Exemplo n.º 1
void StripStdin ( const char * sIndexAttrs, const char * sRemoveElements )
	CSphString sError;
	CSphHTMLStripper tStripper ( true );
	if ( !tStripper.SetIndexedAttrs ( sIndexAttrs, sError )
		|| !tStripper.SetRemovedElements ( sRemoveElements, sError ) )
			sphDie ( "failed to configure stripper: %s", sError.cstr() );

	CSphVector<BYTE> dBuffer;
	while ( !feof(stdin) )
		char sBuffer[1024];
		int iLen = fread ( sBuffer, 1, sizeof(sBuffer), stdin );
		if ( !iLen )

		int iPos = dBuffer.GetLength();
		dBuffer.Resize ( iPos+iLen );
		memcpy ( &dBuffer[iPos], sBuffer, iLen );
	dBuffer.Add ( 0 );

	tStripper.Strip ( &dBuffer[0] );
	fprintf ( stdout, "dumping stripped results...\n%s\n", &dBuffer[0] );
Exemplo n.º 2
bool sphPluginParseSpec ( const CSphString & sParams, CSphVector<CSphString> & dParams, CSphString & sError )
	dParams.Resize ( 0 );
	sphSplit ( dParams, sParams.cstr(), ":" );

	switch ( dParams.GetLength() )
	case 0:
		return true;

	case 1:
		sError = "filter name required in spec string; example: \"plugins.so:myfilter\"";
		return false;

	case 2:
		dParams.Add ( "" );
		return true;

	case 3:
		return true;

	sError = "too many parts in spec string; must be in \"plugins.so:myfilter:options\" format";
	return false;
void ExcerptGen_c::TokenizeQuery ( const ExcerptQuery_t & tQuery, CSphDict * pDict, ISphTokenizer * pTokenizer )
	const bool bUtf8 = pTokenizer->IsUtf8();

	// tokenize query words
	int iWordsLength = strlen ( tQuery.m_sWords.cstr() );

	m_dKeywords.Reserve ( MAX_HIGHLIGHT_WORDS );

	BYTE * sWord;
	int iKwIndex = 0;

	pTokenizer->SetBuffer ( (BYTE *)tQuery.m_sWords.cstr(), iWordsLength );
	while ( ( sWord = pTokenizer->GetToken() )!=NULL )
		SphWordID_t iWord = pDict->GetWordID ( sWord );
		if ( iWord )
			Token_t & tLast = m_dWords.Add();
			tLast.m_eType = TOK_WORD;
			tLast.m_iWordID = iWord;
			tLast.m_iLengthBytes = strlen ( (const char *)sWord );
			tLast.m_iLengthCP = bUtf8 ? sphUTF8Len ( (const char *)sWord ) : tLast.m_iLengthBytes;

			// store keyword
			Keyword_t & kwLast = m_dKeywords.Add();
			kwLast.m_iLength = tLast.m_iLengthCP;

			// find stars
			bool bStarBack = ( *pTokenizer->GetTokenEnd()=='*' );
			bool bStarFront = ( pTokenizer->GetTokenStart()!=pTokenizer->GetBufferPtr() ) &&
				( pTokenizer->GetTokenStart()[-1]=='*' );
			kwLast.m_uStar = ( bStarFront ? STAR_FRONT : 0 ) | ( bStarBack ? STAR_BACK : 0 );

			// store token
			const int iEndIndex = iKwIndex + tLast.m_iLengthBytes + 1;
			m_dKeywordsBuffer.Resize ( iEndIndex );
			kwLast.m_iWord = iKwIndex;
			strcpy ( &m_dKeywordsBuffer [ iKwIndex ], (const char *)sWord ); // NOLINT
			iKwIndex = iEndIndex;

			if ( m_dWords.GetLength()==MAX_HIGHLIGHT_WORDS )
Exemplo n.º 4
bool CISpellDict::Load ( const char * szFilename )
	if ( !szFilename )
		return false;

	m_dEntries.Reset ();
	m_dEntries.Reserve ( 131072 );

