Exemplo n.º 1
//	Npc Thread 를 만든다.
BOOL CServerDlg::CreateNpcThread()
    BOOL	bMoveNext	= TRUE;
    int		nSerial		= m_sMapEventNpc;
    int		nPathSerial = 1;
    int		nNpcCount	= 0;
    int		i=0, j=0;
    int nRandom = 0, nServerNum = 0;
    double  dbSpeed = 0;

    m_TotalNPC = 0;			// DB에 있는 수
    m_CurrentNPC = 0;
    m_CurrentNPCError = 0;

    CNpcTable*	pNpcTable = NULL;
    CRoomEvent* pRoom = NULL;

    CNpcPosSet NpcPosSet;

    char szPath[500];
    char szX[5];
    char szZ[5];

    float fRandom_X = 0.0f;
    float fRandom_Z = 0.0f;

    int nMonsterNumber = 0;

        if(NpcPosSet.IsOpen()) NpcPosSet.Close();
        if(!NpcPosSet.Open())	{
            AfxMessageBox(_T("MONSTER_POS DB Open Fail!"));
            return FALSE;
        if(NpcPosSet.IsBOF())	{
            AfxMessageBox(_T("MONSTER_POS DB Empty!"));
            return FALSE;


        while(!NpcPosSet.IsEOF())	{
            nMonsterNumber = NpcPosSet.m_NumNPC;
            //if( NpcPosSet.m_ZoneID == 101 )	{	// 테스트를 위해서,,
            //	nMonsterNumber = 1;
            //if(nMonsterNumber > 4)	{
            //	nMonsterNumber = nMonsterNumber / 4;
            nServerNum = 0;
            nServerNum = GetServerNumber( NpcPosSet.m_ZoneID );

            if( m_byZone == nServerNum || m_byZone == UNIFY_ZONE)	{
                for(j=0; j<nMonsterNumber; j++)		{
                    CNpc*		pNpc		= new CNpc();

                    pNpc->m_byMoveType = NpcPosSet.m_ActType;
                    pNpc->m_byInitMoveType = NpcPosSet.m_ActType;

                    bool bMonster = (NpcPosSet.m_ActType < 100);
                    if (bMonster)
                        pNpcTable = m_arMonTable.GetData(NpcPosSet.m_NpcID);
                        pNpc->m_byMoveType = NpcPosSet.m_ActType - 100;
                        //pNpc->m_byInitMoveType = NpcPosSet.m_ActType - 100;
                        pNpcTable = m_arNpcTable.GetData(NpcPosSet.m_NpcID);

                    if (pNpcTable == NULL)
                        char buff[128] = {0};
                        sprintf(buff, "NPC %d not found in %s table.", pNpc->m_sNid, bMonster ? "K_MONSTER" : "K_NPC");
                        delete pNpc;
                        return FALSE;

                    pNpc->Load(nSerial++, pNpcTable);
                    pNpc->m_byBattlePos = 0;

                    if(pNpc->m_byMoveType >= 2)	{
                        pNpc->m_byBattlePos = myrand( 1, 3 );
                        pNpc->m_byPathCount = nPathSerial++;


                    if( bMoveNext )	{
                        bMoveNext = FALSE;
                        nNpcCount = NpcPosSet.m_NumNPC;

                    //////// MONSTER POS ////////////////////////////////////////
                    pNpc->m_bCurZone = NpcPosSet.m_ZoneID;

