Exemplo n.º 1
void VBoxSnapshotsWgt::sltRestoreSnapshot(bool fSuppressNonCriticalWarnings /* = false*/)
    /* Get currently chosen item: */
    SnapshotWgtItem *pItem = mTreeWidget->currentItem() ? static_cast<SnapshotWgtItem*>(mTreeWidget->currentItem()) : 0;
    AssertReturn(pItem, (void)0);
    /* Detemine snapshot id: */
    QString strSnapshotId = pItem->snapshotId();
    AssertReturn(!strSnapshotId.isNull(), (void)0);
    /* Get currently desired snapshot: */
    CSnapshot snapshot = mMachine.FindSnapshot(strSnapshotId);

    /* Ask the user if he really wants to restore the snapshot: */
    int iResultCode = AlertButton_Ok;
    if (!fSuppressNonCriticalWarnings || mMachine.GetCurrentStateModified())
        iResultCode = msgCenter().confirmSnapshotRestoring(snapshot.GetName(), mMachine.GetCurrentStateModified());
        if (iResultCode & AlertButton_Cancel)

    /* If user also confirmed new snapshot creation: */
    if (iResultCode & AlertOption_CheckBox)
        /* Take snapshot of changed current state: */
        if (!takeSnapshot())

    /* Open a direct session (this call will handle all errors): */
    CSession session = vboxGlobal().openSession(mMachineId);
    if (session.isNull())

    /* Restore chosen snapshot: */
    CConsole console = session.GetConsole();
    CProgress progress = console.RestoreSnapshot(snapshot);
    if (console.isOk())
        msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, mMachine.GetName(), ":/progress_snapshot_restore_90px.png");
        if (progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
            msgCenter().cannotRestoreSnapshot(progress, snapshot.GetName(), mMachine.GetName());
        msgCenter().cannotRestoreSnapshot(console, snapshot.GetName(), mMachine.GetName());

    /* Unlock machine finally: */
Exemplo n.º 2
void VBoxSnapshotsWgt::sltDeleteSnapshot()
    SnapshotWgtItem *item = !mTreeWidget->currentItem() ? 0 :
        static_cast <SnapshotWgtItem*> (mTreeWidget->currentItem());
    AssertReturn (item, (void) 0);

    QString snapId = item->snapshotId();
    AssertReturn (!snapId.isNull(), (void) 0);
    CSnapshot snapshot = mMachine.FindSnapshot(snapId);

    if (!msgCenter().confirmSnapshotRemoval(snapshot.GetName()))

    /** @todo check available space on the target filesystem etc etc. */
#if 0
    if (!msgCenter().warnAboutSnapshotRemovalFreeSpace(snapshot.GetName(),
                                                       "59 GiB",
                                                       "15 GiB"))

    /* Open a direct session (this call will handle all errors) */
    bool busy = mSessionState != KSessionState_Unlocked;
    CSession session;
    if (busy)
        session = vboxGlobal().openExistingSession(mMachineId);
        session = vboxGlobal().openSession(mMachineId);
    if (session.isNull())

    CConsole console = session.GetConsole();
    CProgress progress = console.DeleteSnapshot (snapId);
    if (console.isOk())
        /* Show the progress dialog */
        msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, mMachine.GetName(), ":/progress_snapshot_discard_90px.png");

        if (progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
            msgCenter().cannotRemoveSnapshot(progress,  snapshot.GetName(), mMachine.GetName());
        msgCenter().cannotRemoveSnapshot(console,  snapshot.GetName(), mMachine.GetName());

Exemplo n.º 3
bool VBoxSnapshotsWgt::takeSnapshot()
    /* Prepare result: */
    bool fIsValid = true;

    /* Get currently chosen item: */
    SnapshotWgtItem *pItem = mTreeWidget->currentItem() ? static_cast<SnapshotWgtItem*>(mTreeWidget->currentItem()) : 0;
    AssertReturn(pItem, (bool)0);

    /* Open a session to work with corresponding VM: */
    CSession session;
    if (mSessionState != KSessionState_Unlocked)
        session = vboxGlobal().openExistingSession(mMachineId);
        session = vboxGlobal().openSession(mMachineId);
    fIsValid = !session.isNull();

    if (fIsValid)
        /* Get corresponding console object also: */
        CConsole console = session.GetConsole();
        /* Remember runtime state: */
        bool fAtRuntime = mMachine.GetState() == KMachineState_Running;
        /* Remember paused state: */
        bool fWasPaused = mMachine.GetState() == KMachineState_Paused ||
                          mMachine.GetState() == KMachineState_TeleportingPausedVM;

