Exemplo n.º 1
SICALLBACK MOM_SetAttributes_Evaluate( ICENodeContext& in_ctxt )
	// The current output port being evaluated...
   ULONG out_portID = in_ctxt.GetEvaluatedOutputPortID( );

   if(gSimulation == NULL)
      return CStatus::OK;

	switch( out_portID )
		case ID_OUT_base:
         CDataArrayLong baseData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_base );
         CDataArrayLong idData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_id );
         rbdID rbd_ID;
         CIndexSet indexSet( in_ctxt );

			// Get the output port array ...
			CDataArrayLong outData( in_ctxt );

			// get all of the input SET data!
			CDataArrayBool setPosData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_position);
			CDataArrayBool setRotData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_orientation);
			CDataArrayBool setLinvelData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_linvelocity);
			CDataArrayBool setAngvelData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_angvelocity);
			CDataArrayBool setStateData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_state);
			CDataArrayBool setMassData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_mass);
			CDataArrayBool setBounceData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_bounce);
			CDataArrayBool setFrictionData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_friction);
			CDataArrayBool setLindampData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_lindamping);
			CDataArrayBool setAngdampData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_angdamping);
			CDataArrayBool setLintreshData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_lintreshold);
			CDataArrayBool setAngtreshData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_angtreshold);

			// get all of the input data!
			CDataArrayVector3f posData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_position);
			CDataArrayVector3f rotData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_orientation);
			CDataArrayVector3f linvelData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_linvelocity);
			CDataArrayVector3f angvelData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_angvelocity);
			CDataArrayLong stateData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_state);
			CDataArrayFloat massData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_mass);
			CDataArrayFloat bounceData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_bounce);
			CDataArrayFloat frictionData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_friction);
			CDataArrayFloat lindampData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_lindamping);
			CDataArrayFloat angdampData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_angdamping);
			CDataArrayFloat lintreshData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_lintreshold);
			CDataArrayFloat angtreshData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_angtreshold);

         // get the index set iterator
         btTransform bodyTransform;
         CVector3f bodyPos,linvel,angvel;
         btQuaternion bodyRot;
			CRotation rot;
			CQuaternion quat;
			CVector3f anglesf;
			CVector3 angles;

			for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = indexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next())
            rbd_ID.primary = (int)(baseData.IsConstant() ? baseData[0] : baseData[it]);
            rbd_ID.secondary = (int)(idData.IsConstant() ? idData[0] : idData[it]);
            btRigidBodyReference * bodyRef = gSimulation->GetRigidBody(rbd_ID);
            if(bodyRef != NULL)
               // take care of the positions
               if((setPosData.IsConstant() ? setPosData[0] : setPosData[it]) == true)
                  bodyPos = posData.IsConstant() ? posData[0] : posData[it];
                  bodyTransform = bodyRef->GetWorldTransform();
               // take care of the orientations
               if((setRotData.IsConstant() ? setRotData[0] : setRotData[it]) == true)
                  anglesf = rotData.IsConstant() ? rotData[0] : rotData[it];
                  quat = rot.GetQuaternion();
                  bodyTransform = bodyRef->GetWorldTransform();
               // take care of the linear velocity
               if((setLinvelData.IsConstant() ? setLinvelData[0] : setLinvelData[it]) == true)
                  linvel = linvelData.IsConstant() ? linvelData[0] : linvelData[it];
               // take care of the angular velocity
               if((setAngvelData.IsConstant() ? setAngvelData[0] : setAngvelData[it]) == true)
                  angvel = angvelData.IsConstant() ? angvelData[0] : angvelData[it];
               // take care of the state
               if((setStateData.IsConstant() ? setStateData[0] : setStateData[it]) == true)
                  int state = stateData.IsConstant() ? stateData[0] : stateData[it];
                  if(state == 0)
                  else if(state == 1)
                  else if(state == 2)
               // take care of the mass
               if((setMassData.IsConstant() ? setMassData[0] : setMassData[it]) == true)
                  // compute the inertia
                  bodyRef->mass = massData.IsConstant() ? massData[0] : massData[it];
                  btVector3 inertia(0,0,0);
                  if(bodyRef->mass > 0.0f)
               // take care of the bounce
               if((setBounceData.IsConstant() ? setBounceData[0] : setBounceData[it]) == true)
                  bodyRef->body->setRestitution(bounceData.IsConstant() ? bounceData[0] : bounceData[it]);
               // take care of the friction
               if((setFrictionData.IsConstant() ? setFrictionData[0] : setFrictionData[it]) == true)
                  bodyRef->body->setFriction(frictionData.IsConstant() ? frictionData[0] : frictionData[it]);
               // take care of the linear damping
               if((setLindampData.IsConstant() ? setLindampData[0] : setLindampData[it]) == true)
                  float angdamp = bodyRef->body->getAngularDamping();
                  bodyRef->body->setDamping(lindampData.IsConstant() ? lindampData[0] : lindampData[it],angdamp);
               // take care of the angular damping
               if((setAngdampData.IsConstant() ? setAngdampData[0] : setAngdampData[it]) == true)
                  float lindamp = bodyRef->body->getLinearDamping();
                  bodyRef->body->setDamping(lindamp,angdampData.IsConstant() ? angdampData[0] : angdampData[it]);
               // take care of the linear treshold
               if((setLintreshData.IsConstant() ? setLintreshData[0] : setLintreshData[it]) == true)
                  float angtresh = bodyRef->body->getAngularSleepingThreshold();
                  bodyRef->body->setSleepingThresholds(lintreshData.IsConstant() ? lintreshData[0] : lintreshData[it],angtresh);
               // take care of the angular treshold
               if((setAngtreshData.IsConstant() ? setAngtreshData[0] : setAngtreshData[it]) == true)
                  float lintresh = bodyRef->body->getLinearSleepingThreshold();
                  bodyRef->body->setSleepingThresholds(lintresh,angtreshData.IsConstant() ? angtreshData[0] : angtreshData[it]);
            outData[it] = rbd_ID.primary;

