double MyController::rotateTowardGrabPos(Vector3d pos, double velocity, double now)

	printf("start rotate %lf \n", now);
	SimObj *my = getObj(myname());  
	//printf("向く座標 %lf %lf %lf \n", pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z());
  // 自分の位置の取得
  Vector3d myPos;

	CParts * parts = my->getParts("RARM_LINK7");  

	Vector3d partPos;

  // 自分の位置からターゲットを結ぶベクトル
  Vector3d tmpp = pos;
  //tmpp -= myPos;
	tmpp -= partPos;

  // y方向は考えない
  // 自分の回転を得る
  Rotation myRot;

  // エンティティの初期方向
  Vector3d iniVec(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
  // y軸の回転角度を得る(x,z方向の回転は無いと仮定)
  double qw = myRot.qw();
  double qy = myRot.qy();
  double theta = 2*acos(fabs(qw));
	//printf("qw: %lf theta: %lf \n", qw, theta);

  if(qw*qy < 0) {
		//printf("qw * qy < 0 \n");
    theta = -1*theta;		

  // z方向からの角度
 	//printf("結ぶベクトル 座標 %lf %lf %lf \n", tmpp.x(), tmpp.y(), tmpp.z());
  double tmp = tmpp.angle(Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
	//printf("tmp: %lf \n", tmp);
  double targetAngle = acos(tmp);
	//printf("targetAngle: %lf ---> %lf \n", targetAngle, targetAngle*180.0/PI);

  // 方向
	//printf("tmpp.x() %lf \n", tmpp.x());
  if(tmpp.x() > 0) {
		targetAngle = -1*targetAngle;
		//printf("targetAngle: %lf deg \n", targetAngle*180.0/PI);
  targetAngle += theta;
	//printf("targetAngle: %lf <--- %lf \n", targetAngle, theta);

	//printf("qw: %lf qy: %lf theta: %lf tmp: %lf targetAngle: %lf \n", qw, qy, theta, tmp, targetAngle);
  if(targetAngle == 0.0){
		//printf("donot need rotate \n");
    return 0.0;
    // 回転すべき円周距離
    double distance = m_distance*PI*fabs(targetAngle)/(2*PI);

    // 車輪の半径から移動速度を得る
    double vel = m_radius*velocity;
    // 回転時間(u秒)
    double time = distance / vel;
    // 車輪回転開始
    if(targetAngle > 0.0){
      m_my->setWheelVelocity(velocity, -velocity);
      m_my->setWheelVelocity(-velocity, velocity);

		//printf("distance: %lf vel: %lf time: %lf \n", distance, vel, time);
		printf("rotate time: %lf, time to stop: %lf \n", time, now + time);
    return now + time;
double MyController::onAction(ActionEvent &evt)
		m_srv == NULL;
	if(m_srv == NULL){
		// ゴミ認識サービスが利用可能か調べる
			// ゴミ認識サービスに接続
			m_srv = connectToService("RecogTrash");

	//if(evt.time() < m_time) printf("state: %d \n", m_state);
	switch(m_state) {
		// 初期状態
		case 0: {
			if(m_srv == NULL){
				// ゴミ認識サービスが利用可能か調べる
					// ゴミ認識サービスに接続
					m_srv = connectToService("RecogTrash");
			} else if(m_srv != NULL && m_executed == false){  
				//rotate toward upper
				m_my->setJointVelocity("LARM_JOINT4", -m_jvel, 0.0);
				m_my->setJointVelocity("RARM_JOINT4", -m_jvel, 0.0);
				// 50°回転
				m_time = DEG2RAD(ROTATE_ANG) / m_jvel + evt.time();
				m_state = 5;
				m_executed = false;			

		case 5: {
			if(evt.time() > m_time && m_executed == false) {
				//m_my->setJointVelocity("LARM_JOINT1", 0.0, 0.0);
				m_my->setJointVelocity("LARM_JOINT4", 0.0, 0.0);
				m_my->setJointVelocity("RARM_JOINT4", 0.0, 0.0);
				printf("Started! \n");
				m_executed = true;

