Exemplo n.º 1
// =============================================================================
// CLine::Intersects
// Does the given line intersect this line
// Returns the intersection point in a parameter
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CLine::Intersects(CLine other, CVector2f *intersectionPoint)
    bool theResult = false;
    // First check that the lines would intersect if they were infinitely long
    // Use the equation from
    // http://devmag.org.za/2009/04/13/basic-collision-detection-in-2d-part-1/
    float otherDY = other.GetEnd().y - other.GetStart().y;
    float otherDX = other.GetEnd().x - other.GetStart().x;
    float thisDY = mEnd.y - mStart.y;
    float thisDX = mEnd.x - mStart.x;
    float denominator = (otherDY * thisDX) - (otherDX * thisDY);
    // If this denominator is 0 then the lines are parallel, any other value
    // and the lines would intersect at some point if they were of infinite
    // length
    if (denominator != 0.0f)
        // Find the intersection point and make sure it lies between the start
        // and end of each respective line
        float otherToThisStartY = mStart.y - other.GetStart().y;
        float otherToThisStartX = mStart.x - other.GetStart().x;
        float percentageAlongThis =     (
                                            (otherDX * otherToThisStartY)
                                            - (otherDY * otherToThisStartX)
                                        / denominator;
        float percentageAlongOther =    (
                                            (thisDX * otherToThisStartY)
                                            - (thisDY * otherToThisStartX)
                                        / denominator;
        if (percentageAlongThis >= 0.0f
            && percentageAlongThis <= 1.0f
            && percentageAlongOther >= 0.0f
            && percentageAlongOther <= 1.0f)
            // This point lies on both lines so we have an intersection
            theResult = true;
            // Populate the intersectinoPoint parameter
            CVector2f offsetToEnd = mDirection * GetLength();
            *intersectionPoint = mStart + (percentageAlongThis * offsetToEnd);
    return theResult;
Exemplo n.º 2
// =============================================================================
// Operators
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool operator == (CLine lhs, CLine rhs)
    return lhs.GetStart() == rhs.GetStart() && lhs.GetEnd() == rhs.GetEnd();