void C_QUA_Strider::DrawHudElements( )
	CHudTexture *pIcon;
	//int iIconX, iIconY;

		// draw crosshairs for vehicle gun
		pIcon = gHUD.GetIcon( "gunhair" );

		if ( pIcon != NULL )
			float x, y;
			Vector screen;

			x = ScreenWidth()/2;
			y = ScreenHeight()/2;

			ScreenTransform( m_vecGunCrosshair, screen );
			x += 0.5 * screen[0] * ScreenWidth() + 0.5;
			y -= 0.5 * screen[1] * ScreenHeight() + 0.5;

			x -= pIcon->Width() / 2; 
			y -= pIcon->Height() / 2; 
			bool unable;
			Color	clr = ( unable ) ? gHUD.m_clrCaution : gHUD.m_clrNormal;
			pIcon->DrawSelf( x, y, clr );

	// Aqui pondremos el crosshair
Exemplo n.º 2
void CHudDamageIndicator::DrawDamageIndicatorRight( float flFade )
	if ( m_flAttackRight > 0.4 )
		if ( !icon_right )
			icon_right = gHUD.GetIcon( "pain_right" );

		if ( !icon_right )

		int	x = ( ScreenWidth() / 2 ) + icon_right->Width() * 2;
		int	y = ( ScreenHeight() / 2 ) - icon_right->Height() / 2;
		icon_right->DrawSelf( x, y, m_clrIndicator );

		m_flAttackRight = max( 0.0, m_flAttackRight - flFade );
		m_flAttackRight = 0.0;
void CGERadar::Reset( void )
	// Think NOW!

	if ( m_Background )
		m_flScaleX = GetWide() / m_Background->Width();
		m_flScaleY = GetTall() / m_Background->Height();

	// Curtail anyone from making the radar into a permanent crosshair by not allowing it anywhere near the center of the screen
	int x, y, screenW, screenH;
	GetPos( x, y );
	surface()->GetScreenSize( screenW, screenH );

	if ( x > (screenW * 0.4) && x < (screenW * 0.6) && y > (screenH * 0.4) && y < (screenH * 0.6) )
		x = (screenW * 0.6);
		y = (screenH * 0.6);

	m_iSideBuff = scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue( 8 );

	// Hard code base size of 64 to prevent haxing of the radar
	int size = scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue( 64 ) + m_iSideBuff + m_iSideBuff;
	SetBounds( x, y, size, size );

	m_flRadarDiameter = size - m_iSideBuff - m_iSideBuff;
void CHudVguiScreenCursor::Paint( void )
	if ( !m_pCursor )

	float x, y;
	x = ScreenWidth()/2;
	y = ScreenHeight()/2;

	C_BasePlayer* pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !pPlayer )

	if ( pPlayer->IsInViewModelVGuiInputMode() )
		int iX, iY;
		vgui::input()->GetCursorPos(iX, iY);
		x = (float)iX;
		y = (float)iY;

		x - 0.5f * m_pCursor->Width(), 
		y - 0.5f * m_pCursor->Height(),
		m_clrCrosshair );
Exemplo n.º 5
// Purpose:
void CBaseTFVehicle::DrawHudBoostData( void )
#define HUD_IMAGE_LEFT	XRES( 568 )

	// Boostable vehicle
	if ( IsBoostable() )
		// Set our color
		CHudTexture *pVehicleBoostLabel = gHUD.GetIcon( "no2" );
		if ( pVehicleBoostLabel )
			int nScreenY = ScreenHeight() - YRES( 12 );
			float nOneHudHeight = ( YRES(10) + pVehicleBoostLabel->Height() );
			nScreenY -= ( nOneHudHeight * 3 );
			pVehicleBoostLabel->DrawSelf( HUD_IMAGE_LEFT, nScreenY - pVehicleBoostLabel->Height(), gHUD.m_clrNormal );
			gHUD.DrawProgressBar( HUD_IMAGE_LEFT, nScreenY + YRES( 4 ), XRES( 70 ), YRES( 4 ), m_nBoostTimeLeft / 100.0f, gHUD.m_clrNormal, CHud::HUDPB_HORIZONTAL_INV );

Exemplo n.º 6
// Purpose: We add an icon into the 
void CHudAmmo::Paint( void )

