Exemplo n.º 1
bool ScriptInterface::LoadGlobalScriptFile(const VfsPath& path)
	JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
	JS::RootedObject global(m->m_cx, m->m_glob);
	if (!VfsFileExists(path))
		LOGERROR("File '%s' does not exist", path.string8());
		return false;

	CVFSFile file;

	PSRETURN ret = file.Load(g_VFS, path);

	if (ret != PSRETURN_OK)
		LOGERROR("Failed to load file '%s': %s", path.string8(), GetErrorString(ret));
		return false;

	std::wstring code = wstring_from_utf8(file.DecodeUTF8()); // assume it's UTF-8

	utf16string codeUtf16(code.begin(), code.end());
	uint lineNo = 1;
	// CompileOptions does not copy the contents of the filename string pointer.
	// Passing a temporary string there will cause undefined behaviour, so we create a separate string to avoid the temporary.
	std::string filenameStr = path.string8();

	JS::RootedValue rval(m->m_cx);
	JS::CompileOptions opts(m->m_cx);
	opts.setFileAndLine(filenameStr.c_str(), lineNo);
	return JS::Evaluate(m->m_cx, global, opts,
			reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(codeUtf16.c_str()), (uint)(codeUtf16.length()), &rval);
Exemplo n.º 2
static std::vector<std::string> GetJSONData(const VfsPath& path)
	VfsPaths pathnames;
	Status ret = vfs::GetPathnames(g_VFS, path, L"*.json", pathnames);
	if (ret != INFO::OK)
		// Some error reading directory
		wchar_t error[200];
		LOGERROR("Error reading directory '%s': %s", path.string8(), utf8_from_wstring(StatusDescription(ret, error, ARRAY_SIZE(error))));
		return std::vector<std::string>();

	std::vector<std::string> data;
	for (const VfsPath& p : pathnames)
		// Load JSON file
		CVFSFile file;
		PSRETURN ret = file.Load(g_VFS, p);
		if (ret != PSRETURN_OK)
			LOGERROR("GetJSONData: Failed to load file '%s': %s", p.string8(), GetErrorString(ret));

		data.push_back(file.DecodeUTF8()); // assume it's UTF-8

	return data;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool ScriptInterface::LoadGlobalScriptFile(const VfsPath& path)
	if (!VfsFileExists(path))
		LOGERROR(L"File '%ls' does not exist", path.string().c_str());
		return false;

	CVFSFile file;

	PSRETURN ret = file.Load(g_VFS, path);

	if (ret != PSRETURN_OK)
		LOGERROR(L"Failed to load file '%ls': %hs", path.string().c_str(), GetErrorString(ret));
		return false;

	std::wstring code = wstring_from_utf8(file.DecodeUTF8()); // assume it's UTF-8

	// Compile the code in strict mode, to encourage better coding practices and
	// to possibly help SpiderMonkey with optimisations
	std::wstring codeStrict = L"\"use strict\";\n" + code;
	utf16string codeUtf16(codeStrict.begin(), codeStrict.end());
	uintN lineNo = 0; // put the automatic 'use strict' on line 0, so the real code starts at line 1

	jsval rval;
	JSBool ok = JS_EvaluateUCScript(m->m_cx, m->m_glob,
			reinterpret_cast<const jschar*> (codeUtf16.c_str()), (uintN)(codeUtf16.length()),
			utf8_from_wstring(path.string()).c_str(), lineNo, &rval);

	return ok ? true : false;
Exemplo n.º 4
// Return file contents as an array of lines. Assume file is UTF-8 encoded text.
// lines = readFileLines(filename);
//   filename: VFS filename (may include path)
CScriptVal JSI_VFS::ReadFileLines(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* pCxPrivate, std::wstring filename)
	// read file
	CVFSFile file;
	if (file.Load(g_VFS, filename) != PSRETURN_OK)
		return JSVAL_NULL;

	CStr contents = file.DecodeUTF8(); // assume it's UTF-8

	// Fix CRLF line endings. (This function will only ever be used on text files.)
	contents.Replace("\r\n", "\n");

	// split into array of strings (one per line)

	std::stringstream ss(contents);

	JSContext* cx = pCxPrivate->pScriptInterface->GetContext();
	JSObject* line_array = JS_NewArrayObject(cx, 0, NULL);

	std::string line;
	int cur_line = 0;
	while (std::getline(ss, line))
		// Decode each line as UTF-8
		JS::RootedValue val(cx);
		ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, val.get(), CStr(line).FromUTF8());
		JS_SetElement(cx, line_array, cur_line++, val.address());

	return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( line_array );
Exemplo n.º 5
bool ScriptInterface::LoadGlobalScriptFile(const VfsPath& path)
	JSAutoRequest rq(m->m_cx);
	JS::RootedObject global(m->m_cx, m->m_glob);
	if (!VfsFileExists(path))
		LOGERROR("File '%s' does not exist", path.string8());
		return false;

