* 响应鼠标单击按钮;Delete
* @param CBCGPGridCtrl* pGridCtrlEdit 输入行
* @param CBCGPGridCtrl* pGridCtrlList 列表
* @return void
void CGridCtrlOperation::OnBnClickedButtonDeleteA(CBCGPGridCtrl* pGridCtrlEdit, CBCGPGridCtrl* pGridCtrlList)
	CList<int, int> ListNb;
	// 得到索引队列,修改操作、删除操作、颠倒操作
	if(false == GetIndexListForChangeOrDeleteOrReverse(pGridCtrlEdit, pGridCtrlList, &ListNb))
	while(FALSE == ListNb.IsEmpty())
		// 得到行索引号
		int iRowIndex = ListNb.RemoveTail();

void CBCGPOutlineParser::DoParse (const CString& strBuffer, 
								  const int nStartOffset, const int nEndOffset, 
								  CObList& lstResults)
	ASSERT (nStartOffset >= 0);
	ASSERT (nEndOffset < strBuffer.GetLength ());
	ASSERT (nStartOffset <= nEndOffset);

	m_strOut.Empty ();

	CList <Lexeme, Lexeme&> lstStack;
	Lexeme lexemStackTop (0, LT_Eps, 0, 0);
	lstStack.AddTail (lexemStackTop);

	int nOffset	= nStartOffset;

	while (nOffset <= nEndOffset)
		// Get next lexem:
		Lexeme lexemNext = GetNext (strBuffer, nOffset, nEndOffset);
		Lexeme lexemTop = lstStack.GetTail ();

		if (lexemNext.m_nType == LT_EndOfText)

		// Parser logic:
		switch (lexemNext.m_nType)
		case LT_BlockStart:
			lstStack.AddTail (lexemNext);
		case LT_BlockEnd:
			if (lexemTop.m_nType == LT_BlockStart &&
				lexemTop.m_nBlockType == lexemNext.m_nBlockType)
				// Push Block:
				lstStack.RemoveTail ();
				Lexeme lexemRes (lexemTop.m_nBlockType, LT_CompleteBlock, lexemTop.m_nStart, lexemNext.m_nEnd);
				PushResult (lexemRes, lstResults);
				lstStack.AddTail (lexemNext);
		case LT_CompleteBlock:
				// Push Comment:
				PushResult (lexemNext, lstResults);

		case LT_CustomBlock:
	// Finish parsing:
	while (!lstStack.IsEmpty ())
		Lexeme lexem = lstStack.RemoveTail ();
		PushResult (lexem, lstResults);
Exemplo n.º 3
void CRemote::Output(LPCTSTR pszName)
	if ( _tcsstr( pszName, L".." ) || _tcschr( pszName, L'/' ) ) return;

	CString strValue = Settings.General.Path + L"\\Remote\\" + pszName + L".html";

	CFile hFile;
	if ( ! hFile.Open( strValue, CFile::modeRead ) ) return;

	int nBytes = (int)hFile.GetLength();
	CAutoVectorPtr< BYTE > pBytes( new BYTE[ nBytes ] );
	hFile.Read( pBytes, nBytes );
	LPCSTR pBody = (LPCSTR)(BYTE*)pBytes;
	if ( nBytes > 3 && pBytes[0] == 0xEF && pBytes[1] == 0xBB && pBytes[2] == 0xBF )
		// Skip BOM
		pBody  += 3;
		nBytes -= 3;

	CString strBody = UTF8Decode( pBody, nBytes );

	CList<BOOL> pDisplayStack;

	for ( BOOL bDisplay = TRUE; ; )
		int nStart = strBody.Find( L"<%" );

		if ( nStart < 0 )
			if ( bDisplay )
				m_sResponse += strBody;
		else if ( nStart >= 0 )
			if ( bDisplay && nStart > 0 )
				m_sResponse += strBody.Left( nStart );
			strBody = strBody.Mid( nStart + 2 );

		int nEnd = strBody.Find( L"%>" );
		if ( nEnd < 0 ) break;

		CString strKey = strBody.Left( nEnd );
		strBody = strBody.Mid( nEnd + 2 );