#ifndef MSS
	if ( m_hCurrentVehicle == NULL && m_iconPrimaryAmmo )
		int nLabelHeight;
		int nLabelWidth;
		surface()->GetTextSize( m_hTextFont, m_LabelText, nLabelWidth, nLabelHeight );

		// Figure out where we're going to put this
		int x = text_xpos + ( nLabelWidth - m_iconPrimaryAmmo->Width() ) / 2;
		int y = text_ypos - ( nLabelHeight + ( m_iconPrimaryAmmo->Height() / 2 ) );
		m_iconPrimaryAmmo->DrawSelf( x, y, GetFgColor() );
#endif // HL2MP
Exemplo n.º 7
void CHUDAutoAim::Paint()
	if( hud_draw_active_reticle.GetBool() )
		int xCenter = m_vecPos.x;
		int yCenter = m_vecPos.y;

		int width, height;
		float xMod, yMod;

		vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_textureID_ActiveReticle );
		vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( 255, 255, 255, m_alpha );
		vgui::surface()->DrawGetTextureSize( m_textureID_ActiveReticle, width, height );

		float uv1 = 0.5f / width, uv2 = 1.0f - uv1;

		vgui::Vertex_t vert[4];	

		Vector2D uv11( uv1, uv1 );
		Vector2D uv12( uv1, uv2 );
		Vector2D uv21( uv2, uv1 );
		Vector2D uv22( uv2, uv2 );

		xMod = width;
		yMod = height;

		xMod *= m_scale;
		yMod *= m_scale;

		xMod /= 2;
		yMod /= 2;

		vert[0].Init( Vector2D( xCenter + xMod, yCenter + yMod ), uv21 );
		vert[1].Init( Vector2D( xCenter - xMod, yCenter + yMod ), uv11 );
		vert[2].Init( Vector2D( xCenter - xMod, yCenter - yMod ), uv12 );
		vert[3].Init( Vector2D( xCenter + xMod, yCenter - yMod ), uv22 );
		vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( 4, vert );

	if( hud_draw_fixed_reticle.GetBool() )
		CHudTexture *pIcon;

		pIcon = gHUD.GetIcon( "crosshair_xbox" );

		if ( pIcon != NULL )
			float x, y;
			Vector screen;

			x = ScreenWidth()/2;
			y = ScreenHeight()/2;

			x -= pIcon->Width() / 2; 
			y -= pIcon->Height() / 2; 

			Color	clr;
			clr = gHUD.m_clrNormal;

			int r,g,b,a;

			clr.GetColor( r,g,b,a );

			C_BaseHLPlayer *pLocalPlayer = (C_BaseHLPlayer *)C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
			if( pLocalPlayer && pLocalPlayer->m_HL2Local.m_hAutoAimTarget.Get() )
				r = 250; 
				g = 138;
				b = 4;

			clr.SetColor( r,g,b,m_alphaFixed);

			pIcon->DrawSelf( x, y, clr );
void C_PropVehicleDriveable::DrawHudElements( )
	CHudTexture *pIcon;
	int iIconX, iIconY;

	if (m_bHasGun)
		// draw crosshairs for vehicle gun
		pIcon = gHUD.GetIcon( "gunhair" );

		if ( pIcon != NULL )
			float x, y;

			if( UseVR() )
				C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = (C_BasePlayer *)GetPassenger( VEHICLE_ROLE_DRIVER );
				Vector vecStart, vecDirection;
				pPlayer->EyePositionAndVectors( &vecStart, &vecDirection, NULL, NULL );
				Vector vecEnd = vecStart + vecDirection * MAX_TRACE_LENGTH;

				trace_t tr;
				UTIL_TraceLine( vecStart, vecEnd, MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );

				Vector screen;
				ScreenTransform(tr.endpos, screen);

				int vx, vy, vw, vh;
				vgui::surface()->GetFullscreenViewport( vx, vy, vw, vh );

				float screenWidth = vw;
				float screenHeight = vh;

				x = 0.5f * ( 1.0f + screen[0] ) * screenWidth + 0.5f;
				y = 0.5f * ( 1.0f - screen[1] ) * screenHeight + 0.5f;
				Vector screen;

				x = ScreenWidth()/2;
				y = ScreenHeight()/2;

