Exemplo n.º 1
void test_operator()
	printf( ">>>>>>>>> 연산자\n" );
	CUString str1 ="hello";
	CUString str2 = "bye";
	printf( "문자열1:%s\n", str1.GetStr() );
	printf( "문자열2:%s\n", str2.GetStr() );

	// +
	CUString str = str1 + str2;
	printf( "operator +: %s\n", str.GetStr() );

	// +=
	str += " ^^;";
	printf( "operator +=: %s\n", str.GetStr() );

	// ==
	printf( "operator ==: " );
	str = "hello";
	if( str == "hello" )	{
		printf( "%s == hello\n", str.GetStr() );

	// +=
	printf( "operator !=: " );
	str = "hello";
	if( str != "___" )	{
		printf( "%s != ___\n", str.GetStr() );
	printf( "\n" );
Exemplo n.º 2
void test_debug()
	CUString t= "ab안녕하세요cd";
	printf( "%s\n", t.GetStr() );
	printf( "%d\n", t.GetLength() );
	printf( "%d\n", t.GetCharLength() );

	CUString str_org = "adk안녕하세요zzz";
	CUString str = str_org.GetChar(-2);
	printf( "[%s]\n", str.GetStr() );

	CUString str_org2 = "adk안녕하세요zzz";
	CUString str2 = str_org2.GetChars(-2,2);
	printf( "[%s]\n", str2.GetStr() );

	CUString str_org3 = "adk안녕하세요zzz";
	int diff = str_org3.DeleteChars(3,400);
	printf( "[%s]%d\n", str_org3.GetStr(), diff );

	CUString rev_test = "abcd1a234";
	int find = rev_test.ReverseFind( '4' );
	printf( "[%s]%d\n", rev_test.GetStr(), find );

	str = "a   b";
	str.Replace( "  ", "  " );
	printf( "%s\n", str.GetStr() );
Exemplo n.º 3
void test_del()
	CUString str = "hello<TAG>this should be deleted.</TAG>bye and <TAG>this also</TAG>bye";

	fprintf( stderr, "before:%s\n", str.GetStr() );
	int cnt = str.DeleteBoundTag( "<TAG>", "</TAG>" );
	fprintf( stderr, "after :%s\n%d", str.GetStr(), cnt );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n");
	fprintf( stderr, "\n");

Exemplo n.º 4
void load( char *prefix, char *key )
	CUMGT mgt;
	if( mgt.Load( prefix ) == false )
		fprintf( stderr, "Error: fail to load %s\n", prefix );
	fprintf( stderr, "Record: %d\n", mgt.GetNumRecord() );

	CUMGTInfo info;
	if( mgt.GetInfo( key, info ) == false )
		fprintf( stderr, "No key: %s\n", key );
		CUString ret;
		if(  mgt.GetContent( info, ret ) == false )
			fprintf( stderr, "Fail to get content\n" );
			fprintf( stdout, "%s", ret.GetStr() );
Exemplo n.º 5
void test_replace()
	printf( ">>>>>>>>> Replace 테스트\n" );
	CUString str;
	str = "hello this is my ... ";
	int num = str.Replace( "...", "" );
	str.Print( stderr );
	fprintf( stderr, "%s[%d]\n",str.GetStr(), num );
	printf( "\n" );
Exemplo n.º 6
void replace_test()
	CUString str;
	str = "hello this is my ... ";
	str = "abababab___";
	int num = str.Replace( "aba", "$" );
	str.Print( stderr );
	fprintf( stderr, "%s[%d]\n",str.GetStr(), num );

Exemplo n.º 7
void test_checknum()
	printf( ">>>>>>>>> 숫자체크\n" );
	CUString str;
	if(str.IsNumber() )	{
		fprintf(stderr, "%s is number\n", str.GetStr() );
	else	{
		fprintf(stderr, "%s is not number\n", str.GetStr() );

	if(str.IsNumber() )	{
		fprintf(stderr, "%s is number\n", str.GetStr() );
	else	{
		fprintf(stderr, "%s is not number\n", str.GetStr() );

	if(str.IsNumber() )	{
		fprintf(stderr, "%s is number\n", str.GetStr() );
	else	{
		fprintf(stderr, "%s is not number\n", str.GetStr() );
	printf( "\n" );
Exemplo n.º 8
	bool CUIndexFile::Load( char *prefix )
		char buf[1024];
		sprintf( buf, "%s.uidx-key", prefix );
		if( key_file.OpenFile( buf, "r" ) == false )
			return false;

		sprintf( buf, "%s.uidx-value", prefix );
		if( value_file.OpenFile( buf, "r" ) == false )
			return false;

		while( true )
			CUString line;
			if( key_file.ReadLine( line ) == false ) break;
			CUStringList list( line, "\t" );
			if( list.GetSize() != 4 )	{
				fprintf( stderr, "Error: Invalid format: %s\n", line.GetStr() );
				return false;

			if( info_map.find( list.GetAt(0) ) != info_map.end() )
				fprintf( stderr, "Error: Duplicated key: %s\n", list.GetAt(0) );
				return false;