	FILE * pFile = fopen ( szFilename, "rt" );
	if ( !pFile )
		return false;

	char szWordBuffer [MAX_STR_LENGTH];

	while ( !feof ( pFile ) )
		char * szResult = fgets ( szWordBuffer, MAX_STR_LENGTH, pFile );
		if ( !szResult )

		int iPos = strlen ( szWordBuffer ) - 1;
		while ( iPos>=0 && isspace ( (unsigned char)szWordBuffer[iPos] ) )
			szWordBuffer [iPos--] = '\0';

		CISpellDictWord Word;

		char * szPosition = strchr ( szWordBuffer, '/' );
		if ( !szPosition )
			szPosition = szWordBuffer;
			while ( *szPosition && !isspace ( (unsigned char)*szPosition ) )

			*szPosition = '\0';
			Word.m_sWord = szWordBuffer;

		} else
			*szPosition = '\0';
			Word.m_sWord = szWordBuffer;
			char * szFlags = szPosition;
			while ( *szPosition && !isspace ( (unsigned char)*szPosition ) )

			*szPosition = '\0';
			Word.m_sFlags = szFlags;

		m_dEntries.Add ( Word );

	fclose ( pFile );

	return true;
void ExcerptGen_c::AddBoundary()
	Token_t & tLast = m_dTokens.Add();
	tLast.m_eType = TOK_BREAK;
	tLast.m_iStart = 0;
	tLast.m_iLengthBytes = 0;
	tLast.m_iWordID = 0;
	tLast.m_uWords = 0;
	tLast.m_uPosition = 0;
void ExcerptGen_c::AddJunk ( int iStart, int iLength, int iBoundary )
	assert ( iLength>0 );
	assert ( iLength<=m_sBuffer.Length() );
	assert ( iStart+iLength<=m_sBuffer.Length() );

	int iChunkStart = iStart;
	int iSaved = 0;

	for ( int i = iStart; i < iStart+iLength; i++ )
		if ( sphIsSpace ( m_sBuffer.cstr () [i] )!=sphIsSpace ( m_sBuffer.cstr () [iChunkStart] ) )
			Token_t & tLast = m_dTokens.Add();
			tLast.m_eType = TOK_SPACE;
			tLast.m_iStart = iChunkStart;
			tLast.m_iLengthBytes = i - iChunkStart;
			tLast.m_iWordID = 0;
			tLast.m_uWords = 0;
			tLast.m_uPosition = 0;

			iChunkStart = i;
			iSaved += tLast.m_iLengthBytes;

			if ( iBoundary!=-1 && iSaved > ( iBoundary-iStart ) )
				iBoundary = -1;

	Token_t & tLast = m_dTokens.Add();
	tLast.m_eType = TOK_SPACE;
	tLast.m_iStart = iChunkStart;
	tLast.m_iLengthBytes = iStart + iLength - iChunkStart;
	tLast.m_iWordID = 0;
	tLast.m_uWords = 0;
	tLast.m_uPosition = 0;

	if ( iBoundary!=-1 )
Exemplo n.º 7
void CSphStopwordBuilderDict::Save ( const char * sOutput, int iTop, bool bFreqs )
	FILE * fp = fopen ( sOutput, "w+" );
	if ( !fp )

	CSphVector<Word_t> dTop;
	dTop.Reserve ( 1024 );

	const CSphMTFHashEntry<int> * it;
	HASH_FOREACH ( it, m_hWords )
		Word_t t;
		t.m_sWord = it->m_sKey.cstr();
		t.m_iCount = it->m_tValue;
		dTop.Add ( t );
Exemplo n.º 8
// copied over from sphinxutils; remove at some point
void StrSplit ( CSphVector<CSphString> & dOut, const char * sIn )
	if ( !sIn )

	const char * p = (char*)sIn;
	while ( *p )
		// skip non-alphas
		while ( (*p) && !IsAlpha(*p) )
		if ( !(*p) )

		// this is my next token
		assert ( IsAlpha(*p) );
		const char * sNext = p;
		while ( IsAlpha(*p) )
		if ( sNext!=p )
			dOut.Add().SetBinary ( sNext, p-sNext );
Exemplo n.º 9
void UrlBreak ( Split_t & tBest, const char * sWord )
	const int iLen = strlen(sWord);


	// current partial splits
	// begin with an empty one
	CSphVector<Split_t> dSplits;