		ToLower( strKey );

		if ( strKey.IsEmpty() )
			// Nothing
		else if ( strKey.GetAt( 0 ) == L'=' && bDisplay )
			strKey = strKey.Mid( 1 );
			if ( m_pKeys.Lookup( strKey, strValue ) )
				m_sResponse += strValue;
		else if ( strKey.GetAt( 0 ) == L'?' )
			strKey = strKey.Mid( 1 );

			if ( strKey.IsEmpty() )
				if ( ! pDisplayStack.IsEmpty() )
					bDisplay = pDisplayStack.RemoveTail();
				if ( strKey.GetAt( 0 ) == L'!' )
					strKey = strKey.Mid( 1 );
					if ( ! m_pKeys.Lookup( strKey, strValue ) ) strValue.Empty();
					pDisplayStack.AddTail( bDisplay );
					bDisplay = bDisplay && strValue.IsEmpty();
					if ( ! m_pKeys.Lookup( strKey, strValue ) ) strValue.Empty();
					pDisplayStack.AddTail( bDisplay );
					bDisplay = bDisplay && ! strValue.IsEmpty();
Exemplo n.º 4
uint32_t CKademlia::CalculateKadUsersNew(){
	// the idea of calculating the user count with this method is simple:
	// whenever we do search for any NodeID (except in certain cases were the result is not usable),
	// we remember the distance of the closest node we found. Because we assume all NodeIDs are distributed
	// equally, we can calcualte based on this distance how "filled" the possible NodesID room is and by this
	// calculate how many users there are. Of course this only works if we have enough samples, because
	// each single sample will be wrong, but the average of them should produce a usable number. To avoid
	// drifts caused by a a single (or more) really close or really far away hits, we do use median-average instead through

	// doesnt works well if we have no files to index and nothing to download and the numbers seems to be a bit too low
	// compared to out other method. So lets stay with the old one for now, but keeps this here as alternative

	if (m_liStatsEstUsersProbes.GetCount() < 10)
		return 0;
	uint32_t nMedian = 0;

	CList<uint32_t, uint32_t> liMedian;
	for (POSITION pos1 = m_liStatsEstUsersProbes.GetHeadPosition(); pos1 != NULL; )
		uint32_t nProbe = m_liStatsEstUsersProbes.GetNext(pos1);
		bool bInserted = false;
		for (POSITION pos2 = liMedian.GetHeadPosition(); pos2 != NULL; liMedian.GetNext(pos2)){
			if (liMedian.GetAt(pos2) > nProbe){
				liMedian.InsertBefore(pos2, nProbe);
				bInserted = true;
		if (!bInserted)
	// cut away 1/3 of the values - 1/6 of the top and 1/6 of the bottom  to avoid spikes having too much influence, build the average of the rest 
	int32_t nCut = liMedian.GetCount() / 6;
	for (int i = 0; i != nCut; i++){
	uint64_t nAverage = 0;
	for (POSITION pos1 = liMedian.GetHeadPosition(); pos1 != NULL; )
		nAverage += liMedian.GetNext(pos1);
	nMedian = (uint32_t)(nAverage / liMedian.GetCount());

	// LowIDModififier
	// Modify count by assuming 20% of the users are firewalled and can't be a contact for < 0.49b nodes
	// Modify count by actual statistics of Firewalled ratio for >= 0.49b if we are not firewalled ourself
	// Modify count by 40% for >= 0.49b if we are firewalled outself (the actual Firewalled count at this date on kad is 35-55%)
	const float fFirewalledModifyOld = 1.20F;
	float fFirewalledModifyNew = 0;
	if (CUDPFirewallTester::IsFirewalledUDP(true))
		fFirewalledModifyNew = 1.40F; // we are firewalled and get get the real statistic, assume 40% firewalled >=0.49b nodes
	else if (GetPrefs()->StatsGetFirewalledRatio(true) > 0) {
		fFirewalledModifyNew = 1.0F + (CKademlia::GetPrefs()->StatsGetFirewalledRatio(true)); // apply the firewalled ratio to the modify
		ASSERT( fFirewalledModifyNew > 1.0F && fFirewalledModifyNew < 1.90F );
	float fNewRatio = CKademlia::GetPrefs()->StatsGetKadV8Ratio();
	float fFirewalledModifyTotal = 0;
	if (fNewRatio > 0 && fFirewalledModifyNew > 0) // weigth the old and the new modifier based on how many new contacts we have
		fFirewalledModifyTotal = (fNewRatio * fFirewalledModifyNew) + ((1 - fNewRatio) * fFirewalledModifyOld); 
		fFirewalledModifyTotal = fFirewalledModifyOld;
	ASSERT( fFirewalledModifyTotal > 1.0F && fFirewalledModifyTotal < 1.90F );

	return (uint32_t)((float)nMedian*fFirewalledModifyTotal);
Exemplo n.º 5
bool Template::ParseHelper()
	// Build our master string.
	m_helper->m_buffer.SetCount(0, 1024);
	m_helper->m_outBolPos = 0;

