int main() { try{ CQueue<int> cq; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) cq.appendTail(i); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) cout << cq.deleteHead() << ' '; cout << endl; cq.deleteHead(); } catch(exception &e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } try{ CStack<int> cs; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) cs.push(i); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) cout << cs.pop() << ' '; cout << endl; cs.pop(); } catch(exception &e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { CQueue<int> q; q.appendTail(1); q.appendTail(2); cout << q.deleteHead() << endl; cout << q.deleteHead() << endl; q.appendTail(4); cout << q.deleteHead() << endl; // q.deleteHead(); CStack<int> s; s.push(1); s.push(2); s.push(3); cout << << endl; s.pop(); cout << << endl; s.pop(); s.pop(); // s.pop(); return 0; }
void netSocketManger::endSocket() { if (!threadSend.joinable()) {//线程已启动 threadSend.~thread(); delete m_sendEvent; m_sendEvent = NULL; } if (!threadRecive.joinable()) { threadRecive.~thread(); } while (!m_sendQueue.IsEmpty()) { SocketData *sendData = m_sendQueue.Pop(); //CC_SAFE_FREE(sendData->body); free(sendData); } while (!m_mainQueue.IsEmpty()) { SocketData *mainData = m_mainQueue.Pop(); CC_SAFE_FREE(mainData); //CC_SAFE_FREE(mainData->addContent); } if (isConnect) { cSocket.Close(); cSocket.Clean(); isConnect = false; } m_isFirst = true; m_sendDelegateList.clear(); }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { CQueue<char> queue; queue.appendTail('a'); queue.appendTail('b'); queue.appendTail('c'); char head = queue.deleteHead(); Test(head, 'a'); head = queue.deleteHead(); Test(head, 'b'); queue.appendTail('d'); head = queue.deleteHead(); Test(head, 'c'); queue.appendTail('e'); head = queue.deleteHead(); Test(head, 'd'); head = queue.deleteHead(); Test(head, 'e'); return 0; }
int main() { CQueue *pQueue; pQueue = new CQueue(); fillQueue(pQueue, 3); pQueue->printJobs(); pQueue->pop(); pQueue->printJobs(); return 0; }
BOOL ConsumeElement(int nThreadNum, int nRequestNum, HWND hWndLB) { // Get access to the queue to consume a new element AcquireSRWLockShared(&g_srwLock); // Fall asleep until there is something to read. // Check if, while it was asleep, // it was not decided that the thread should stop while (g_q.IsEmpty(nThreadNum) && !g_fShutdown) { // There was not a readable element AddText(hWndLB, TEXT("[%d] Nothing to process"), nThreadNum); // The queue is empty // --> Wait until a writer adds a new element to read // and come back with the lock acquired in shared mode SleepConditionVariableSRW(&g_cvReadyToConsume, &g_srwLock, INFINITE, CONDITION_VARIABLE_LOCKMODE_SHARED); } // When thread is exiting, the lock should be released for writer // and readers should be signaled through the condition variable if (g_fShutdown) { // Show that the current thread is exiting AddText(hWndLB, TEXT("[%d] bye bye"), nThreadNum); // Another writer thread might still be blocked on the lock // --> release it before exiting ReleaseSRWLockShared(&g_srwLock); // Notify other readers that it is time to exit // --> release readers WakeConditionVariable(&g_cvReadyToConsume); return(FALSE); } // Get the first new element CQueue::ELEMENT e; // Note: No need to test the return value since IsEmpty // returned FALSE g_q.GetNewElement(nThreadNum, e); // No need to keep the lock any longer ReleaseSRWLockShared(&g_srwLock); // Show result of consuming the element AddText(hWndLB, TEXT("[%d] Processing %d:%d"), nThreadNum, e.m_nThreadNum, e.m_nRequestNum); // A free slot is now available for writer threads to produce // --> wake up a writer thread WakeConditionVariable(&g_cvReadyToProduce); return(TRUE); }