	// our best guess so far
	// begin with a trivial baseline one (ie. no splits at all)
	Prob_t p = g_LM.GetProb ( sWord, iLen );
	tBest.m_Pos.Add ( iLen );
	tBest.m_fProb = p.m_fProb;
	tBest.m_bAllDict = tBest.m_bAnyDict = p.m_bDict;

	if ( iLen>=DICT_COMPOUND_MIN && tBest.m_bAllDict )
		static const float THRESH = logf ( DICT_COMPOUND_THRESH );
		if ( tBest.m_fProb<=THRESH )
			tBest.m_fProb *= DICT_COMPOUND_COEFF;

	// work the current splits
	CSphVector<Split_t> dSplits2;
	while ( dSplits.GetLength() )
		int iWorkedSplits = 0;
		float fPrevBest = tBest.m_fProb;

		ARRAY_FOREACH ( iSplit, dSplits )
			Split_t & s = dSplits[iSplit];

			// filter out splits that were added before (!) a new best guess on the previous iteration
			if ( dSplits[iSplit] < tBest )

			int iLast = 0;
			if ( s.m_Pos.GetLength() )
				iLast = s.m_Pos.Last();

			for ( int i=1+iLast; i<iLen; i++ )
				// consider a split at position i
				// it generates a word candidate [iLast,i) and a tail [i,iLen)
				// let's score those
				Prob_t tCand = g_LM.GetProb ( sWord+iLast, i-iLast );
				Prob_t tTail = g_LM.GetProb ( sWord+i, iLen-i );

				// if the current best is all-keywords, the new candidates must be, too
				if ( tBest.m_bAllDict && !tCand.m_bDict )

				// compute partial and full split candidates generated by the current guess
				Split_t tPartial = s;
				tPartial.AddSplitPos ( tCand, i );

				Split_t tFull = tPartial;
				tFull.AddSplitPos ( tTail, iLen );

				// check if the full one is our new best full one
				bool bNewBest = false;
				if ( tBest < tFull )
					// FIXME? we do this even when the new split is *not* all-keywords,
					// but the old best split was; is this ever a problem?
					tBest = tFull;
//					tBest.Dump ( sWord, "new-best" );
					bNewBest = true;

				// check if the resulting partial split is worth scanning further
				if ( tBest < tPartial )
					dSplits2.Add ( tPartial );
//					dSplits2.Last().Dump ( sWord, "scan-partial" );

		// damage control!
		// if we just processed over 100K candidate splits and got no improvement
		// lets assume that our chances of getting one are kinda low and bail
		if ( iWorkedSplits>=100000 && tBest.m_fProb>=fPrevBest )

		// keep going
		dSplits.SwapData ( dSplits2 );
		dSplits2.Resize ( 0 );
Exemplo n.º 10
int main ( int iArgs, char ** dArgs )
	OutputMode_e eMode = M_DEFAULT;
	bool bUseCustomCharset = false;
	CSphString sDict, sAffix, sLocale, sCharsetFile, sResult = "result.txt";

	printf ( "spelldump, an ispell dictionary dumper\n\n" );

	int i = 1;
	for ( ; i < iArgs; i++ )
		if ( !strcmp ( dArgs[i], "-c" ) )
			if ( ++i==iArgs ) break;
			bUseCustomCharset = true;
			sCharsetFile = dArgs[i];

		} else if ( !strcmp ( dArgs[i], "-m" ) )
			if ( ++i==iArgs ) break;
			char * sMode = dArgs[i];

			if ( !strcmp ( sMode, "debug" ) )		{ eMode = M_DEBUG; continue; }
			if ( !strcmp ( sMode, "duplicates" ) )	{ eMode = M_DUPLICATES; continue; }
			if ( !strcmp ( sMode, "last" ) )		{ eMode = M_LAST; continue; }
			if ( !strcmp ( sMode, "default" ) )		{ eMode = M_DEFAULT; continue; }

			printf ( "Unrecognized mode: %s\n", sMode );
			return 1;