			CUIndexFileInfo info;
			info.start = atol( list.GetAt(1) );
			info.end   = atol( list.GetAt(2) );
			if( strcmp( list.GetAt(3), "0" ) == 0 ) info.enable = false;
			else info.enable = true;

			info_map[ list.GetAt(0) ] = info;

		return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
	CUString EncodeUTF8( CUString &str )
		CUString ret = "";
		if( str.GetLength() == 6 ) {
			ret = str.SubStr( 2,6 );
			unsigned long index;
			index = strtoul( ret.GetStr(), 0, 16 );
			if( 0x00 <= index && index <= 0x7F ) {
				char buf[4]; sprintf( buf, "%c", (char)index );
				ret = buf;
			else if( 0x80 <= index && index <= 0x07FF )	{
				// 2byte;
				int enc_ch1 = 0xC0; // 11000000
				int enc_ch2 = 0x80; // 10000000

				char ch1 = (char)strtoul( ret.SubStr(0,2).GetStr(), 0, 16 );
				char ch2 = (char)strtoul( ret.SubStr(2,4).GetStr(), 0, 16 );

				if( ch1 & (1 << (3-1) ) ) { enc_ch1 |= (1 << (5-1) ); }
				if( ch1 & (1 << (2-1) ) ) { enc_ch1 |= (1 << (4-1) ); }
				if( ch1 & (1 << (1-1) ) ) { enc_ch1 |= (1 << (3-1) ); }

				if( ch2 & (1 << (8-1) ) ) { enc_ch1 |= (1 << (2-1) ); }
				if( ch2 & (1 << (7-1) ) ) { enc_ch1 |= (1 << (1-1) ); }
				if( ch2 & (1 << (6-1) ) ) { enc_ch2 |= (1 << (6-1) ); }
				if( ch2 & (1 << (5-1) ) ) { enc_ch2 |= (1 << (5-1) ); }
				if( ch2 & (1 << (4-1) ) ) { enc_ch2 |= (1 << (4-1) ); }
				if( ch2 & (1 << (3-1) ) ) { enc_ch2 |= (1 << (3-1) ); }
				if( ch2 & (1 << (2-1) ) ) { enc_ch2 |= (1 << (2-1) ); }
				if( ch2 & (1 << (1-1) ) ) { enc_ch2 |= (1 << (1-1) ); }

				//dumptoBin( enc_ch1 ); dumptoBin( enc_ch2 );
				char buf[4]; sprintf( buf, "%c%c", enc_ch1, enc_ch2 );
				ret = buf;
			else if( 0x0800 <= index && index <= 0xFFFF )	{
				// 3byte;
				char enc_ch1 = 0xE0; // 11100000
				char enc_ch2 = 0x80; // 10000000
				char enc_ch3 = 0x80; // 10000000

				char ch1 = (char)strtoul( ret.SubStr(0,2).GetStr(), 0, 16 );
				char ch2 = (char)strtoul( ret.SubStr(2,4).GetStr(), 0, 16 );

				if( ch1 & (1 << (8-1) ) ) { enc_ch1 |= (1 << (4-1) ); }
				if( ch1 & (1 << (7-1) ) ) { enc_ch1 |= (1 << (3-1) ); }
				if( ch1 & (1 << (6-1) ) ) { enc_ch1 |= (1 << (2-1) ); }
				if( ch1 & (1 << (5-1) ) ) { enc_ch1 |= (1 << (1-1) ); }

				if( ch1 & (1 << (4-1) ) ) { enc_ch2 |= (1 << (6-1) ); }
				if( ch1 & (1 << (3-1) ) ) { enc_ch2 |= (1 << (5-1) ); }
				if( ch1 & (1 << (2-1) ) ) { enc_ch2 |= (1 << (4-1) ); }
				if( ch1 & (1 << (1-1) ) ) { enc_ch2 |= (1 << (3-1) ); }