        /* Pause VM if necessary: */
        if (fIsValid && fAtRuntime && !fWasPaused)
            /* Pausing VM: */
            if (!console.isOk())
                fIsValid = false;

        if (fIsValid)
            /* Create take-snapshot dialog: */
            QWidget *pDlgParent = windowManager().realParentWindow(this);
            QPointer<VBoxTakeSnapshotDlg> pDlg = new VBoxTakeSnapshotDlg(pDlgParent, mMachine);
            windowManager().registerNewParent(pDlg, pDlgParent);

            /* Assign corresponding icon: */

            /* Search for the max available snapshot index: */
            int iMaxSnapShotIndex = 0;
            QString snapShotName = tr("Snapshot %1");
            QRegExp regExp(QString("^") + snapShotName.arg("([0-9]+)") + QString("$"));
            QTreeWidgetItemIterator iterator(mTreeWidget);
            while (*iterator)
                QString snapShot = static_cast<SnapshotWgtItem*>(*iterator)->text(0);
                int pos = regExp.indexIn(snapShot);
                if (pos != -1)
                    iMaxSnapShotIndex = regExp.cap(1).toInt() > iMaxSnapShotIndex ? regExp.cap(1).toInt() : iMaxSnapShotIndex;
            pDlg->mLeName->setText(snapShotName.arg(iMaxSnapShotIndex + 1));

            /* Exec the dialog: */
            bool fDialogAccepted = pDlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted;

            /* Is the dialog still valid? */
            if (pDlg)
                /* Acquire variables: */
                QString strSnapshotName = pDlg->mLeName->text().trimmed();
                QString strSnapshotDescription = pDlg->mTeDescription->toPlainText();

                /* Destroy dialog early: */
                delete pDlg;

                /* Was the dialog accepted? */
                if (fDialogAccepted)
                    /* Prepare the take-snapshot progress: */
                    CProgress progress = console.TakeSnapshot(strSnapshotName, strSnapshotDescription);
                    if (console.isOk())
                        /* Show the take-snapshot progress: */
                        msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, mMachine.GetName(), ":/progress_snapshot_create_90px.png");
                        if (!progress.isOk() || progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
                            msgCenter().cannotTakeSnapshot(progress, mMachine.GetName());
                            fIsValid = false;
                        msgCenter().cannotTakeSnapshot(console, mMachine.GetName());
                        fIsValid = false;
                    fIsValid = false;
                fIsValid = false;

        /* Resume VM if necessary: */
        if (fIsValid && fAtRuntime && !fWasPaused)
            /* Resuming VM: */
            if (!console.isOk())
                fIsValid = false;

        /* Unlock machine finally: */

    /* Return result: */
    return fIsValid;
Exemplo n.º 4
bool UIWizardCloneVM::cloneVM()
    /* Get clone name: */
    QString strName = field("cloneName").toString();
    /* Should we reinit mac status? */
    bool fReinitMACs = field("reinitMACs").toBool();
    /* Should we create linked clone? */
    bool fLinked = field("linkedClone").toBool();
    /* Get clone mode: */
    KCloneMode cloneMode = (mode() == UIWizardMode_Basic && page(Page3)) ||
                           (mode() == UIWizardMode_Expert && page(PageExpert)) ?
                           field("cloneMode").value<KCloneMode>() : KCloneMode_MachineState;

    /* Get VBox object: */
    CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();

    /* Prepare machine for cloning: */
    CMachine srcMachine = m_machine;

    /* If the user like to create a linked clone from the current machine, we
     * have to take a little bit more action. First we create an snapshot, so
     * that new differencing images on the source VM are created. Based on that
     * we could use the new snapshot machine for cloning. */
    if (fLinked && m_snapshot.isNull())
        /* Open session: */
        CSession session = vboxGlobal().openSession(m_machine.GetId());
        if (session.isNull())
            return false;

        /* Prepare console: */
        CConsole console = session.GetConsole();

        /* Take the snapshot: */
        QString strSnapshotName = tr("Linked Base for %1 and %2").arg(m_machine.GetName()).arg(strName);
        CProgress progress = console.TakeSnapshot(strSnapshotName, "");

        if (console.isOk())
            /* Show the "Taking Snapshot" progress dialog: */
            msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, m_machine.GetName(), ":/progress_snapshot_create_90px.png", this, true);

            if (!progress.isOk() || progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
                return false;
            return false;

