Exemplo n.º 1
//	@function:
//		CLogical::PosFromIndex
//	@doc:
//		Compute an order spec based on an index
COrderSpec *
	IMemoryPool *pmp,
	const IMDIndex *pmdindex,
	DrgPcr *pdrgpcr
	// compute the order spec
	COrderSpec *pos = GPOS_NEW(pmp) COrderSpec(pmp);
	const ULONG ulLenIncludeCols = pmdindex->UlKeys();
	for (ULONG  ul = 0; ul < ulLenIncludeCols; ul++)
		ULONG ulPos = pmdindex->UlKey(ul);
		CColRef *pcr = (*pdrgpcr)[ulPos];
		IMDId *pmdid = pcr->Pmdtype()->PmdidCmp(IMDType::EcmptL);
		// TODO:  March 27th 2012; we hard-code NULL treatment
		// need to revisit
		pos->Append(pmdid, pcr, COrderSpec::EntLast);
	return pos;
Exemplo n.º 2
//	@function:
//		CPhysicalStreamAgg::PosCovering
//	@doc:
//		Construct order spec on grouping column so that it covers required
//		order spec, the function returns NULL if no covering order spec
//		can be created
COrderSpec *
	IMemoryPool *mp,
	COrderSpec *posRequired,
	CColRefArray *pdrgpcrGrp
	GPOS_ASSERT(NULL != posRequired);

	if (0 == posRequired->UlSortColumns())
		// required order must be non-empty
		return NULL;

	// create a set of required sort columns
	CColRefSet *pcrsReqd = posRequired->PcrsUsed(mp);

	COrderSpec *pos = NULL;

	CColRefSet *pcrsGrpCols = GPOS_NEW(mp) CColRefSet(mp, pdrgpcrGrp);
	if (pcrsGrpCols->ContainsAll(pcrsReqd))
		// required order columns are included in grouping columns, we can
		// construct a covering order spec
		pos = GPOS_NEW(mp) COrderSpec(mp);

		// extract order expressions from required order
		const ULONG ulReqdSortCols = posRequired->UlSortColumns();
		for (ULONG ul = 0; ul < ulReqdSortCols; ul++)
			CColRef *colref = const_cast<CColRef *>(posRequired->Pcr(ul));
			IMDId *mdid = posRequired->GetMdIdSortOp(ul);
			COrderSpec::ENullTreatment ent = posRequired->Ent(ul);
			pos->Append(mdid, colref, ent);

		// augment order with remaining grouping columns
		const ULONG size = pdrgpcrGrp->Size();
		for (ULONG ul = 0; ul < size; ul++)
			CColRef *colref = (*pdrgpcrGrp)[ul];
			if (!pcrsReqd->FMember(colref))
				IMDId *mdid = colref->RetrieveType()->GetMdidForCmpType(IMDType::EcmptL);
				pos->Append(mdid, colref, COrderSpec::EntLast);

	return pos;
Exemplo n.º 3
//	@function:
//		CPhysical::PosDerivePassThruOuter
//	@doc:
//		Helper for common case of sort order derivation
COrderSpec *
	CExpressionHandle &exprhdl
	COrderSpec *pos = exprhdl.Pdpplan(0 /*child_index*/)->Pos();

	return pos;
Exemplo n.º 4
//	@function:
//		CPhysicalDML::PosComputeRequired
//	@doc:
//		Compute required sort order based on the key information in the table 
//		descriptor:
//		1. If a table has no keys, no sort order is necessary.
//		2. If a table has keys, but they are not modified in the update, no sort
//		order is necessary. This relies on the fact that Split always produces
//		Delete tuples before Insert tuples, so we cannot have two versions of the
//		same tuple on the same time. Consider for example tuple (A: 1, B: 2), where
//		A is key and an update "set B=B+1". Since there cannot be any other tuple 
//		with A=1, and the tuple (1,2) is deleted before tuple (1,3) gets inserted,
//		we don't need to enforce specific order of deletes and inserts.
//		3. If the update changes a key column, enforce order on the Action column
//		to deliver Delete tuples before Insert tuples. This is done to avoid a
//		conflict between a newly inserted tuple and an old tuple that is about to be
//		deleted. Consider table with tuples (A: 1),(A: 2), where A is key, and 
//		update "set A=A+1". Split will generate tuples (1,"D"), (2,"I"), (2,"D"), (3,"I").
//		If (2,"I") happens before (2,"D") we will have a violation of the key constraint.
//		Therefore we need to enforce sort order on Action to get all old tuples
//		tuples deleted before the new ones are inserted.
COrderSpec *
	IMemoryPool *pmp,
	CTableDescriptor *ptabdesc
	COrderSpec *pos = GPOS_NEW(pmp) COrderSpec(pmp);