	CVFSFile file;

	PSRETURN ret = file.Load(g_VFS, path);

	if (ret != PSRETURN_OK)
		LOGERROR("Failed to load file '%s': %s", path.string8(), GetErrorString(ret));
		return false;

	std::wstring code = wstring_from_utf8(file.DecodeUTF8()); // assume it's UTF-8

	utf16string codeUtf16(code.begin(), code.end());
	uint lineNo = 1;

	JS::RootedValue rval(m->m_cx);
	return JS_EvaluateUCScript(m->m_cx, global,
			reinterpret_cast<const jschar*> (codeUtf16.c_str()), (uint)(codeUtf16.length()),
			utf8_from_wstring(path.string()).c_str(), lineNo, &rval);
Exemplo n.º 6
void L10n::LoadDictionaryForCurrentLocale()
	delete dictionary;
	dictionary = new tinygettext::Dictionary();

	VfsPaths filenames;

	if (useLongStrings)
		if (vfs::GetPathnames(g_VFS, L"l10n/", L"long.*.po", filenames) < 0)
		std::wstring dictName = GetFallbackToAvailableDictLocale(currentLocale);
		if (vfs::GetPathnames(g_VFS, L"l10n/", dictName.append(L".*.po").c_str(), filenames) < 0)
			LOGERROR("No files for the dictionary found, but at this point the input should already be validated!");

	for (const VfsPath& path : filenames)
		CVFSFile file;
		file.Load(g_VFS, path);
		std::string content = file.DecodeUTF8();
		ReadPoIntoDictionary(content, dictionary);
Exemplo n.º 7
// Return file contents as an array of lines. Assume file is UTF-8 encoded text.
// lines = readFileLines(filename);
//   filename: VFS filename (may include path)
JS::Value JSI_VFS::ReadFileLines(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* pCxPrivate, const std::wstring& filename)
	JSContext* cx = pCxPrivate->pScriptInterface->GetContext();
	JSAutoRequest rq(cx);
	// read file
	CVFSFile file;
	if (file.Load(g_VFS, filename) != PSRETURN_OK)
		return JSVAL_NULL;

	CStr contents = file.DecodeUTF8(); // assume it's UTF-8

	// Fix CRLF line endings. (This function will only ever be used on text files.)
	contents.Replace("\r\n", "\n");

	// split into array of strings (one per line)

	std::stringstream ss(contents);
	JS::RootedObject line_array(cx, JS_NewArrayObject(cx, JS::HandleValueArray::empty()));
	std::string line;
	int cur_line = 0;

	while (std::getline(ss, line))
		// Decode each line as UTF-8
		JS::RootedValue val(cx);
		ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, &val, CStr(line).FromUTF8());
		JS_SetElement(cx, line_array, cur_line++, val);

	return JS::ObjectValue(*line_array);
Exemplo n.º 8
std::vector<std::string> CSimulation2::GetCivData()
	VfsPath path(L"civs/");
	VfsPaths pathnames;

	std::vector<std::string> data;

	// Load all JSON files in civs directory
	Status ret = vfs::GetPathnames(g_VFS, path, L"*.json", pathnames);
	if (ret == INFO::OK)
		for (VfsPaths::iterator it = pathnames.begin(); it != pathnames.end(); ++it)
			// Load JSON file
			CVFSFile file;
			PSRETURN ret = file.Load(g_VFS, *it);
			if (ret != PSRETURN_OK)
				LOGERROR(L"CSimulation2::GetCivData: Failed to load file '%ls': %hs", path.string().c_str(), GetErrorString(ret));
				data.push_back(file.DecodeUTF8()); // assume it's UTF-8
		// Some error reading directory
		wchar_t error[200];
		LOGERROR(L"CSimulation2::GetCivData: Error reading directory '%ls': %ls", path.string().c_str(), StatusDescription(ret, error, ARRAY_SIZE(error)));

	return data;
Exemplo n.º 9
std::string CSimulation2::ReadJSON(VfsPath path)
	std::string data;

	if (!VfsFileExists(path))
		LOGERROR(L"File '%ls' does not exist", path.string().c_str());
		// Load JSON file
		CVFSFile file;
		PSRETURN ret = file.Load(g_VFS, path);
		if (ret != PSRETURN_OK)
			LOGERROR(L"Failed to load file '%ls': %hs", path.string().c_str(), GetErrorString(ret));
			data = file.DecodeUTF8(); // assume it's UTF-8