                    // map에 몬스터의 위치를 랜덤하게 위치시킨다.. (테스트 용 : 수정-DB에서 읽어오는데로 몬 위치 결정)
                    nRandom = abs(NpcPosSet.m_LeftX - NpcPosSet.m_RightX);
                    if(nRandom <= 1)
                        fRandom_X = (float)NpcPosSet.m_LeftX;
                    else	{
                        if(NpcPosSet.m_LeftX < NpcPosSet.m_RightX)
                            fRandom_X = (float)myrand(NpcPosSet.m_LeftX, NpcPosSet.m_RightX);
                            fRandom_X = (float)myrand(NpcPosSet.m_RightX, NpcPosSet.m_LeftX);
                    nRandom = abs(NpcPosSet.m_TopZ - NpcPosSet.m_BottomZ);
                    if(nRandom <= 1)
                        fRandom_Z = (float)NpcPosSet.m_TopZ;
                    else	{
                        if(NpcPosSet.m_TopZ < NpcPosSet.m_BottomZ)
                            fRandom_Z = (float)myrand(NpcPosSet.m_TopZ, NpcPosSet.m_BottomZ);
                            fRandom_Z = (float)myrand(NpcPosSet.m_BottomZ, NpcPosSet.m_TopZ);

                    pNpc->m_fCurX	= fRandom_X;
                    pNpc->m_fCurY	= 0;
                    pNpc->m_fCurZ	= fRandom_Z;

                    pNpc->m_sRegenTime		= NpcPosSet.m_RegTime * 1000;	// 초(DB)단위-> 밀리세컨드로
                    pNpc->m_byDirection = NpcPosSet.m_byDirection;
                    pNpc->m_sMaxPathCount = NpcPosSet.m_DotCnt;

                    if( pNpc->m_byMoveType >= 2 && NpcPosSet.m_DotCnt == 0 )	{
                        pNpc->m_byMoveType = 1;
                        TRACE("##### ServerDlg:CreateNpcThread - Path type Error :  nid=%d, sid=%d, name=%s, acttype=%d, path=%d #####\n", pNpc->m_sNid+NPC_BAND, pNpc->m_proto->m_sSid, pNpc->m_proto->m_strName, pNpc->m_byMoveType, pNpc->m_sMaxPathCount);

                    int index = 0;
                    strcpy_s(szPath, sizeof(szPath), NpcPosSet.m_path);

                    if(NpcPosSet.m_DotCnt != 0)	{
                        for(int l = 0; l<NpcPosSet.m_DotCnt; l++)	{
                            memset(szX, 0x00, 5);
                            memset(szZ, 0x00, 5);
                            GetString(szX, szPath, 4, index);
                            GetString(szZ, szPath, 4, index);
                            pNpc->m_PathList.pPattenPos[l].x = atoi(szX);
                            pNpc->m_PathList.pPattenPos[l].z = atoi(szZ);
                            //	TRACE(" l=%d, x=%d, z=%d\n", l, pNpc->m_PathList.pPattenPos[l].x, pNpc->m_PathList.pPattenPos[l].z);

                    //pNpc->m_byType			= NpcPosSet.m_byType;

                    pNpc->m_tItemPer		= pNpcTable->m_tItemPer;	// NPC Type
                    pNpc->m_tDnPer			= pNpcTable->m_tDnPer;	// NPC Type

                    pNpc->m_nInitMinX = pNpc->m_nLimitMinX		= NpcPosSet.m_LeftX;
                    pNpc->m_nInitMinY = pNpc->m_nLimitMinZ		= NpcPosSet.m_TopZ;
                    pNpc->m_nInitMaxX = pNpc->m_nLimitMaxX		= NpcPosSet.m_RightX;
                    pNpc->m_nInitMaxY = pNpc->m_nLimitMaxZ		= NpcPosSet.m_BottomZ;
                    // dungeon work
                    pNpc->m_byDungeonFamily	= NpcPosSet.m_DungeonFamily;
                    pNpc->m_bySpecialType	= NpcPosSet.m_SpecialType;
                    pNpc->m_byRegenType		= NpcPosSet.m_RegenType;
                    pNpc->m_byTrapNumber    = NpcPosSet.m_TrapNumber;

                    if( pNpc->m_byDungeonFamily > 0 )	{
                        pNpc->m_nLimitMinX = NpcPosSet.m_LimitMinX;
                        pNpc->m_nLimitMinZ = NpcPosSet.m_LimitMinZ;
                        pNpc->m_nLimitMaxX = NpcPosSet.m_LimitMaxX;
                        pNpc->m_nLimitMaxZ = NpcPosSet.m_LimitMaxZ;