	return CStatus::OK;
Exemplo n.º 2
"Intersecting a Ray with a Cylinder"
by Joseph M. Cychosz and Warren N. Waggenspack, Jr.,
([email protected], [email protected])
in "Graphics Gems IV", Academic Press, 1994
Float32 CCylinder::Intersect( const CRay& r )
    Float32 in, out;
    Bool		hit;		// True if ray intersects cyl
    CVector3f	rc;		    // Ray base to cylinder base
    Float32		dist;		    // Shortest distance between

    Float32		t, s;		// Distances along the ray
    CVector3f	n, o;
    Float32		ln;

    CVector3f axis = GetAxis();
    rc = r.Origin - PointA;
    n.CrossProduct( r.Direction, axis );

    ln = n.GetLength();
    if ( ln == 0.0f ) 
        CVector3f tmp;
        // ray parallel to cyl
        dist = rc.DotProduct( axis );
        tmp = rc - axis * dist;

        dist = tmp.GetLength();
        in = -FLOAT32_MAX_VAL;
        out =  FLOAT32_MAX_VAL;
        if( dist <= Radius )		// true if ray is in cyl
            return 1.0;

    dist = MathAbs( rc.DotProduct( n ) );		// shortest distance
    hit = (dist <= Radius);

    if  (hit) 
        // if ray hits cylinder 
        o.CrossProduct( rc, axis );
        t = - o.DotProduct( n ) / ln;
        o.CrossProduct( n, axis );
        s = MathAbs( MathSqrt( Radius*Radius - dist*dist) / r.Direction.DotProduct( o ) );
        in	 = t - s;			// entering distance
        out = t + s;			// exiting  distance

        // Test for capped cylinder
        CVector3f intersection = r.Origin + r.Direction * in;
        CVector3f cylBaseToInter = intersection - PointA;
        ln = cylBaseToInter.GetLength();

        if( axis.DotProduct( cylBaseToInter ) >= 0.0f )
            Float32 cylLength = CVector3f( PointA-PointB ).GetLength();
            if( ln <= cylLength )
                return in;

    return -1.0f;
Exemplo n.º 3
// intersect a box
bool TXDualEdge::Touch(const CVector3f& minp, const CVector3f& maxp) const {
  int m = 4;

  CVector3f step;
  step.Sub(m_dp[1], m_dp[0]);
  CVector3f A = m_dp[0];
  CVector3f B;

  for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
    CVector3f bmin(MIN(A.GetX(),B.GetX()),MIN(A.GetY(),B.GetY()),MIN(A.GetZ(),B.GetZ()));
	CVector3f bmax(MAX(A.GetX(),B.GetX()),MAX(A.GetY(),B.GetY()),MAX(A.GetZ(),B.GetZ()));