	return data;
Exemplo n.º 10
bool RelaxNGValidator::LoadGrammarFile(const PIVFS& vfs, const VfsPath& grammarPath)
	CVFSFile file;
	if (file.Load(vfs, grammarPath) != PSRETURN_OK)
		return false;

	return LoadGrammar(file.DecodeUTF8());
Exemplo n.º 11
bool CComponentManager::LoadScript(const VfsPath& filename, bool hotload)
	m_CurrentlyHotloading = hotload;
	CVFSFile file;
	PSRETURN loadOk = file.Load(g_VFS, filename);
	std::string content = file.DecodeUTF8(); // assume it's UTF-8
	bool ok = m_ScriptInterface.LoadScript(filename, content);
	return ok;
Exemplo n.º 12
bool CComponentManager::LoadScript(const VfsPath& filename, bool hotload)
	m_CurrentlyHotloading = hotload;
	CVFSFile file;
	PSRETURN loadOk = file.Load(g_VFS, filename);
	if (loadOk != PSRETURN_OK) // VFS will log the failed file and the reason
		return false;
	std::string content = file.DecodeUTF8(); // assume it's UTF-8
	bool ok = m_ScriptInterface.LoadScript(filename, content);
	return ok;
Exemplo n.º 13
void CDebuggingServer::GetFile(std::string filename, std::stringstream& response)
	CVFSFile file;
	if (file.Load(g_VFS, filename) != PSRETURN_OK)
		response << "Failed to load the file contents";

	std::string code = file.DecodeUTF8(); // assume it's UTF-8
	response << code;
Exemplo n.º 14
// Return file contents in a string. Assume file is UTF-8 encoded text.
// contents = readFile(filename);
//   filename: VFS filename (may include path)
CScriptVal JSI_VFS::ReadFile(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* pCxPrivate, std::wstring filename)
	CVFSFile file;
	if (file.Load(g_VFS, filename) != PSRETURN_OK)
		return JSVAL_NULL;

	CStr contents = file.DecodeUTF8(); // assume it's UTF-8

	// Fix CRLF line endings. (This function will only ever be used on text files.)
	contents.Replace("\r\n", "\n");

	// Decode as UTF-8
	return ScriptInterface::ToJSVal( pCxPrivate->pScriptInterface->GetContext(), contents.FromUTF8() );
Exemplo n.º 15
static std::string ReadJSON(const VfsPath& path)
	if (!VfsFileExists(path))
		LOGERROR("File '%s' does not exist", path.string8());
		return std::string();

	// Load JSON file
	CVFSFile file;
	PSRETURN ret = file.Load(g_VFS, path);
	if (ret != PSRETURN_OK)
		LOGERROR("Failed to load file '%s': %s", path.string8(), GetErrorString(ret));
		return std::string();

	return file.DecodeUTF8(); // assume it's UTF-8
Exemplo n.º 16
// Return file contents in a string. Assume file is UTF-8 encoded text.
// contents = readFile(filename);
//   filename: VFS filename (may include path)
JS::Value JSI_VFS::ReadFile(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* pCxPrivate, const std::wstring& filename)
	JSContext* cx = pCxPrivate->pScriptInterface->GetContext();
	JSAutoRequest rq(cx);

	CVFSFile file;
	if (file.Load(g_VFS, filename) != PSRETURN_OK)
		return JS::NullValue();

	CStr contents = file.DecodeUTF8(); // assume it's UTF-8

	// Fix CRLF line endings. (This function will only ever be used on text files.)
	contents.Replace("\r\n", "\n");

	// Decode as UTF-8
	JS::RootedValue ret(cx);
	ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, &ret, contents.FromUTF8());
	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 17
Status L10n::ReloadChangedFile(const VfsPath& path)
	if (!boost::algorithm::starts_with(path.string(), L"l10n/"))
		return INFO::OK;

	if (path.Extension() != L".po")
		return INFO::OK;

	// If the file was deleted, ignore it
	if (!VfsFileExists(path))
		return INFO::OK;

	std::wstring dictName = GetFallbackToAvailableDictLocale(currentLocale);
	if (useLongStrings)
		dictName = L"long";
	if (dictName.empty())
		return INFO::OK;

	// Only the currently used language is loaded, so ignore all others
	if (path.string().rfind(dictName) == std::string::npos)
		return INFO::OK;

	LOGMESSAGE("Hotloading translations from '%s'", path.string8());

