Exemplo n.º 1
//  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CObjectIStream* CAsn2FastaApp::x_OpenIStream(const CArgs& args)
//  --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // determine the file serialization format.
    // default for batch files is binary, otherwise text.
    ESerialDataFormat serial = args["batch"] ? eSerial_AsnBinary :eSerial_AsnText;
    if ( args["serial"] ) {
        const string& val = args["serial"].AsString();
        if ( val == "text" ) {
            serial = eSerial_AsnText;
        } else if ( val == "binary" ) {
            serial = eSerial_AsnBinary;
        } else if ( val == "XML" ) {
            serial = eSerial_Xml;

    // make sure of the underlying input stream. If -i was given on the command line
    // then the input comes from a file. Otherwise, it comes from stdin:
    CNcbiIstream* pInputStream = &NcbiCin;
    bool bDeleteOnClose = false;
    if ( args["i"] ) {
        pInputStream = new CNcbiIfstream( args["i"].AsString().c_str(), ios::binary  );
        bDeleteOnClose = true;

    // if -c was specified then wrap the input stream into a gzip decompressor before
    // turning it into an object stream:
    CObjectIStream* pI = 0;
    if ( args["c"] ) {
        CZipStreamDecompressor* pDecompressor = new CZipStreamDecompressor(
            512, 512, kZlibDefaultWbits, CZipCompression::fCheckFileHeader );
        CCompressionIStream* pUnzipStream = new CCompressionIStream(
            *pInputStream, pDecompressor, CCompressionIStream::fOwnProcessor );
        pI = CObjectIStream::Open( serial, *pUnzipStream, eTakeOwnership );
    else {
        pI = CObjectIStream::Open( 
            serial, *pInputStream, (bDeleteOnClose ? eTakeOwnership : eNoOwnership));

    if ( 0 != pI ) {
    return pI;