Exemplo n.º 1
NFileOperationReturnCode::EEnum CPlugin::PutFiles(
  struct PluginPanelItem *panelItems, int numItems,
  int moveMode, int opMode)
  if (moveMode != 0)
    return NFileOperationReturnCode::kError;
  if (numItems == 0)
    return NFileOperationReturnCode::kError;

  if (!m_ArchiverInfo.UpdateEnabled)
    return NFileOperationReturnCode::kError;

  const int kYSize = 14;
  const int kXMid = 38;

  NCompression::CInfo compressionInfo;

  int methodIndex = 0;
  int i;
  for (i = sizeof(g_MethodMap) / sizeof(g_MethodMap[0]) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    if (compressionInfo.Level >= g_MethodMap[i])
      methodIndex = i;

  const int kMethodRadioIndex = 2;
  const int kModeRadioIndex = kMethodRadioIndex + 7;

  struct CInitDialogItem initItems[]={
    { DI_DOUBLEBOX, 3, 1, 72, kYSize - 2, false, false, 0, false, NMessageID::kUpdateTitle, NULL, NULL },
    { DI_SINGLEBOX, 4, 2, kXMid - 2, 2 + 7, false, false, 0, false, NMessageID::kUpdateMethod, NULL, NULL },
    { DI_RADIOBUTTON, 6, 3, 0, 0, methodIndex == 0, methodIndex == 0,
        DIF_GROUP, false, NMessageID::kUpdateMethodStore, NULL, NULL },
    { DI_RADIOBUTTON, 6, 4, 0, 0, methodIndex == 1, methodIndex == 1,
        0, false, NMessageID::kUpdateMethodFastest, NULL, NULL },
    { DI_RADIOBUTTON, 6, 5, 0, 0, methodIndex == 2, methodIndex == 2,
        0, false, NMessageID::kUpdateMethodFast, NULL, NULL },
    { DI_RADIOBUTTON, 6, 6, 0, 0, methodIndex == 3, methodIndex == 3,
        0, false, NMessageID::kUpdateMethodNormal, NULL, NULL },
    { DI_RADIOBUTTON, 6, 7, 0, 0, methodIndex == 4, methodIndex == 4,
        0, false, NMessageID::kUpdateMethodMaximum, NULL, NULL },
    { DI_RADIOBUTTON, 6, 8, 0, 0, methodIndex == 5, methodIndex == 5,
        0, false, NMessageID::kUpdateMethodUltra, NULL, NULL },
    { DI_SINGLEBOX, kXMid, 2, 70, 2 + 5, false, false, 0, false, NMessageID::kUpdateMode, NULL, NULL },
    { DI_RADIOBUTTON, kXMid + 2, 3, 0, 0, false, true,
        DIF_GROUP, false, NMessageID::kUpdateModeAdd, NULL, NULL },
    { DI_RADIOBUTTON, kXMid + 2, 4, 0, 0, false, false,
        0, false, NMessageID::kUpdateModeUpdate, NULL, NULL },
    { DI_RADIOBUTTON, kXMid + 2, 5, 0, 0, false, false,
        0, false, NMessageID::kUpdateModeFreshen, NULL, NULL },
    { DI_RADIOBUTTON, kXMid + 2, 6, 0, 0, false, false,
        0, false, NMessageID::kUpdateModeSynchronize, NULL, NULL },
    { DI_TEXT, 3, kYSize - 4, 0, 0, false, false, DIF_BOXCOLOR|DIF_SEPARATOR, false, -1, "", NULL  },
    { DI_BUTTON, 0, kYSize - 3, 0, 0, false, false, DIF_CENTERGROUP, true, NMessageID::kUpdateAdd, NULL, NULL  },
    { DI_BUTTON, 0, kYSize - 3, 0, 0, false, false, DIF_CENTERGROUP, false, NMessageID::kCancel, NULL, NULL  }
  const int kNumDialogItems = sizeof(initItems) / sizeof(initItems[0]);
  const int kOkButtonIndex = kNumDialogItems - 2;
  FarDialogItem dialogItems[kNumDialogItems];
  g_StartupInfo.InitDialogItems(initItems, dialogItems, kNumDialogItems);
  int askCode = g_StartupInfo.ShowDialog(76, kYSize,
      kHelpTopic, dialogItems, kNumDialogItems);
  if (askCode != kOkButtonIndex)
    return NFileOperationReturnCode::kInterruptedByUser;