    if (bmin.GetX() <= maxp.GetX() && minp.GetX() <= bmax.GetX() &&
	bmin.GetY() <= maxp.GetY() && minp.GetY() <= bmax.GetY() &&
	bmin.GetZ() <= maxp.GetZ() && minp.GetZ() <= bmax.GetZ()) return true;
    A = B;
    B += step;
  return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
 void readBoundingBoxBig(athena::io::IStreamReader& in) {
Exemplo n.º 5
CVector3f CCylinder::GetAxis() const
    CVector3f tmp = PointB - PointA;
    return tmp;
Exemplo n.º 6
Void CAABox::AddPoint( const CVector3f& point )
    if( IsEmpty() )
        m_Minimum = point;
        m_Maximum = point;
	    if ( point.GetX() > m_Maximum.GetX() ) 
		    m_Maximum.SetX( point.GetX() );
	    if ( point.GetY() > m_Maximum.GetY() ) 
		    m_Maximum.SetY( point.GetY() );
	    if ( point.GetZ() > m_Maximum.GetZ() ) 
		    m_Maximum.SetZ( point.GetZ() );
	    if ( point.GetX() < m_Minimum.GetX() ) 
		    m_Minimum.SetX( point.GetX() );
	    if ( point.GetY() < m_Minimum.GetY() ) 
		    m_Minimum.SetY( point.GetY() );
	    if ( point.GetZ() < m_Minimum.GetZ() ) 
		    m_Minimum.SetZ( point.GetZ() );
Exemplo n.º 7
 bool invalid() { return (max.x() < min.x() || max.y() < min.y() || max.z() < min.z()); }
Exemplo n.º 8
 CVector3f furthestPointAlongVector(const CVector3f& other) const {
   return {(other.x() >= 0.f ? max.x() : min.x()), (other.y() >= 0.f ? max.y() : min.y()),
           (other.z() >= 0.f ? max.z() : min.z())};
Exemplo n.º 9
  float distanceBetween(const CAABox& other) {
    int intersects = 0;
    if (max.x() >= other.min.x() && min.x() <= other.max.x())
      intersects |= 0x1;
    if (max.y() >= other.min.y() && min.y() <= other.max.y())
      intersects |= 0x2;
    if (max.z() >= other.min.z() && min.z() <= other.max.z())
      intersects |= 0x4;

    float minX, maxX;
    if (max.x() < other.min.x()) {
      minX = max.x();
      maxX = other.min.x();
    } else {
      minX = min.x();
      maxX = other.max.x();

    float minY, maxY;
    if (max.y() < other.min.y()) {
      minY = max.y();
      maxY = other.min.y();
    } else {
      minY = min.y();
      maxY = other.max.y();

    float minZ, maxZ;
    if (max.z() < other.min.z()) {
      minZ = max.z();
      maxZ = other.min.z();
    } else {
      minZ = min.z();
      maxZ = other.max.z();

