Exemplo n.º 1
	DC_ID CLogModule::Create_Log_File( const std::string& Name, const std::string& Filename) {
		CLogFile* pLogFile = new CLogFile();

		// Add to list of registered log files
		m_Logfiles.insert( LOGFILE_MAP_PAIR(pLogFile->GetID(),pLogFile) );
		return pLogFile->GetID();
Exemplo n.º 2
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------\
|  Method: main / program entry
|  Begin: 19.01.2010 / 15:57:36
|  Author: Jo2003
|  Description: program entry point
|  Parameters: command line parameters
|  Returns: 0 ==> ok
|        else ==> any error
\----------------------------------------------------------------- */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   // bugfix for crash on exit on *nix ...
#ifdef Q_WS_X11


#ifdef Q_OS_MACX
   if ( QSysInfo::MacintoshVersion > QSysInfo::MV_10_8 )
       // fix Mac OS X 10.9 (mavericks) font issue
       // https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-32789
       QFont::insertSubstitution(".Lucida Grande UI", "Lucida Grande");

   int          iRV = -1;
   QApplication app(argc, argv);
   Recorder    *pRec;
   QFTSettings *pFTSet;

   // Setting "app" as parent puts the new generated objects into Qt's memory management,
   // so no delete is needed since Qt takes care ...
   pAppTransl  = new QTranslator(&app);
   pQtTransl   = new QTranslator(&app);
   pFolders    = new CDirStuff(&app);
   pHtml       = new CHtmlWriter(&app);
   pWatchStats = new QWatchStats(&app);
   pChanMap    = new QChannelMap();
   pStateMsg   = new QStateMessage(); // will be parented in recorder.cpp::Recorder()!

   if (pFolders && pAppTransl && pQtTransl && pHtml && pChanMap && pWatchStats)
      if (pFolders->isInitialized ())
         if ((pCustomization = new QCustParser(&app)) != NULL)


            // make sure debug stuff is written from the very begining ...
            VlcLog.SetLogFile(pFolders->getDataDir(), QString("%1.log").arg(pFolders->getBinName()));

            QApplication::installTranslator (pQtTransl);
            QApplication::installTranslator (pAppTransl);

            pApiClient = new ApiClient(&app);
            pApiParser = new ApiParser(&app);

            // The database is the last service used.
            // Make sure it destroyed latest!
            // Therefore we don't set app as parent!
            pDb        = new CVlcRecDB();

            if (pDb && pApiClient && pApiParser)
               // check if needed settings are there ...
               if ((pDb->stringValue("User") == "")
                  && (pDb->stringValue("PasswdEnc") == ""))
                  if ((pFTSet = new QFTSettings()) != NULL)
                     delete pFTSet;
                     pFTSet = NULL;

               if ((pRec = new Recorder()) != NULL)
                  iRV = app.exec ();
                  delete pRec;
                  pRec = NULL;

            // delete database ...
            if (pDb)
               delete pDb;
               pDb = NULL;

   if (pChanMap)
      delete pChanMap;
      pChanMap = NULL;

   return iRV;