Exemplo n.º 1
// Try to retrieve the function declaration and find the function parameter
// types which are pointers/references to a non-pointer const.
// We do not invalidate the corresponding argument regions.
static void findPtrToConstParams(llvm::SmallSet<unsigned, 1> &PreserveArgs,
                       const CallOrObjCMessage &Call) {
  const Decl *CallDecl = Call.getDecl();
  if (!CallDecl)

  if (const FunctionDecl *FDecl = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(CallDecl)) {
    const IdentifierInfo *II = FDecl->getIdentifier();

    // List the cases, where the region should be invalidated even if the
    // argument is const.
    if (II) {
      StringRef FName = II->getName();
      //  - 'int pthread_setspecific(ptheread_key k, const void *)' stores a
      // value into thread local storage. The value can later be retrieved with
      // 'void *ptheread_getspecific(pthread_key)'. So even thought the
      // parameter is 'const void *', the region escapes through the call.
      //  - funopen - sets a buffer for future IO calls.
      //  - ObjC functions that end with "NoCopy" can free memory, of the passed
      // in buffer.
      // - Many CF containers allow objects to escape through custom
      // allocators/deallocators upon container construction.
      // - NSXXInsertXX, for example NSMapInsertIfAbsent, since they can
      // be deallocated by NSMapRemove.
      // - Any call that has a callback as one of the arguments.
      if (FName == "pthread_setspecific" ||
          FName == "funopen" ||
          FName.endswith("NoCopy") ||
          (FName.startswith("NS") &&
            (FName.find("Insert") != StringRef::npos)) ||
          Call.isCFCGAllowingEscape(FName) ||

    for (unsigned Idx = 0, E = Call.getNumArgs(); Idx != E; ++Idx) {
      if (FDecl && Idx < FDecl->getNumParams()) {
        if (isPointerToConst(FDecl->getParamDecl(Idx)))

  if (const ObjCMethodDecl *MDecl = dyn_cast<ObjCMethodDecl>(CallDecl)) {
    assert(MDecl->param_size() <= Call.getNumArgs());
    unsigned Idx = 0;

    if (Call.hasNonZeroCallbackArg())

    for (clang::ObjCMethodDecl::param_const_iterator
         I = MDecl->param_begin(), E = MDecl->param_end(); I != E; ++I, ++Idx) {
      if (isPointerToConst(*I))
Exemplo n.º 2
void ObjCSelfInitChecker::checkPostStmt(const CallOrObjCMessage &CE,
                                        CheckerContext &C) const {
  ProgramStateRef state = C.getState();
  unsigned NumArgs = CE.getNumArgs();
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumArgs; ++i) {
    SVal argV = CE.getArgSVal(i);
    if (isSelfVar(argV, C)) {
      // If the address of 'self' is being passed to the call, assume that the
      // 'self' after the call will have the same flags.
      // EX: log(&self)
      SelfFlagEnum prevFlags = (SelfFlagEnum)state->get<PreCallSelfFlags>();
      state = state->remove<PreCallSelfFlags>();
      addSelfFlag(state, state->getSVal(cast<Loc>(argV)), prevFlags, C);
    } else if (hasSelfFlag(argV, SelfFlag_Self, C)) {
      // If 'self' is passed to the call by value, assume that the function
      // returns 'self'. So assign the flags, which were set on 'self' to the
      // return value.
      // EX: self = performMoreInitialization(self)
      SelfFlagEnum prevFlags = (SelfFlagEnum)state->get<PreCallSelfFlags>();
      state = state->remove<PreCallSelfFlags>();
      const Expr *CallExpr = CE.getOriginExpr();
      if (CallExpr)
        addSelfFlag(state, state->getSVal(CallExpr, C.getLocationContext()),
                                          prevFlags, C);
Exemplo n.º 3
void CallAndMessageChecker::PreVisitProcessArgs(CheckerContext &C,
                                                CallOrObjCMessage callOrMsg,
                                                const char *BT_desc,
                                                llvm::OwningPtr<BugType> &BT) {
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = callOrMsg.getNumArgs(); i != e; ++i)
    if (PreVisitProcessArg(C, callOrMsg.getArgSVal(i),
                           callOrMsg.getArgSourceRange(i), callOrMsg.getArg(i),
                           BT_desc, BT))
Exemplo n.º 4
void CallAndMessageChecker::PreVisitProcessArgs(CheckerContext &C,
                                                CallOrObjCMessage callOrMsg,
                                                const char *BT_desc,
                                                OwningPtr<BugType> &BT) {
  // Don't check for uninitialized field values in arguments if the
  // caller has a body that is available and we have the chance to inline it.
  // This is a hack, but is a reasonable compromise betweens sometimes warning
  // and sometimes not depending on if we decide to inline a function.
  const Decl *D = callOrMsg.getDecl();
  const bool checkUninitFields =
    !(C.getAnalysisManager().shouldInlineCall() &&
      (D && D->getBody()));
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = callOrMsg.getNumArgs(); i != e; ++i)
    if (PreVisitProcessArg(C, callOrMsg.getArgSVal(i),
                           callOrMsg.getArgSourceRange(i), callOrMsg.getArg(i),
                           BT_desc, BT))
Exemplo n.º 5
void ObjCSelfInitChecker::checkPreStmt(const CallOrObjCMessage &CE,
                                       CheckerContext &C) const {
  ProgramStateRef state = C.getState();
  unsigned NumArgs = CE.getNumArgs();
  // If we passed 'self' as and argument to the call, record it in the state
  // to be propagated after the call.
  // Note, we could have just given up, but try to be more optimistic here and
  // assume that the functions are going to continue initialization or will not
  // modify self.
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumArgs; ++i) {
    SVal argV = CE.getArgSVal(i);
    if (isSelfVar(argV, C)) {
      unsigned selfFlags = getSelfFlags(state->getSVal(cast<Loc>(argV)), C);
    } else if (hasSelfFlag(argV, SelfFlag_Self, C)) {
      unsigned selfFlags = getSelfFlags(argV, C);
Exemplo n.º 6
ExprEngine::invalidateArguments(ProgramStateRef State,
                                const CallOrObjCMessage &Call,
                                const LocationContext *LC) {
  SmallVector<const MemRegion *, 8> RegionsToInvalidate;