	const DrgPbs *pdrgpbsKeys = ptabdesc->PdrgpbsKeys();
	if (1 < pdrgpbsKeys->UlLength() && CLogicalDML::EdmlUpdate == m_edmlop)
		// if this is an update on the target table's keys, enforce order on 
		// the action column, see explanation in function's comment		
		const ULONG ulKeySets = pdrgpbsKeys->UlLength();
		BOOL fNeedsSort = false;
		for (ULONG ul = 0; ul < ulKeySets && !fNeedsSort; ul++)
			CBitSet *pbs = (*pdrgpbsKeys)[ul];
			if (!pbs->FDisjoint(m_pbsModified))
				fNeedsSort = true;
		if (fNeedsSort)
			IMDId *pmdid = m_pcrAction->Pmdtype()->PmdidCmp(IMDType::EcmptL);
			pos->Append(pmdid, m_pcrAction, COrderSpec::EntAuto);
	else if (m_ptabdesc->FPartitioned())
		COptimizerConfig *poconf = COptCtxt::PoctxtFromTLS()->Poconf();

		BOOL fInsertSortOnParquet = FInsertSortOnParquet();
		BOOL fInsertSortOnRows = FInsertSortOnRows(poconf);

		if (fInsertSortOnParquet || fInsertSortOnRows)
			GPOS_ASSERT(CLogicalDML::EdmlInsert == m_edmlop);
			m_fInputSorted = true;
			// if this is an INSERT over a partitioned Parquet or Row-oriented table,
			// sort tuples by their table oid
			IMDId *pmdid = m_pcrTableOid->Pmdtype()->PmdidCmp(IMDType::EcmptL);
			pos->Append(pmdid, m_pcrTableOid, COrderSpec::EntAuto);
	return pos;
Exemplo n.º 5
//	@function:
//		CPhysicalStreamAgg::PosRequiredStreamAgg
//	@doc:
//		Compute required sort columns of the n-th child
COrderSpec *
	IMemoryPool *mp,
	CExpressionHandle &exprhdl,
	COrderSpec *posRequired,
#endif // GPOS_DEBUG
	CColRefArray *pdrgpcrGrp
	GPOS_ASSERT(0 == child_index);

	COrderSpec *pos = PosCovering(mp, posRequired, pdrgpcrGrp);
	if (NULL == pos)
		// failed to find a covering order spec, use local order spec
		pos = m_pos;

	// extract sort columns from order spec
	CColRefSet *pcrs = pos->PcrsUsed(mp);

	// get key collection of the relational child
	CKeyCollection *pkc = exprhdl.GetRelationalProperties(0)->Pkc();

	if (NULL != pkc && pkc->FKey(pcrs, false /*fExactMatch*/))
		CColRefSet *pcrsReqd = posRequired->PcrsUsed(m_mp);
		BOOL fUsesDefinedCols = FUnaryUsesDefinedColumns(pcrsReqd, exprhdl);
		if (!fUsesDefinedCols)
			// we are grouping on child's key,
			// stream agg does not need to sort child and we can pass through input spec
			pos = posRequired;

	return pos;
Exemplo n.º 6
//	@function:
//		CPhysicalSequence::PosDerive
//	@doc:
//		Derive sort order
COrderSpec *
	IMemoryPool *, // pmp,
	CExpressionHandle &exprhdl
	// pass through sort order from last child
	const ULONG ulArity = exprhdl.UlArity();
	GPOS_ASSERT(1 <= ulArity);
	COrderSpec *pos = exprhdl.Pdpplan(ulArity - 1 /*ulChildIndex*/)->Pos();

	return pos;
Exemplo n.º 7
//	@function:
//		CQueryContext::PqcGenerate
//	@doc:
// 		Generate the query context for the given expression and array of
//		output column ref ids
CQueryContext *
    IMemoryPool *pmp,
    CExpression * pexpr,
    DrgPul *pdrgpulQueryOutputColRefId,
    DrgPmdname *pdrgpmdname,
    BOOL fDeriveStats
    GPOS_ASSERT(NULL != pexpr && NULL != pdrgpulQueryOutputColRefId);