// blockSize - bytes of each queue item // nReservedSlots - number of reserved nodes CQueue* CQueue::Create(CQueue *pMainQ, void *pOwner, AM_UINT blockSize, AM_UINT nReservedSlots) { CQueue *result = new CQueue(pMainQ, pOwner); if (result && result->Construct(blockSize, nReservedSlots) != ME_OK) { delete result; result = NULL; } return result; }
int main() { //往空的队列里添加和删除元素 CQueue cq; cq.Push(4); cq.Push(5); cout << cq.Pop(); cout << cq.Pop(); cout << cq.Pop(); return 0; }
//接收数据线程 void netSocketManger::reciveThread() { char buff[MAX_BUFF]; int recv_len = 0; bool hasMorePackets = false; while(true) { if( !hasMorePackets ) { int ret = cSocket.Recv(buff, MAX_BUFF - recv_len, 0); if (ret <= 0) { isConnect = false; SocketData *errorData = newSocketData(); errorData->eventType = DISCONNECT; m_mainQueue.Push(errorData); break; } if(ret < 1) break; } T_MSGHEAD_T reciveCmd; reciveCmd.len = 1; //接收缓存中的前64个字节数据 reciveCmd.enc = 0; //数据是否加密标志 = 0; //数据是否压缩标志,这两个我们都设置为否,因为我们的数据本身只有一位 reciveCmd.idx = (uInt)m_sn; //包索引也设置为固定值,因为我们只有一个接口,这里发arduino马上就会回. reciveCmd.tea = 0; unsigned int pos = 0; SocketData *data = newSocketData(); data->module.cmd = 100; //先将100设置为灯的协议号 data->module.eno = 0; //主动将错误码设置为0,即正常 data->eventType = RESPONSE; data->sn = reciveCmd.idx; std::string datax(&buff[pos],reciveCmd.len); data->body = std::string(datax); pos += reciveCmd.len; data->bodyLen = reciveCmd.len; log("接收:%s",data->body.c_str()); log("*************************************************"); log("*************************************************"); m_mainQueue.Push(data); hasMorePackets = false; } }
/* * Interrupt handler */ void USART4_IRQHandler(void) { static AsyncSerialPort4* portHandle = AsyncSerialPort4::getInstance(); static CQueue outStream = portHandle->getOutStream(); static CQueue inStream = portHandle->getInStream(); portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE; portCHAR cChar; if (USART_GetITStatus(UART4, USART_IT_TXE) == SET) { /* The interrupt was caused by the THR becoming empty. Are there any more characters to transmit? */ if (outStream.ReceiveFromISR(&cChar, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken)) { /* A character was retrieved from the queue so can be sent to the THR now. */ USART_SendData(UART4, cChar); if (portHandle->getCurrentStatus() == SERIAL_TX_BUFFER_FULL) { portHandle->setCurrentStatus(SERIAL_OK); } } else { USART_ITConfig(UART4, USART_IT_TXE, DISABLE); } } if (USART_GetITStatus(UART4, USART_IT_RXNE) == SET) { cChar = USART_ReceiveData(UART4); if (!inStream.SendFromISR(&cChar, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken)) { portHandle->setCurrentStatus(SERIAL_OVERRUN_ERROR); } } if (USART_GetITStatus(UART4, USART_IT_PE) == SET) { portHandle->setCurrentStatus(SERIAL_PARITY_ERROR); } if (USART_GetITStatus(UART4, USART_IT_ORE_RX) == SET) { portHandle->setCurrentStatus(SERIAL_OVERRUN_ERROR); } portEND_SWITCHING_ISR(xHigherPriorityTaskWoken ); }
int main() { cout << "Hello, World!" << endl; CQueue<string> cQueue; cQueue.appendTail( "test1 "); cQueue.appendTail( "test2 "); cQueue.appendTail( "test3 "); for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) { cout << cQueue.deleteHead() << endl; } cQueue.appendTail( "test4 "); cQueue.appendTail( "test5 "); cQueue.appendTail( "test6 "); for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { cout << cQueue.deleteHead() << endl; } cout << cQueue.deleteHead() << endl; system("PAUSE"); return 0; }
void algo_stack() { CQueue<int> queue; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { queue.appendTail(i); } std::cout << "Pop:\n"; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { int j = queue.deleteHead(); std::cout << j << " "; } std::cout << "\n"; for (int i = 10; i < 15; i++) { queue.appendTail(i); } }