	// Start copying the string in.
	m_helper->m_codePtr = (LPCTSTR)m_code;
	m_helper->m_codeBolPtr = m_helper->m_codePtr;
	LPCTSTR& codePtr = m_helper->m_codePtr;
	CharArray& buffer = m_helper->m_buffer;

	// Conditional stack.
	CList<CondInfo, CondInfo&> conditionalStack;
	int nestedFalseConditionals = 0;

	// Go 'til the end.
	while (*codePtr != 0)
		LPCTSTR outBolPtr = buffer.GetData() + m_helper->m_outBolPos;

		TokenHelper helper;
		helper.m_tabSize = m_helper->m_tabSize;
		helper.m_outBolPtr = outBolPtr;
		helper.m_file = this;
		helper.m_helper = m_helper;

		// See if it is a command.  Commands can only occur at the beginning
		// of a line.
		if (*codePtr == '!'  &&  *(codePtr + 1) == '!'  &&  codePtr == m_helper->m_codeBolPtr)
			// Move past the exclamation points.
			codePtr += 2;

			// Is it a command comment?
			// !!// This is a comment.
			if (*codePtr == '/'  &&  *(codePtr + 1) == '/')
				// Move past the double slash.
				codePtr += 2;

			// Lex the command token.
			char command[256];
			char *comPtr = command;
			while (*codePtr != 0)
				// Is it a space?
				if (*codePtr == ' ')
					// Break at a space.
				else if (*codePtr == '\n'  ||  *codePtr == '\r')
					// Copy the command or flag.
					*comPtr++ = *codePtr++;
			*comPtr = 0;

			// "Conditional" commands
			// If the last conditional was false, then we ignore until the next
			// endif.
			if (conditionalStack.GetCount() > 0  &&
				conditionalStack.GetTail().m_curState == false)
				CondInfo condInfo = conditionalStack.GetTail();
				if (stricmp(command, "if") == 0)
				else if (stricmp(command, "elif") == 0  ||  stricmp(command, "else") == 0)
					// If we're in nested false conditionals, then ignore.
					if (nestedFalseConditionals > 0)
				else if (stricmp(command, "endif") == 0)
					// If we're in nested false conditionals, then ignore.
					if (nestedFalseConditionals > 0)

			if (stricmp(command, "if") == 0  ||
				stricmp(command, "elif") == 0)
				// Our CondInfo structure.
				CondInfo condInfo;
				// If the command is an elif, then pop the old state.
				if (tolower(command[0]) == 'e')
					// The conditional stack can't be empty on an elif.
					if (conditionalStack.IsEmpty())
						CString err;
						err.Format("!!elif used with no preceding !!if.");
						throw TException(TException::CONDSTACK_EMPTY, err);

					// Get the current conditionalStack state.  We are most 
					// interested in retaining the m_thisLevelTrue variable.
					condInfo = conditionalStack.GetTail();
					// Remove the old state, because it was false.
				// if and elif are setup in this format:
				// !!if var [cond] [condCheck]
				// condCheck is only optional if cond doesn't exist.
				// var is required.
				// Get the requested dictionary entry name.
				CString var = ParseToken(codePtr, &helper);
/*				if (var.IsEmpty())
					CString err;
					err.Format("The variable is missing.");
					throw TException(TException::IF_VAR_MISSING, err);
				CString cond = ParseToken(codePtr, &helper);
				CString condCheck = ParseToken(codePtr, &helper);
/*				if (!cond.IsEmpty()  &&  condCheck.IsEmpty())
					CString err;
					err.Format("The conditional is missing.");
					throw TException(TException::IF_COND_CHECKVAR_MISSING, err);
				// Check for a ! symbol.
				bool isNot = false;
				if (!var.IsEmpty()  &&  var[0] == '!')
					isNot = true;
					var = var.Mid(1);
				// Lookup the value.
				CString value = var;

				bool result;
				if (cond.IsEmpty())
					if (value != "0")
						result = true;
						result = false;
					// There is a conditional expression.  Do it.
					result = CheckCondition(value, cond, condCheck);
				if (isNot)
					result ^= 1;
				if (tolower(command[0]) == 'e'  &&  result)
					result ^= condInfo.m_thisLevelTrue;
				condInfo.m_curState = result;
				condInfo.m_thisLevelTrue |= result;		// Retain the old state.

			else if (stricmp(command, "else") == 0)

				if (conditionalStack.IsEmpty())
					CString err;
					err.Format("!!else used with no preceding !!if.");
					throw TException(TException::CONDSTACK_EMPTY, err);