        /* Unlock machine finally: */

        /* Get the new snapshot and the snapshot machine. */
        const CSnapshot &newSnapshot = m_machine.FindSnapshot(strSnapshotName);
        if (newSnapshot.isNull())
            msgCenter().cannotFindSnapshotByName(this, m_machine, strSnapshotName);
            return false;
        srcMachine = newSnapshot.GetMachine();

    /* Create a new machine object. */
    const QString &strSettingsFile = vbox.ComposeMachineFilename(strName, QString::null /**< @todo group support */, QString::null, QString::null);
    CMachine cloneMachine = vbox.CreateMachine(strSettingsFile, strName, QVector<QString>(), QString::null, QString::null);
    if (!vbox.isOk())
        msgCenter().cannotCreateMachine(vbox, this);
        return false;

    /* Add the keep all MACs option to the import settings when requested. */
    QVector<KCloneOptions> options;
    if (!fReinitMACs)
    /* Linked clones requested? */
    if (fLinked)

    /* Start cloning. */
    CProgress progress = srcMachine.CloneTo(cloneMachine, cloneMode, options);
    if (!srcMachine.isOk())
        msgCenter().cannotCreateClone(srcMachine, this);
        return false;

    /* Wait until done. */
    msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, windowTitle(), ":/progress_clone_90px.png", this, true);
    if (progress.GetCanceled())
        return false;
    if (!progress.isOk() || progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
        msgCenter().cannotCreateClone(srcMachine, progress, this);
        return false;

    /* Finally register the clone machine. */
    if (!vbox.isOk())
        msgCenter().cannotRegisterMachine(vbox, cloneMachine, this);
        return false;

    return true;
bool UICloneVMWizard::createClone(const QString &strName, KCloneMode mode, bool fReinitMACs, bool fLinked /* = false */)
    CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
    const QString &strSettingsFile = vbox.ComposeMachineFilename(strName, QString::null);

    CMachine srcMachine = m_machine;
    /* If the user like to create a linked clone from the current machine, we
     * have to take a little bit more action. First we create an snapshot, so
     * that new differencing images on the source VM are created. Based on that
     * we could use the new snapshot machine for cloning. */
    if (   fLinked
        && m_snapshot.isNull())
        const QString &strId = m_machine.GetId();
        CSession session = vboxGlobal().openSession(strId);
        if (session.isNull())
            return false;
        CConsole console = session.GetConsole();

        /* Take the snapshot */
        QString strSnapshotName = tr("Linked Base for %1 and %2").arg(m_machine.GetName()).arg(strName);
        CProgress progress = console.TakeSnapshot(strSnapshotName, "");

        if (console.isOk())
            /* Show the "Taking Snapshot" progress dialog */
            msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, m_machine.GetName(), ":/progress_snapshot_create_90px.png", this, true);

            if (!progress.isOk() || progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
                return false;
            return false;

        /* Unlock machine finally: */

        /* Get the new snapshot and the snapshot machine. */
        const CSnapshot &newSnapshot = m_machine.FindSnapshot(strSnapshotName);
        if (newSnapshot.isNull())
            msgCenter().cannotFindSnapshotByName(this, m_machine, strSnapshotName);
            return false;
        srcMachine = newSnapshot.GetMachine();

    /* Create a new machine object. */
    CMachine cloneMachine = vbox.CreateMachine(strSettingsFile, strName, QString::null, QString::null, false);
    if (!vbox.isOk())
        msgCenter().cannotCreateMachine(vbox, this);
        return false;

    /* Add the keep all MACs option to the import settings when requested. */
    QVector<KCloneOptions> options;
    if (!fReinitMACs)
    /* Linked clones requested? */
    if (fLinked)

    /* Start cloning. */
    CProgress progress = srcMachine.CloneTo(cloneMachine, mode, options);
    if (!srcMachine.isOk())
        msgCenter().cannotCreateClone(srcMachine, this);
        return false;

    /* Wait until done. */
    msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, windowTitle(), ":/progress_clone_90px.png", this, true);
    if (progress.GetCanceled())
        return false;
    if (!progress.isOk() || progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
        msgCenter().cannotCreateClone(srcMachine, progress, this);
        return false;

    /* Finally register the clone machine. */
    if (!vbox.isOk())
        msgCenter().cannotRegisterMachine(vbox, cloneMachine, this);
        return false;

    return true;