		// 物体の方向が帰ってきた
		case 20: {
			// 送られた座標に回転する
			m_time = rotateTowardObj(nextPos, m_rotateVel, evt.time());
			//printf("debug %lf %lf \n", evt.time(), m_time);
			m_state = 21;
			m_executed = false;
		case 21: {
			// ロボットが回転中
			//printf("debug %lf %lf \n", evt.time(), m_time);
			if(evt.time() > m_time && m_executed == false) {
				// 物体のある場所に到着したので、車輪と止め、関節を回転し始め、物体を拾う
				m_my->setWheelVelocity(0.0, 0.0);
				// 物体のある方向に回転した
				//printf("目的地の近くに移動します %lf %lf %lf \n", nextPos.x(), nextPos.y(), nextPos.z());	
				// 送られた座標に移動する
				m_time = goToObj(nextPos, m_vel*4, m_range, evt.time());
				//m_time = goToObj(nextPos, m_vel*4, 40, evt.time());
				m_state = 22;
				m_executed = false;

		case 22: {
			// 送られた座標に移動した
			if(evt.time() > m_time && m_executed == false) {
				m_my->setWheelVelocity(0.0, 0.0);
				printf("止める \n");
				Vector3d myPos;
				double x = myPos.x();
				double z = myPos.z();
				double theta = 0;			// y方向の回転は無しと考える		
				char replyMsg[256];

				bool found = recognizeNearestTrash(m_tpos, m_tname);
				// ロボットのステートを更新
				if (found == true) {
					m_state = 500;				
					m_executed = false;		
					//printf("m_executed = false, state = 500 \n");		
				} else {
					//printf("Didnot found anything \n");		
					m_state = 10;
					m_executed = false;


		case 30: {
			// 送られた座標に回転する
			m_time = rotateTowardObj(nextPos, m_rotateVel, evt.time());
			//printf("case 30 time: %lf \n", m_time);
			m_state = 31;
			m_executed = false;

		// 物体を掴むために、ロボットの向く角度をズラス
		case 31: {
			if(evt.time() > m_time && m_executed == false) {
				Vector3d grabPos;
				//printf("斜めにちょっとずれた以前の時間 time: %lf \n", evt.time());
				if(calcGrabPos(nextPos, 20, grabPos)) {
					m_time = rotateTowardObj(grabPos, m_vel / 5, evt.time());
					printf("斜め grabPos :%lf %lf %lf \n", grabPos.x(), grabPos.y(), grabPos.z());
					printf("time: %lf \n", m_time);
				m_state = 32;
				m_executed = false;				

		// 物体の方向が帰ってきた
		case 32: {
			if(evt.time() > m_time && m_executed == false) {
				// 物体のある場所に到着したので、車輪と止め、関節を回転し始め、物体を拾う
				m_my->setWheelVelocity(0.0, 0.0);
				//printf("回転を止めた evt.time %lf \n", evt.time());
				// 関節の回転を始める
				m_my->setJointVelocity("RARM_JOINT1", -m_jvel, 0.0);
				// 50°回転
				m_time = DEG2RAD(ROTATE_ANG) / m_jvel + evt.time();
				m_state = 33;
				m_executed = false;

		case 33: {
			// 関節回転中
			if(evt.time() > m_time && m_executed == false) {
				// 関節の回転を止める
				m_my->setJointVelocity("RARM_JOINT1", 0.0, 0.0);
				// 自分の位置の取得
				Vector3d myPos;
				double x = myPos.x();
				double z = myPos.z();
				double theta = 0;									// y方向の回転は無しと考える	
				if(m_grasp) {											// 物体を掴んだ

					// 捨てたゴミをゴミ候補
					std::vector<std::string>::iterator it;
					// ゴミ候補を得る
					it = std::find(m_trashes.begin(), m_trashes.end(), m_tname);
					// 候補から削除する
					printf("erased ... \n");	

					// ゴミ箱への行き方と問い合わせする
					char replyMsg[256];