	CVFSFile file;
	if (file.Load(g_VFS, path) != PSRETURN_OK)
		LOGERROR("Failed to read translations from '%s'", path.string8());
		return ERR::FAIL;

	std::string content = file.DecodeUTF8();
	ReadPoIntoDictionary(content, dictionary);

	if (g_GUI)

	return INFO::OK;
Exemplo n.º 18
CScriptValRooted ScriptInterface::ReadJSONFile(const VfsPath& path)
	if (!VfsFileExists(path))
		LOGERROR(L"File '%ls' does not exist", path.string().c_str());
		return CScriptValRooted();

	CVFSFile file;

	PSRETURN ret = file.Load(g_VFS, path);

	if (ret != PSRETURN_OK)
		LOGERROR(L"Failed to load file '%ls': %hs", path.string().c_str(), GetErrorString(ret));
		return CScriptValRooted();

	std::string content(file.DecodeUTF8()); // assume it's UTF-8

	return ParseJSON(content);
Exemplo n.º 19
void ScriptInterface::ReadJSONFile(const VfsPath& path, JS::MutableHandleValue out)
	if (!VfsFileExists(path))
		LOGERROR("File '%s' does not exist", path.string8());

	CVFSFile file;

	PSRETURN ret = file.Load(g_VFS, path);

	if (ret != PSRETURN_OK)
		LOGERROR("Failed to load file '%s': %s", path.string8(), GetErrorString(ret));

	std::string content(file.DecodeUTF8()); // assume it's UTF-8

	if (!ParseJSON(content, out))
		LOGERROR("Failed to parse '%s'", path.string8());
Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: CGUI.cpp Projeto: 2asoft/0ad
void CGUI::Xeromyces_ReadObject(XMBElement Element, CXeromyces* pFile, IGUIObject* pParent, std::vector<std::pair<CStr, CStr> >& NameSubst, boost::unordered_set<VfsPath>& Paths, u32 nesting_depth)

	XMBAttributeList attributes = Element.GetAttributes();

	CStr type(attributes.GetNamedItem(pFile->GetAttributeID("type")));
	if (type.empty())
		type = "empty";

	// Construct object from specified type
	//  henceforth, we need to do a rollback before aborting.
	//  i.e. releasing this object
	IGUIObject* object = ConstructObject(type);

	if (!object)
		LOGERROR("GUI: Unrecognized object type \"%s\"", type.c_str());

	// Cache some IDs for element attribute names, to avoid string comparisons
	#define ELMT(x) int elmt_##x = pFile->GetElementID(#x)
	#define ATTR(x) int attr_##x = pFile->GetAttributeID(#x)

	//	Read Style and set defaults
	//	If the setting "style" is set, try loading that setting.
	//	Always load default (if it's available) first!
	CStr argStyle(attributes.GetNamedItem(attr_style));

	if (m_Styles.count("default") == 1)
		object->LoadStyle(*this, "default");

	if (!argStyle.empty())
		if (m_Styles.count(argStyle) == 0)
			LOGERROR("GUI: Trying to use style '%s' that doesn't exist.", argStyle.c_str());
			object->LoadStyle(*this, argStyle);

	bool NameSet = false;
	bool ManuallySetZ = false;

	CStrW inclusionPath;
	CStr hotkeyTag;

	for (XMBAttribute attr : attributes)
		// If value is "null", then it is equivalent as never being entered
		if (CStr(attr.Value) == "null")

		// Ignore "type" and "style", we've already checked it
		if (attr.Name == attr_type || attr.Name == attr_style)

		if (attr.Name == attr_name)
			CStr name(attr.Value);

			for (const std::pair<CStr, CStr>& sub : NameSubst)
				name.Replace(sub.first, sub.second);

			NameSet = true;

		if (attr.Name == attr_hotkey)
			hotkeyTag = attr.Value;

		if (attr.Name == attr_z)
			ManuallySetZ = true;

		if (object->SetSetting(pFile->GetAttributeString(attr.Name), attr.Value.FromUTF8(), true) != PSRETURN_OK)
			LOGERROR("GUI: (object: %s) Can't set \"%s\" to \"%s\"", object->GetPresentableName(), pFile->GetAttributeString(attr.Name), attr.Value);

	// Check if name isn't set, generate an internal name in that case.
	if (!NameSet)
		object->SetName("__internal(" + CStr::FromInt(m_InternalNameNumber) + ")");

	if (!hotkeyTag.empty())