    switch (intersects) {
    case 0:
      return zeus::CVector3f(maxX - minX, maxY - minY, maxZ - minZ).magnitude();
    case 1:
      return zeus::CVector2f(maxY - minY, maxZ - minZ).magnitude();
    case 2:
      return zeus::CVector2f(maxX - minX, maxZ - minZ).magnitude();
    case 3:
      return std::fabs(maxZ - minZ);
    case 4:
      return zeus::CVector2f(maxX - minX, maxY - minY).magnitude();
    case 5:
      return std::fabs(maxY - minY);
    case 6:
      return std::fabs(maxX - minX);
    case 7:
      return 0.f;
Exemplo n.º 10
 void accumulateBounds(const CVector3f& point) {
   if (min.x() > point.x())
     min.x() = point.x();
   if (min.y() > point.y())
     min.y() = point.y();
   if (min.z() > point.z())
     min.z() = point.z();
   if (max.x() < point.x())
     max.x() = point.x();
   if (max.y() < point.y())
     max.y() = point.y();
   if (max.z() < point.z())
     max.z() = point.z();
Exemplo n.º 11
 bool pointInside(const CVector3f& other) const {
   return (min.x() <= other.x() && other.x() <= max.x() && min.y() <= other.y() && other.y() <= max.y() &&
           min.z() <= other.z() && other.z() <= max.z());
Exemplo n.º 12
 CLineSeg getEdge(EBoxEdgeId id) const {
   switch (id) {
   case EBoxEdgeId::Z0:
     return CLineSeg({min.x(), min.y(), max.z()}, {min.x(), min.y(), min.z()});
   case EBoxEdgeId::X0:
     return CLineSeg({min.x(), min.y(), min.z()}, {max.x(), min.y(), min.z()});
   case EBoxEdgeId::Z1:
     return CLineSeg({max.x(), min.y(), min.z()}, {max.x(), min.y(), max.z()});
   case EBoxEdgeId::X1:
     return CLineSeg({max.x(), min.y(), max.z()}, {min.x(), min.y(), max.z()});
   case EBoxEdgeId::Z2:
     return CLineSeg({max.x(), max.y(), max.z()}, {max.x(), max.y(), min.z()});
   case EBoxEdgeId::X2:
     return CLineSeg({max.x(), max.y(), min.z()}, {min.x(), max.y(), min.z()});
   case EBoxEdgeId::Z3:
     return CLineSeg({min.x(), max.y(), min.z()}, {min.x(), max.y(), max.z()});
   case EBoxEdgeId::X3:
     return CLineSeg({min.x(), max.y(), max.z()}, {max.x(), max.y(), max.z()});
   case EBoxEdgeId::Y0:
     return CLineSeg({min.x(), min.y(), max.z()}, {min.x(), max.y(), max.z()});
   case EBoxEdgeId::Y1:
     return CLineSeg({min.x(), min.y(), min.z()}, {min.x(), max.y(), min.z()});
   case EBoxEdgeId::Y2:
     return CLineSeg({max.x(), min.y(), min.z()}, {max.x(), max.y(), min.z()});
   case EBoxEdgeId::Y3:
     return CLineSeg({max.x(), min.y(), max.z()}, {max.x(), max.y(), max.z()});
Exemplo n.º 13
int CEditModel::CalAniSize(const CEditSkeletal& Skeletal, CEditAnimate& Animate, float Size)
	int i,j,pos=0;
	CVector3f child[256];
	float len=0;
	BYTE SID = Skeletal.GetSkeletalID();
	if( SID && Skeletal.GetChildNum() )
		for( i = 0; i < (int)Skeletal.GetChildNum(); i++ )
			BYTE ID = Skeletal.GetChild(i)->GetSkeletalID();
			CQuaternion Quat;
			CVector3f Tran;
			Animate.GetKeyFrame( ID )->GetFirst(Quat,Tran,0.0f);
			CVector3f off = Tran;
			len = max( off.Mag(), len );
			for( j = 0; j < pos; j++ )
				if( child[j] == off )
			if( j == pos )
				child[pos] = off;

		if( pos == 1 )//代表只有一个子骨骼
			m_SkeletalPos[SID].m_Scale = sqr::CVector3f(Size*0.1f+child[0].y,child[0].x,Size*0.1f+child[0].z);
			float p1[3]={ 0, 0, 0 };
			float p2[3]={ 0, 0, 0 };
			for( i=0; i<pos; i++ )
				if( child[i].x>p2[0] )
					p2[0] = child[i].x;
				if( child[i].y>p2[1] )
					p2[1] = child[i].y;
				if( child[i].z>p2[2] )
					p2[2] = child[i].z;

				if( child[i].x<p1[0] )
					p1[0] = child[i].x;
				if( child[i].y<p1[1] )
					p1[1] = child[i].y;
				if( child[i].z<p1[2] )
					p1[2] = child[i].z;
			float height = abs(p1[2]-p2[2]);
			float width = abs(p1[0]-p2[0]);
			float length = abs(p1[1]-p2[1]);
			m_SkeletalPos[SID].m_Scale = sqr::CVector3f(width,height,length);
		float s = Size*0.1f;
		m_SkeletalPos[SID].m_Scale = sqr::CVector3f(s,4.0f,s);

	//for( i = 0; i<6; i++ )
	//	m_SkeletalPos[SID].m_SklPos[i].np = m_SkeletalPos[SID].m_SklPos[i].p.Normalize();

	for( i = 0; i < (int)Skeletal.GetChildNum(); i++ )
		CalAniSize( *(CEditSkeletal*)Skeletal.GetChild(i), Animate, Size );
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
bool COBBox::OBBIntersectsBox(const COBBox& other) const {
  CVector3f v = other.transform.origin - transform.origin;
  CVector3f T = CVector3f(v.dot(transform.basis[0]), v.dot(transform.basis[1]), v.dot(transform.basis[2]));

  CMatrix3f R;

  float ra, rb, t;

  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
      R[i][k] = transform.basis[i].dot(other.transform.basis[k]);

  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    ra = extents[i];
    rb = (other.extents[0] * std::fabs(R[i][0])) + (other.extents[1] * std::fabs(R[i][1])) +
         (other.extents[2] * std::fabs(R[i][2]));
    t = std::fabs(T[i]);

    if (t > (ra + rb + FLT_EPSILON))
      return false;

  for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
    ra = (extents[0] * std::fabs(R[0][k])) + (extents[1] * std::fabs(R[1][k])) + (extents[2] * std::fabs(R[2][k]));
    rb = other.extents[k];

    t = std::fabs(T[0] * R[0][k] + T[1] * R[1][k] + T[2] * R[2][k]);

    if (t > (ra + rb + FLT_EPSILON))
      return false;

