// entry point
int makeTriangulation(options_t options, Field<2, float> horizontal, Field<2, float> vertical, Field<2, float> mask, CMatrix<3, 3,
	double> matKpro, CMatrix<3, 3, double>  matKcam,
	CMatrix<3, 4, double> proRt, double xi1,double xi2,std::string meshName)
	m_plyfilename = meshName;
	printf("Angulo de distorcion: %f, se guadara en %s", m_distortion_angle,m_plyfilename);
		// parse commandline options
		int argi = set_options(argc, argv);

		// horizontal and vertical correspondences between projector and camera
		Field<2,float> horizontal, vertical, mask;
		if (m_vmapfilename)
		image::Read(mask, argv[argi++]);
		CVector<2, double>
			cod1 = make_vector<double>((options.projector_width + 1) / 2.0, options.projector_height*options.projector_horizontal_center),
			cod2 = (make_vector(1.0, 1.0) + mask.size()) / 2;

		// intrinsic matrices of projector and camera
		//CMatrix<3,3,double> matKpro, matKcam;
		//double xi1,xi2;
		//if (!fr) throw std::runtime_error("failed to open camera distortion");
		//if (!fr) throw std::runtime_error("failed to open projector distortion");

		// extrinsic matrices of projector and camera
		CMatrix<3, 4, double> camRt;
		camRt = make_diagonal_matrix(1, 1, 1).AppendCols(make_vector(0, 0, 0));//CMatrix<3,4,double>::GetIdentity(); // reconstruction is in camera coordinate frame

		// compute projection matrices of projector and camera
		std::vector<CMatrix<3, 4, double>> matrices(2);
		matrices[0] = matKcam * camRt; // camera
		matrices[1] = matKpro * proRt; // projector

		// fundamental matrix
		CMatrix<3, 3, double> matR;
		CVector<3, double> vecT;
		vecT.Initialize(proRt.ptr() + 9);
		CMatrix<3, 3, double> matF = transpose_of(inverse_of(matKpro)) * GetSkewSymmetric(vecT) * matR * inverse_of(matKcam);

		// triangulate 3d points
		std::vector<CVector<3, double>> result;
		for (int y = 0; y<horizontal.size(1); y++)
			if (y % (horizontal.size(1) / 100) == 0)
				printf("\rtriangulation: %d%% done", 100 * y / horizontal.size(1));

			int nbehind = 0;
			for (int x = 0; x<horizontal.size(0); x++)
				if (mask.cell(x, y))
					// 2D correspondence
					std::vector<CVector<2, double>> p2d(2);

					// camra coordinate
					slib::fmatrix::CancelRadialDistortion(xi2, cod2, make_vector<double>(x, y), p2d[0]);

					// projector coordinate
					double proj_y;
					if (m_vmapfilename)
						proj_y = vertical.cell(x, y);
						CVector<3, double> epiline = matF * GetHomogeneousVector(p2d[0]);
						proj_y = -(epiline[0] * horizontal.cell(x, y) + epiline[2]) / epiline[1];
					slib::fmatrix::CancelRadialDistortion(xi1, cod1, make_vector<double>(horizontal.cell(x, y), proj_y), p2d[1]);

					// triangulate
					CVector<3, double> p3d;
					SolveStereo(p2d, matrices, p3d);

					// save
					if (p3d[2]<0)
			if (m_debug && nbehind)
				TRACE("\rfound %d points behind viewpoint.\n", nbehind);
		// export triangular mesh in PLY format
		WritePly(result, mask, m_plyfilename);
	catch (const std::exception& e)
		TRACE("error: %s\n", e.what());
		return -1;
	return 0;