					// もっとも近いゴミ箱を探す
					//bool found = recognizeNearestTrashBox(m_trashBoxPos, m_trashBoxName);

					// ゴミを置くべき座標を探す
					bool found = findPlace2PutObj(m_trashBoxPos, m_tname); 
					if(found) {
						// ゴミ箱が検出出来た
						std::cout << "trashboxName " << m_trashBoxName << std::endl;
						sprintf(replyMsg, "AskTrashBoxRoute %6.1lf %6.1lf %6.1lf %6.1lf %6.1lf %6.1lf", 
																	x, z, theta, m_trashBoxPos.x(), m_trashBoxPos.y(), m_trashBoxPos.z());
					} else {
						sprintf(replyMsg, "AskTrashBoxPos %6.1lf %6.1lf %6.1lf", 
																	x, z, theta);

					m_executed = true;	
				} else {					// 物体を掴めなかった、次に探す場所を問い合わせる
					// ゴミを掴めなかったもしくはゴミが無かった、次にゴミのある場所を問い合わせする
					// 逆方向に関節の回転を始める
					m_my->setJointVelocity("RARM_JOINT1", m_jvel, 0.0);
					// 50°回転
					m_time = DEG2RAD(ROTATE_ANG) / m_jvel + evt.time();
					m_state = 34;				
					m_lastFailedTrash = m_tname;
					m_executed = false;
		case 34: {
			if(evt.time() > m_time && m_executed == false) {
				// 関節の回転を止める
				m_my->setJointVelocity("RARM_JOINT1", 0.0, 0.0);

				// 自分の位置の取得
				Vector3d myPos;
				double x = myPos.x();
				double z = myPos.z();
				double theta = 0;			
				char replyMsg[256];
				sprintf(replyMsg, "AskObjPos %6.1lf %6.1lf %6.1lf", x, z, theta);
				printf("case 34 debug %s \n", replyMsg);

				m_executed = true;

		case 40: {
			// 送られた座標に回転する
			m_time = rotateTowardObj(nextPos, m_rotateVel, evt.time());
			m_state = 41;
			m_executed = false;

		case 41: {
			// 送られた座標に回転中
			if(evt.time() > m_time && m_executed == false) {
				// 送られた座標に移動する
				printf("目的地の近くに移動します %lf %lf %lf \n", nextPos.x(), nextPos.y(), nextPos.z());	
				m_time = goToObj(nextPos, m_vel*4, m_range, evt.time());
				m_state = 42;
				m_executed = false;

		case 42: {
			// 送られた座標に移動中
			if(evt.time() > m_time && m_executed == false) {
				// 送られた座標に到着した、 自分の位置の取得
				Vector3d myPos;
				double x = myPos.x();
				double z = myPos.z();
				double theta = 0;			// y方向の回転は無しと考える	
				char replyMsg[256];

				// もっとも近いゴミ箱を探す
				bool found = recognizeNearestTrashBox(m_trashBoxPos, m_trashBoxName);
				if(found) {
					// ゴミ箱が検出出来た
					std::cout << "trashboxName " << m_trashBoxName << std::endl;
					sprintf(replyMsg, "AskTrashBoxRoute %6.1lf %6.1lf %6.1lf %6.1lf %6.1lf %6.1lf", 
																x, z, theta, m_trashBoxPos.x(), m_trashBoxPos.y(), m_trashBoxPos.z());
				} else {
					sprintf(replyMsg, "AskTrashBoxPos %6.1lf %6.1lf %6.1lf", 
																x, z, theta);

				m_executed = true;

		case 50: {
			if(evt.time() > m_time && m_executed == false) {
				Vector3d throwPos;
				//printf("斜めにちょっとずれた以前の時間 time: %lf \n", evt.time());

				// 送られた座標に到着した、 自分の位置の取得
				Vector3d myPos;
				printf("robot pos %lf %lf \n", myPos.x(), myPos.z());