int netSocketManger::send(NetWorkCommandStruct module, std::string &body, SendDataDelegate *delegate) { if (!delegate || !isConnect) { return -1; } m_sn++; m_sendDelegateList[m_sn] = delegate; SocketData *data = newSocketData(); data->sn = m_sn; if (body.empty()) { data->body = ""; data->bodyLen = 0; }else { int bodyStrLen = (int)body.size(); //data->body = (char*)malloc(bodyStrLen); const char* tmp =; data->sendData = (char*)malloc(bodyStrLen); memcpy(data->sendData, tmp, bodyStrLen); data->bodyLen = bodyStrLen; } data->module.cmd = module.cmd; m_sendQueue.Push(data); m_sendEvent->Post(); return (int)m_sn; }
void APollQ::StartPolledQueueTasks(CCheckTask *pCheckTask, UBaseType_t nPriority ) { static CQueue queue; /* Create the queue used by the producer and consumer. */ queue.Create(pollqQUEUE_SIZE, (UBaseType_t) sizeof(unsigned short)); /* vQueueAddToRegistry() adds the queue to the queue registry, if one is in use. The queue registry is provided as a means for kernel aware debuggers to locate queues and has no purpose if a kernel aware debugger is not being used. The call to vQueueAddToRegistry() will be removed by the pre-processor if configQUEUE_REGISTRY_SIZE is not defined or is defined to be less than 1. */ queue.AddToRegistry("Poll_Test_Queue"); /* Spawn the producer and consumer. */ static CPollQConsumer consumer(pCheckTask, &queue); consumer.Create("QConsNB", pollqSTACK_SIZE, nPriority); static CPollQProducer producer(pCheckTask, &queue); producer.Create("QProdNB", pollqSTACK_SIZE, nPriority); }
int main() { CQueue *queue = new CQueue(); size_t operation_num = 0; size_t operation_type; int data; int correct_flag = 1; cin >> operation_num; for ( size_t i = 0; i < operation_num; ++i ) { cin >> operation_type; cin >> data; if ( operation_type == PUSH ) { queue->Enqueue( data ); } else { correct_flag *= (queue->Dequeue() == data) ? 1 : 0; } } cout << ( correct_flag ) ? "YES" : "NO"; return 0; }
void ABlockQ::StartBlockingQueueTasks(CCheckTask *pCheckTask, UBaseType_t nPriority) { const UBaseType_t uxQueueSize1 = 1, uxQueueSize5 = 5; const TickType_t xBlockTime = ( TickType_t ) 1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS; const TickType_t xDontBlock = ( TickType_t ) 0; // Create the first two tasks as described at the top of the file. // Create the queue used by the first two tasks to pass the incrementing number. static CQueue queue1; queue1.Create(uxQueueSize1, (UBaseType_t) sizeof(unsigned short)); static CBlockQConsumer consumer1Task(pCheckTask, &queue1, &s_sBlockingConsumerCount[0], xBlockTime); static CBlockQProducer producer1Task(pCheckTask, &queue1, &s_sBlockingProducerCount[0], xDontBlock); //Note the producer has a lower priority than the consumer when the tasks are spawned. consumer1Task.Create("QConsB1", blckqSTACK_SIZE, nPriority); producer1Task.Create("QProdB2", blckqSTACK_SIZE, tskIDLE_PRIORITY); // Create the second two tasks as described at the top of the file. This uses // the same mechanism but reverses the task priorities. static CQueue queue2; queue2.Create(uxQueueSize1, (UBaseType_t) sizeof(unsigned short)); static CBlockQConsumer consumer2Task(pCheckTask, &queue2, &s_sBlockingConsumerCount[1], xDontBlock); static CBlockQProducer producer2Task(pCheckTask, &queue2, &s_sBlockingProducerCount[1], xBlockTime); consumer2Task.Create("QProdB3", blckqSTACK_SIZE, tskIDLE_PRIORITY); producer2Task.Create("QConsB4", blckqSTACK_SIZE, nPriority); // Create the last two tasks as described above. The mechanism is again just // the same. This time both parameter structures are given a block time. static CQueue queue3; queue3.Create(uxQueueSize5, (UBaseType_t) sizeof(unsigned short)); static CBlockQProducer producer3Task(pCheckTask, &queue3, &s_sBlockingProducerCount[2], xBlockTime); static CBlockQConsumer consumer3Task(pCheckTask, &queue3, &s_sBlockingConsumerCount[2], xBlockTime); producer3Task.Create("QProdB5", blckqSTACK_SIZE, tskIDLE_PRIORITY); consumer3Task.Create("QConsB6", blckqSTACK_SIZE, tskIDLE_PRIORITY); }