		} else

	switch ( iArgs - i )
		case 4:
			sLocale = dArgs[i + 3];
		case 3:
			sResult = dArgs[i + 2];
		case 2:
			sAffix = dArgs[i + 1];
			sDict = dArgs[i];
			printf ( "Usage: spelldump [options] <dictionary> <affix> [result] [locale-name]\n\n"
				"-c <file>\tuse case convertion defined in <file>\n"
				"-m <mode>\toutput (conflict resolution) mode:\n"
				"\t\tdefault - try to guess the best way to resolve a conflict\n"
				"\t\tlast - choose last entry\n"
				"\t\tdebug - dump all mappings (with rules)\n"
				"\t\tduplicates - dump duplicate mappings only (with rules)\n" );
			if ( iArgs>1 )
				printf ( "\n"
					"spelldump en.dict en.aff\n"
					"spelldump ru.dict ru.aff ru.txt ru_RU.CP1251\n"
					"spelldump ru.dict ru.aff ru.txt .1251\n" );
			return 1;

	printf ( "Loading dictionary...\n" );
	CISpellDict Dict;
	if ( !Dict.Load ( sDict.cstr () ) )
		sphDie ( "Error loading dictionary file '%s'\n", sDict.IsEmpty () ? "" : sDict.cstr () );

	printf ( "Loading affix file...\n" );
	CISpellAffix Affix ( sLocale.cstr (), bUseCustomCharset ? sCharsetFile.cstr () : NULL );
	if ( !Affix.Load ( sAffix.cstr () ) )
		sphDie ( "Error loading affix file '%s'\n", sAffix.IsEmpty () ? "" : sAffix.cstr () );

	if ( sResult.IsEmpty () )
		sphDie ( "No result file specified\n" );

	FILE * pFile = fopen ( sResult.cstr (), "wt" );
	if ( !pFile )
		sphDie ( "Unable to open '%s' for writing\n", sResult.cstr () );

	if ( eMode!=M_DEFAULT )
		printf ( "Output mode: %s\n", dModeName[eMode] );

	Dict.IterateStart ();
	WordMap_t tWordMap;
	const CISpellDict::CISpellDictWord * pWord = NULL;
	int nDone = 0;
	while ( ( pWord = Dict.IterateNext () )!=NULL )
		EmitResult ( tWordMap, pWord->m_sWord, pWord->m_sWord );

		if ( ( ++nDone % 10 )==0 )
			printf ( "\rDictionary words processed: %d", nDone );
			fflush ( stdout );

		if ( pWord->m_sFlags.IsEmpty() )

		CSphString sWord, sWordForCross;
		int iFlagLen = strlen ( pWord->m_sFlags.cstr () );
		for ( int iFlag1 = 0; iFlag1 < iFlagLen; ++iFlag1 )
			for ( int iRule1 = 0; iRule1 < Affix.GetNumRules (); ++iRule1 )
				CISpellAffixRule * pRule1 = Affix.GetRule ( iRule1 );
				if ( pRule1->Flag()!=pWord->m_sFlags.cstr()[iFlag1] )

				sWord = pWord->m_sWord;

				if ( !pRule1->Apply ( sWord ) )

				EmitResult ( tWordMap, sWord, pWord->m_sWord, pRule1->Flag() );

				// apply other rules
				if ( !Affix.CheckCrosses() )

				if ( !pRule1->IsCrossProduct() )

				for ( int iFlag2 = iFlag1 + 1; iFlag2 < iFlagLen; ++iFlag2 )
					for ( int iRule2 = 0; iRule2 < Affix.GetNumRules (); ++iRule2 )
						CISpellAffixRule * pRule2 = Affix.GetRule ( iRule2 );
						if ( !pRule2->IsCrossProduct () || pRule2->Flag()!=pWord->m_sFlags.cstr()[iFlag2] ||
							pRule2->IsPrefix()==pRule1->IsPrefix() )

						sWordForCross = sWord;
						if ( pRule2->Apply ( sWordForCross ) )
							EmitResult ( tWordMap, sWordForCross, pWord->m_sWord, pRule1->Flag(), pRule2->Flag() );
	printf ( "\rDictionary words processed: %d\n", nDone );

	// output

	CSphVector<const char *> dKeys;
	while ( tWordMap.IterateNext() )
		dKeys.Add ( tWordMap.IterateGetKey().cstr() );
	dKeys.Sort ( WordLess() );

	ARRAY_FOREACH ( iKey, dKeys )
		const CSphVector<MapInfo_t> & dWords = tWordMap[dKeys[iKey]];
		const char * sKey = dKeys[iKey];

		switch ( eMode )
			case M_LAST:
				fprintf ( pFile, "%s > %s\n", sKey, dWords.Last().m_sWord.cstr() );

				int iMatch = 0;
				int iLength = 0;

