Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  unsigned short iZone, nZone = SINGLE_ZONE;
  su2double StartTime = 0.0, StopTime = 0.0, UsedTime = 0.0;
  char config_file_name[MAX_STRING_SIZE], *cstr = NULL;
  ofstream Gradient_file;

  su2double** Gradient;
  unsigned short iDV, iDV_Value;
  int rank, size;

  /*--- MPI initialization, and buffer setting ---*/
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  SU2_MPI::Comm MPICommunicator(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  SU2_Comm MPICommunicator(0);

  rank = SU2_MPI::GetRank();
  size = SU2_MPI::GetSize();
  /*--- Pointer to different structures that will be used throughout the entire code ---*/
  CConfig **config_container          = NULL;
  CGeometry **geometry_container      = NULL;
  CSurfaceMovement **surface_movement = NULL;
  CVolumetricMovement **grid_movement = NULL;
  COutput *output                     = NULL;

  /*--- Load in the number of zones and spatial dimensions in the mesh file (if no config
   file is specified, default.cfg is used) ---*/
  if (argc == 2) { strcpy(config_file_name,argv[1]); }
  else { strcpy(config_file_name, "default.cfg"); }

  /*--- Read the name and format of the input mesh file to get from the mesh
   file the number of zones and dimensions from the numerical grid (required
   for variables allocation)  ---*/

  CConfig *config = NULL;
  config = new CConfig(config_file_name, SU2_DEF);

  nZone = CConfig::GetnZone(config->GetMesh_FileName(), config->GetMesh_FileFormat(), config);

  /*--- Definition of the containers per zones ---*/
  config_container = new CConfig*[nZone];
  geometry_container = new CGeometry*[nZone];
  surface_movement   = new CSurfaceMovement*[nZone];
  grid_movement      = new CVolumetricMovement*[nZone];
  for (iZone = 0; iZone < nZone; iZone++) {
    config_container[iZone]       = NULL;
    geometry_container[iZone]     = NULL;
    grid_movement [iZone]     = NULL;
    surface_movement[iZone]   = NULL;
  /*--- Loop over all zones to initialize the various classes. In most
   cases, nZone is equal to one. This represents the solution of a partial
   differential equation on a single block, unstructured mesh. ---*/
  for (iZone = 0; iZone < nZone; iZone++) {
    /*--- Definition of the configuration option class for all zones. In this
     constructor, the input configuration file is parsed and all options are
     read and stored. ---*/
    config_container[iZone] = new CConfig(config_file_name, SU2_DOT, iZone, nZone, 0, VERB_HIGH);

    /*--- Set the MPI communicator ---*/
    /*--- Definition of the geometry class to store the primal grid in the partitioning process. ---*/
    CGeometry *geometry_aux = NULL;
    /*--- All ranks process the grid and call ParMETIS for partitioning ---*/
    geometry_aux = new CPhysicalGeometry(config_container[iZone], iZone, nZone);
    /*--- Color the initial grid and set the send-receive domains (ParMETIS) ---*/
    /*--- Allocate the memory of the current domain, and
     divide the grid between the nodes ---*/
    geometry_container[iZone] = new CPhysicalGeometry(geometry_aux, config_container[iZone]);
    /*--- Deallocate the memory of geometry_aux ---*/
    delete geometry_aux;
    /*--- Add the Send/Receive boundaries ---*/
    /*--- Add the Send/Receive boundaries ---*/
  /*--- Set up a timer for performance benchmarking (preprocessing time is included) ---*/
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  StartTime = MPI_Wtime();
  StartTime = su2double(clock())/su2double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  for (iZone = 0; iZone < nZone; iZone++){
  if (rank == MASTER_NODE)
    cout << endl <<"----------------------- Preprocessing computations ----------------------" << endl;
  /*--- Compute elements surrounding points, points surrounding points ---*/
  if (rank == MASTER_NODE) cout << "Setting local point connectivity." <<endl;
  /*--- Check the orientation before computing geometrical quantities ---*/
    if (config_container[iZone]->GetReorientElements()) {
      if (rank == MASTER_NODE) cout << "Checking the numerical grid orientation of the elements." <<endl;
  /*--- Create the edge structure ---*/
  if (rank == MASTER_NODE) cout << "Identify edges and vertices." <<endl;
    geometry_container[iZone]->SetEdges(); geometry_container[iZone]->SetVertex(config_container[iZone]);
  /*--- Compute center of gravity ---*/
  if (rank == MASTER_NODE) cout << "Computing centers of gravity." << endl;
  /*--- Create the dual control volume structures ---*/
  if (rank == MASTER_NODE) cout << "Setting the bound control volume structure." << endl;
  geometry_container[iZone]->SetBoundControlVolume(config_container[ZONE_0], ALLOCATE);