  /* A0 x B0 */
  ra = (extents[1] * std::fabs(R[2][0])) + (extents[2] * std::fabs(R[1][0]));
  rb = (other.extents[1] * std::fabs(R[0][2])) + (other.extents[2] * std::fabs(R[0][1]));
  t = std::fabs((T[2] * R[1][0]) - (T[1] * R[2][0]));
  if (t > (ra + rb + FLT_EPSILON))
    return false;

  /* A0 x B1 */
  ra = (extents[1] * std::fabs(R[2][1])) + (extents[2] * std::fabs(R[1][1]));
  rb = (other.extents[0] * std::fabs(R[0][2])) + (other.extents[2] * std::fabs(R[0][0]));
  t = std::fabs((T[2] * R[1][1]) - (T[1] * R[2][1]));
  if (t > (ra + rb + FLT_EPSILON))
    return false;

  /* A0 x B2 */
  ra = (extents[1] * std::fabs(R[2][2])) + (extents[2] * std::fabs(R[1][2]));
  rb = (other.extents[0] * std::fabs(R[0][1])) + (other.extents[1] * std::fabs(R[0][0]));
  t = std::fabs((T[2] * R[1][2]) - (T[1] * R[2][2]));
  if (t > (ra + rb + FLT_EPSILON))
    return false;

  /* A1 x B0 */
  ra = (extents[0] * std::fabs(R[2][0])) + (extents[2] * std::fabs(R[0][0]));
  rb = (other.extents[1] * std::fabs(R[1][2])) + (other.extents[2] * std::fabs(R[1][1]));
  t = std::fabs((T[0] * R[2][0]) - (T[2] * R[0][0]));
  if (t > (ra + rb + FLT_EPSILON))
    return false;

  /* A1 x B1 */
  ra = (extents[0] * std::fabs(R[2][1])) + (extents[2] * std::fabs(R[0][1]));
  rb = (other.extents[0] * std::fabs(R[1][2])) + (other.extents[2] * std::fabs(R[1][0]));
  t = std::fabs((T[0] * R[2][1]) - (T[2] * R[0][1]));
  if (t > (ra + rb + FLT_EPSILON))
    return false;

  /* A1 x B2 */
  ra = (extents[0] * std::fabs(R[2][2])) + (extents[2] * std::fabs(R[0][2]));
  rb = (other.extents[0] * std::fabs(R[1][1])) + (other.extents[1] * std::fabs(R[1][0]));
  t = std::fabs((T[0] * R[2][2]) - (T[2] * R[0][2]));
  if (t > (ra + rb + FLT_EPSILON))
    return false;

  /* A2 x B0 */
  ra = (extents[0] * std::fabs(R[1][0])) + (extents[1] * std::fabs(R[0][0]));
  rb = (other.extents[1] * std::fabs(R[2][2])) + (other.extents[2] * std::fabs(R[2][1]));
  t = std::fabs((T[1] * R[0][0]) - (T[0] * R[1][0]));
  if (t > (ra + rb + FLT_EPSILON))
    return false;

  /* A2 x B1 */
  ra = (extents[0] * std::fabs(R[1][1])) + (extents[1] * std::fabs(R[0][1]));
  rb = (other.extents[0] * std::fabs(R[2][2])) + (other.extents[2] * std::fabs(R[2][0]));
  t = std::fabs((T[1] * R[0][1]) - (T[0] * R[1][1]));
  if (t > (ra + rb + FLT_EPSILON))
    return false;

  /* A2 x B2 */
  ra = (extents[0] * std::fabs(R[1][2])) + (extents[1] * std::fabs(R[0][2]));
  rb = (other.extents[0] * std::fabs(R[2][1])) + (other.extents[1] * std::fabs(R[2][0]));
  t = std::fabs((T[1] * R[0][2]) - (T[0] * R[1][2]));
  if (t > (ra + rb + FLT_EPSILON))
    return false;