                    pNpc->m_pZone = GetZoneByID(pNpc->m_bCurZone);
                    if (pNpc->GetMap() == NULL)		{
                        AfxMessageBox("Error : CServerDlg,, Invaild zone Index!!");
                        delete pNpc;
                        return FALSE;

                    if( !m_arNpc.PutData( pNpc->m_sNid, pNpc) )		{
                        TRACE("Npc PutData Fail - %d\n", pNpc->m_sNid);
                        delete pNpc;
                        pNpc = NULL;

                    pNpc->SetUid(pNpc->m_fCurX, pNpc->m_fCurZ, pNpc->m_sNid + NPC_BAND);

                    if (pNpc->GetMap()->m_byRoomEvent > 0 && pNpc->m_byDungeonFamily > 0 )	{
                        pRoom = pNpc->GetMap()->m_arRoomEventArray.GetData( pNpc->m_byDungeonFamily );
                        if (pRoom == NULL)
                            TRACE("Error : CServerDlg,, Map Room Npc Fail!! : nid=%d, sid=%d, name=%s, fam=%d, zone=%d\n", pNpc->m_sNid+NPC_BAND, pNpc->m_proto->m_sSid, pNpc->m_proto->m_strName, pNpc->m_byDungeonFamily, pNpc->m_bCurZone);
                            AfxMessageBox("Error : CServerDlg,, Map Room Npc Fail!!");
                            delete pNpc;
                            return FALSE;

                        int *pInt = new int;
                        *pInt = pNpc->m_sNid;
                        if( !pRoom->m_mapRoomNpcArray.PutData( pNpc->m_sNid, pInt ) )	{
                            TRACE("### Map - Room Array MonsterNid Fail : nid=%d, sid=%d ###\n", pNpc->m_sNid, pNpc->m_proto->m_sSid);

                    m_TotalNPC = nSerial;

                    if(--nNpcCount > 0) continue;

                    bMoveNext = TRUE;
                    nNpcCount = 0;


            nPathSerial = 1;

    catch(CDBException* e)

        return FALSE;

    int step = 0, nThreadNumber = 0;
    CNpcThread* pNpcThread = NULL;

    foreach_stlmap (itr, m_arNpc)
        if (step == 0)
            pNpcThread = new CNpcThread;

        CNpc *pNpc = pNpcThread->m_pNpc[step] = itr->second;
        pNpc->m_sThreadNumber = nThreadNumber;


        if( step == NPC_NUM )
            pNpcThread->m_sThreadNumber = nThreadNumber++;
            pNpcThread->m_pThread = AfxBeginThread(NpcThreadProc, &(pNpcThread->m_ThreadInfo), THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED);
            m_arNpcThread.push_back( pNpcThread );
            step = 0;
    if( step != 0 )
        pNpcThread->m_sThreadNumber = nThreadNumber++;
        pNpcThread->m_pThread = AfxBeginThread(NpcThreadProc, &(pNpcThread->m_ThreadInfo), THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED);
        m_arNpcThread.push_back( pNpcThread );

    m_pZoneEventThread = AfxBeginThread(ZoneEventThreadProc, (LPVOID)(this), THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED);

    //TRACE("m_TotalNPC = %d \n", m_TotalNPC);
    AddToList("[Monster Init - %d, threads=%d]", m_TotalNPC, m_arNpcThread.size());
    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool CServerDlg::LoadSpawnCallback(OdbcCommand *dbCommand)
    // Avoid allocating stack space for these.
    // This method will only ever run in the same thread.
    static int nRandom = 0;
    static double dbSpeed = 0;
    static CNpcTable * pNpcTable = NULL;
    static CRoomEvent* pRoom = NULL;
    static char szPath[500];
    static float fRandom_X = 0.0f, fRandom_Z = 0.0f;