	CStrW caption(Element.GetText().FromUTF8());
	if (!caption.empty())
		object->SetSetting("caption", caption, true);

	for (XMBElement child : Element.GetChildNodes())
		// Check what name the elements got
		int element_name = child.GetNodeName();

		if (element_name == elmt_object)
			// Call this function on the child
			Xeromyces_ReadObject(child, pFile, object, NameSubst, Paths, nesting_depth);
		else if (element_name == elmt_action)
			// Scripted <action> element

			// Check for a 'file' parameter
			CStrW filename(child.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(attr_file).FromUTF8());

			CStr code;

			// If there is a file, open it and use it as the code
			if (!filename.empty())
				CVFSFile scriptfile;
				if (scriptfile.Load(g_VFS, filename) != PSRETURN_OK)
					LOGERROR("Error opening GUI script action file '%s'", utf8_from_wstring(filename));
					throw PSERROR_GUI_JSOpenFailed();

				code = scriptfile.DecodeUTF8(); // assume it's UTF-8

			XMBElementList grandchildren = child.GetChildNodes();
			if (!grandchildren.empty()) // The <action> element contains <keep> and <translate> tags.
				for (XMBElement grandchild : grandchildren)
					if (grandchild.GetNodeName() == elmt_translate)
						code += g_L10n.Translate(grandchild.GetText());
					else if (grandchild.GetNodeName() == elmt_keep)
						code += grandchild.GetText();
			else // It’s pure JavaScript code.
				// Read the inline code (concatenating to the file code, if both are specified)
				code += CStr(child.GetText());

			CStr action = CStr(child.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(attr_on));

			// We need to set the GUI this object belongs to because RegisterScriptHandler requires an associated GUI.
			object->RegisterScriptHandler(action.LowerCase(), code, this);
		else if (element_name == elmt_repeat)
			Xeromyces_ReadRepeat(child, pFile, object, NameSubst, Paths, nesting_depth);
		else if (element_name == elmt_translatableAttribute)
			// This is an element in the form “<translatableAttribute id="attributeName">attributeValue</translatableAttribute>”.
			CStr attributeName(child.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(attr_id)); // Read the attribute name.
			if (attributeName.empty())
				LOGERROR("GUI: ‘translatableAttribute’ XML element with empty ‘id’ XML attribute found. (object: %s)", object->GetPresentableName().c_str());

			CStr value(child.GetText());
			if (value.empty())

			CStr context(child.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(attr_context)); // Read the context if any.
			if (!context.empty())
				CStr translatedValue(g_L10n.TranslateWithContext(context, value));
				object->SetSetting(attributeName, translatedValue.FromUTF8(), true);
				CStr translatedValue(g_L10n.Translate(value));
				object->SetSetting(attributeName, translatedValue.FromUTF8(), true);
		else if (element_name == elmt_attribute)
			// This is an element in the form “<attribute id="attributeName"><keep>Don’t translate this part
			// </keep><translate>but translate this one.</translate></attribute>”.
			CStr attributeName(child.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(attr_id)); // Read the attribute name.
			if (attributeName.empty())
				LOGERROR("GUI: ‘attribute’ XML element with empty ‘id’ XML attribute found. (object: %s)", object->GetPresentableName().c_str());

			CStr translatedValue;

			for (XMBElement grandchild : child.GetChildNodes())
				if (grandchild.GetNodeName() == elmt_translate)
					translatedValue += g_L10n.Translate(grandchild.GetText());
				else if (grandchild.GetNodeName() == elmt_keep)
					translatedValue += grandchild.GetText();
			object->SetSetting(attributeName, translatedValue.FromUTF8(), true);
		else if (element_name == elmt_include)
			CStrW filename(child.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(attr_file).FromUTF8());
			CStrW directory(child.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(attr_directory).FromUTF8());
			if (!filename.empty())
				if (!directory.empty())
					LOGWARNING("GUI: Include element found with file name (%s) and directory name (%s). Only the file will be processed.", utf8_from_wstring(filename), utf8_from_wstring(directory));


				CXeromyces XeroIncluded;
				if (XeroIncluded.Load(g_VFS, filename, "gui") != PSRETURN_OK)
					LOGERROR("GUI: Error reading included XML: '%s'", utf8_from_wstring(filename));

				XMBElement node = XeroIncluded.GetRoot();
				if (node.GetNodeName() != XeroIncluded.GetElementID("object"))
					LOGERROR("GUI: Error reading included XML: '%s', root element must have be of type 'object'.", utf8_from_wstring(filename));

				if (nesting_depth+1 >= MAX_OBJECT_DEPTH)
					LOGERROR("GUI: Too many nested GUI includes. Probably caused by a recursive include attribute. Abort rendering '%s'.", utf8_from_wstring(filename));