  return true;
Exemplo n.º 15
Void CGameProperty::SetAsVector3( const CVector3f& d)
	m_Tuple3fValue.x = d.GetX();
	m_Tuple3fValue.y = d.GetY();
	m_Tuple3fValue.z = d.GetZ();
Exemplo n.º 16
 CVector3f clampToBox(const CVector3f& vec) const {
   CVector3f ret = vec;
   ret.x() = clamp(min.x(), float(ret.x()), max.x());
   ret.y() = clamp(min.y(), float(ret.y()), max.y());
   ret.z() = clamp(min.z(), float(ret.z()), max.z());
   return ret;
Exemplo n.º 17
// intersect a ray with the mesh
bool TXGrid3D::IntersectRay(const CVector3f& start, const CVector3f& end) 
	// pick rays
	m_rays.push_back(TXRay(start, end));
	CVector3f dir;

	int idir[3] = {
	fabs(dir.GetX()) < DBL_EPSILON ? 0 : (dir.GetX() > 0 ? 1 : -1),
	fabs(dir.GetY()) < DBL_EPSILON ? 0 : (dir.GetY() > 0 ? 1 : -1),
	fabs(dir.GetZ()) < DBL_EPSILON ? 0 : (dir.GetZ() > 0 ? 1 : -1) };

	double dist = 0;
	CVector3f pos;
	pos.Sub(end, m_min);

	int ix = (int)floor((end.GetX() - m_min.GetX())/m_xstep),
	iy = (int)floor((end.GetY() - m_min.GetY())/m_ystep),
	iz = (int)floor((end.GetZ() - m_min.GetZ())/m_zstep);
	double tx = 1.0, ty = 1.0, tz = 1.0;

	// first cell
	ix = MIN(MAX(ix, 0), m_size-1);
	iy = MIN(MAX(iy, 0), m_size-1);
	iz = MIN(MAX(iz, 0), m_size-1);

	// intersection test, from end to start
	while ((dist < 1) && (ix >= 0) && (ix < m_size) &&(iy >= 0) && (iy < m_size) && (iz >= 0) && (iz < m_size)) 
		int csz = m_grid[ix][iy][iz].size();
		for (int i=0; i<csz; i++) 
			TXGridTriangle* gt = m_grid[ix][iy][iz][i];
			double rpdot = dir.Dot(gt->m_n);
			if (rpdot != 0) 
				CVector3f tmp;
				double t = tmp.Dot(gt->m_n) / rpdot;

				if (t > DBL_EPSILON && t < 1) 
					CVector3f pt;

					CVector3f pt0,pt1,pt2;

					if (pt0.Dot(gt->m_en1)> -DBL_EPSILON &&
					  pt1.Dot(gt->m_en2)>-DBL_EPSILON &&
						m_rays[m_rays.size()-1].m_p = t;
						return true;

		// next cell
		if (idir[0] != 0)
		  tx = (m_min.GetX() + (ix+(idir[0]+1)/2)*m_xstep - end.GetX()) / dir.GetX();
		if (idir[1] != 0)
		  ty = (m_min.GetY() + (iy+(idir[1]+1)/2)*m_ystep - end.GetY()) / dir.GetY();
		if (idir[2] != 0)
		  tz = (m_min.GetZ() + (iz+(idir[2]+1)/2)*m_zstep - end.GetZ()) / dir.GetZ();
		if ((tx <= ty) && (tx <= tz)) 
			dist = tx, ix += idir[0];
			if (ty == tx) iy += idir[1];
			if (tz == tx) iz += idir[2];
		else if (ty <= tz) 
			dist = ty, iy += idir[1];
			if (tz == ty) iz += idir[2];
		else dist = tz, iz += idir[2];

	return false;
Exemplo n.º 18
XSIPLUGINCALLBACK CStatus nest_LatticeDeform_Evaluate( ICENodeContext& in_ctxt )
   // The current output port being evaluated...
   ULONG out_portID = in_ctxt.GetEvaluatedOutputPortID( );

   switch( out_portID )
      case Array_ID_OUT_Result:
         siICENodeDataType dataType;
         siICENodeStructureType struType;
         siICENodeContextType contType;
         // get all of the data that is the same for any structure
         CDataArrayVector3f SubdivData( in_ctxt, Lattice_ID_IN_Subdivision );
         CDataArrayVector3f StepData( in_ctxt, Lattice_ID_IN_Step );
         CDataArray2DVector3f ReferenceData( in_ctxt, Lattice_ID_IN_Reference );
         CDataArray2DVector3f CurrentData( in_ctxt, Lattice_ID_IN_Current );
         CDataArray2DVector3f::Accessor ReferenceDataSub = ReferenceData[0];
         CDataArray2DVector3f::Accessor CurrentDataSub = CurrentData[0];