				if( ch2 & (1 << (8-1) ) ) { enc_ch2 |= (1 << (2-1) ); }
				if( ch2 & (1 << (7-1) ) ) { enc_ch2 |= (1 << (1-1) ); }
				if( ch2 & (1 << (6-1) ) ) { enc_ch3 |= (1 << (6-1) ); }
				if( ch2 & (1 << (5-1) ) ) { enc_ch3 |= (1 << (5-1) ); }

				if( ch2 & (1 << (4-1) ) ) { enc_ch3 |= (1 << (4-1) ); }
				if( ch2 & (1 << (3-1) ) ) { enc_ch3 |= (1 << (3-1) ); }
				if( ch2 & (1 << (2-1) ) ) { enc_ch3 |= (1 << (2-1) ); }
				if( ch2 & (1 << (1-1) ) ) { enc_ch3 |= (1 << (1-1) ); }

				//dumptoBin( enc_ch1 ); dumptoBin( enc_ch2 ); dumptoBin( enc_ch3 );

				char buf[4]; sprintf( buf, "%c%c%c", enc_ch1, enc_ch2, enc_ch3 );
				ret = buf;

		return ret;
Exemplo n.º 10
bool CDecoder::LoadFoundation( CUOption* option )
	if( option == NULL )	return false;
	this->option = option;

	// check options
	CUString key="foundation";
	CUString foundation_dn;
	if( option->GetValue( key, foundation_dn ) == false ) { fprintf( stderr, "Required option is not defined: foundation\n" ); return false; }
	this->foundation_dn = foundation_dn;

	char fn[1024];
	sprintf( fn ,"%s/pair.utf8", foundation_dn.GetStr() );

	CUTextFile file( fn, "r" );
	if( file.CheckOpen() == false )	return false;

	CUString content;
	file.LoadToStr( content );
	CUStringListRO content_list( content, "\n" );
	if( content_list.GetSize() < 4 )	{ fprintf( stderr, "Error: Invalid pair.utf\n" ); return false; }

	src_org = content_list.GetAt(0);
	tgt_org = content_list.GetAt(1);
	src_tok = content_list.GetAt(2);
	tgt_tok = content_list.GetAt(3);

	// load trans tree
	CUStringListRO src_tok_list( src_tok, " " );
	trans_tree.Set( src_tok_list );
	for( int i=4; i<content_list.GetSize(); i++ ) {
		CUString str = content_list.GetAt(i);
		if( str.Find( "S-P\t") == 0 ) {
			CUStringListRO tmp_list( str.Mid(4), ":" );
			if( trans_tree.ApplyParse( tmp_list ) == false ) {
				fprintf( stderr, "Error: Invalid parse rule: %s\n", str.GetStr() );
				return false;
			else {
				//trans_tree.Print( stderr );

	// apply trans rule 
	for( int i=4; i<content_list.GetSize(); i++ ) {
		CUString str = content_list.GetAt(i);
		if( str.Find( "TR\t") == 0 ) {
			CUStringListRO tmp_list( str.Mid(3), "\t" );
			if( trans_tree.ApplyTransRule( tmp_list ) == false ) {
				fprintf( stderr, "Error: Invalid parse rule: %s\n", str.GetStr() );
				return false;
			else {
				//trans_tree.Print( stderr );

	// apply trans rule 
	for( int i=4; i<content_list.GetSize(); i++ ) {
		CUString str = content_list.GetAt(i);
		if( str.Find( "TL\t") == 0 ) {
			CUStringListRO tmp_list( str.Mid(3), "\t" );
			if( trans_tree.ApplyTransLexical( tmp_list ) == false ) {
				fprintf( stderr, "Error: Invalid parse lexical: %s\n", str.GetStr() );
				return false;
			else {
				//trans_tree.Print( stderr );

	trans_tree.Print( stderr );
	CUString trans_str = trans_tree.GetTransStr();

	CUStringListRO tmp1( tgt_tok, " " );
	fprintf( stderr, "TGT: " );
	for( int i=0; i<tmp1.GetSize(); i++ ) {
		CUString tmp = tmp1.GetAt(i);
		fprintf( stderr, " %s", tmp.Left( tmp.ReverseFind('/') ).GetStr() );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

	CUStringListRO tmp2( trans_str, " " );
	fprintf( stderr, "OUT: " );
	for( int i=0; i<tmp2.GetSize(); i++ ) {
		CUString tmp = tmp2.GetAt(i);
		fprintf( stderr, " %s", tmp.Left( tmp.ReverseFind('/') ).GetStr() );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 11
	bool CUStringNode::SetData( CUString &arg_str )
		return SetData( (char*)arg_str.GetStr() );