				Xeromyces_ReadObject(node, &XeroIncluded, object, NameSubst, Paths, nesting_depth+1);
			else if (!directory.empty())
				if (nesting_depth+1 >= MAX_OBJECT_DEPTH)
					LOGERROR("GUI: Too many nested GUI includes. Probably caused by a recursive include attribute. Abort rendering '%s'.", utf8_from_wstring(directory));

				VfsPaths pathnames;
				vfs::GetPathnames(g_VFS, directory, L"*.xml", pathnames);
				for (const VfsPath& path : pathnames)
					// as opposed to loading scripts, don't care if it's loaded before
					// one might use the same parts of the GUI in different situations
					CXeromyces XeroIncluded;
					if (XeroIncluded.Load(g_VFS, path, "gui") != PSRETURN_OK)
						LOGERROR("GUI: Error reading included XML: '%s'", path.string8());

					XMBElement node = XeroIncluded.GetRoot();
					if (node.GetNodeName() != XeroIncluded.GetElementID("object"))
						LOGERROR("GUI: Error reading included XML: '%s', root element must have be of type 'object'.", path.string8());
					Xeromyces_ReadObject(node, &XeroIncluded, object, NameSubst, Paths, nesting_depth+1);

				LOGERROR("GUI: 'include' XML element must have valid 'file' or 'directory' attribute found. (object %s)", object->GetPresentableName().c_str());
			// Try making the object read the tag.
			if (!object->HandleAdditionalChildren(child, pFile))
				LOGERROR("GUI: (object: %s) Reading unknown children for its type", object->GetPresentableName().c_str());

	if (!ManuallySetZ)
		// Set it automatically to 10 plus its parents
		bool absolute;
		GUI<bool>::GetSetting(object, "absolute", absolute);

		if (absolute)
			// If the object is absolute, we'll have to get the parent's Z buffered,
			// and add to that!
			GUI<float>::SetSetting(object, "z", pParent->GetBufferedZ() + 10.f, true);
			// If the object is relative, then we'll just store Z as "10"
			GUI<float>::SetSetting(object, "z", 10.f, true);

		if (pParent == m_BaseObject)
	catch (PSERROR_GUI& e)
		LOGERROR("GUI error: %s", e.what());
Exemplo n.º 21
void RunHardwareDetection()

	ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = g_ScriptingHost.GetScriptInterface();

	scriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, bool, &SetDisableAudio>("SetDisableAudio");
	scriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, bool, &SetDisableS3TC>("SetDisableS3TC");
	scriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, bool, &SetDisableShadows>("SetDisableShadows");
	scriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, bool, &SetDisableShadowPCF>("SetDisableShadowPCF");
	scriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, bool, &SetDisableAllWater>("SetDisableAllWater");
	scriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, bool, &SetDisableFancyWater>("SetDisableFancyWater");
	scriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, bool, &SetDisableFBOWater>("SetDisableFBOWater");
	scriptInterface.RegisterFunction<void, std::string, &SetRenderPath>("SetRenderPath");

	// Load the detection script:

	const wchar_t* scriptName = L"hwdetect/hwdetect.js";
	CVFSFile file;
	if (file.Load(g_VFS, scriptName) != PSRETURN_OK)
		LOGERROR(L"Failed to load hardware detection script");

	std::string code = file.DecodeUTF8(); // assume it's UTF-8
	scriptInterface.LoadScript(scriptName, code);

	// Collect all the settings we'll pass to the script:
	// (We'll use this same data for the opt-in online reporting system, so it
	// includes some fields that aren't directly useful for the hwdetect script)

	CScriptValRooted settings;
	scriptInterface.Eval("({})", settings);

	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "os_unix", OS_UNIX);
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "os_bsd", OS_BSD);
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "os_linux", OS_LINUX);
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "os_android", OS_ANDROID);
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "os_macosx", OS_MACOSX);
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "os_win", OS_WIN);

	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "arch_ia32", ARCH_IA32);
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "arch_amd64", ARCH_AMD64);
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "arch_arm", ARCH_ARM);

#ifdef NDEBUG
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "build_debug", 0);
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "build_debug", 1);
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "build_opengles", CONFIG2_GLES);

	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "build_datetime", std::string(__DATE__ " " __TIME__));
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "build_revision", std::wstring(svn_revision));

	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "build_msc", (int)MSC_VERSION);
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "build_icc", (int)ICC_VERSION);
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "build_gcc", (int)GCC_VERSION);
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "build_clang", (int)CLANG_VERSION);

	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "gfx_card", gfx::CardName());
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "gfx_drv_ver", gfx::DriverInfo());