         // define the things we need to calculate
         long subdiv[3];
         subdiv[0] = long(floor(SubdivData[0].GetX()));
         subdiv[1] = long(floor(SubdivData[0].GetY()));
         subdiv[2] = long(floor(SubdivData[0].GetZ()));
         long subdiv1[3];
         subdiv1[0] = subdiv[0]+1;
         subdiv1[1] = subdiv[1]+1;
         subdiv1[2] = subdiv[2]+1;
         float step[3];
         step[0] = 1.0f / StepData[0].GetX();
         step[1] = 1.0f / StepData[0].GetY();
         step[2] = 1.0f / StepData[0].GetZ();
			float steplength = StepData[0].GetLength();
         long indexX[8];
         long indexY[8];
         long indexZ[8];
         long index[8];
         long lastIndex[3];
			lastIndex[0] = -1;
			lastIndex[1] = -1;
			lastIndex[2] = -1;
			CVector3f posCp;
			CVector3f pos;
         CVector3f diff[8];
         CVector3f motion[8];
         CVector3f motionScl[8];
			CVector3f deform;
         float weight[8];
			float xyz0[3];
			float xyz1[3];
			float weightSum;
         if(struType == siICENodeStructureSingle)
            // two behaviours based on the datatype...
            // Get the output port array ...
            CDataArrayVector3f outData( in_ctxt );
            // Get the input data buffers for each port
            CDataArrayVector3f PointData( in_ctxt, Lattice_ID_IN_Point );

            // iterate each subset!
            CIndexSet IndexSet( in_ctxt );
            for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = IndexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next())
               // first let's find the index inside the box!
					// substract the lowest corner
					pos.Set(pos.GetX() * step[0], pos.GetY() * step[1], pos.GetZ() * step[2]);
					xyz0[0] = pos.GetX() - floor(pos.GetX());
					xyz0[1] = pos.GetY() - floor(pos.GetY());
					xyz0[2] = pos.GetZ() - floor(pos.GetZ());

					xyz1[0] = 1.0 - xyz0[0];
					xyz1[1] = 1.0 - xyz0[1];
					xyz1[2] = 1.0 - xyz0[2];
					// calculate the indices (decomposed)
					indexX[0] = clampl(long(floor(pos.GetX())),0,subdiv[0]);
					indexY[0] = clampl(long(floor(pos.GetY())),0,subdiv[1]);
					indexZ[0] = clampl(long(floor(pos.GetZ())),0,subdiv[2]);
					if(lastIndex[0] != indexX[0] || lastIndex[1] != indexY[0] || lastIndex[2] != indexZ[0])
						indexX[1] = clampl(indexX[0]+1	,0,subdiv[0]);
						indexY[1] = clampl(indexY[0]	,0,subdiv[1]);
						indexZ[1] = clampl(indexZ[0]	,0,subdiv[2]);
						indexX[2] = clampl(indexX[0]+1	,0,subdiv[0]);
						indexY[2] = clampl(indexY[0]+1	,0,subdiv[1]);
						indexZ[2] = clampl(indexZ[0]	,0,subdiv[2]);
						indexX[3] = clampl(indexX[0]+1	,0,subdiv[0]);
						indexY[3] = clampl(indexY[0]	,0,subdiv[1]);
						indexZ[3] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1	,0,subdiv[2]);
						indexX[4] = clampl(indexX[0]+1	,0,subdiv[0]);
						indexY[4] = clampl(indexY[0]+1	,0,subdiv[1]);
						indexZ[4] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1	,0,subdiv[2]);
						indexX[5] = clampl(indexX[0]	,0,subdiv[0]);
						indexY[5] = clampl(indexY[0]+1	,0,subdiv[1]);
						indexZ[5] = clampl(indexZ[0]	,0,subdiv[2]);
						indexX[6] = clampl(indexX[0]	,0,subdiv[0]);
						indexY[6] = clampl(indexY[0]	,0,subdiv[1]);
						indexZ[6] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1	,0,subdiv[2]);
						indexX[7] = clampl(indexX[0]	,0,subdiv[0]);
						indexY[7] = clampl(indexY[0]+1	,0,subdiv[1]);
						indexZ[7] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1	,0,subdiv[2]);
						for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
							// compose the indices!
							index[i] = compose(indexX[i],indexY[i],indexZ[i],subdiv1[1],subdiv1[2]);
							// calculate the motions
						// for performance, remember the last used index
						lastIndex[0] = indexX[0];
						lastIndex[1] = indexY[0];
						lastIndex[2] = indexZ[0];