				// grasp中のパーツを取得します
				CParts *parts = m_my->getParts("RARM_LINK7");	
				// grasp中のパーツの座標を取得出来れば、回転する角度を逆算出来る。
				Vector3d partPos;
				if (parts->getPosition(partPos)) {
					printf("parts pos before rotate %lf %lf %lf \n", partPos.x(), partPos.y(), partPos.z());

				//if(calcGrabPos(nextPos, 20, throwPos)) {				
				if(calcGrabPos(nextPos, 20, throwPos)) {
					m_time = rotateTowardObj(throwPos, m_vel / 5, evt.time());
					printf("斜めに捨てる throwPos :%lf %lf %lf \n", throwPos.x(), throwPos.y(), throwPos.z());
					//printf("time: %lf \n", m_time);
				m_state = 51;
				m_executed = false;				

		case 51: {
		  // ゴミ箱に到着したので、車輪を停止し、アームを下ろし、物体をゴミ箱に捨てる準備をする
			m_my->setWheelVelocity(0.0, 0.0);
			// grasp中のパーツを取得します
		  CParts *parts = m_my->getParts("RARM_LINK7");		
			// grasp中のパーツの座標を取得出来れば、回転する角度を逆算出来る。
			Vector3d partPos;
			if (parts->getPosition(partPos)) {
				printf("parts pos after rotate %lf %lf %lf \n", partPos.x(), partPos.y(), partPos.z());

		  // releaseします
			// ゴミが捨てられるまで少し待つ
			// grasp終了
		  m_grasp = false;

			//confirmThrewTrashPos(m_threwPos, m_tname);
			//printf("捨てた座標: %lf %lf %lf \n", m_threwPos.x(), m_threwPos.y(), m_threwPos.z());	
			// 関節の回転を始める
		  m_my->setJointVelocity("RARM_JOINT1", m_jvel, 0.0);
		  m_time = DEG2RAD(ROTATE_ANG) / m_jvel + evt.time() + 1.0;   
			m_state = 52;
			m_executed = false;

		case 52: {
			// 関節が回転中
			if(evt.time() > m_time && m_executed == false) {
				// 関節が元に戻った、関節の回転を止める
				m_my->setJointVelocity("RARM_JOINT1", 0.0, 0.0);
				// 自分の位置の取得
				Vector3d myPos;
				double x = myPos.x();
				double z = myPos.z();
				double theta = 0;										// y方向の回転は無しと考える	
				// ゴミを捨てたので、次にゴミのある場所を問い合わせする
				char replyMsg[256];
				if(recognizeNearestTrash(m_tpos, m_tname)) {
					m_executed = false;
					// 物体が発見された

					m_state = 500;
				} else {
					sprintf(replyMsg, "AskObjPos %6.1lf %6.1lf %6.1lf", x, z, theta);
					m_executed = true;
		case 100: {
			m_my->setJointVelocity("RARM_JOINT1", 0.0, 0.0);
			m_my->setWheelVelocity(0.0, 0.0);

		case 800: {
			if(evt.time() > m_time && m_executed == false) {
				m_executed = true;

		case 805: {
			if(evt.time() > m_time && m_executed == false) {
				// 送られた座標に移動する
				double range = 0;
				m_time = rotateTowardObj(nextPos, m_rotateVel, evt.time());
				m_state = 807;
				m_executed = false;

		case 807: {
			if(evt.time() > m_time && m_executed == false) {
				m_my->setWheelVelocity(0.0, 0.0);				
				printf("移動先 x: %lf, z: %lf \n", nextPos.x(), nextPos.z());				
				m_time = goToObj(nextPos, m_vel*4, m_range, evt.time());
				m_state = 810;
				m_executed = false;

		case 810: {
			// 送られた座標に移動中
			if(evt.time() > m_time && m_executed == false) {
				m_my->setWheelVelocity(0.0, 0.0);
				m_time = rotateTowardObj(m_lookingPos, m_rotateVel, evt.time());
				m_executed = false;
				m_state = 815;
		case 815: {
			// 送られた座標に移動中
			if(evt.time() > m_time && m_executed == false) {
				m_my->setWheelVelocity(0.0, 0.0);				
				printf("sent data to SIGViewer \n");				
				m_executed = true;