  if (Call.isObjCMessage()) {
    // Invalidate all instance variables of the receiver of an ObjC message.
    // FIXME: We should be able to do better with inter-procedural analysis.
    if (const MemRegion *MR = Call.getInstanceMessageReceiver(LC).getAsRegion())

  } else if (Call.isCXXCall()) {
    // Invalidate all instance variables for the callee of a C++ method call.
    // FIXME: We should be able to do better with inter-procedural analysis.
    // FIXME: We can probably do better for const versus non-const methods.
    if (const MemRegion *Callee = Call.getCXXCallee().getAsRegion())

  } else if (Call.isFunctionCall()) {
    // Block calls invalidate all captured-by-reference values.
    SVal CalleeVal = Call.getFunctionCallee();
    if (const MemRegion *Callee = CalleeVal.getAsRegion()) {
      if (isa<BlockDataRegion>(Callee))

  // Indexes of arguments whose values will be preserved by the call.
  llvm::SmallSet<unsigned, 1> PreserveArgs;
  findPtrToConstParams(PreserveArgs, Call);

  for (unsigned idx = 0, e = Call.getNumArgs(); idx != e; ++idx) {
    if (PreserveArgs.count(idx))

    SVal V = Call.getArgSVal(idx);

    // If we are passing a location wrapped as an integer, unwrap it and
    // invalidate the values referred by the location.
    if (nonloc::LocAsInteger *Wrapped = dyn_cast<nonloc::LocAsInteger>(&V))
      V = Wrapped->getLoc();
    else if (!isa<Loc>(V))

    if (const MemRegion *R = V.getAsRegion()) {
      // Invalidate the value of the variable passed by reference.

      // Are we dealing with an ElementRegion?  If the element type is
      // a basic integer type (e.g., char, int) and the underlying region
      // is a variable region then strip off the ElementRegion.
      // FIXME: We really need to think about this for the general case
      //   as sometimes we are reasoning about arrays and other times
      //   about (char*), etc., is just a form of passing raw bytes.
      //   e.g., void *p = alloca(); foo((char*)p);
      if (const ElementRegion *ER = dyn_cast<ElementRegion>(R)) {
        // Checking for 'integral type' is probably too promiscuous, but
        // we'll leave it in for now until we have a systematic way of
        // handling all of these cases.  Eventually we need to come up
        // with an interface to StoreManager so that this logic can be
        // appropriately delegated to the respective StoreManagers while
        // still allowing us to do checker-specific logic (e.g.,
        // invalidating reference counts), probably via callbacks.
        if (ER->getElementType()->isIntegralOrEnumerationType()) {
          const MemRegion *superReg = ER->getSuperRegion();
          if (isa<VarRegion>(superReg) || isa<FieldRegion>(superReg) ||
            R = cast<TypedRegion>(superReg);
        // FIXME: What about layers of ElementRegions?

      // Mark this region for invalidation.  We batch invalidate regions
      // below for efficiency.
    } else {
      // Nuke all other arguments passed by reference.
      // FIXME: is this necessary or correct? This handles the non-Region
      //  cases.  Is it ever valid to store to these?
      State = State->unbindLoc(cast<Loc>(V));

  // Invalidate designated regions using the batch invalidation API.

  // FIXME: We can have collisions on the conjured symbol if the
  //  expression *I also creates conjured symbols.  We probably want
  //  to identify conjured symbols by an expression pair: the enclosing
  //  expression (the context) and the expression itself.  This should
  //  disambiguate conjured symbols.
  unsigned Count = currentBuilderContext->getCurrentBlockCount();
  StoreManager::InvalidatedSymbols IS;

  // NOTE: Even if RegionsToInvalidate is empty, we may still invalidate
  //  global variables.
  return State->invalidateRegions(RegionsToInvalidate,
                                  Call.getOriginExpr(), Count, LC,
                                  &IS, &Call);
