Exemplo n.º 1
void CARTTrainer::train(ModelType& model, ClassificationDataset const& dataset){
	//Store the number of input dimensions
	m_inputDimension = inputDimension(dataset);

	//Pass input dimension (i.e., number of attributes) to tree model

	//Find the largest label, so we know how big the histogram should be
	m_maxLabel = static_cast<unsigned int>(numberOfClasses(dataset))-1;

	// create cross-validation folds
	ClassificationDataset set=dataset;
	CVFolds<ClassificationDataset> folds = createCVSameSizeBalanced(set, m_numberOfFolds);
	//find the best tree for the cv folds
	double bestErrorRate = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
	CARTClassifier<RealVector>::TreeType bestTree;
	//Run through all the cross validation sets
	for (unsigned fold = 0; fold < m_numberOfFolds; ++fold) {
		ClassificationDataset dataTrain = folds.training(fold);
		ClassificationDataset dataTest = folds.validation(fold);
		//Create attribute tables
		//O.K. stores how often label(i) can be found in the dataset
		//O.K. TODO: std::vector<unsigned int> is sufficient
		boost::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t> cAbove = createCountMatrix(dataTrain);
		AttributeTables tables = createAttributeTables(dataTrain.inputs());

		//create initial tree for the fold
		CARTClassifier<RealVector>::TreeType tree = buildTree(tables, dataTrain, cAbove, 0);
			ZeroOneLoss<unsigned int, RealVector> loss;
			double errorRate = loss.eval(dataTest.labels(), model(dataTest.inputs()));
			if(errorRate < bestErrorRate){
				//We have found a subtree that has a smaller error rate when tested!
				bestErrorRate = errorRate;
				bestTree = tree;
                        if(tree.size()!=1) break;
        SHARK_CHECK(bestTree.size() > 0, "We should never set a tree that is empty.");

Exemplo n.º 2
//Train model with a regression dataset
void CARTTrainer::train(ModelType& model, RegressionDataset const& dataset)
	//Store the number of input dimensions
	m_inputDimension = inputDimension(dataset);

	//Pass input dimension (i.e., number of attributes) to tree model

	//Store the size of the labels
	m_labelDimension = labelDimension(dataset);

	// create cross-validation folds
	RegressionDataset set=dataset;
	CVFolds<RegressionDataset > folds = createCVSameSize(set, m_numberOfFolds);
	double bestErrorRate = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
	CARTClassifier<RealVector>::TreeType bestTree;
	for (unsigned fold = 0; fold < m_numberOfFolds; ++fold){
		//Run through all the cross validation sets
		RegressionDataset dataTrain = folds.training(fold);
		RegressionDataset dataTest = folds.validation(fold);
		std::size_t numTrainElements = dataTrain.numberOfElements();

		AttributeTables tables = createAttributeTables(dataTrain.inputs());

		std::vector < RealVector > labels(numTrainElements);
		//Build tree form this fold
		CARTClassifier<RealVector>::TreeType tree = buildTree(tables, dataTrain, labels, 0, dataTrain.numberOfElements());
		//Add the tree to the model and prune
			//evaluate the error of current tree
			SquaredLoss<> loss;
			double error = loss.eval(dataTest.labels(), model(dataTest.inputs()));

			if(error < bestErrorRate){
				//We have found a subtree that has a smaller error rate when tested!
				bestErrorRate = error;
				bestTree = tree;
                        if(tree.size() == 1) break;
        SHARK_CHECK(bestTree.size() > 0, "We should never set a tree that is empty.");
Exemplo n.º 3
	 * @brief Cross Validation
	 * @return 
	std::pair<TrainingSet, Prediction> 
	ANNPredictor::predictionCV(const size_t nFolds) {
		using namespace std;
		using namespace shark;

		CVFolds<ClassificationDataset> folds = createCVSameSizeBalanced(*m_data, nFolds);

		std::pair<TrainingSet, Prediction> data;
		for (size_t fold = 0; fold < folds.size(); ++fold) {

			ClassificationDataset training = folds.training(fold);
			ClassificationDataset validation = folds.validation(fold);

			auto model = createFFNetModel(training);

			auto elements  = validation.elements();
			for (auto iter = elements.begin(); iter != elements.end(); iter++) {
				append(data, iter->input, iter->label, model(iter->input));
	return std::move(data);