  compressionInfo.Level = g_MethodMap[0];
  for (i = 0; i < sizeof(g_MethodMap)/ sizeof(g_MethodMap[0]); i++)
    if (dialogItems[kMethodRadioIndex + i].Selected)
      compressionInfo.Level = g_MethodMap[i];

  const CActionSet *actionSet;

  if (dialogItems[kModeRadioIndex].Selected)
    actionSet = &kAddActionSet;
  else if (dialogItems[kModeRadioIndex + 1].Selected)
    actionSet = &kUpdateActionSet;
  else if (dialogItems[kModeRadioIndex + 2].Selected)
    actionSet = &kFreshActionSet;
  else if (dialogItems[kModeRadioIndex + 3].Selected)
    actionSet = &kSynchronizeActionSet;
    throw 51751;


  CWorkDirTempFile tempFile;;
  if (tempFile.CreateTempFile(m_FileName) != S_OK)
    return NFileOperationReturnCode::kError;

  CSysStringVector fileNames;
  for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++)
    const PluginPanelItem &panelItem = panelItems[i];
    CSysString fullName;
    if (!MyGetFullPathName(panelItem.FindData.cFileName, fullName))
      return NFileOperationReturnCode::kError;

  CScreenRestorer screenRestorer;
  CProgressBox progressBox;
  CProgressBox *progressBoxPointer = NULL;
  if ((opMode & OPM_SILENT) == 0 && (opMode & OPM_FIND ) == 0)

    progressBoxPointer = &progressBox;
        // g_StartupInfo.GetMsgString(NMessageID::kWaitTitle),
        g_StartupInfo.GetMsgString(NMessageID::kUpdating), 48);
  UStringVector pathVector;
  UStringVector fileNames;
  for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++)
    fileNames.Add(MultiByteToUnicodeString(panelItems[i].FindData.cFileName, CP_OEMCP));
  CRecordVector<const wchar_t *> fileNamePointers;
  for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++)

  CMyComPtr<IOutFolderArchive> outArchive;
  HRESULT result = m_ArchiveHandler.QueryInterface(IID_IOutFolderArchive, &outArchive);
  if (result != S_OK)
    return NFileOperationReturnCode::kError;

  outArchive->SetFiles(L"", &fileNamePointers.Front(), fileNamePointers.Size());
  BYTE actionSetByte[NUpdateArchive::NPairState::kNumValues];
  for (i = 0; i < NUpdateArchive::NPairState::kNumValues; i++)
    actionSetByte[i] = (BYTE)actionSet->StateActions[i];

  CUpdateCallback100Imp *updateCallbackSpec = new CUpdateCallback100Imp;
  CMyComPtr<IFolderArchiveUpdateCallback> updateCallback(updateCallbackSpec );
  updateCallbackSpec->Init(/* m_ArchiveHandler, */ progressBoxPointer);

  if (SetOutProperties(outArchive, compressionInfo.Level) != S_OK)
    return NFileOperationReturnCode::kError;

  result = outArchive->DoOperation2(tempFile.OutStream, actionSetByte, NULL, updateCallback);

  if (result == S_OK)
    result = AfterUpdate(tempFile, pathVector);
  if (result != S_OK)
    return NFileOperationReturnCode::kError;

  if (moveMode != 0)
    for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++)
      const PluginPanelItem &pluginPanelItem = panelItems[i];
      bool result;
      if (NFile::NFind::NAttributes::IsDir(pluginPanelItem.FindData.dwFileAttributes))
        result = NFile::NDirectory::RemoveDirectoryWithSubItems(pluginPanelItem.FindData.cFileName);
        result = NFile::NDirectory::DeleteFileAlways(pluginPanelItem.FindData.cFileName);
      if (!result)
        return NFileOperationReturnCode::kError;
  return NFileOperationReturnCode::kSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 2
HRESULT CompressFiles(const CObjectVector<PluginPanelItem> &pluginPanelItems)
  if (pluginPanelItems.Size() == 0)
    return E_FAIL;