    // Unfortunately we cannot simply read what we need directly
    // into the CNpc instance. We have to resort to creating
    // copies of the data to allow for the way they handle multiple spawns...
    // Best we can do, I think, is to avoid allocating it on the stack.
    static uint8	bNumNpc, bZoneID, bActType, bRegenType, bDungeonFamily, bSpecialType,
              bTrapNumber, bDirection, bDotCnt;
    static uint16	sSid, sRegTime;
    static uint32	nServerNum;
    static int32	iLeftX, iTopZ, iRightX, iBottomZ,
              iLimitMinX, iLimitMinZ, iLimitMaxX, iLimitMaxZ;

    dbCommand->FetchByte(1, bZoneID);
    dbCommand->FetchUInt16(2, sSid);
    dbCommand->FetchByte(3, bActType);
    dbCommand->FetchByte(4, bRegenType);
    dbCommand->FetchByte(5, bDungeonFamily);
    dbCommand->FetchByte(6, bSpecialType);
    dbCommand->FetchByte(7, bTrapNumber);
    dbCommand->FetchInt32(8, iLeftX);
    dbCommand->FetchInt32(9, iTopZ);
    dbCommand->FetchInt32(10, iRightX);
    dbCommand->FetchInt32(11, iBottomZ);
    dbCommand->FetchInt32(12, iLimitMinZ);
    dbCommand->FetchInt32(13, iLimitMinX);
    dbCommand->FetchInt32(14, iLimitMaxX);
    dbCommand->FetchInt32(15, iLimitMaxZ);
    dbCommand->FetchByte(16, bNumNpc);
    dbCommand->FetchUInt16(17, sRegTime);
    dbCommand->FetchByte(18, bDirection);
    dbCommand->FetchByte(19, bDotCnt);
    dbCommand->FetchString(20, szPath, sizeof(szPath));

    nServerNum = GetServerNumber(bZoneID);

    if (m_byZone == nServerNum || m_byZone == UNIFY_ZONE)
        uint8 bPathSerial = 1;
        for (uint8 j = 0; j < bNumNpc; j++)
            CNpc * pNpc = new CNpc();

            pNpc->m_byMoveType = bActType;
            pNpc->m_byInitMoveType = bActType;

            bool bMonster = (bActType < 100);
            if (bMonster)
                pNpcTable = m_arMonTable.GetData(sSid);
                pNpc->m_byMoveType = bActType - 100;
                pNpcTable = m_arNpcTable.GetData(sSid);

            if (pNpcTable == NULL)
                printf("NPC %d not found in %s table.\n", pNpc->m_sNid, bMonster ? "K_MONSTER" : "K_NPC");
                delete pNpc;
                return false;

            pNpc->Load(m_TotalNPC++, pNpcTable);
            pNpc->m_byBattlePos = 0;

            if (pNpc->m_byMoveType >= 2)
                pNpc->m_byBattlePos = myrand(1, 3);
                pNpc->m_byPathCount = bPathSerial++;


            pNpc->m_bCurZone = bZoneID;

            nRandom = abs(iLeftX - iRightX);
            if (nRandom <= 1)
                fRandom_X = (float)iLeftX;
                if (iLeftX < iRightX)
                    fRandom_X = (float)myrand(iLeftX, iRightX);
                    fRandom_X = (float)myrand(iRightX, iLeftX);

            nRandom = abs(iTopZ - iBottomZ);
            if (nRandom <= 1)
                fRandom_Z = (float)iTopZ;
                if (iTopZ < iBottomZ)
                    fRandom_Z = (float)myrand(iTopZ, iBottomZ);
                    fRandom_Z = (float)myrand(iBottomZ, iTopZ);

            pNpc->m_fCurX	= fRandom_X;
            pNpc->m_fCurY	= 0;
            pNpc->m_fCurZ	= fRandom_Z;

