Exemplo n.º 1
/* static */
bool UIWizardFirstRun::isBootHardDiskAttached(const CMachine &machine)
    /* Result is 'false' initially: */
    bool fIsBootHardDiskAttached = false;
    /* Get 'vbox' global object: */
    CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
    /* Determine machine 'OS type': */
    const CGuestOSType &osType = vbox.GetGuestOSType(machine.GetOSTypeId());
    /* Determine recommended controller's 'bus' & 'type': */
    KStorageBus hdCtrBus = osType.GetRecommendedHDStorageBus();
    KStorageControllerType hdCtrType = osType.GetRecommendedHDStorageController();
    /* Enumerate attachments vector: */
    const CMediumAttachmentVector &attachments = machine.GetMediumAttachments();
    for (int i = 0; i < attachments.size(); ++i)
        /* Get current attachment: */
        const CMediumAttachment &attachment = attachments[i];
        /* Determine attachment's controller: */
        const CStorageController &controller = machine.GetStorageControllerByName(attachment.GetController());
        /* If controller's 'bus' & 'type' are recommended and attachment's 'type' is 'hard disk': */
        if (controller.GetBus() == hdCtrBus &&
            controller.GetControllerType() == hdCtrType &&
            attachment.GetType() == KDeviceType_HardDisk)
            /* Set the result to 'true': */
            fIsBootHardDiskAttached = true;
    /* Return result: */
    return fIsBootHardDiskAttached;
/* Save data from cache to corresponding external object(s),
 * this task COULD be performed in other than GUI thread: */
void UIMachineSettingsGeneral::saveFromCacheTo(QVariant &data)
    /* Fetch data to machine: */

    /* Check if general data was changed: */
    if (m_cache.wasChanged())
        /* Get general data from cache: */
        const UIDataSettingsMachineGeneral &generalData = m_cache.data();

        /* Store general data: */
        if (isMachineInValidMode())
            /* Advanced tab: */
            m_machine.SetExtraData(GUI_SaveMountedAtRuntime, generalData.m_fSaveMountedAtRuntime ? "yes" : "no");
            m_machine.SetExtraData(GUI_ShowMiniToolBar, generalData.m_fShowMiniToolBar ? "yes" : "no");
            m_machine.SetExtraData(GUI_MiniToolBarAlignment, generalData.m_fMiniToolBarAtTop ? "top" : "bottom");
            /* Description tab: */
        if (isMachineOffline())
            /* Basic tab: Must update long mode CPU feature bit when os type changes. */
            if (generalData.m_strGuestOsTypeId != m_cache.base().m_strGuestOsTypeId)

                CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
                CGuestOSType newType = vbox.GetGuestOSType(generalData.m_strGuestOsTypeId);
                m_machine.SetCPUProperty(KCPUPropertyType_LongMode, newType.GetIs64Bit());

            /* Advanced tab: */
            /* Basic (again) tab: */
            /* VM name must be last as otherwise its VM rename magic can collide with other settings in the config,
             * especially with the snapshot folder: */

    /* Upload machine to data: */
bool UIFirstRunWzdPage3::insertDevice()
    /* Get 'vbox' global object: */
    CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
    /* Determine machine 'OS type': */
    const CGuestOSType &osType = vbox.GetGuestOSType(m_Machine.GetOSTypeId());
    /* Determine recommended controller's 'bus' & 'type': */
    KStorageBus dvdCtrBus = osType.GetRecommendedDvdStorageBus();
    KStorageControllerType dvdCtrType = osType.GetRecommendedDvdStorageController();
    /* Declare null 'dvd' attachment: */
    CMediumAttachment cda;
    /* Enumerate attachments vector: */
    const CMediumAttachmentVector &attachments = m_Machine.GetMediumAttachments();
    for (int i = 0; i < attachments.size(); ++i)
        /* Get current attachment: */
        const CMediumAttachment &attachment = attachments[i];
        /* Determine attachment's controller: */
        const CStorageController &controller = m_Machine.GetStorageControllerByName(attachment.GetController());
        /* If controller's 'bus' & 'type' are recommended and attachment's 'type' is 'dvd': */
        if (controller.GetBus() == dvdCtrBus &&
            controller.GetControllerType() == dvdCtrType &&
            attachment.GetType() == KDeviceType_DVD)
            /* Remember attachment: */
            cda = attachment;
    AssertMsg(!cda.isNull(), ("Storage Controller is NOT properly configured!\n"));
    /* Get chosen 'dvd' medium to mount: */
    QString mediumId = field("id").toString();
    VBoxMedium vmedium = vboxGlobal().findMedium(mediumId);
    CMedium medium = vmedium.medium();              // @todo r=dj can this be cached somewhere?
    /* Mount medium to the predefined port/device: */
    m_Machine.MountMedium(cda.GetController(), cda.GetPort(), cda.GetDevice(), medium, false /* force */);
    if (m_Machine.isOk())
        return true;
        msgCenter().cannotRemountMedium(this, m_Machine, vmedium,
                                          true /* mount? */, false /* retry? */);
        return false;
void UIMachineSettingsGeneral::saveFromCacheTo(QVariant &data)
    /* Fetch data to machine: */