		case 920: {
			// 送られた座標に回転する
			m_time = rotateTowardObj(nextPos, m_rotateVel, evt.time());
			m_state = 921;
			m_executed = false;

		case 921: {
			// ロボットが回転中
			if(evt.time() > m_time && m_executed == false) {
				m_my->setWheelVelocity(0.0, 0.0);
				m_executed = false;

		default: {


  return 0.05;      
double MyController::onAction(ActionEvent &evt) {  

  dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL); 
  Py_Initialize();  //initialization of the python interpreter

  //return 1.0;
  SimObj *stick = getObj("robot_test");
  SimObj *box   = getObj("box_001");
  SimObj *goal_001   = getObj("checkpoint_001");
  double torque;

  // The target position
  Vector3d targetPos;

  // The Goal Position: The sphere is placed at Goal position. 

  Vector3d goalPos;

  // calculating the displacement vector 

  Vector3d displacementVect;

  // stick->addForce(-500,0,500);  // This adds force to on the stick tool.
  // stick->addForce(0,0,5000); 

  // Vector3d angularVel;
  // stick->getAngularVelocity(angularVel); 
  // LOG_MSG((" Current angular Velocity is  : %f %f %f ", angularVel.x(), angularVel.y(), angularVel.z() ));

 //  if ( abs(angularVel.y()) > 0.1  )
 //  {
 //      LOG_MSG((" Current angular Velocity is  : %f %f %f ", angularVel.x(), angularVel.y(), angularVel.z() ));
 //      double* ptr1 = NULL;
 //      ptr1 = controlAngularVelocity(angularVel, 3.0, 0, 1.0);
 //      torque  =  ptr1[0] * 500;
 //      // torque =  ptr1[0] * 12000 ;
 //      cout << "The torque applied for controlling angular velocity is " << torque << "   N. m" << endl; 
 //      stick->addTorque( 0 , torque, 0);
 // } 

  // to control the rotation of the tool

  // Rotation currentToolRot;
  // stick->getRotation(currentToolRot);
  // double *ptr = NULL;
  // ptr = controlRotation(initialToolRot, currentToolRot, 20.0, 0.0, 20.0);
  // torque  =  ptr[1] * 200 ;
  // cout << "The torque applied for controlling the rotation = " << torque << endl;
  // stick->addTorque(0, torque,0);

  // double massOfTool;  
  // massOfTool = stick->getMass();  
  // cout << "The mass is " << massOfTool <<endl;

  // Vector3d velocityOfTarget;
  // box->getLinearVelocity(velocityOfTarget);

  // double netVelocityTarget;
  // netVelocityTarget=( pow(velocityOfTarget.x(),2) + pow(velocityOfTarget.y(), 2) + pow(velocityOfTarget.z(), 2 ) );
  // netVelocityTarget = sqrt(netVelocityTarget);

  // stick->getPosition(pos);
  // stick->getPartsPosition(pos, "LINK1");
  // LOG_MSG((" LINK1 Position is  : %f %f %f ", pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z() ));

  // Vector3d targetPos;
  // box->getPosition(targetPos);

  // Vector3d goalPos;
  // goal_001->getPosition(goalPos);

  // if (abs( goalPos.z() - targetPos.z()) < 1.4 ) 
  // {
  //    cout << "The distance to goal is " << abs( goalPos.z() - targetPos.z()) << endl;
  //    cout << "The goal has been reached " << endl;
  //    exit(0);
  // }

  // if (netVelocityTarget > 0.1 )