  UStringVector fileNames;
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < pluginPanelItems.Size(); i++)
    const PluginPanelItem &panelItem = pluginPanelItems[i];
    if (strcmp(panelItem.FindData.cFileName, "..") == 0 &&
      return E_FAIL;
    if (strcmp(panelItem.FindData.cFileName, ".") == 0 &&
      return E_FAIL;
    FString fullPath;
    FString fileNameUnicode = us2fs(MultiByteToUnicodeString(panelItem.FindData.cFileName, CP_OEMCP));
    if (!MyGetFullPathName(fileNameUnicode, fullPath))
      return E_FAIL;

  NCompression::CInfo compressionInfo;
  int archiverIndex = 0;

  CCodecs *codecs = new CCodecs;
  CMyComPtr<ICompressCodecsInfo> compressCodecsInfo = codecs;
  if (codecs->Load() != S_OK)
    throw "Can't load 7-Zip codecs";
    for (int i = 0; i < codecs->Formats.Size(); i++)
      const CArcInfoEx &arcInfo = codecs->Formats[i];
      if (arcInfo.UpdateEnabled)
        if (archiverIndex == -1)
          archiverIndex = i;
        if (arcInfo.Name.CompareNoCase(compressionInfo.ArcType) == 0)
          archiverIndex = i;

  UString resultPath;
    CParsedPath parsedPath;
    if (parsedPath.PathParts.Size() == 0)
      return E_FAIL;
    if (fileNames.Size() == 1 || parsedPath.PathParts.Size() == 1)
      // CSysString pureName, dot, extension;
      resultPath = parsedPath.PathParts.Back();
      resultPath = parsedPath.PathParts.Back();
  UString archiveNameSrc = resultPath;
  UString archiveName = archiveNameSrc;

  const CArcInfoEx &arcInfo = codecs->Formats[archiverIndex];
  int prevFormat = archiverIndex;
  if (!arcInfo.KeepName)
    int dotPos = archiveName.ReverseFind('.');
    int slashPos = MyMax(archiveName.ReverseFind('\\'), archiveName.ReverseFind('/'));
    if (dotPos > slashPos)
      archiveName = archiveName.Left(dotPos);
  archiveName += L'.';
  archiveName += arcInfo.GetMainExt();
  const CActionSet *actionSet = &kAddActionSet;

  for (;;)
    AString archiveNameA = UnicodeStringToMultiByte(archiveName, CP_OEMCP);
    const int kYSize = 16;
    const int kXMid = 38;
    const int kArchiveNameIndex = 2;
    const int kMethodRadioIndex = kArchiveNameIndex + 2;
    const int kModeRadioIndex = kMethodRadioIndex + 7;

    const CArcInfoEx &arcInfo = codecs->Formats[archiverIndex];

    char updateAddToArchiveString[512];
    const AString s = UnicodeStringToMultiByte(arcInfo.Name, CP_OEMCP);

        g_StartupInfo.GetMsgString(NMessageID::kUpdateAddToArchive), (const char *)s);

    int methodIndex = 0;
    int i;
    for (i = sizeof(g_MethodMap) / sizeof(g_MethodMap[0]) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      if (compressionInfo.Level >= g_MethodMap[i])
        methodIndex = i;

    struct CInitDialogItem initItems[]=
      { DI_DOUBLEBOX, 3, 1, 72, kYSize - 2, false, false, 0, false, NMessageID::kUpdateTitle, NULL, NULL },