// 添加到等待发送队列中,是否为延后由线程对象来发送,主要触 bool CQueueMgr::Add( const char *id, unsigned int seq, void *data , bool send ) { _mutex.lock() ; CQueue *p = NULL ; CMapQueue::iterator it = _index.find( id ) ; if ( it == _index.end() ) { p = new CQueue(_pCaller, _maxent ) ; p->_id = id ; _queue.push( p ) ; _index.insert( std::make_pair(id, p ) ) ; } else { p = it->second ; } bool success = p->Add( seq, data, _maxspan , send ) ; _mutex.unlock() ; _monitor.notify() ; return success ; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { CHtHif *pHtHif = new CHtHif(); CHtSuUnitEx *pSuUnit = new CHtSuUnitEx(pHtHif); pSuUnit->SetUsingCallback(true); int err_cnt = 0; uint16_t callCnt = 0; int sendDataCnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ARR_SIZE; i++) { memArr[i] = 0x0300 | i; sendArr[i] = 0x04000000 | (i << 16); } pSuUnit->SendHostMsg(SU_ARRAY_ADDR, (uint64_t)&memArr); while (callCnt < TEST_CNT || markerCnt < TEST_CNT || rtnCnt < TEST_CNT) { if (callCnt < TEST_CNT && sendDataCnt == 0 && pSuUnit->SendCall_echo(callCnt)) { sendDataCnt = callCnt++ + 1; dataCntQue.Push(sendDataCnt); continue; } if (sendDataCnt > 1) { sendDataCnt -= pSuUnit->SendHostData(sendDataCnt - 1, sendArr); continue; } if (sendDataCnt == 1 && pSuUnit->SendHostDataMarker()) { sendDataCnt = 0; continue; } if (pSuUnit->RecvPoll() == Ht::eRecvIdle) usleep(1000); } delete pHtHif; if (err_cnt) printf("FAILED: detected %d issues!\n", err_cnt); else printf("PASSED\n"); return err_cnt; }
int main(){ CQueue<char> queue; queue.appendTail('a'); queue.appendTail('b'); queue.appendTail('c'); cout<<queue.deleteHead()<<queue.deleteHead()<<queue.deleteHead()<<endl; return 0; }
int main() { CQueue<int> aQueue; aQueue.appendTail(1); aQueue.appendTail(2); aQueue.appendTail(3); cout << aQueue.deleteHead() << endl; aQueue.appendTail(4); cout << aQueue.deleteHead() << endl; cout << aQueue.deleteHead() << endl; cout << aQueue.deleteHead() << endl; try { aQueue.deleteHead(); } catch (exception e) { cout << e.what() << endl; } return 0; }
int main() { CQueue<int> cq; int a = 1; int b = 2; int c = 3; int d = 4; cq.appendTail(a); cq.appendTail(b); cq.appendTail(c); cq.deleteHead(); cq.appendTail(d); cq.deleteHead(); cq.deleteHead(); cq.deleteHead(); cq.deleteHead(); cq.deleteHead(); system("pause"); return 0; }
void CHtSuUnitEx::RecvCallback(Ht::ERecvType recvType) { switch (recvType) { case Ht::eRecvHostData: { if (recvDataCnt == 0) { assert(!dataCntQue.Empty()); recvDataCnt = dataCntQue.Front(); dataCntQue.Pop(); printf("eRecvHostData - recvDataCnt = %d\n", recvDataCnt); } assert(recvDataCnt > 1); recvDataCnt -= RecvHostData(recvDataCnt - 1, recvArr); } break; case Ht::eRecvHostDataMarker: { if (recvDataCnt == 0) { assert(!dataCntQue.Empty()); recvDataCnt = dataCntQue.Front(); dataCntQue.Pop(); printf("eRecvDataMarker - recvDataCnt = %d\n", recvDataCnt); } assert(recvDataCnt == 1); bool bMarker = RecvHostDataMarker(); assert(bMarker); recvDataCnt = 0; markerCnt += 1; } break; case Ht::eRecvReturn: { uint16_t recvDataCnt; RecvReturn_echo(recvDataCnt); rtnCnt += 1; } break; default: assert(0); } }
//发送数据线程 void netSocketManger::sendThread() { //bool connect = cSocket.Connect(kServerIP,kServerPort); bool connect = cSocket.Connect(netSocketManger::sharednetSocketManger()->server.IP.c_str(),netSocketManger::sharednetSocketManger()->server.port); // cSocket.Send("bbb",strlen("bbb")+1,0); if (connect) { isConnect = true; SocketData *errorData = newSocketData(); errorData->eventType = CONNECT_SUCCEED; m_mainQueue.Push(errorData); //创建接收线程 m_mutexx.lock(); netSocketManger::sharednetSocketManger()->createReciveThread(); m_mutexx.unlock(); m_sendEvent->Lock(); while (true) { while (!m_sendQueue.IsEmpty()) { SocketData *data = m_sendQueue.Pop(); uLong comprLen = data->bodyLen; const char *compr = data->sendData; T_MSGHEAD_T msgHead; msgHead.cmd = (unsigned short)data->module.cmd; = 0; msgHead.enc = 0; msgHead.eno = 0; msgHead.idx = (uInt)data->sn; msgHead.len = (unsigned