    CColRefSet *pcrs = GPOS_NEW(pmp) CColRefSet(pmp);
    DrgPcr *pdrgpcr = GPOS_NEW(pmp) DrgPcr(pmp);

    COptCtxt *poptctxt = COptCtxt::PoctxtFromTLS();
    CColumnFactory *pcf = poptctxt->Pcf();
    GPOS_ASSERT(NULL != pcf);

    const ULONG ulLen = pdrgpulQueryOutputColRefId->UlLength();
    for (ULONG ul = 0; ul < ulLen; ul++)
        ULONG *pul = (*pdrgpulQueryOutputColRefId)[ul];
        GPOS_ASSERT(NULL != pul);

        CColRef *pcr = pcf->PcrLookup(*pul);
        GPOS_ASSERT(NULL != pcr);


    COrderSpec *pos = NULL;
    CExpression *pexprResult = pexpr;
    COperator *popTop = PopTop(pexpr);
    if (COperator::EopLogicalLimit == popTop->Eopid())
        // top level operator is a limit, copy order spec to query context
        pos = CLogicalLimit::PopConvert(popTop)->Pos();
        // no order required
        pos = GPOS_NEW(pmp) COrderSpec(pmp);

    CDistributionSpec *pds = NULL;

    BOOL fDML = CUtils::FLogicalDML(pexpr->Pop());

    if (fDML)
        pds = GPOS_NEW(pmp) CDistributionSpecAny(COperator::EopSentinel);
        pds = GPOS_NEW(pmp) CDistributionSpecSingleton(CDistributionSpecSingleton::EstMaster);

    CRewindabilitySpec *prs = GPOS_NEW(pmp) CRewindabilitySpec(CRewindabilitySpec::ErtNone /*ert*/);

    CEnfdOrder *peo = GPOS_NEW(pmp) CEnfdOrder(pos, CEnfdOrder::EomSatisfy);

    // we require satisfy matching on distribution since final query results must be sent to master
    CEnfdDistribution *ped = GPOS_NEW(pmp) CEnfdDistribution(pds, CEnfdDistribution::EdmSatisfy);

    CEnfdRewindability *per = GPOS_NEW(pmp) CEnfdRewindability(prs, CEnfdRewindability::ErmSatisfy);

    CCTEReq *pcter = poptctxt->Pcteinfo()->PcterProducers(pmp);

    CReqdPropPlan *prpp = GPOS_NEW(pmp) CReqdPropPlan(pcrs, peo, ped, per, pcter);

    return GPOS_NEW(pmp) CQueryContext(pmp, pexprResult, prpp, pdrgpcr, pdrgpmdname, fDeriveStats);
Exemplo n.º 8
//	@function:
//		CQueryContext::PqcGenerate
//	@doc:
// 		Generate the query context for the given expression and array of
//		output column ref ids
CQueryContext *
	IMemoryPool *mp,
	CExpression * pexpr,
	ULongPtrArray *pdrgpulQueryOutputColRefId,
	CMDNameArray *pdrgpmdname,
	BOOL fDeriveStats
	GPOS_ASSERT(NULL != pexpr && NULL != pdrgpulQueryOutputColRefId);

	CColRefSet *pcrs = GPOS_NEW(mp) CColRefSet(mp);
	CColRefArray *colref_array = GPOS_NEW(mp) CColRefArray(mp);

	COptCtxt *poptctxt = COptCtxt::PoctxtFromTLS();
	CColumnFactory *col_factory = poptctxt->Pcf();
	GPOS_ASSERT(NULL != col_factory);

	// Collect required column references (colref_array)
	const ULONG length = pdrgpulQueryOutputColRefId->Size();
	for (ULONG ul = 0; ul < length; ul++)
		ULONG *pul = (*pdrgpulQueryOutputColRefId)[ul];

		CColRef *colref = col_factory->LookupColRef(*pul);
		GPOS_ASSERT(NULL != colref);


	// Collect required properties (prpp) at the top level:

	// By default no sort order requirement is added, unless the root operator in
	// the input logical expression is a LIMIT. This is because Orca always
	// attaches top level Sort to a LIMIT node.
	COrderSpec *pos = NULL;
	CExpression *pexprResult = pexpr;
	COperator *popTop = PopTop(pexpr);
	if (COperator::EopLogicalLimit == popTop->Eopid())
		// top level operator is a limit, copy order spec to query context
		pos = CLogicalLimit::PopConvert(popTop)->Pos();
		// no order required
		pos = GPOS_NEW(mp) COrderSpec(mp);