      { DI_TEXT, 5, 2, 0, 0, false, false, 0, false, -1, updateAddToArchiveString, NULL },
      { DI_EDIT, 5, 3, 70, 3, true, false, DIF_HISTORY, false, -1, archiveNameA, kArchiveHistoryKeyName},
      // { DI_EDIT, 5, 3, 70, 3, true, false, 0, false, -1, archiveName, NULL},
      { DI_SINGLEBOX, 4, 4, kXMid - 2, 4 + 7, false, false, 0, false, NMessageID::kUpdateMethod, NULL, NULL },
      { DI_RADIOBUTTON, 6, 5, 0, 0, false, methodIndex == 0,
          DIF_GROUP, false, NMessageID::kUpdateMethodStore, NULL, NULL },
      { DI_RADIOBUTTON, 6, 6, 0, 0, false, methodIndex == 1,
          0, false, NMessageID::kUpdateMethodFastest, NULL, NULL },
      { DI_RADIOBUTTON, 6, 7, 0, 0, false, methodIndex == 2,
          0, false, NMessageID::kUpdateMethodFast, NULL, NULL },
      { DI_RADIOBUTTON, 6, 8, 0, 0, false, methodIndex == 3,
          0, false, NMessageID::kUpdateMethodNormal, NULL, NULL },
      { DI_RADIOBUTTON, 6, 9, 0, 0, false, methodIndex == 4,
          false, 0, NMessageID::kUpdateMethodMaximum, NULL, NULL },
      { DI_RADIOBUTTON, 6, 10, 0, 0, false, methodIndex == 5,
          false, 0, NMessageID::kUpdateMethodUltra, NULL, NULL },
      { DI_SINGLEBOX, kXMid, 4, 70, 4 + 5, false, false, 0, false, NMessageID::kUpdateMode, NULL, NULL },
      { DI_RADIOBUTTON, kXMid + 2, 5, 0, 0, false,
          actionSet == &kAddActionSet,
          DIF_GROUP, false, NMessageID::kUpdateModeAdd, NULL, NULL },
      { DI_RADIOBUTTON, kXMid + 2, 6, 0, 0, false,
          actionSet == &kUpdateActionSet,
          0, false, NMessageID::kUpdateModeUpdate, NULL, NULL },
      { DI_RADIOBUTTON, kXMid + 2, 7, 0, 0, false,
          actionSet == &kFreshActionSet,
          0, false, NMessageID::kUpdateModeFreshen, NULL, NULL },
      { DI_RADIOBUTTON, kXMid + 2, 8, 0, 0, false,
          actionSet == &kSynchronizeActionSet,
          0, false, NMessageID::kUpdateModeSynchronize, NULL, NULL },
      { DI_TEXT, 3, kYSize - 4, 0, 0, false, false, DIF_BOXCOLOR|DIF_SEPARATOR, false, -1, "", NULL  },
      { DI_BUTTON, 0, kYSize - 3, 0, 0, false, false, DIF_CENTERGROUP, true, NMessageID::kUpdateAdd, NULL, NULL  },
      { DI_BUTTON, 0, kYSize - 3, 0, 0, false, false, DIF_CENTERGROUP, false, NMessageID::kUpdateSelectArchiver, NULL, NULL  },
      { DI_BUTTON, 0, kYSize - 3, 0, 0, false, false, DIF_CENTERGROUP, false, NMessageID::kCancel, NULL, NULL  }

    const int kNumDialogItems = sizeof(initItems) / sizeof(initItems[0]);
    const int kOkButtonIndex = kNumDialogItems - 3;
    const int kSelectarchiverButtonIndex = kNumDialogItems - 2;

    FarDialogItem dialogItems[kNumDialogItems];
    g_StartupInfo.InitDialogItems(initItems, dialogItems, kNumDialogItems);
    int askCode = g_StartupInfo.ShowDialog(76, kYSize,
        kHelpTopic, dialogItems, kNumDialogItems);

    archiveNameA = dialogItems[kArchiveNameIndex].Data;
    archiveName = MultiByteToUnicodeString(archiveNameA, CP_OEMCP);

    compressionInfo.Level = g_MethodMap[0];
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(g_MethodMap)/ sizeof(g_MethodMap[0]); i++)
      if (dialogItems[kMethodRadioIndex + i].Selected)
        compressionInfo.Level = g_MethodMap[i];

    if (dialogItems[kModeRadioIndex].Selected)
      actionSet = &kAddActionSet;
    else if (dialogItems[kModeRadioIndex + 1].Selected)
      actionSet = &kUpdateActionSet;
    else if (dialogItems[kModeRadioIndex + 2].Selected)
      actionSet = &kFreshActionSet;
    else if (dialogItems[kModeRadioIndex + 3].Selected)
      actionSet = &kSynchronizeActionSet;
      throw 51751;