				ARRAY_FOREACH ( i, dWords )
					if ( dWords[i].m_sWord==sKey )
						iMatch = i;

					int iWordLength = strlen ( dWords[i].m_sWord.cstr() );
					if ( iWordLength>iLength )
						iLength = iWordLength;
						iMatch = i;

				fprintf ( pFile, "%s > %s\n", sKey, dWords[iMatch].m_sWord.cstr() );

				if ( dWords.GetLength()==1 ) break;
			case M_DEBUG:
				ARRAY_FOREACH ( i, dWords )
					fprintf ( pFile, "%s > %s %s/%d\n", sKey, dWords[i].m_sWord.cstr(),
						dWords[i].m_sRules, dWords.GetLength() );

	fclose ( pFile );

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
bool CISpellAffix::LoadMySpell ( FILE * pFile )
	char sBuffer	[MAX_STR_LENGTH];
	char sCondition	[MAX_STR_LENGTH];
	char sRemove	[MAX_STR_LENGTH];
	char sAppend	[MAX_STR_LENGTH];

	RuleType_e eRule = RULE_NONE;
	BYTE cFlag = 0;
	BYTE cCombine = 0;
	int iCount = 0, iLine = 0;
	const char * sMode = 0;

	while ( !feof ( pFile ) )
		char * sLine = fgets ( sBuffer, MAX_STR_LENGTH, pFile );
		if ( !sLine )

		// prefix and suffix rules
		RuleType_e eNewRule = RULE_NONE;
		if ( !strncmp ( sLine, "PFX", 3 ) )
			eNewRule = RULE_PREFIXES;
			sMode = "prefix";

		} else if ( !strncmp ( sLine, "SFX", 3 ) )
			eNewRule = RULE_SUFFIXES;
			sMode = "suffix";

		if ( eNewRule!=RULE_NONE )
			sLine += 3;
			while ( *sLine && isspace ( (unsigned char) *sLine ) )

			if ( eNewRule!=eRule ) // new rule header
				if ( iCount )
					printf ( "WARNING: Line %d: Premature end of entries.\n", iLine );

				if ( sscanf ( sLine, "%c %c %d", &cFlag, &cCombine, &iCount )!=3 ) // NOLINT
					printf ( "WARNING; Line %d: Malformed %s header\n", iLine, sMode );

				eRule = eNewRule;

			} else // current rule continued
				*sRemove = *sAppend = 0;
				char cNewFlag;
				if ( sscanf ( sLine, "%c %s %s %s", &cNewFlag, sRemove, sAppend, sCondition )==4 ) // NOLINT
					if ( cNewFlag!=cFlag )
						printf ( "WARNING: Line %d: Flag character mismatch\n", iLine );

					if ( *sRemove=='0' && *(sRemove + 1)==0 ) *sRemove = 0;
					if ( *sAppend=='0' && *(sAppend + 1)==0 ) *sAppend = 0;

					CISpellAffixRule Rule ( eRule, cFlag, cCombine=='Y', sCondition, sRemove, sAppend );
					m_dRules.Add ( Rule );

				} else
					printf ( "WARNING: Line %d: Malformed %s rule\n", iLine, sMode );

				if ( !--iCount ) eRule = RULE_NONE;
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 12
bool CISpellAffix::LoadISpell ( FILE * pFile )
	char szBuffer [ MAX_STR_LENGTH ];
	char szCondition [ MAX_STR_LENGTH ];
	char szStrip [ MAX_STR_LENGTH ];
	char szAppend [ MAX_STR_LENGTH ];

	RuleType_e eRule = RULE_NONE;
	char cFlag = '\0';
	bool bCrossProduct = false;
	int iLine = 0;

	// TODO: parse all .aff character replacement commands
	while ( !feof ( pFile ) )
		char * szResult = fgets ( szBuffer, MAX_STR_LENGTH, pFile );
		if ( !szResult )

		if ( !strncasecmp ( szBuffer, "prefixes", 8 ) )

		if ( !strncasecmp ( szBuffer, "suffixes", 8 ) )

		if ( !strncasecmp ( szBuffer, "wordchars", 9 ) )
			char * szStart = szBuffer + 9;
			while ( *szStart && isspace ( (unsigned char) *szStart ) )

			char * szRangeL = szStart;
			while ( *szStart && !isspace ( (unsigned char) *szStart ) )

			if ( !*szStart )
				printf ( "WARNING: Line %d: invalid 'wordchars' statement\n", iLine );