				ScreenTransform( m_vecGunCrosshair, screen );
				x += 0.5 * screen[0] * ScreenWidth() + 0.5;
				y -= 0.5 * screen[1] * ScreenHeight() + 0.5;

			x -= pIcon->Width() / 2; 
			y -= pIcon->Height() / 2; 
			Color	clr = ( m_bUnableToFire ) ? gHUD.m_clrCaution : gHUD.m_clrNormal;
			pIcon->DrawSelf( x, y, clr );

		if ( m_nScannerDisabledWeapons )
			// Draw icons for scanners "weps disabled"  
			pIcon = gHUD.GetIcon( "dmg_bio" );
			if ( pIcon )
				iIconY = 467 - pIcon->Height() / 2;
				iIconX = 385;
				if ( !m_bScannerWepIcon )
					pIcon->DrawSelf( XRES(iIconX), YRES(iIconY), Color( 0, 0, 255, 255 ) );
					m_bScannerWepIcon = true;
					m_iScannerWepFlashTimer = 0;
					m_bScannerWepDim = true;
					pIcon->DrawSelf( XRES(iIconX), YRES(iIconY), Color( 0, 0, GetFlashColorIntensity(55, 255, m_bScannerWepDim, 10, m_iScannerWepFlashTimer), 255 ) );
					m_iScannerWepFlashTimer %= 20;
						m_bScannerWepDim ^= 1;

	if ( m_nScannerDisabledVehicle )
		// Draw icons for scanners "vehicle disabled"  
		pIcon = gHUD.GetIcon( "dmg_bio" );
		if ( pIcon )
			iIconY = 467 - pIcon->Height() / 2;
			iIconX = 410;
			if ( !m_bScannerVehicleIcon )
				pIcon->DrawSelf( XRES(iIconX), YRES(iIconY), Color( 0, 0, 255, 255 ) );
				m_bScannerVehicleIcon = true;
				m_iScannerVehicleFlashTimer = 0;
				m_bScannerVehicleDim = true;
				pIcon->DrawSelf( XRES(iIconX), YRES(iIconY), Color( 0, 0, GetFlashColorIntensity(55, 255, m_bScannerVehicleDim, 10, m_iScannerVehicleFlashTimer), 255 ) );
				m_iScannerVehicleFlashTimer %= 20;
					m_bScannerVehicleDim ^= 1;
Exemplo n.º 9
void CHUDQuickInfo::Paint()

	C_BasePlayer *player = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( player == NULL )

	C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = GetActiveWeapon();
	if ( pWeapon == NULL )

	float fX, fY;
	bool bBehindCamera = false;
	CHudCrosshair::GetDrawPosition( &fX, &fY, &bBehindCamera );

	// if the crosshair is behind the camera, don't draw it
	if( bBehindCamera )

	int		xCenter	= (int)fX;
	int		yCenter = (int)fY - m_icon_lb->Height() / 2;

	float	scalar  = 138.0f/255.0f;
	// Check our health for a warning
	int	health	= player->GetHealth();
	if ( health != m_lastHealth )
		m_lastHealth = health;

			if ( m_warnHealth == false )
				m_healthFade = 255;
				m_warnHealth = true;
				CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
				C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER, "HUDQuickInfo.LowHealth" );
			m_warnHealth = false;

	// Check our ammo for a warning
	int	ammo = pWeapon->Clip1();
	if ( ammo != m_lastAmmo )
		m_lastAmmo	= ammo;

		// Find how far through the current clip we are
		float ammoPerc = (float) ammo / (float) pWeapon->GetMaxClip1();

		// Warn if we're below a certain percentage of our clip's size
		if (( pWeapon->GetMaxClip1() > 1 ) && ( ammoPerc <= ( 1.0f - CLIP_PERC_THRESHOLD )))
			if ( m_warnAmmo == false )
				m_ammoFade = 255;
				m_warnAmmo = true;

				CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
				C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER, "HUDQuickInfo.LowAmmo" );
			m_warnAmmo = false;