	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "snd_card", std::wstring(snd_card));
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "snd_drv_ver", std::wstring(snd_drv_ver));

	ReportGLLimits(scriptInterface, settings);

	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "video_xres", g_VideoMode.GetXRes());
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "video_yres", g_VideoMode.GetYRes());
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "video_bpp", g_VideoMode.GetBPP());

	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "video_desktop_xres", g_VideoMode.GetDesktopXRes());
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "video_desktop_yres", g_VideoMode.GetDesktopYRes());
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "video_desktop_bpp", g_VideoMode.GetDesktopBPP());
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "video_desktop_freq", g_VideoMode.GetDesktopFreq());

	struct utsname un;
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "uname_sysname", std::string(un.sysname));
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "uname_release", std::string(un.release));
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "uname_version", std::string(un.version));
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "uname_machine", std::string(un.machine));

		std::ifstream ifs("/etc/lsb-release");
		if (ifs.good())
			std::string str((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
			scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "linux_release", str);

	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "cpu_identifier", std::string(cpu_IdentifierString()));
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "cpu_frequency", os_cpu_ClockFrequency());
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "cpu_pagesize", (u32)os_cpu_PageSize());
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "cpu_largepagesize", (u32)os_cpu_LargePageSize());
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "cpu_numprocs", (u32)os_cpu_NumProcessors());
#if ARCH_X86_X64
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "cpu_numpackages", (u32)topology::NumPackages());
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "cpu_coresperpackage", (u32)topology::CoresPerPackage());
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "cpu_logicalpercore", (u32)topology::LogicalPerCore());
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "cpu_numcaches", (u32)topology::NumCaches());

	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "numa_numnodes", (u32)numa_NumNodes());
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "numa_factor", numa_Factor());
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "numa_interleaved", numa_IsMemoryInterleaved());

	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "ram_total", (u32)os_cpu_MemorySize());
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "ram_total_os", (u32)os_cpu_QueryMemorySize());
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "ram_free", (u32)os_cpu_MemoryAvailable());

#if ARCH_X86_X64
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "x86_frequency", x86_x64::ClockFrequency());

	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "x86_vendor", (u32)x86_x64::Vendor());
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "x86_model", (u32)x86_x64::Model());
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "x86_family", (u32)x86_x64::Family());

	u32 caps0, caps1, caps2, caps3;
	x86_x64::GetCapBits(&caps0, &caps1, &caps2, &caps3);
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "x86_caps[0]", caps0);
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "x86_caps[1]", caps1);
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "x86_caps[2]", caps2);
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "x86_caps[3]", caps3);

	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "x86_icaches", ConvertCaches(scriptInterface, x86_x64::L1I));
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "x86_dcaches", ConvertCaches(scriptInterface, x86_x64::L1D));
	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "x86_tlbs", ConvertTLBs(scriptInterface));

	scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings.get(), "timer_resolution", timer_Resolution());

	// Send the same data to the reporting system
	g_UserReporter.SubmitReport("hwdetect", 11, scriptInterface.StringifyJSON(settings.get(), false));

	// Run the detection script:

	scriptInterface.CallFunctionVoid(scriptInterface.GetGlobalObject(), "RunHardwareDetection", settings);
Exemplo n.º 22
void CGUI::Xeromyces_ReadObject(XMBElement Element, CXeromyces* pFile, IGUIObject *pParent, const std::vector<std::pair<CStr, CStr> >& NameSubst, boost::unordered_set<VfsPath>& Paths)
	int i;

	// Our object we are going to create
	IGUIObject *object = NULL;

	XMBAttributeList attributes = Element.GetAttributes();

	// Well first of all we need to determine the type
	CStr type (attributes.GetNamedItem(pFile->GetAttributeID("type")));
	if (type.empty())
		type = "empty";

	// Construct object from specified type
	//  henceforth, we need to do a rollback before aborting.
	//  i.e. releasing this object
	object = ConstructObject(type);

	if (!object)
		// Report error that object was unsuccessfully loaded
		LOGERROR(L"GUI: Unrecognized object type \"%hs\"", type.c_str());

	// Cache some IDs for element attribute names, to avoid string comparisons
	#define ELMT(x) int elmt_##x = pFile->GetElementID(#x)
	#define ATTR(x) int attr_##x = pFile->GetAttributeID(#x)