			*szStart = '\0';

			while ( *szStart && isspace ( (unsigned char) *szStart ) )

			char * szRangeU = szStart;

			while ( *szStart && !isspace ( (unsigned char) *szStart ) )

			*szStart = '\0';

			if ( !AddToCharset ( szRangeL, szRangeU ) )
				printf ( "WARNING: Line %d: cannot add to charset: '%s' '%s'\n", iLine, szRangeL, szRangeU );


		if ( !strncasecmp ( szBuffer, "flag", 4 ) )
			if ( eRule==RULE_NONE )
				printf ( "WARNING: Line %d: 'flag' appears before preffixes or suffixes\n", iLine );

			char * szStart = szBuffer + 4;
			while ( *szStart && isspace ( (unsigned char) *szStart ) )

			bCrossProduct = ( *szStart=='*' );

			cFlag = bCrossProduct ? *(szStart + 1) : *(szStart);

		if ( eRule==RULE_NONE )

		char * szComment = strchr ( szBuffer, '#' );
		if ( szComment )
			*szComment = '\0';

		if ( !* szBuffer )

		szCondition[0] = '\0';
		szStrip[0] = '\0';
		szAppend[0] = '\0';

		int nFields = sscanf ( szBuffer, "%[^>\n]>%[^,\n],%[^\n]", szCondition, szStrip, szAppend ); // NOLINT

		Strip ( szCondition );
		Strip ( szStrip );
		Strip ( szAppend );

		switch ( nFields )
		case 2: // no optional strip-string
			strcpy ( szAppend, szStrip ); // NOLINT
			szStrip[0] = '\0';
		case 3:	// all read
		default: // invalid repl

		CISpellAffixRule Rule ( eRule, cFlag, bCrossProduct, szCondition, szStrip, szAppend );
		m_dRules.Add ( Rule );

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 13
void ExcerptGen_c::TokenizeDocument ( char * pData, CSphDict * pDict, ISphTokenizer * pTokenizer, bool bFillMasks, bool bRetainHtml )
	m_iDocumentWords = 0;
	m_dTokens.Reserve ( 1024 );
	m_sBuffer = pData;

	pTokenizer->SetBuffer ( (BYTE*)pData, strlen(pData) );

	const char * pStartPtr = pTokenizer->GetBufferPtr ();
	const char * pLastTokenEnd = pStartPtr;

	if ( bRetainHtml )
		pTokenizer->AddSpecials ( "<" );

	BYTE * sWord;
	DWORD uPosition = 0; // hit position in document
	while ( ( sWord = pTokenizer->GetToken() )!=NULL )
		if ( pTokenizer->TokenIsBlended() )

		const char * pTokenStart = pTokenizer->GetTokenStart ();

		if ( pTokenStart!=pStartPtr && pTokenStart>pLastTokenEnd )
			AddJunk ( pLastTokenEnd - pStartPtr,
				pTokenStart - pLastTokenEnd,
				pTokenizer->GetBoundary() ? pTokenizer->GetBoundaryOffset() : -1 );

		if ( bRetainHtml && *pTokenStart=='<' )
			int iTagEnd = FindTagEnd ( pTokenStart );
			if ( iTagEnd!=-1 )
				assert ( pTokenStart+iTagEnd<pTokenizer->GetBufferEnd() );
				AddJunk ( pTokenStart-pStartPtr, iTagEnd+1, pTokenizer->GetBoundary() ? pTokenizer->GetBoundaryOffset() : -1 );
				pTokenizer->SetBufferPtr ( pTokenStart+iTagEnd+1 );
				pLastTokenEnd = pTokenStart+iTagEnd+1; // fix it up to prevent adding last chunk on exit

		SphWordID_t iWord = iWord = pDict->GetWordID ( sWord );

		pLastTokenEnd = pTokenizer->GetTokenEnd ();

		if ( pTokenizer->GetBoundary() )
			uPosition += 100; // FIXME: this should be taken from index settings