	Color clrNormal = gHUD.m_clrNormal;
	clrNormal[3] = 255 * scalar;
	m_icon_c->DrawSelf( xCenter, yCenter, clrNormal );

	if( IsX360() )
		// Because the fixed reticle draws on half-texels, this rather unsightly hack really helps
		// center the appearance of the quickinfo on 360 displays.
		xCenter += 1;

	if ( !hud_quickinfo.GetInt() )

	int	sinScale = (int)( fabs(sin(gpGlobals->curtime*8.0f)) * 128.0f );

	// Update our health
	if ( m_healthFade > 0.0f )
		DrawWarning( xCenter - (m_icon_lb->Width() * 2), yCenter, m_icon_lb, m_healthFade );
		float healthPerc = (float) health / 100.0f;
		healthPerc = clamp( healthPerc, 0.0f, 1.0f );

		Color healthColor = m_warnHealth ? gHUD.m_clrCaution : gHUD.m_clrNormal;
		if ( m_warnHealth )
			healthColor[3] = 255 * sinScale;
			healthColor[3] = 255 * scalar;
		gHUD.DrawIconProgressBar( xCenter - (m_icon_lb->Width() * 2), yCenter, m_icon_lb, m_icon_lbe, ( 1.0f - healthPerc ), healthColor, CHud::HUDPB_VERTICAL );

	// Update our ammo
	if ( m_ammoFade > 0.0f )
		DrawWarning( xCenter + m_icon_rb->Width(), yCenter, m_icon_rb, m_ammoFade );
		float ammoPerc;

		if ( pWeapon->GetMaxClip1() <= 0 )
			ammoPerc = 0.0f;
			ammoPerc = 1.0f - ( (float) ammo / (float) pWeapon->GetMaxClip1() );
			ammoPerc = clamp( ammoPerc, 0.0f, 1.0f );

		Color ammoColor = m_warnAmmo ? gHUD.m_clrCaution : gHUD.m_clrNormal;
		if ( m_warnAmmo )
			ammoColor[3] = 255 * sinScale;
			ammoColor[3] = 255 * scalar;
		gHUD.DrawIconProgressBar( xCenter + m_icon_rb->Width(), yCenter, m_icon_rb, m_icon_rbe, ammoPerc, ammoColor, CHud::HUDPB_VERTICAL );
void CHUDQuickInfo::Paint()
	C_BasePlayer *player = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( player == NULL )

	C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = GetActiveWeapon();
	if ( pWeapon == NULL )

	float fX, fY;
	bool bBehindCamera = false;
	CHudCrosshair::GetDrawPosition( &fX, &fY, &bBehindCamera );

	// if the crosshair is behind the camera, don't draw it
	if( bBehindCamera )

//	int		xCenter	= ( ScreenWidth() - m_icon_c->Width() ) / 2;
//	int		yCenter = ( ScreenHeight() - m_icon_c->Height() ) / 2;

	int		xCenter	= (int)fX - m_icon_c->Width()  / 2;
	int		yCenter = (int)fY -  m_icon_c->Height()  / 2;

	float	scalar  = 255.0f/255.0f; //138.0f/255.0f;
//	m_icon_c->DrawSelf( xCenter, yCenter, clrNormal );

	// adjust center for the bigger crosshairs
//	xCenter	= ScreenWidth() / 2;
//	yCenter = ( ScreenHeight() - m_icon_full->Height() ) / 2;

	Color clrNormal = gHUD.m_clrNormal;
	clrNormal[3] = 255 * scalar;

	if( IsX360() )
		// Because the fixed reticle draws on half-texels, this rather unsightly hack really helps
		// center the appearance of the quickinfo on 360 displays.
		xCenter += 1;

	if ( !hud_quickinfo.GetInt() )

	int	sinScale = (int)( fabs(sin(gpGlobals->curtime*8.0f)) * 128.0f );

