Exemplo n.º 1
unsigned int 
  // get the skeleton we need to update
  CalSkeleton *pSkeleton;
  pSkeleton = m_pModel->getSkeleton();
  if(pSkeleton == 0) return 0;
  unsigned int count = 0;
  // loop through all animation actions
  std::list<CalAnimationAction *>::iterator itaa;
  for( itaa = m_listAnimationAction.begin(); itaa != m_listAnimationAction.end(); itaa++ ) {
    // get the core animation instance
    CalAnimationAction * aa = * itaa;
    // Manual animations can be on or off.  If they are off, they do not apply
    // to the bone.
    if( aa->on() ) {
  return count;
Exemplo n.º 2
void CalMixer::updateSkeleton()

  // get the skeleton we need to update
  CalSkeleton *pSkeleton;
  pSkeleton = m_pModel->getSkeleton();
  if(pSkeleton == 0) return;

  // clear the skeleton state

  // get the bone vector of the skeleton
  std::vector<CalBone *>& vectorBone = pSkeleton->getVectorBone();

  // The bone adjustments are "replace" so they have to go first, giving them
  // highest priority and full influence.  Subsequent animations affecting the same bones, 
  // including subsequent replace animations, will have their incluence attenuated appropriately.

  // loop through all animation actions
  std::list<CalAnimationAction *>::iterator itaa;
  for( itaa = m_listAnimationAction.begin(); itaa != m_listAnimationAction.end(); itaa++ ) {

    // get the core animation instance
    CalAnimationAction * aa = * itaa;
    // Manual animations can be on or off.  If they are off, they do not apply
    // to the bone.
    if( aa->on() ) {

      CalCoreAnimation * pCoreAnimation = aa->getCoreAnimation();
      // get the list of core tracks of above core animation
      std::list<CalCoreTrack *>& listCoreTrack = pCoreAnimation->getListCoreTrack();
      // loop through all core tracks of the core animation
      std::list<CalCoreTrack *>::iterator itct;
      for( itct = listCoreTrack.begin(); itct != listCoreTrack.end(); itct++ ) {
        // get the appropriate bone of the track
        CalCoreTrack * ct = * itct;
        if( ct->getCoreBoneId() >= int(vectorBone.size()) ) {
        CalBone * pBone = vectorBone[ ct->getCoreBoneId() ];
        // get the current translation and rotation
        CalVector translation;
        CalQuaternion rotation;
        ct->getState( aa->getTime(), translation, rotation);
        // Replace and CrossFade both blend with the replace function.
        bool replace = aa->getCompositionFunction() != CalAnimation::CompositionFunctionAverage;
        float scale = aa->getScale();
        pBone->blendState( aa->getWeight(), translation, rotation, scale, replace, aa->getRampValue() );

  // === What does lockState() mean?  Why do we need it at all?  It seems only to allow us
  // to blend all the animation actions together into a temporary sum, and then
  // blend all the animation cycles together into a different sum, and then blend
  // the two sums together according to their relative weight sums.  I believe this is mathematically
  // equivalent of blending all the animation actions and cycles together into a single sum,
  // according to their relative weights.

  // let the skeleton calculate its final state