Exemplo n.º 1
	/// return true to filter shape.
	bool operator() ( CShape *pShape )
		CMoveShape *pDest = static_cast<CMoveShape*>( pShape );
		if( pDest->IsDied() )
			return true;
		if( pOwner->Distance( pShape ) > lRange )
			return true;

		if (!pDest->IsVisible(pOwner) )			// ÒþÐÎ
			return true;

		if(  pDest->GetExID() == pOwner->GetBefoolID() )
			return true;

		if( AIUtilities::IsInGodState( pShape ) )
			return true;

		return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
    void GuardSearch::Execute( BaseType::EntityType *entity )
        CMonster *pSelf = dynamic_cast<CMonster*>( entity->GetOwner() );
        ShapeListType player_list;
        ShapeListType monster_list;
        CServerRegion *pRegion = static_cast<CServerRegion*>( pSelf->GetFather() );
        CMoveShape *pTarget = NULL;

        if( CanAttackCurrent( pSelf, entity ) )

        // find the around players
        pRegion->FindAroundObject( pSelf, TYPE_PLAYER, player_list );
        // find the around monsters including the guards.
        pRegion->FindAroundObject( pSelf, TYPE_MONSTER, monster_list );

        // filter the result
        Filter filter( static_cast<CMonster*>( pSelf ) );
        filter_shape( player_list, filter );
        filter_shape( monster_list, filter );

        // retrieve the ai reference
        DWORD ai_ref = pSelf->GetAIReferrence( 0 );
        if( ai_ref >= 0 )
            pTarget = SearchByAIRef1( pSelf, player_list, ai_ref );

        if( pTarget == NULL && ( ai_ref = pSelf->GetAIReferrence( 1 ) ) > 0 )
            pTarget = SearchByAIRef2( pSelf, player_list, ai_ref );

        if( pTarget == NULL && ( ai_ref = pSelf->GetAIReferrence( 2 ) ) > 0 )
            pTarget = SearchByAIRef3( pSelf, monster_list, ai_ref );

        if( pTarget == NULL && ( ai_ref = pSelf->GetAIReferrence( 3 ) ) > 0 )
            pTarget = SearchByAIRef4( pSelf, monster_list, ai_ref );

        if( pTarget != NULL )
            // search successfully
            entity->SetTarget( pTarget->GetExID(), pTarget->GetType() );
        else if( entity->HasTarget() )
            AI_EVENT_SENDER( entity ).ReturnPeace();
Exemplo n.º 3
void COpSendMsg::CreateSKillFailMsg()
	CMoveShape* pUser = m_pParam->pUser;

	if(m_strVariaName !="")
		//  [5/4/2009 chenxianj]	
		m_lValue = (long)m_pParam->pVariableList->GetVarValue<double>(m_strVariaName.c_str(),0);		
		//  [5/4/2009 chenxianj]
	if (pUser)
	CMessage msg(MSG_S2C_SKILL_USE);
	msg.Add( pUser->GetExID());
	msg.Add((BYTE)m_pParam->nLvl );
	CMoveShape* pPlayer = pUser;
	if( TYPE_PET == pUser->GetType() )
		pPlayer = pUser->GetHost();

	if(m_eRange == MsgRange_Single)
		msg.SendToPlayer(pPlayer->GetExID(), false);
	else if(m_eRange == MsgRange_Around)
#ifdef _DEBUG
	char str[256]="";
	_snprintf(str, 256, "发送技能失败消息:技能ID:%6d,全局ID:%6d,阶段号:%d\n",m_pParam->nID,m_pParam->dwGlobleID, m_pParam->nProceNum);