  /*--- Store the global to local mapping after preprocessing. ---*/
  if (rank == MASTER_NODE) cout << "Storing a mapping from global to local point index." << endl;
  /*--- Load the surface sensitivities from file. This is done only
   once: if this is an unsteady problem, a time-average of the surface
   sensitivities at each node is taken within this routine. ---*/
    if (!config_container[iZone]->GetDiscrete_Adjoint()){
      if (rank == MASTER_NODE) cout << "Reading surface sensitivities at each node from file." << endl;
    } else {
      if (rank == MASTER_NODE) cout << "Reading volume sensitivities at each node from file." << endl;
      grid_movement[iZone] = new CVolumetricMovement(geometry_container[iZone], config_container[iZone]);

      if (rank == MASTER_NODE)
        cout << endl <<"---------------------- Mesh sensitivity computation ---------------------" << endl;
      grid_movement[iZone]->SetVolume_Deformation(geometry_container[iZone], config_container[iZone], false, true);


   if (config_container[ZONE_0]->GetDiscrete_Adjoint()){
     if (rank == MASTER_NODE)
       cout << endl <<"------------------------ Mesh sensitivity Output ------------------------" << endl;
     output = new COutput(config_container[ZONE_0]);
     output->SetSensitivity_Files(geometry_container, config_container, nZone);

   if (config_container[ZONE_0]->GetDesign_Variable(0) != NONE){

     /*--- Initialize structure to store the gradient ---*/

     Gradient = new su2double*[config_container[ZONE_0]->GetnDV()];

     for (iDV = 0; iDV  < config_container[ZONE_0]->GetnDV(); iDV++){
       Gradient[iDV] = new su2double[config_container[ZONE_0]->GetnDV_Value(iDV)];
       for (iDV_Value = 0; iDV_Value < config_container[ZONE_0]->GetnDV_Value(iDV); iDV_Value++){
         Gradient[iDV][iDV_Value] = 0.0;

     if (rank == MASTER_NODE)
       cout << endl <<"---------- Start gradient evaluation using sensitivity information ----------" << endl;

     /*--- Write the gradient in a external file ---*/

     if (rank == MASTER_NODE) {
       cstr = new char [config_container[ZONE_0]->GetObjFunc_Grad_FileName().size()+1];
       strcpy (cstr, config_container[ZONE_0]->GetObjFunc_Grad_FileName().c_str());
       Gradient_file.open(cstr, ios::out);

     /*--- Loop through each zone and add it's contribution to the gradient array ---*/

     for (iZone = 0; iZone < nZone; iZone++){

       /*--- Definition of the Class for surface deformation ---*/

       surface_movement[iZone] = new CSurfaceMovement();

       /*--- Copy coordinates to the surface structure ---*/

       surface_movement[iZone]->CopyBoundary(geometry_container[iZone], config_container[iZone]);

       /*--- If AD mode is enabled we can use it to compute the projection,
        *    otherwise we use finite differences. ---*/

       if (config_container[iZone]->GetAD_Mode()){
         SetProjection_AD(geometry_container[iZone], config_container[iZone], surface_movement[iZone] , Gradient);
         SetProjection_FD(geometry_container[iZone], config_container[iZone], surface_movement[iZone] , Gradient);

     /*--- Print gradients to screen and file ---*/

     OutputGradient(Gradient, config_container[ZONE_0], Gradient_file);

     if (rank == MASTER_NODE)

     for (iDV = 0; iDV  < config_container[ZONE_0]->GetnDV(); iDV++){
       delete [] Gradient[iDV];
     delete [] Gradient;


  if (rank == MASTER_NODE)
    cout << endl <<"------------------------- Solver Postprocessing -------------------------" << endl;
  if (geometry_container != NULL) {
    for (iZone = 0; iZone < nZone; iZone++) {
      if (geometry_container[iZone] != NULL) {
        delete geometry_container[iZone];
    delete [] geometry_container;
  if (rank == MASTER_NODE) cout << "Deleted CGeometry container." << endl;
  if (surface_movement != NULL) {
    for (iZone = 0; iZone < nZone; iZone++) {
      if (surface_movement[iZone] != NULL) {
        delete surface_movement[iZone];
    delete [] surface_movement;
  if (rank == MASTER_NODE) cout << "Deleted CSurfaceMovement class." << endl;
  if (grid_movement != NULL) {
    for (iZone = 0; iZone < nZone; iZone++) {
      if (grid_movement[iZone] != NULL) {
        delete grid_movement[iZone];
    delete [] grid_movement;
  if (rank == MASTER_NODE) cout << "Deleted CVolumetricMovement class." << endl;
  delete config;
  config = NULL;
  if (config_container != NULL) {
    for (iZone = 0; iZone < nZone; iZone++) {
      if (config_container[iZone] != NULL) {
        delete config_container[iZone];
    delete [] config_container;
  if (rank == MASTER_NODE) cout << "Deleted CConfig container." << endl;
  if (output != NULL) delete output;
  if (rank == MASTER_NODE) cout << "Deleted COutput class." << endl;

  if (cstr != NULL) delete cstr;
  /*--- Synchronization point after a single solver iteration. Compute the
   wall clock time required. ---*/
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  StopTime = MPI_Wtime();
  StopTime = su2double(clock())/su2double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  /*--- Compute/print the total time for performance benchmarking. ---*/

  UsedTime = StopTime-StartTime;
  if (rank == MASTER_NODE) {
    cout << "\nCompleted in " << fixed << UsedTime << " seconds on "<< size;
    if (size == 1) cout << " core." << endl; else cout << " cores." << endl;
  /*--- Exit the solver cleanly ---*/
  if (rank == MASTER_NODE)
    cout << endl <<"------------------------- Exit Success (SU2_DOT) ------------------------" << endl << endl;
  /*--- Finalize MPI parallelization ---*/
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;