  // {

  //   double angle = atan ( (targetPos.z() - startPosition.z()) / (targetPos.x() - startPosition.x()  )  ) * 180 / PI;
  //   cout << "The angle is" << angle; 
  //   storePosition(targetPos);
  // }

  std::vector<std::string> s;

  for(std::map<std::string, CParts *>::iterator it = stick->getPartsCollection().begin(); it != stick->getPartsCollection().end(); ++it){
    if (it->first != "body")
 std::string linkName; 
 Size si;

 cout << "The total links are  " << s.size() << endl;

 for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++){

  const char* linkName = s[i].c_str();
  CParts *link = stick->getParts(linkName);

  if (link->getType() == 0){
            BoxParts* box = (BoxParts*) link;
            si = box->getSize();
            // cout <<  linkName << endl;
            cout << linkName << "  position : x = " << pos.x() << "  y = " << pos.y() << "  z = " << pos.z() << endl;
            // cout << linkName << "  size : x = " << si.x() << "  y = " << si.y() << "  z = " << si.z() << endl;
            // cout << linkName << "  Rotation: qw " << linkRotation.qw() << " qx = "<< linkRotation.qx() << " qy = "<< linkRotation.qy()
            // << " qz = "<< linkRotation.qz() << endl;


               py::object main_module = py::import("__main__");
               py::object main_namespace = main_module.attr("__dict__");  
               main_module.attr("linkName") = linkName;
               main_module.attr("length")  = si.x();
               main_module.attr("height")  = si.y();
               main_module.attr("breadth") = si.z();
               main_module.attr("linkPos") = "[" + tostr(pos.x())+" , "+ tostr(pos.y())+ " , " + tostr(pos.z()) + "]";
               main_module.attr("rotation") = "[" + tostr(linkRotation.qw())+" , "+ tostr(linkRotation.qx())+ " , " + tostr(linkRotation.qy()) + " , " + tostr(linkRotation.qz()) +"]";
               // calculating the rotation of the tool.
               py::exec("import ast", main_namespace);
               py::exec("import transformations as T", main_namespace);
               py::exec("rotation = ast.literal_eval(rotation)", main_namespace);
               // py::exec("angles = T.euler_from_quaternion(rotation) ", main_namespace);
               // py::exec("print angles", main_namespace);

               py::exec("linkPos = ast.literal_eval(linkPos)", main_namespace);
               py::exec_file("", main_namespace, main_namespace );
               py::exec("getNormals(linkName, linkPos, rotation, length, height, breadth)", main_namespace);

               main_module.attr("targetPos") = "[" + tostr(targetPos.x())+" , "+ tostr(targetPos.y())+ " , " + tostr(targetPos.z()) + "]";
               main_module.attr("displacementVect") = "[" + tostr(displacementVect.x())+" , "+ tostr(displacementVect.y())+ " , " + tostr(displacementVect.z()) + "]";
               py::exec_file("", main_namespace, main_namespace );

            catch(boost::python::error_already_set const &){
                // Parse and output the exception
                std::string perror_str = parse_python_exception();
                std::cout << "Error in Python: " << perror_str << std::endl;

  else if(link->getType() == 1){
            CylinderParts* cyl = (CylinderParts*) link;
            cout << "Cylinder Position : x = " << pos.x() << "  y = " << pos.y() << "  z = " << pos.z() << endl;
            cout << "Cylinder Length : length = " << cyl->getLength() << endl;
            cout << "Cylinder Radius : rad = " << cyl->getRad() << endl;

  else if(link->getType() == 2){
            SphereParts* sph = (SphereParts*) link;
            cout << "Sphere Position : x = " << pos.x() << "  y = " << pos.y() << "  z = " << pos.z() << endl;
            cout << "Sphere Radius : rad = " << sph->getRad() << endl;


  // stick->getPartsPosition(pos, s[1]);
  // stick->getPartsPosition(pos, "LINK1");
  // LOG_MSG((" LINK1 Position is  : %f %f %f ", pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z() ));

  // stick->getPartsPosition(pos, "LINK2");
  // LOG_MSG((" LINK2 Position is  : %f %f %f ", pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z() ));

  // stick->getPartsPosition(pos, "LINK3");
  // LOG_MSG((" LINK3 Position is  : %f %f %f ", pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z() ));



 return 0.00001;