for DAE caching", path.string8());
					m_skeletonHashes.push_back((u64)fileInfo.MTime() & ~1); //skip lowest bit, since zip and FAT don't preserve it

			// Check if we were able to load any skeleton files
			if (m_skeletonHashes.empty())
				LOGERROR("Failed to stat any skeleton definitions for DAE caching");
				// We can continue, something else will break if we try loading a skeletal model

			m_skeletonHashInvalidated = false;

		for (const u64& h : m_skeletonHashes)
			hash.Update((const u8*)&h, sizeof(h));
Exemplo n.º 3
VfsPath CCacheLoader::LooseCachePath(const VfsPath& sourcePath, const MD5& initialHash, u32 version)
	CFileInfo fileInfo;
	if (m_VFS->GetFileInfo(sourcePath, &fileInfo) < 0)
		debug_warn(L"source file disappeared"); // this should never happen
		return VfsPath();

	u64 mtime = (u64)fileInfo.MTime() & ~1; // skip lowest bit, since zip and FAT don't preserve it
	u64 size = (u64)fileInfo.Size();

	// Construct a hash of the file data and settings.

	MD5 hash = initialHash;
	hash.Update((const u8*)&mtime, sizeof(mtime));
	hash.Update((const u8*)&size, sizeof(size));
	hash.Update((const u8*)&version, sizeof(version));
	// these are local cached files, so we don't care about endianness etc

	// Use a short prefix of the full hash (we don't need high collision-resistance),
	// converted to hex
	u8 digest[MD5::DIGESTSIZE];
	std::wstringstream digestPrefix;
	digestPrefix << std::hex;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
		digestPrefix << std::setfill(L'0') << std::setw(2) << (int)digest[i];

	// Get the mod path
	OsPath path;
	m_VFS->GetRealPath(sourcePath, path);

	// Construct the final path
	return VfsPath("cache") / path_name_only(path.BeforeCommon(sourcePath).Parent().string().c_str()) / sourcePath.ChangeExtension(sourcePath.Extension().string() + L"." + digestPrefix.str() + m_FileExtension);