    /* Check if general data was changed: */
    if (m_cache.wasChanged())
        /* Get general data from cache: */
        const UIDataSettingsMachineGeneral &generalData = m_cache.data();

        if (isMachineInValidMode())
            /* 'Advanced' tab data: */
            if (generalData.m_clipboardMode != m_cache.base().m_clipboardMode)
            if (generalData.m_dndMode != m_cache.base().m_dndMode)

            /* 'Description' tab: */
            if (generalData.m_strDescription != m_cache.base().m_strDescription)

        if (isMachineOffline())
            /* 'Basic' tab data: Must update long mode CPU feature bit when os type changes. */
            if (generalData.m_strGuestOsTypeId != m_cache.base().m_strGuestOsTypeId)
                CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
                CGuestOSType newType = vbox.GetGuestOSType(generalData.m_strGuestOsTypeId);
                m_machine.SetCPUProperty(KCPUPropertyType_LongMode, newType.GetIs64Bit());

            /* 'Advanced' tab data: */
            if (generalData.m_strSnapshotsFolder != m_cache.base().m_strSnapshotsFolder)

            /* 'Basic' (again) tab data: */
            /* VM name must be last as otherwise its VM rename magic
             * can collide with other settings in the config,
             * especially with the snapshot folder: */
            if (generalData.m_strName != m_cache.base().m_strName)

            /* Encryption tab data: */
            if (generalData.m_fEncryptionEnabled != m_cache.base().m_fEncryptionEnabled ||
                generalData.m_fEncryptionCipherChanged != m_cache.base().m_fEncryptionCipherChanged ||
                generalData.m_fEncryptionPasswordChanged != m_cache.base().m_fEncryptionPasswordChanged)
                /* Cipher attribute changed? */
                QString strNewCipher;
                if (generalData.m_fEncryptionCipherChanged)
                    strNewCipher = generalData.m_fEncryptionEnabled ?
                                   m_encryptionCiphers.at(generalData.m_iEncryptionCipherIndex) : QString();
                /* Password attribute changed? */
                QString strNewPassword;
                QString strNewPasswordId;
                if (generalData.m_fEncryptionPasswordChanged)
                    strNewPassword = generalData.m_fEncryptionEnabled ?
                                     generalData.m_strEncryptionPassword : QString();
                    strNewPasswordId = generalData.m_fEncryptionEnabled ?
                                       m_machine.GetName() : QString();

                /* Get the maps of encrypted mediums and their passwords: */
                const EncryptedMediumMap &encryptedMedium = generalData.m_encryptedMediums;
                const EncryptionPasswordMap &encryptionPasswords = generalData.m_encryptionPasswords;
                /* Enumerate attachments: */
                foreach (const CMediumAttachment &attachment, m_machine.GetMediumAttachments())
                    /* Enumerate hard-drives only: */
                    if (attachment.GetType() == KDeviceType_HardDisk)
                        /* Get corresponding medium: */
                        CMedium medium = attachment.GetMedium();

                        /* Check if old password exists/provided: */
                        QString strOldPasswordId = encryptedMedium.key(medium.GetId());
                        QString strOldPassword = encryptionPasswords.value(strOldPasswordId);

                        /* Update encryption: */
                        CProgress cprogress = medium.ChangeEncryption(strOldPassword,
                        if (!medium.isOk())
                            QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "sigOperationProgressError", Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection,
                                                      Q_ARG(QString, UIMessageCenter::formatErrorInfo(medium)));
                        UIProgress uiprogress(cprogress);
                        connect(&uiprogress, SIGNAL(sigProgressChange(ulong, QString, ulong, ulong)),
                                this, SIGNAL(sigOperationProgressChange(ulong, QString, ulong, ulong)),
                        connect(&uiprogress, SIGNAL(sigProgressError(QString)),
                                this, SIGNAL(sigOperationProgressError(QString)),