	Color XhairColor = m_warnXhair ? gHUD.m_clrNormal : gHUD.m_clrNormal;;	

	if ( m_warnXhair )
		XhairColor[3] = 255 * sinScale;
		XhairColor[3] = 255 * scalar;
	if (quickinfo_dynamic.GetBool())
		//ConVar *c_puntgun_highlight= cvar->FindVar( "c_puntgun_highlight" );
		if (c_puntgun_highlight.GetBool())
			gHUD.DrawIconProgressBar( xCenter - (m_icon_full->Width() - hud_quickinfo_alignment.GetInt()), yCenter, m_icon_full, m_icon_empty, ( 1.0f - 100.0f ), XhairColor, CHud::HUDPB_VERTICAL );
			//gHUD.DrawIconProgressBar( xCenter - (m_icon_lb->Width() * 2), yCenter, m_icon_lb, m_icon_lbe, ( 1.0f - 100.0f ), XhairColor, CHud::HUDPB_VERTICAL );
			//gHUD.DrawIconProgressBar( xCenter + m_icon_rb->Width(), yCenter, m_icon_rb, m_icon_rbe, ( 1.0f - 100.0f ), XhairColor, CHud::HUDPB_VERTICAL );
			gHUD.DrawIconProgressBar( xCenter - (m_icon_full->Width() - hud_quickinfo_alignment.GetInt()), yCenter, m_icon_full, m_icon_empty, ( 1.0f - 0.0f ), XhairColor, CHud::HUDPB_VERTICAL );
			//gHUD.DrawIconProgressBar( xCenter - (m_icon_lb->Width() * 2), yCenter, m_icon_lb, m_icon_lbe, ( 1.0f - 0.0f ), XhairColor, CHud::HUDPB_VERTICAL );
			//gHUD.DrawIconProgressBar( xCenter + m_icon_rb->Width(), yCenter, m_icon_rb, m_icon_rbe, ( 1.0f - 0.0f ), XhairColor, CHud::HUDPB_VERTICAL );
			gHUD.DrawIconProgressBar( xCenter - (m_icon_full->Width() - hud_quickinfo_alignment.GetInt()), yCenter, m_icon_full, m_icon_empty, ( 1.0f - 100.0f ), XhairColor, CHud::HUDPB_VERTICAL );
			//gHUD.DrawIconProgressBar( xCenter - (m_icon_lb->Width() * 2), yCenter, m_icon_lb, m_icon_lbe, ( 1.0f - 100.0f ), XhairColor, CHud::HUDPB_VERTICAL );
			//gHUD.DrawIconProgressBar( xCenter + m_icon_rb->Width(), yCenter, m_icon_rb, m_icon_rbe, ( 1.0f - 100.0f ), XhairColor, CHud::HUDPB_VERTICAL );

int CDODDeathStatsPanel::DrawDeathNoticeItem( int x, int y )
	// Get the team numbers for the players involved
	int iKillerTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED;
	int iVictimTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED;

	if( g_PR )
		iKillerTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( m_DeathRecord.Killer.iEntIndex );
		iVictimTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( m_DeathRecord.Victim.iEntIndex );

	wchar_t victim[ 256 ];
	wchar_t killer[ 256 ];

	g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( m_DeathRecord.Victim.szName, victim, sizeof( victim ) );
	g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( m_DeathRecord.Killer.szName, killer, sizeof( killer ) );

	// Get the local position for this notice
	int len = UTIL_ComputeStringWidth( m_hTextFont, victim );

	int iconWide;
	int iconTall;

	CHudTexture *icon = m_DeathRecord.iconDeath;

	Assert( icon );

	if ( !icon )
		return 0;

	if( icon->bRenderUsingFont )
		iconWide = surface()->GetCharacterWidth( icon->hFont, icon->cCharacterInFont );
		iconTall = surface()->GetFontTall( icon->hFont );
		float scale = GetScale( icon->Width(), icon->Height(), XRES(cl_deathicon_width.GetInt()), YRES(cl_deathicon_height.GetInt()) );
		iconWide = (int)( scale * (float)icon->Width() );
		iconTall = (int)( scale * (float)icon->Height() );

	int spacerX = XRES(5);

	//int x = xRight - len - spacerX - iconWide - XRES(10);

	surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hTextFont );
	int iFontTall = vgui::surface()->GetFontTall( m_hTextFont );
	int yText = y + ( iconTall - iFontTall ) / 2;

	int boxWidth = len + iconWide + spacerX;
	int boxHeight = min( iconTall, m_flLineHeight );	
	int boxBorder = XRES(2);

	// Only draw killers name if it wasn't a suicide
	if ( !m_DeathRecord.bSuicide )
		int nameWidth = UTIL_ComputeStringWidth( m_hTextFont, killer ) + spacerX;	// gap

		//x -= nameWidth;
		boxWidth += nameWidth;