    if (askCode == kSelectarchiverButtonIndex)
      CIntVector indices;
      CSysStringVector archiverNames;
      for (int i = 0; i < codecs->Formats.Size(); i++)
        const CArcInfoEx &arc = codecs->Formats[i];
        if (arc.UpdateEnabled)
          archiverNames.Add(GetSystemString(arc.Name, CP_OEMCP));
      int index = g_StartupInfo.Menu(FMENU_AUTOHIGHLIGHT,
          NULL, archiverNames, archiverIndex);
      if (index >= 0)
        const CArcInfoEx &prevArchiverInfo = codecs->Formats[prevFormat];
        if (prevArchiverInfo.KeepName)
          const UString &prevExtension = prevArchiverInfo.GetMainExt();
          const int prevExtensionLen = prevExtension.Length();
          if (archiveName.Right(prevExtensionLen).CompareNoCase(prevExtension) == 0)
            int pos = archiveName.Length() - prevExtensionLen;
            if (pos > 1)
              int dotPos = archiveName.ReverseFind('.');
              if (dotPos == pos - 1)
                archiveName = archiveName.Left(dotPos);

        archiverIndex = indices[index];
        const CArcInfoEx &arcInfo = codecs->Formats[archiverIndex];
        prevFormat = archiverIndex;
        if (arcInfo.KeepName)
          archiveName = archiveNameSrc;
          int dotPos = archiveName.ReverseFind('.');
          int slashPos = MyMax(archiveName.ReverseFind('\\'), archiveName.ReverseFind('/'));
          if (dotPos > slashPos)
            archiveName = archiveName.Left(dotPos);
        archiveName += L'.';
        archiveName += arcInfo.GetMainExt();

    if (askCode != kOkButtonIndex)
      return E_ABORT;

  const CArcInfoEx &archiverInfoFinal = codecs->Formats[archiverIndex];
  compressionInfo.ArcType = archiverInfoFinal.Name;

  NWorkDir::CInfo workDirInfo;

  FString fullArchiveName;
  if (!MyGetFullPathName(us2fs(archiveName), fullArchiveName))
    return E_FAIL;
  CWorkDirTempFile tempFile;

  CScreenRestorer screenRestorer;
  CProgressBox progressBox;
  CProgressBox *progressBoxPointer = NULL;


  progressBoxPointer = &progressBox;
      // g_StartupInfo.GetMsgString(NMessageID::kWaitTitle),
      g_StartupInfo.GetMsgString(NMessageID::kUpdating), 48);

  NFind::CFileInfo fileInfo;

  CMyComPtr<IOutFolderArchive> outArchive;

  CMyComPtr<IInFolderArchive> archiveHandler;
  if (fileInfo.Find(fullArchiveName))
    if (fileInfo.IsDir())
      throw "There is Directory with such name";

    CAgent *agentSpec = new CAgent;
    archiveHandler = agentSpec;
    // CLSID realClassID;
    CMyComBSTR archiveType;
        GetUnicodeString(fullArchiveName, CP_OEMCP), UString(),
        // &realClassID,

    if (archiverInfoFinal.Name.CompareNoCase((const wchar_t *)archiveType) != 0)
      throw "Type of existing archive differs from specified type";
    HRESULT result = archiveHandler.QueryInterface(
        IID_IOutFolderArchive, &outArchive);
    if (result != S_OK)
      return E_FAIL;
    // HRESULT result = outArchive.CoCreateInstance(classID);
    CAgent *agentSpec = new CAgent;
    outArchive = agentSpec;

    HRESULT result = outArchive.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CAgentArchiveHandler);
    if (result != S_OK)
      return E_FAIL;

  CRecordVector<const wchar_t *> fileNamePointers;
  for (i = 0; i < fileNames.Size(); i++)

  outArchive->SetFiles(L"", &fileNamePointers.Front(), fileNamePointers.Size());
  BYTE actionSetByte[NUpdateArchive::NPairState::kNumValues];
  for (i = 0; i < NUpdateArchive::NPairState::kNumValues; i++)
    actionSetByte[i] = (BYTE)actionSet->StateActions[i];

  CUpdateCallback100Imp *updateCallbackSpec = new CUpdateCallback100Imp;
  CMyComPtr<IFolderArchiveUpdateCallback> updateCallback(updateCallbackSpec );
  updateCallbackSpec->Init(/* archiveHandler, */ progressBoxPointer);

  RINOK(SetOutProperties(outArchive, compressionInfo.Level));

  HRESULT result = outArchive->DoOperation(
      codecs, archiverIndex,
      tempFile.OutStream, actionSetByte,
      NULL, updateCallback);

  if (result != S_OK)
    return result;
  if (archiveHandler)
  if (!tempFile.MoveToOriginal(archiveHandler != NULL))
    return E_FAIL;
  return S_OK;