Exemplo n.º 4
void FightObj::ReturnPeace()
    CMoveShape *target = m_AI->GetTarget();
        TauntEvents events(m_Owner->GetTauntHandler());
        events.TargetLost(target->GetExID(), target->GetType());
    m_AI->ChangeState(ST_RETURN, ReturnEvent(m_EnterFightPos.x, m_EnterFightPos.y));
Exemplo n.º 5
unsigned int CEffEventByParam::GetEffectObjs(list<CMoveShape*>& listObjs)
	int nNum=0;
	if (m_pParam->pEventVar && m_pParam->pEventVar->pVar)
		CMoveShape *pMoveShape = (CMoveShape*)(m_pParam->pEventVar->pVar);
			if (pMoveShape)
				m_pParam->pMouseShape = pMoveShape;
				m_pParam->nMouseShapeType = pMoveShape->GetType();
				m_pParam->MouseShapeID = pMoveShape->GetExID();
	return nNum;
Exemplo n.º 6
BOOL Guard::SearchEnemy()
	if( !CanSearchEnemy() )
		return FALSE;

	if( CanAttackCurrent() )
		return FALSE;

	ShapeListType player_list;
	ShapeListType monster_list;
	CServerRegion *pRegion = static_cast<CServerRegion*>( m_pOwner->GetFather() );
	CMonster *pSelf = static_cast<CMonster*>( m_pOwner );
	CMoveShape *pTarget = NULL;

	// find the around players
	pRegion->FindAroundObject( m_pOwner, TYPE_PLAYER, player_list );
	// find the around monsters including the guards.
	pRegion->FindAroundObject( m_pOwner, TYPE_MONSTER, monster_list );

	// filter the result
	Filter filter( static_cast<CMonster*>( m_pOwner ) );
	filter_shape( player_list, filter );
	filter_shape( monster_list, filter );

	// retrieve the ai reference
	DWORD ai_ref = pSelf->GetAIReferrence( 0 );
	if( ai_ref >= 0 )
		pTarget = SearchByAIRef1( player_list, ai_ref );

	if( pTarget == NULL && ( ai_ref = pSelf->GetAIReferrence( 1 ) ) > 0 )
		pTarget = SearchByAIRef2( player_list, ai_ref );

	if( pTarget == NULL && ( ai_ref = pSelf->GetAIReferrence( 2 ) ) > 0 )
		pTarget = SearchByAIRef3( monster_list, ai_ref );

	if( pTarget == NULL && ( ai_ref = pSelf->GetAIReferrence( 3 ) ) > 0 )
		pTarget = SearchByAIRef4( monster_list, ai_ref );

	if( pTarget != NULL )
		// search successfully
		SetTarget( pTarget->GetType(), pTarget->GetExID() );
		return TRUE; 
	else if( HasTarget() )

	return FALSE;	
Exemplo n.º 7
    bool PetAI::SearchEnemy()
        CPet *owner = (CPet*) m_Owner;
        CMoveShape *host = owner->GetHost();
        if(NULL == host)
			LogError(AI_MODULE, "m_Owner->GetHost() error.");
            return false;
        CMoveShape *target = GetTarget();

        // 当前有追踪目标
        if(target != NULL)
            long dis = owner->Distance(target);
            long tracDis = owner->GetTrackRange();
            if(!target->IsDied() &&
                tracDis > dis &&
                return true;

        // 寻找所在场景
        CServerRegion *region = dynamic_cast<CServerRegion*>(host->GetFather());
        if(NULL == region)
            return false;

        vector<CShape*> vOut;
        region->FindAroundObject(owner, TYPE_PLAYER, vOut);
        region->FindAroundObject(owner, TYPE_MONSTER, vOut);
        region->FindAroundObject(owner, TYPE_PET, vOut);

        bool ret = false;
        map<long, CMoveShape*> AroundObjs;
        long distance = 0;
        for(size_t i=0; i < vOut.size(); ++i)
            target = (CMoveShape*)vOut[i];
            if(target != NULL &&
                target->IsDied() &&
                !target->IsGod() &&
                distance = m_Owner->Distance(target->GetTileX(), target->GetTileY());
                AroundObjs[distance] = target;
                ret = true;

        if(ret)		// 满足条件设置对象
            map<long, CMoveShape*>::iterator itr = AroundObjs.begin();
            target = itr->second;
            SetTarget(target->GetExID(), target->GetType());
            //if(PET_TYPE_TRAP == owner->GetPetType())
            //    owner->SetActTime(0, 0);		// 避免寻敌后无法攻击
            //    owner->OnTrapSpring();

        return true;