				// Get the current conditionalStack state.  We are most 
				// interested in retaining the m_thisLevelTrue variable.
				CondInfo condInfo = conditionalStack.GetTail();
				condInfo.m_curState = condInfo.m_thisLevelTrue ^ 1;
			else if (stricmp(command, "endif") == 0)

				if (conditionalStack.IsEmpty())
					CString err;
					err.Format("!!endif used with no preceding !!if.");
					throw TException(TException::CONDSTACK_EMPTY, err);


			if (conditionalStack.GetCount() > 0  &&
				conditionalStack.GetTail().m_curState == false)

			// Look up the command in the map.
			WWhizTemplateCommand* commandObject = m_helper->GetCommand(command);
			if (commandObject)
				TemplateCommandArgs args;

				// Found a command.  Build the arg list.
				while (true)
					CString arg = ParseToken(codePtr, &helper);
					if (arg.IsEmpty())

				// Skip anything else.

				// Run the command.
				commandObject->Run(this, args);

				// Parse the next part.
				CString err;
				err.Format("Unable to find the command [%s].", command);
				if (AfxMessageBox(err + "\n\nKeep executing?", MB_YESNO) == IDNO)
					throw TException(TException::MISSING_COMMAND, err);

		else if (*codePtr == '@'  &&  *(codePtr + 1) == '@')
			// If we're ignoring text, then skip.
			if (conditionalStack.GetCount() > 0  &&  conditionalStack.GetTail().m_curState == false)
				codePtr += 2;
			// Is it a line continuation?
			// @@backslash
			if (*(codePtr + 2) == '\\')

			CString out;

			// Ugly, but we need that \0 in there.
			buffer.RemoveAt(buffer.GetCount() - 1);

			if (ParseTag(codePtr, out, &helper))
				// Move the output string into the buffer.
				for (int i = 0; i < out.GetLength(); i++)
			// See if it is an EOL.
			if (*codePtr == '\n')
				m_helper->m_outBolPos = buffer.GetCount() + 1;
				m_helper->m_codeBolPtr = codePtr + 1;

			// If we're ignoring text, then skip.
			if (conditionalStack.GetCount() > 0  &&  conditionalStack.GetTail().m_curState == false)
			// Copy it straight.

	// Flush what's left.


	return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
CSize CToolPalette::CalcButtonLocations(int nColumns, bool bCalcOnly)
    if (nColumns < 1)
        nColumns = 1;
    bool bHorizontal = (GetCurrentAlignment () & CBRS_ORIENT_HORZ) != 0; // Toolbar layout mode

    CRect rectClient;
    GetClientRect (rectClient);

    EDisplayOptions edo = GetToolbarDisplayOptions ();
    if ((edo & eDisplayTitle) != 0)
        if (!bHorizontal)
            rectClient.top += m_nCaptionHeight + 4;
    int xBorders = 0;
    int yBorders = 0;
    if ((edo & eDisplayBorder) != 0)
        const CRect& rectCorners = m_imgCaption.GetParams ().m_rectCorners;
        rectClient.left += rectCorners.left + 3;
        rectClient.top += rectCorners.top;
        xBorders = rectCorners.left + rectCorners.right;
        yBorders = rectCorners.top + rectCorners.bottom;
        rectClient.left += 1;
    if ((edo & eDisplaySizeControl) != 0 && bHorizontal)
        const int sizeControlHeight = m_imgCaption.GetParams ().m_rectImage.Height ();
        yBorders += sizeControlHeight;
        rectClient.top += sizeControlHeight;

    // Consider border area

    CPoint xyPos = rectClient.TopLeft (); // Current position
    bool bPrevSeparator = true; // Indicates that previous button was a separator.
                                // Initial 'true' value prevents separator to appear first.
    CClientDC dc (this);
    CSize szButtonDefault (GetColumnWidth (), GetRowHeight ()); // Default button size to pass to button's OnCalculateSize method
    int nMaxSize = nColumns * (bHorizontal ? szButtonDefault.cy : szButtonDefault.cx) * 11 / 10; // (11/10) adds +10% space here
        // The toolbar height (for horizontal layout) or width (for vertical) of toolbar.