		Panel::DrawBox( x-boxBorder,
			1.0 );

		Color c = g_PR->GetTeamColor( iKillerTeam );
		surface()->DrawSetTextColor( c );

		// Draw killer's name			
		surface()->DrawSetTextPos( x, yText );
		const wchar_t *p = killer;
		while ( *p )
			surface()->DrawUnicodeChar( *p++ );
		surface()->DrawGetTextPos( x, yText );

		x += spacerX;
		Panel::DrawBox( x-boxBorder,
			1.0 );

	Color iconColor( 255, 80, 0, 255 );

	// Draw death weapon
	//If we're using a font char, this will ignore iconTall and iconWide
	icon->DrawSelf( x, y, iconWide, iconTall, iconColor );
	x += iconWide + spacerX;

	Color c = g_PR->GetTeamColor( iVictimTeam );
	surface()->DrawSetTextColor( c );

	// Draw victims name
	surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hTextFont );	//reset the font, draw icon can change it
	surface()->DrawSetTextPos( x, yText );
	const wchar_t *p = victim;
	while ( *p )
		surface()->DrawUnicodeChar( *p++ );

	return boxWidth;
Exemplo n.º 12
// Purpose: 
void CHudMessage::Paint()
	int i, drawn;
	client_textmessage_t *pMessage;
	float endTime;

	drawn = 0;

	if ( m_gameTitleTime > 0 )
		float localTime = gpGlobals->curtime - m_gameTitleTime;
		float brightness;

		// Maybe timer isn't set yet
		if ( m_gameTitleTime > gpGlobals->curtime )
			m_gameTitleTime = gpGlobals->curtime;

		if ( localTime > (m_pGameTitle->fadein + m_pGameTitle->holdtime + m_pGameTitle->fadeout) )
			m_gameTitleTime = 0;
			brightness = FadeBlend( m_pGameTitle->fadein, m_pGameTitle->fadeout, m_pGameTitle->holdtime, localTime );

			int halfWidth = m_iconTitleHalf->Width();
			int fullWidth = halfWidth + m_iconTitleLife->Width();
			int fullHeight = m_iconTitleHalf->Height();

			int x = XPosition( m_pGameTitle->x, fullWidth, fullWidth );
			int y = YPosition( m_pGameTitle->y, fullHeight );

			m_iconTitleHalf->DrawSelf( x, y, Color( m_pGameTitle->r1, m_pGameTitle->g1, m_pGameTitle->b1, brightness * 255 ) );
			m_iconTitleLife->DrawSelf( x + halfWidth, y, Color( m_pGameTitle->r1, m_pGameTitle->g1, m_pGameTitle->b1, brightness * 255 ) );
			drawn = 1;

	// Fixup level transitions
	for ( i = 0; i < maxHUDMessages; i++ )
		// Assume m_parms.time contains last time
		if ( m_pMessages[i] )
			pMessage = m_pMessages[i];
			if ( m_startTime[i] > gpGlobals->curtime )
				m_startTime[i] = gpGlobals->curtime + m_parms.time - m_startTime[i] + 0.2;	// Server takes 0.2 seconds to spawn, adjust for this

	for ( i = 0; i < maxHUDMessages; i++ )
		if ( m_pMessages[i] )
			pMessage = m_pMessages[i];

			// This is when the message is over
			switch( pMessage->effect )
			case 0:
			case 1:
				endTime = m_startTime[i] + pMessage->fadein + pMessage->fadeout + pMessage->holdtime;
			// Fade in is per character in scanning messages
			case 2:
				endTime = m_startTime[i] + (pMessage->fadein * strlen( pMessage->pMessage )) + pMessage->fadeout + pMessage->holdtime;

				endTime = 0;

			if ( gpGlobals->curtime <= endTime )
				float messageTime = gpGlobals->curtime - m_startTime[i];

				// Draw the message
				// effect 0 is fade in/fade out
				// effect 1 is flickery credits
				// effect 2 is write out (training room)
				MessageDrawScan( pMessage, messageTime );

				// The message is over
				m_pMessages[i] = NULL;

	// Remember the time -- to fix up level transitions
	m_parms.time = gpGlobals->curtime;

	// Did we draw any messages?
	if ( !drawn )
		m_bHaveMessage = false;