short)comprLen; msgHead.tea = 0;//s_tea; unsigned char *sendData = (unsigned char*)malloc(comprLen); unsigned int pos = 0; memcpy(&sendData[pos], compr, comprLen);//body pos += comprLen; int ret = cSocket.Send((char*)sendData,pos,0); log("发送:%s",compr); if (ret <= 0) { m_sendEvent->Unlock(); free(sendData); SocketData *errorData = newSocketData(); errorData->eventType = DISCONNECT; m_mainQueue.Push(errorData); return; } free(data->sendData); free(data); free(sendData); log("-----发送数据长度len:%d------",msgHead.len); log("-----------"); } m_sendEvent->Wait(); } m_sendEvent->Unlock(); }else { isConnect = false; SocketData *errorData = newSocketData(); errorData->eventType = CONNECT_FAIL; m_mainQueue.Push(errorData); } }
//主线程更新 void netSocketManger::update(float dt) { if (!m_mainQueue.IsEmpty()) { SocketData *data = m_mainQueue.Pop(); if (data->eventType == REQUEST) { if (m_pushDelegate) { m_pushDelegate->pushHandler(data); } }else if (data->eventType == RESPONSE) { SendDelegateMap::iterator it = m_sendDelegateList.find(data->sn); if (it != m_sendDelegateList.end()) { SendDataDelegate *delegate = it->second; m_sendDelegateList.erase(it); delegate->sendHandler(data); } }else if (data->eventType == CONNECT_SUCCEED || data->eventType == CONNECT_FAIL || data->eventType == DISCONNECT) { if (data->eventType != CONNECT_SUCCEED) { if (!threadSend.joinable()) {//线程已启动 threadSend.~thread(); delete m_sendEvent; m_sendEvent = NULL; } if (!threadRecive.joinable()) { threadRecive.~thread(); } while (!m_sendQueue.IsEmpty()) { SocketData *sendData = m_sendQueue.Pop(); //litaoming update //CC_SAFE_FREE(data->body); //CC_SAFE_FREE(sendData->reciveBody); free(sendData); } while (!m_mainQueue.IsEmpty()) { SocketData *mainData = m_mainQueue.Pop(); if (mainData != data) { //CC_SAFE_FREE(mainData->body); //CC_SAFE_FREE(mainData->addContent); } } if (isConnect) { cSocket.Close(); cSocket.Clean(); isConnect = false; } m_isFirst = true; m_sendDelegateList.clear(); } if (m_statusDelegate) { m_statusDelegate->statusHandler(data->eventType); } } //CC_SAFE_FREE(data->body); //CC_SAFE_FREE(data->addContent); free(data); } }
DWORD WINAPI WriterThread(PVOID pvParam) { int nThreadNum = PtrToUlong(pvParam); HWND hWndLB = GetDlgItem(g_hWnd, IDC_CLIENTS); for (int nRequestNum = 1; !g_fShutdown; nRequestNum++) { CQueue::ELEMENT e = { nThreadNum, nRequestNum }; // Require access for writing AcquireSRWLockExclusive(&g_srwLock); // If the queue is full, fall asleep as long as the condition variable // is not signaled // Note: During the wait for acquiring the lock, // a stop might have been received if (g_q.IsFull() & !g_fShutdown) { // No more room in the queue AddText(hWndLB, TEXT("[%d] Queue is full: impossible to add %d"), nThreadNum, nRequestNum); // --> Need to wait for a reader to empty a slot before acquiring // the lock again SleepConditionVariableSRW(&g_cvReadyToProduce, &g_srwLock, INFINITE, 0); } // Other writer threads might still be blocked on the lock // --> Release the lock and notify the remaining writer threads to quit if (g_fShutdown) { // Show that the current thread is exiting AddText(hWndLB, TEXT("[%d] bye bye"), nThreadNum); // No need to keep the lock any longer ReleaseSRWLockExclusive(&g_srwLock); // Signal other blocked writers threads that it is time to exit WakeAllConditionVariable(&g_cvReadyToProduce); // Bye bye return(0); } else { // Add the new ELEMENT into the queue g_q.AddElement(e); // Show result of processing element AddText(hWndLB, TEXT("[%d] Adding %d"), nThreadNum, nRequestNum); // No need to keep the lock any longer ReleaseSRWLockExclusive(&g_srwLock); // Signal reader threads that there is an element to consume WakeAllConditionVariable(&g_cvReadyToConsume); // Wait before adding a new element Sleep(1500); } } // Show that the current thread is exiting AddText(hWndLB, TEXT("[%d] bye bye"), nThreadNum); return(0); }