					// compute the weights
					weight[0] = xyz1[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz1[2];
					weight[1] = xyz0[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz1[2];
					weight[2] = xyz0[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz1[2];
					weight[3] = xyz0[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz0[2];
					weight[4] = xyz0[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz0[2];
					weight[5] = xyz1[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz1[2];
					weight[6] = xyz1[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz0[2];
					weight[7] = xyz1[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz0[2];

					// sum up all weighted motions
					for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
					// output the deformed position
					outData[it] = deform;
            // two behaviours based on the datatype...
            // Get the output port array ...
            CDataArray2DVector3f outData( in_ctxt );
            // Get the input data buffers for each port
            CDataArray2DVector3f PointData( in_ctxt, Lattice_ID_IN_Point );

            // iterate each subset!
            CIndexSet IndexSet( in_ctxt );
            for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = IndexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next())
		         CDataArray2DVector3f::Accessor PointDataSub = PointData[it];
					long subCount = PointDataSub.GetCount();
					for(long k=0;k<subCount;k++)
						// first let's find the index inside the box!
						// substract the lowest corner
						pos.Set(pos.GetX() * step[0], pos.GetY() * step[1], pos.GetZ() * step[2]);
						xyz0[0] = pos.GetX() - floor(pos.GetX());
						xyz0[1] = pos.GetY() - floor(pos.GetY());
						xyz0[2] = pos.GetZ() - floor(pos.GetZ());
						xyz1[0] = 1.0 - xyz0[0];
						xyz1[1] = 1.0 - xyz0[1];
						xyz1[2] = 1.0 - xyz0[2];
						// calculate the indices (decomposed)
						indexX[0] = clampl(long(floor(pos.GetX())),0,subdiv[0]);
						indexY[0] = clampl(long(floor(pos.GetY())),0,subdiv[1]);
						indexZ[0] = clampl(long(floor(pos.GetZ())),0,subdiv[2]);
						if(lastIndex[0] != indexX[0] || lastIndex[1] != indexY[0] || lastIndex[2] != indexZ[0])
							indexX[1] = clampl(indexX[0]+1	,0,subdiv[0]);
							indexY[1] = clampl(indexY[0]	,0,subdiv[1]);
							indexZ[1] = clampl(indexZ[0]	,0,subdiv[2]);
							indexX[2] = clampl(indexX[0]+1	,0,subdiv[0]);
							indexY[2] = clampl(indexY[0]+1	,0,subdiv[1]);
							indexZ[2] = clampl(indexZ[0]	,0,subdiv[2]);
							indexX[3] = clampl(indexX[0]+1	,0,subdiv[0]);
							indexY[3] = clampl(indexY[0]	,0,subdiv[1]);
							indexZ[3] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1	,0,subdiv[2]);
							indexX[4] = clampl(indexX[0]+1	,0,subdiv[0]);
							indexY[4] = clampl(indexY[0]+1	,0,subdiv[1]);
							indexZ[4] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1	,0,subdiv[2]);
							indexX[5] = clampl(indexX[0]	,0,subdiv[0]);
							indexY[5] = clampl(indexY[0]+1	,0,subdiv[1]);
							indexZ[5] = clampl(indexZ[0]	,0,subdiv[2]);
							indexX[6] = clampl(indexX[0]	,0,subdiv[0]);
							indexY[6] = clampl(indexY[0]	,0,subdiv[1]);
							indexZ[6] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1	,0,subdiv[2]);
							indexX[7] = clampl(indexX[0]	,0,subdiv[0]);
							indexY[7] = clampl(indexY[0]+1	,0,subdiv[1]);
							indexZ[7] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1	,0,subdiv[2]);
							for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
								// compose the indices!
								index[i] = compose(indexX[i],indexY[i],indexZ[i],subdiv1[1],subdiv1[2]);
								// calculate the motions
							// for performance, remember the last used index
							lastIndex[0] = indexX[0];
							lastIndex[1] = indexY[0];
							lastIndex[2] = indexZ[0];
						// compute the weights
						weight[0] = xyz1[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz1[2];
						weight[1] = xyz0[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz1[2];
						weight[2] = xyz0[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz1[2];
						weight[3] = xyz0[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz0[2];
						weight[4] = xyz0[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz0[2];
						weight[5] = xyz1[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz1[2];
						weight[6] = xyz1[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz0[2];
						weight[7] = xyz1[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz0[2];
						// sum up all weighted motions
						for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
						// output the deformed position
						outData[it][k] = deform;

      // Other output ports...


   return CStatus::OK;