Exemplo n.º 1
* GeneratePath()		Uses A* PathFinding to generate a path from
*						the start position to the goal position
* Ins:					int
*						int
* Outs:					None
* Returns:				vector<CNode*>
* Mod. Date:		    08/16/2015
* Mod. Initials:	    NS
vector<XMFLOAT3> CPathFinding::GeneratePath(int _start, int _goal, bool smoothed)

	// Create the first PathNode
	CPathNode* curPathNode = new CPathNode(m_pGraph->GetNodes()[_start]);
	m_umVisitedNodes[_start] = curPathNode;

	// Create all local variables here for attempt at optimization
	CPathNode* theNode = nullptr;
	CPathNode* visitedNode = nullptr;
	CPathNode* nextPathNode = nullptr;
	CNode* curNode;
	CNode* adjNode;
	CEdge* curEdge;
	float newFinalCost;
	float newCost;
	float oldCost;
	float curCost;
	float newHeuristic;
	int adjNodeIndex;
	int curNodeIndex;
	vector<XMFLOAT3> path;

	// Loop while there are edges to explore
	while (!m_pqNodeQue.empty())
		// Get the next node.
		curPathNode = m_pqNodeQue.front();

		// Access the node and it's index for future use
		curNode = curPathNode->GetNode();
		curNodeIndex = curNode->GetIndex();

		// If the destination is found
		if (curNodeIndex == _goal)
			// Clear the old path

			// Build the path
			theNode = m_umVisitedNodes[curNode->GetIndex()];

			// Untill we trace back to the _start node
			while (theNode != nullptr)
				// Add the node to the path

				// Advance to the next connected node
				theNode = theNode->m_cpParent;
			if (smoothed)
				path = SmoothPath(m_lPath);
				for (size_t currNode = 0; currNode < m_lPath.size(); currNode++)


				This stupid line of code caused us so many headaches that I can't bring
				 myself to actually delete it. Forever it shall live in the belly of our 
				 pathfinding code*/

			return path;

		// For each edge the node has
		for (size_t edge = 0; edge < curNode->GetEdges().size(); edge++)
			// Get the current Edge and the node attatched to it
			curEdge = curNode->GetEdges()[edge];
			adjNodeIndex = curEdge->GetAdjNode();
			adjNode = m_pGraph->GetNodes()[adjNodeIndex];

			// Calculate the cost to the adj Node from _start Node (Total cost so far)
			curCost = curNode->GetCost() + curEdge->GetEdgeCost();

			// If the node has been visited
			if (m_umVisitedNodes[adjNodeIndex] != nullptr)
				visitedNode = m_umVisitedNodes[adjNodeIndex];

				// The cost it took previously to get to the node
				oldCost = visitedNode->GetNode()->GetCost();

				// If the new cost is less the the old one
				if (curCost < oldCost)

					newFinalCost = visitedNode->GetNode()->GetCost() + visitedNode->GetNode()->GetHeuristic() * m_fHeuristicWeight;

					visitedNode->m_cpParent = curPathNode;

			else // If it has not been visited
				// Set the cost adj notes cost (Total of what it takes to get here)
				newCost = curNode->GetCost() + curEdge->GetEdgeCost();

				// Set the HeuristicCost
				newHeuristic = CalculateCost(m_pGraph->GetNodes()[_goal]->GetPosition(), adjNode->GetPosition());

				// Set the new FinalCost // ?? 
				newFinalCost = newCost + newHeuristic * m_fHeuristicWeight;

				// Create a PathNode for the adj node (Note adj to the one I'm on)
				nextPathNode = new CPathNode(adjNode);

				// Set it's parent to the one I'm on (Coming from)
				nextPathNode->m_cpParent = curPathNode;

				// Add it to the que to be checked.

				// Mark it as visited
				m_umVisitedNodes[adjNodeIndex] = nextPathNode;
	return path;