		Token_t & tLast = m_dTokens.Add();
		tLast.m_eType = iWord ? TOK_WORD : TOK_SPACE;
		tLast.m_uPosition = iWord ? ++uPosition : 0;
		tLast.m_iStart = pTokenStart - pStartPtr;
		tLast.m_iLengthBytes = pLastTokenEnd - pTokenStart;
		tLast.m_iWordID = iWord;
		tLast.m_uWords = 0;
		if ( iWord )

		m_iLastWord = iWord ? m_dTokens.GetLength() - 1 : m_iLastWord;

		// fill word mask
		if ( bFillMasks && iWord )
			bool bMatch = false;
			int iOffset;

			ARRAY_FOREACH ( nWord, m_dWords )
				const char * sKeyword = &m_dKeywordsBuffer [ m_dKeywords[nWord].m_iWord ];
				const Token_t & tToken = m_dWords[nWord];

				switch ( m_dKeywords[nWord].m_uStar )
				case STAR_NONE:
					bMatch = ( iWord==tToken.m_iWordID );

				case STAR_FRONT:
					iOffset = tLast.m_iLengthBytes - tToken.m_iLengthBytes;
					bMatch = ( iOffset>=0 ) &&
						( memcmp ( sKeyword, sWord + iOffset, tToken.m_iLengthBytes )==0 );

				case STAR_BACK:
					bMatch = ( tLast.m_iLengthBytes>=tToken.m_iLengthBytes ) &&
						( memcmp ( sKeyword, sWord, tToken.m_iLengthBytes )==0 );

				case STAR_BOTH:
					bMatch = strstr ( (const char *)sWord, sKeyword )!=NULL;

				if ( bMatch )
					tLast.m_uWords |= 1UL<<nWord;
					m_uFoundWords |= 1UL<<nWord;
Exemplo n.º 14
bool sphPluginReload ( const char * sName, CSphString & sError )
	sError = "no dlopen(), no plugins";
	return false;
	// find all plugins from the given library
	CSphScopedLock<CSphMutex> tLock ( g_tPluginMutex );

	CSphVector<PluginKey_t> dKeys;
	CSphVector<PluginDesc_c*> dPlugins;

	while ( g_hPlugins.IterateNext() )
		PluginDesc_c * v = g_hPlugins.IterateGet();
		if ( v->GetLibName()==sName )
			dKeys.Add ( g_hPlugins.IterateGetKey() );
			dPlugins.Add ( g_hPlugins.IterateGet() );

	// no plugins loaded? oops
	if ( dPlugins.GetLength()==0 )
		sError.SetSprintf ( "no active plugins loaded from %s", sName );
		return false;

	// load new library and check every plugin
	PluginLib_c * pNewLib = LoadPluginLibrary ( sName, sError, true );
	PluginLib_c * pNewLib = LoadPluginLibrary ( sName, sError );
	if ( !pNewLib )
		return false;

	// load all plugins
	CSphVector<PluginDesc_c*> dNewPlugins;
	ARRAY_FOREACH ( i, dPlugins )
		PluginDesc_c * pDesc = NULL;
		const SymbolDesc_t * pSym = NULL;
		switch ( dKeys[i].m_eType )
			case PLUGIN_RANKER:					pDesc = new PluginRanker_c ( pNewLib ); pSym = g_dSymbolsRanker; break;
			case PLUGIN_INDEX_TOKEN_FILTER:		pDesc = new PluginTokenFilter_c ( pNewLib ); pSym = g_dSymbolsTokenFilter; break;
			case PLUGIN_QUERY_TOKEN_FILTER:		pDesc = new PluginQueryTokenFilter_c ( pNewLib ); pSym = g_dSymbolsQueryTokenFilter; break;
			case PLUGIN_FUNCTION:				pDesc = new PluginUDF_c ( pNewLib, dPlugins[i]->GetUdfRetType() ); pSym = g_dSymbolsUDF; break;
				sphDie ( "INTERNAL ERROR: unknown plugin type %d in sphPluginReload()", (int)dKeys[i].m_eType );
				return false;

		if ( !PluginLoadSymbols ( pDesc, pSym, pNewLib->GetHandle(), dKeys[i].m_sName.cstr(), sError ) )

		dNewPlugins.Add ( pDesc );