            pNpc->m_sRegenTime		= sRegTime * SECOND;
            pNpc->m_byDirection		= bDirection;
            pNpc->m_sMaxPathCount	= bDotCnt;

            if ((pNpc->m_byMoveType == 2 || pNpc->m_byMoveType == 3) && bDotCnt == 0)
                pNpc->m_byMoveType = 1;
                TRACE("##### ServerDlg:CreateNpcThread - Path type Error :  nid=%d, sid=%d, name=%s, acttype=%d, path=%d #####\n", pNpc->m_sNid+NPC_BAND, pNpc->m_proto->m_sSid, pNpc->m_proto->m_strName, pNpc->m_byMoveType, pNpc->m_sMaxPathCount);

            if (bDotCnt > 0)
                int index = 0;
                for (int l = 0; l < bDotCnt; l++)
                    static char szX[5], szZ[5];

                    memset(szX, 0, sizeof(szX));
                    memset(szZ, 0, sizeof(szZ));

                    memcpy(szX, szPath + index, 4);
                    index += 4;

                    memcpy(szZ, szPath + index, 4);
                    index += 4;

                    pNpc->m_PathList.pPattenPos[l].x = atoi(szX);
                    pNpc->m_PathList.pPattenPos[l].z = atoi(szZ);

            pNpc->m_tItemPer		= pNpcTable->m_tItemPer;	// NPC Type
            pNpc->m_tDnPer			= pNpcTable->m_tDnPer;	// NPC Type

            pNpc->m_nInitMinX = pNpc->m_nLimitMinX		= iLeftX;
            pNpc->m_nInitMinY = pNpc->m_nLimitMinZ		= iTopZ;
            pNpc->m_nInitMaxX = pNpc->m_nLimitMaxX		= iRightX;
            pNpc->m_nInitMaxY = pNpc->m_nLimitMaxZ		= iBottomZ;

            // dungeon work
            pNpc->m_byDungeonFamily	= bDungeonFamily;
            pNpc->m_bySpecialType	= bSpecialType;
            pNpc->m_byRegenType		= bRegenType;
            pNpc->m_byTrapNumber    = bTrapNumber;

            if (pNpc->m_byDungeonFamily > 0)
                pNpc->m_nLimitMinX = iLimitMinX;
                pNpc->m_nLimitMinZ = iLimitMinZ;
                pNpc->m_nLimitMaxX = iLimitMaxX;
                pNpc->m_nLimitMaxZ = iLimitMaxZ;

            pNpc->m_pZone = GetZoneByID(pNpc->m_bCurZone);
            if (pNpc->GetMap() == NULL)
                printf(_T("Error: NPC %d in zone %d that does not exist."), sSid, bZoneID);
                delete pNpc;
                return false;

            if (!m_arNpc.PutData(pNpc->m_sNid, pNpc))
                TRACE("Npc PutData Fail - %d\n", pNpc->m_sNid);
                delete pNpc;

            pNpc->SetUid(pNpc->m_fCurX, pNpc->m_fCurZ, pNpc->m_sNid + NPC_BAND);

            if (pNpc->GetMap()->m_byRoomEvent > 0 && pNpc->m_byDungeonFamily > 0)
                pRoom = pNpc->GetMap()->m_arRoomEventArray.GetData(pNpc->m_byDungeonFamily);
                if (pRoom == NULL)
                    printf("Error : CServerDlg,, Map Room Npc Fail!!\n");
                    delete pNpc;
                    return false;

                // this is why their CSTLMap class sucks.
                int *pInt = new int;
                *pInt = pNpc->m_sNid;
                if (!pRoom->m_mapRoomNpcArray.PutData(pNpc->m_sNid, pInt))
                    delete pInt;
                    TRACE("### Map - Room Array MonsterNid Fail : nid=%d, sid=%d ###\n",
                          pNpc->m_sNid, pNpc->m_proto->m_sSid);

    return true;