    CList<ButtonStripe, const ButtonStripe&> listStripes;

    ButtonStripe stripe; // Current stripe
    CBCGPToolbarButton* pButton = NULL; // Current button
    for (POSITION pos = m_Buttons.GetHeadPosition (); pos != NULL;)
        pButton = (CBCGPToolbarButton*)m_Buttons.GetNext (pos);
        if (pButton == NULL)

        if (!pButton->IsVisible ())

        bool bSep = (pButton->m_nStyle & TBBS_SEPARATOR) != 0;
        if (bSep && bPrevSeparator)

        //  Layout algorithm:
        // -------------------
        // if (separator) AddPreviousStripe, AddSeparatorStripe, BeginNewStripe
        // else {
        //      AddButton
        //      if (stripe.breadth > default_stripe_breadth)
        //          AddPreviousStripe, BeginNewStripe, AddButton
        // }

        CSize szButton = pButton->OnCalculateSize (&dc, szButtonDefault, bHorizontal);
        if (bHorizontal)

        else // vertical layout
            if (bSep)
                if (stripe.buttonCount > 0)
                    listStripes.AddTail (stripe);
                stripe.buttonCount = 1;
                stripe.breadth = 0; // separator length is set automatically
                stripe.size = szButton.cy; // cx for horz.
                listStripes.AddTail (stripe);
                stripe = ButtonStripe ();
            else if (szButton.cx > nMaxSize) // this button is larger than current toolbar width
                if (stripe.buttonCount > 0)
                    listStripes.AddTail (stripe);
                stripe.buttonCount = 1;
                stripe.breadth = szButton.cx; // cy for horz.
                stripe.size = szButton.cy; // cx for horz.
                listStripes.AddTail (stripe); // stripe with a single large button
                stripe = ButtonStripe ();
            else // usual button
                if (stripe.breadth + szButton.cx <= nMaxSize)
                    stripe.breadth += szButton.cx;
                    stripe.buttonCount ++;
                    if (szButton.cy > stripe.size)
                        stripe.size = szButton.cy;
                    if (stripe.buttonCount > 0)
                        listStripes.AddTail (stripe);
                    stripe.buttonCount = 1;
                    stripe.breadth = szButton.cx; // cy for horz.
                    stripe.size = szButton.cy; // cx for horz.
        bPrevSeparator = bSep;
    if (stripe.buttonCount > 0)
        listStripes.AddTail (stripe);
    if (listStripes.IsEmpty ())
        return CSize (0, 0);
    if (listStripes.GetTail ().breadth == 0) // last item is separator
        listStripes.RemoveTail ();

    // Now calculate total size
    int totalLength = m_nCaptionHeight + 4;
    int maxBreadth = nMaxSize;
    POSITION posStripes = listStripes.GetHeadPosition ();
    while (posStripes != NULL)
        stripe = listStripes.GetNext (posStripes);
        ASSERT (stripe.buttonCount > 0);
        totalLength += stripe.size;
        if (stripe.breadth > maxBreadth)
            maxBreadth = stripe.breadth;

    if (!bCalcOnly)
        CPoint ptButtonPos = rectClient.TopLeft ();

        posStripes = listStripes.GetHeadPosition ();
        stripe = ButtonStripe();

        for (POSITION pos = m_Buttons.GetHeadPosition (); pos != NULL;)
            pButton = (CBCGPToolbarButton*)m_Buttons.GetNext (pos);
            if (pButton == NULL)

            if (!pButton->IsVisible ())

            bool bSep = (pButton->m_nStyle & TBBS_SEPARATOR) != 0;
            if (bSep && bPrevSeparator)

            CSize szButton = pButton->OnCalculateSize (&dc, szButtonDefault, bHorizontal);
            CRect rcButton (0, 0, 0, 0);

            if (stripe.buttonCount == 0) // this member is decremented below
                ptButtonPos.y += stripe.size;
                if (posStripes == NULL)
                stripe = listStripes.GetNext (posStripes);
                ptButtonPos.x = rectClient.left + (maxBreadth - stripe.breadth) / 2; // center-alignment

            if (bSep)
                ASSERT (stripe.breadth == 0);
                ASSERT (stripe.buttonCount == 1);
                rcButton.left = rectClient.left;
                rcButton.top = ptButtonPos.y;
                rcButton.right = rcButton.left + maxBreadth;
                rcButton.bottom = rcButton.top + szButton.cy;
                rcButton.left = ptButtonPos.x;
                rcButton.top = ptButtonPos.y + (stripe.size - szButton.cy) / 2; // center-alignment
                rcButton.right = rcButton.left + szButton.cx;
                rcButton.bottom = rcButton.top + szButton.cy;
                ptButtonPos.x += szButton.cx;
            pButton->SetRect (rcButton);
            stripe.buttonCount --;

    if (m_bAdditionalPixel)

    return bHorizontal ? 
        CSize (totalLength + xBorders, maxBreadth + yBorders) :
        CSize (maxBreadth + xBorders, totalLength + yBorders);