	//	Read Style and set defaults
	//	If the setting "style" is set, try loading that setting.
	//	Always load default (if it's available) first!
	CStr argStyle (attributes.GetNamedItem(attr_style));

	if (m_Styles.count("default") == 1)
		object->LoadStyle(*this, "default");

	if (! argStyle.empty())
		// additional check
		if (m_Styles.count(argStyle) == 0)
			LOGERROR(L"GUI: Trying to use style '%hs' that doesn't exist.", argStyle.c_str());
		else object->LoadStyle(*this, argStyle);

	//	Read Attributes

	bool NameSet = false;
	bool ManuallySetZ = false; // if z has been manually set, this turn true

	CStr hotkeyTag;

	// Now we can iterate all attributes and store
	for (i=0; i<attributes.Count; ++i)
		XMBAttribute attr = attributes.Item(i);

		// If value is "null", then it is equivalent as never being entered
		if (CStr(attr.Value) == "null")

		// Ignore "type" and "style", we've already checked it
		if (attr.Name == attr_type || attr.Name == attr_style)

		// Also the name needs some special attention
		if (attr.Name == attr_name)
			CStr name (attr.Value);

			// Apply the requested substitutions
			for (size_t j = 0; j < NameSubst.size(); ++j)
				name.Replace(NameSubst[j].first, NameSubst[j].second);

			NameSet = true;

		// Wire up the hotkey tag, if it has one
		if (attr.Name == attr_hotkey)
			hotkeyTag = attr.Value;

		if (attr.Name == attr_z)
			ManuallySetZ = true;

		// Try setting the value
		if (object->SetSetting(pFile->GetAttributeString(attr.Name), attr.Value.FromUTF8(), true) != PSRETURN_OK)
			LOGERROR(L"GUI: (object: %hs) Can't set \"%hs\" to \"%ls\"", object->GetPresentableName().c_str(), pFile->GetAttributeString(attr.Name).c_str(), attr.Value.FromUTF8().c_str());

			// This is not a fatal error

	// Check if name isn't set, generate an internal name in that case.
	if (!NameSet)
		object->SetName("__internal(" + CStr::FromInt(m_InternalNameNumber) + ")");

	// Attempt to register the hotkey tag, if one was provided
	if (! hotkeyTag.empty())

	CStrW caption (Element.GetText().FromUTF8());
	if (! caption.empty())
		// Set the setting caption to this
		object->SetSetting("caption", caption, true);

		// There is no harm if the object didn't have a "caption"

	//	Read Children

	// Iterate children
	XMBElementList children = Element.GetChildNodes();

	for (i=0; i<children.Count; ++i)
		// Get node
		XMBElement child = children.Item(i);

		// Check what name the elements got
		int element_name = child.GetNodeName();

		if (element_name == elmt_object)
			// Call this function on the child
			Xeromyces_ReadObject(child, pFile, object, NameSubst, Paths);
		else if (element_name == elmt_action)
			// Scripted <action> element

			// Check for a 'file' parameter
			CStrW filename (child.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(attr_file).FromUTF8());

			CStr code;

			// If there is a file, open it and use it as the code
			if (! filename.empty())
				CVFSFile scriptfile;
				if (scriptfile.Load(g_VFS, filename) != PSRETURN_OK)
					LOGERROR(L"Error opening GUI script action file '%ls'", filename.c_str());
					throw PSERROR_GUI_JSOpenFailed();

				code = scriptfile.DecodeUTF8(); // assume it's UTF-8

			// Read the inline code (concatenating to the file code, if both are specified)
			code += CStr(child.GetText());

			CStr action = CStr(child.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(attr_on));
			// We need to set the GUI this object belongs to because RegisterScriptHandler requires an associated GUI.
			object->RegisterScriptHandler(action.LowerCase(), code, this);
		else if (element_name == elmt_repeat)
			Xeromyces_ReadRepeat(child, pFile, object, Paths);
			// Try making the object read the tag.
			if (!object->HandleAdditionalChildren(child, pFile))
				LOGERROR(L"GUI: (object: %hs) Reading unknown children for its type", object->GetPresentableName().c_str());

	//	Check if Z wasn't manually set
	if (!ManuallySetZ)
		// Set it automatically to 10 plus its parents
		bool absolute;
		GUI<bool>::GetSetting(object, "absolute", absolute);

		// If the object is absolute, we'll have to get the parent's Z buffered,
		//  and add to that!
		if (absolute)
			GUI<float>::SetSetting(object, "z", pParent->GetBufferedZ() + 10.f, true);
		// If the object is relative, then we'll just store Z as "10"
			GUI<float>::SetSetting(object, "z", 10.f, true);

	//	Input Child

		if (pParent == m_BaseObject)
	catch (PSERROR_GUI& e)
		LOGERROR(L"GUI error: %hs", e.what());