	CDistributionSpec *pds = NULL;
	BOOL fDML = CUtils::FLogicalDML(pexpr->Pop());

	// DML commands do not have distribution requirement. Otherwise the
	// distribution requirement is Singleton.
	if (fDML)
		pds = GPOS_NEW(mp) CDistributionSpecAny(COperator::EopSentinel);
		pds = GPOS_NEW(mp) CDistributionSpecSingleton(CDistributionSpecSingleton::EstMaster);

	// By default, no rewindability requirement needs to be satisfied at the top level
	CRewindabilitySpec *prs = GPOS_NEW(mp) CRewindabilitySpec(CRewindabilitySpec::ErtNotRewindable, CRewindabilitySpec::EmhtNoMotion);

	// Ensure order, distribution and rewindability meet 'satisfy' matching at the top level
	CEnfdOrder *peo = GPOS_NEW(mp) CEnfdOrder(pos, CEnfdOrder::EomSatisfy);
	CEnfdDistribution *ped = GPOS_NEW(mp) CEnfdDistribution(pds, CEnfdDistribution::EdmSatisfy);
	CEnfdRewindability *per = GPOS_NEW(mp) CEnfdRewindability(prs, CEnfdRewindability::ErmSatisfy);

	// Required CTEs are obtained from the CTEInfo global information in the optimizer context
	CCTEReq *pcter = poptctxt->Pcteinfo()->PcterProducers(mp);

	// NB: Partition propagation requirements are not initialized here.  They are
	// constructed later based on derived relation properties (CPartInfo) by
	// CReqdPropPlan::InitReqdPartitionPropagation().

	CReqdPropPlan *prpp = GPOS_NEW(mp) CReqdPropPlan(pcrs, peo, ped, per, pcter);

	// Finally, create the CQueryContext
	return GPOS_NEW(mp) CQueryContext(mp, pexprResult, prpp, colref_array, pdrgpmdname, fDeriveStats);
//	@function:
//		CPhysicalSequenceProject::CreateOrderSpec
//	@doc:
//		Create local order spec that we request relational child to satisfy
	IMemoryPool *pmp
	GPOS_ASSERT(NULL == m_pos);
	GPOS_ASSERT(NULL != m_pds);
	GPOS_ASSERT(NULL != m_pdrgpos);

	m_pos = GPOS_NEW(pmp) COrderSpec(pmp);

	// add partition by keys to order spec
	if (CDistributionSpec::EdtHashed == m_pds->Edt())
		CDistributionSpecHashed *pdshashed = CDistributionSpecHashed::PdsConvert(m_pds);

		const DrgPexpr *pdrgpexpr = pdshashed->Pdrgpexpr();
		const ULONG ulSize = pdrgpexpr->UlLength();
		for (ULONG ul = 0; ul < ulSize; ul++)
			CExpression *pexpr = (*pdrgpexpr)[ul];
			// we assume partition-by keys are always scalar idents
			CScalarIdent *popScId = CScalarIdent::PopConvert(pexpr->Pop());
			const CColRef *pcr = popScId->Pcr();

			gpmd::IMDId *pmdid = pcr->Pmdtype()->PmdidCmp(IMDType::EcmptL);

			m_pos->Append(pmdid, pcr, COrderSpec::EntLast);

	if (0 == m_pdrgpos->UlLength())

	COrderSpec *posFirst = (*m_pdrgpos)[0];
	const ULONG ulLength = m_pdrgpos->UlLength();
	for (ULONG ul = 1; ul < ulLength; ul++)
		COrderSpec *posCurrent = (*m_pdrgpos)[ul];
		GPOS_ASSERT(posFirst->FSatisfies(posCurrent) &&
				"first order spec must satisfy all other order specs");
#endif // GPOS_DEBUG

	// we assume here that the first order spec in the children array satisfies all other
	// order specs in the array, this happens as part of the initial normalization
	// so we need to add columns only from the first order spec
	const ULONG ulSize = posFirst->UlSortColumns();
	for (ULONG ul = 0; ul < ulSize; ul++)
		const CColRef *pcr = posFirst->Pcr(ul);
		gpmd::IMDId *pmdid = posFirst->PmdidSortOp(ul);
		COrderSpec::ENullTreatment ent = posFirst->Ent(ul);
		m_pos->Append(pmdid, pcr, ent);